RPN'S Resident Dragon Knight
♱ Hanako Ajinsei ♱
~ Goddess and God Eater Hybrid ~
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''Are you sure about that?''
She said before she looked at the scythe between her and Syo. When Syo had pounced onto her, he pounced onto the scythe as well. The blade literally at his side. Her finger was on a trigger that seemed to shoot something. If she pulls that trigger, she'll fire a shot, thus the recoil will cause the blade to cut into Syo. Hanako explained in a calm manner before she smirked.
''If I just press this trigger here, you will die.''
Syo panicked lightly before he realized something. "Then I guess this is a tie. If I attack you'll shoot and we'd both die. Impressive Hanako." He said before he shapeshifted back into human form. He was now on top of her. His face went red when he realized what he had just done.