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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds


Hearing his voice and his gentle reassurances that she wasn't in the wrong, Vanille relaxed a bit, her smile matching his. For just having randomly been woken up by someone, especially some random person who was nosing in someone else's business. Or in this case, nap. His demeanor seemed to match perfectly with how she found him, comfortable and just going with the flow. He seemed very easy to get along with, to her pleasant surprise. "I guess you must be a heavy sleeper, or really like naps. That's how I feel, at least. I sleep like a rock and naps are just the best."

Her attention was most definitely drawn to the doll as the boy spoke to it, noticing that the doll was actually... moving. Like it was alive. Upon further inspection, it was the same doll that she had noticed earlier. So it was just some kind of possession of the dolls, housing.. what exactly? Some kind of creature. Perhaps a spirit? That would make sense. A few kids at home had their own spirit dolls, but Vanille never quite got around to making one. There was a whole section on that stuff in her spellbook, but then again the book tailored itself based on her needs, so who knows what it actually did or didn't have? Either way, the doll was cute, just sleeping in his arm. 

"Ekayon. It's nice to meet you." Vanille took her hand back as he mentioned Gnome and the others. Others.. so there was multiple... ah! An idea struck Vanille, and she leaned forward a bit to smile at the bushy-haired boy. "So you have others like Gnome? Yknow, I'm a witch from another dimension, and I have a pretty cool spellbook. If you wanted, I could make you enough dolls to hold all of your friends at once, dolls that would show their real appearance. Or not, if you really like the sack-doll look. Or, I could make them visible and tangible to everyone, or just me if youd like, so that they wouldn't need a doll to be seen or interacted with. Yknow, as repayment for interrupting your nap?"

Ekayon scratched his head jostling his mane of hair while doing so. He did enjoy napping, though it wasn't of his own volition most of the time. His gift to commune with Gnome and the others was amazing, but his body hasn't fully adjusted to the abundance of power he harbored. As a result his narcolepsy was more of a side effect from his lack of control. Yet this narcolepsy extended to a small area around him. Like an odd form of hypnosis. "Well as far as naps go I do like them, though not as much as Gnome here. I'm actually more surprised you're awake. You must have a really strong will to stay awake around me. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to make friends because of this odd power of mine." 

He was relieved to know that Vanille could resist his aura. Hopefully he would meet more people that could resist it as well so that he may make more friends. The two spirits still hiding within his hair, Sylph and Salamander, looked at Vanille with curiosity. She seemed nice enough and Ekayon seems to have trust in her. Perhaps it's because they enjoy the same things? Sylph sniffed the air around the girl. She definitely didn't smell like she was from this plane. Then again, from what Sylph could tell, most if not all of the other students here were the same way. Salamander looked closely into Vanille's eyes. Undine had once told her that you could see a lot through the eyes of a human. Salamander stared into her violet eyes for as long as she could before she gave up. "I don't understand what Undine means. How could anyone understand humans through their eyes? Hearts are easier to read. Hearts don't lie!" Salamander said aloud. Though only Ekayon could hear her. 

Ekayon looked over to his right side. He saw Salamander struggling with her thoughts while hiding within his hair. A gentle, low sigh escaped his mouth before turning his attention back to Vanille. She said she was from another dimension and something about a spell book. Ekayon was taken aback by the notion of her being from a different dimension. He knew this school was special, but so special to have people fro different dimensions was beyond him. He was still trying to wrap his head around the idea that angels and demons are just walking around all willy-nilly. Still the thought that other people would be able to see the spirits would be nice. And if they didn't have to be channeled through the dolls that would lift a huge burden off of his shoulders. He mulled the thought over a bit more before coming to a decision. "I suppose that wouldn't be too bad. It would make it so I don't have to focus so much on maintaining their forms while in dolls. Plus I think the others would like to speak with you as well. If you can make then visible and tangible I'm sure that would go a long way for everyone involved." 

((Sorry it took so long to reply @Lumina. I've been recovering from a double ear infection and I just started working again. I'm still recovering right now but I thought I should at least make sure you knew I was still here. I'm gonna be in and out for the next few days so I'm sorry in advance if I don't reply within that time frame.))
♱ Hanako Ajinsei ♱

~ Goddess and God Eater Hybrid ~

View attachment 186163

''Well...for one thing, I'm still half asleep. My reaction time would be much quicker if I wasn't. But sure, let's go somewhere.''

She said before she got up and held her scythe over her shoulder before she smiled at Syo.

''Y'know, you've been blushing a lot since this morning. What's up?''

Syo shook his head, resisting the urges of mating season for her sake. "I-I-It's nothing, really." He said. "Anyways where do you want to go?" He asked her curiously.
Rini nodded at his instructions, but overall looked uneasy. Being calm on command like that never worked for her. Because then she'd try it, then freak out that she wasn't calm yet, then work herself into a state... Though she guessed those times she didn't have someone helping her to calm. Yes, maybe this would go a bit more smoothly. With that thought in mind, she took a seat on the ground, taking this candle advice and attempting to use it. Well, she certainly had a lot of stuff to feed to that candle indeed... Exhaling lightly, she began her attempts to calm down and focus. She did feel herself slowly slipping into her surroundings as she went on, but remembered she wasn't supposed to do that completely...this was a lot more difficult than she thought it would be. Her thoughts were now all over the place from the panic of failing the first time! Almost letting a disgruntled sigh first she glanced over at Misafune for a brief moment before going back to closing her eyes, she tried again, luckily her results were a lot more successful the second time around. Even moving her hands into the right position to continue correctly.


He watched her as his master did him. However there would be no head whacks or cold water buckets. She required a gentler touch. He could tell by her expression that it was quite troublesome. But when he started to see her glow change from blue to a rosy pink, which meant she was becoming part of the environment, but still maintaining her solidarity. "Good. now begin the chant. Then the awesome happens." he soothed as he himself began to meditate, but not on nature but with time and space.

--The Tou Mudra--

Harmony, Balance, stillness. What this Mudra offered was a quiet to the storm, it allowed the user to gain greater stability when using, also calming any doubts within ones self, and without. Most users would call it inner peace, but what it is, is channeling the control with the harmony, as not to disrupt the flow, in case something happens and the user is startled or frightened.

"Maybe my place, we can go and watch movies, as well as eat the food we got, like we did before" she said and smiled, watching the cashier do their thing.

"Ah, sure thing. It was fun last time, so I don't doubt anything." He said with a smile as the cashier told him the price. Logan dug in his pocket for his wallet and soon placed the money down in front of her. He was soon gave his change and he grabbed their bag and motioned for Scarlet to follow. "Well, we have a comfortable little apartment to go to and some movies to watch, so lers get going." He said with a chuckle. 
"Ah, sure thing. It was fun last time, so I don't doubt anything." He said with a smile as the cashier told him the price. Logan dug in his pocket for his wallet and soon placed the money down in front of her. He was soon gave his change and he grabbed their bag and motioned for Scarlet to follow. "Well, we have a comfortable little apartment to go to and some movies to watch, so lers get going." He said with a chuckle. 

Scarlet smiled and followed him, "We can start with a scary movie, then a funny movie, then another scary one, and so on until we pass out~" she said happily, she wasn't going to let being sick get in her way,
Scarlet smiled and followed him, "We can start with a scary movie, then a funny movie, then another scary one, and so on until we pass out~" she said happily, she wasn't going to let being sick get in her way,

"Scary movies are the best ones." Logan said with a grin as he held out his free hand towards Scarlet, "You might be sick, but I wouldn't mind holding your hand." He said with a smile. "Any shortcuts we can take close by?"
"Scary movies are the best ones." Logan said with a grin as he held out his free hand towards Scarlet, "You might be sick, but I wouldn't mind holding your hand." He said with a smile. "Any shortcuts we can take close by?"

Scarlet smiled and happily grabbed his hand, "hmm, shortcut's...." she said and looked around. She pointed at a sidewalk that led to the right, "If we went there instead of straight, it should be faster."
♱ Zenya White ♱

~ Chaos God Eater of Calamity ~

View attachment 163085

Zenya had finished fighting after she had stabbed her weapon into the ground which killed an attacker. The attacker's appearance had a demon-like feel and it also seemed to be the gang leader. Zenya also had a knife stabbed into her shoulder and her knee was on the ground. She soon started to slowly stand up, removing her weapon from the gang leader's chest before she looked at the knife and took it out grunting a little bit.


Talia ran over to Zenya and watched as she pulled the knife out of her shoulder, ans this only made her want to get out of there quicker. "Zenya! Come on before more of these guys show up! We have to go!" She yelled, not wanting to hurt anyone else. She wasn't going to leave Zenya here no matter what and was content on getting her home. Talia grabbed Zenya's hand and pulled her in the direction of their home. 
Talia ran over to Zenya and watched as she pulled the knife out of her shoulder, ans this only made her want to get out of there quicker. "Zenya! Come on before more of these guys show up! We have to go!" She yelled, not wanting to hurt anyone else. She wasn't going to leave Zenya here no matter what and was content on getting her home. Talia grabbed Zenya's hand and pulled her in the direction of their home. 

♱ Zenya White ♱

~ Chaos God Eater of Calamity ~

View attachment 163085

Zenya just let Talia pull her out of there as she ran with her trying to not cause trouble as her head was down. She was still in some sort of combat trance. After a while, she got back to her senses and grabbed Talia's shoulder and teleported herself and Talia back home. Zenya's head continued to stay down not wanting to say anything at the moment.

Zac Crimson Black

Zac smirked lightly when he heard her thoughts, laughing a bit before she finished her sentence, "Well, if both sound appeasing, and i am a good kisser, then option two?" He said with a light smirk, moving his head closer to hers, their lips just inches apart. Zac smirked lightly again before he quickly kissed her, pulling his head back to it's original position.

(( @LunaCrosby Sozzy! Last reply for the day folks, @Nona You too ;~; Sozzy both of you. ))

Caspian De Sol

Caspian let a few more tears flow from her eyes before giving a shaky breathe in and out, she raised her head and forced a smile, before lowering it back down, freezing slightly when he placed his hand on her back, "T-thanks..." She said quietly before she raised her head again, eye level with Allen before she gave a shaky breathe out, "S-sorry..." She said quietly before she placed her lips on his.

(( @Nona @LunaCrosby I replied ;~; ))
Thana smiled lovingly as she watched her child cut his milk then burp and yawn as he started to fall asleep. "Let's go lay you down sweetie." She said as she walked over to a grassy area in the school yard a blanket appearing as she laid him down gently on the blanket and laid down next to him holding his small body gently to her chest so she knew were he was 

Akuren lies there comfortably, sleeping soundly as the birds chirped and the wind blew across his face gently. He then starts to smile in his sleep as he felt the gently breeze hitting his face.

Zac Crimson Black

Zac smirked lightly when he heard her thoughts, laughing a bit before she finished her sentence, "Well, if both sound appeasing, and i am a good kisser, then option two?" He said with a light smirk, moving his head closer to hers, their lips just inches apart. Zac smirked lightly again before he quickly kissed her, pulling his head back to it's original position.

(( @LunaCrosby Sozzy! Last reply for the day folks, @Nona You too ;~; Sozzy both of you. ))

Caspian De Sol

Caspian let a few more tears flow from her eyes before giving a shaky breathe in and out, she raised her head and forced a smile, before lowering it back down, freezing slightly when he placed his hand on her back, "T-thanks..." She said quietly before she raised her head again, eye level with Allen before she gave a shaky breathe out, "S-sorry..." She said quietly before she placed her lips on his.

Rosalie's cheeks lit up again. So he did catch that then...as he pulled away she looked at him, smiling sheepishly as she fixed her hair from her face again. "Well, yeah. Option two works for me..." She answered as she had moved a bit closer to him so that the space between them had closed again.

Himeragi Seiker ⊹

~ Intoner of Spiritual Terror ~

Himeragi giggled a bit before nodding.

''Think I'll do the same too then~''

Lance's face flushed red in anger and frustration at his reasoning and annoyingly she pulled out a high caliber handgun from the inner recesses of her skirt and furiously pointed it at Haruo before firing off a few shots at his head. She already figured it wouldn't do anything, to him but it did help to release some of her stress as she shouted at him angrily, still firing the gun at his head a rude and infuriated voice leaving her mouth as she spoke..

"Ya? Well a servant doesn't have to make the decisions, thats the master's job! A servant only has to advise when necessary and follow all other orders. So I would advise you to shut the fuck up and make a goddamn decision!!!"


...♆Kuroh nodded and stood up from the couch, stretching his arms in the process as he did so. He yawned and looked around the room, coming to the realisation that he didn't actually know where the bedroom was, given that it was a house he was unfamiliar with. Looking back to Himeragi, his smiled nervously and spoke, his gaze soon drifting to the wall♆...

Um.. where's the bedroom?~  


...≭Haruo sighed lightly as the bullets made impact with his head, the projectiles simply crushing and falling to the ground in contact with his skin. Raising his right hand to his cheek, Haruo spoke to Lance, shortly before his smile re-emerged≭...

 As I said, it will always result in nothing changing. I thought we'd already established that you can't kill me. 

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Akuren lies there comfortably, sleeping soundly as the birds chirped and the wind blew across his face gently. He then starts to smile in his sleep as he felt the gently breeze hitting his face.

Thana smiled more as she gently kissed his forehead as she held him close to her body refusing to let go as she laid there with him happily in her arms

...♆Kuroh nodded and stood up from the couch, stretching his arms in the process as he did so. He yawned and looked around the room, coming to the realisation that he didn't actually know where the bedroom was, given that it was a house he was unfamiliar with. Looking back to Himeragi, his smiled nervously and spoke, his gaze soon drifting to the wall♆...

Um.. where's the bedroom?~  


...≭Haruo sighed lightly as the bullets made impact with his head, the projectiles simply crushing and falling to the ground in contact with his skin. Raising his right hand to his cheek, Haruo spoke to Lance, shortly before his smile re-emerged≭...

 As I said, it will always result in nothing changing. I thought we'd already established that you can't kill me. 

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 Hanako Ajinsei 

~ Goddess and God Eater Hybrid ~

View attachment 167293

Himeragi looked up at him and giggled a bit before she got up as well. She also realized since it was her house and Kuroh never visited before, she probably has to show her around. She walked over to a pathway that lead to upstairs.

''It's up this way here babe. Want me to show you to the bathrooms too?''


@Daniel reaving wanna interact?)
 Hanako Ajinsei 

~ Goddess and God Eater Hybrid ~

View attachment 167293

Himeragi looked up at him and giggled a bit before she got up as well. She also realized since it was her house and Kuroh never visited before, she probably has to show her around. She walked over to a pathway that lead to upstairs.

''It's up this way here babe. Want me to show you to the bathrooms too?''


@Daniel reaving wanna interact?)


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