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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

♱ Hanako Ajinsei ♱

~ Goddess and God Eater Hybrid ~

View attachment 186163

''Are you sure about that?''

She said before she looked at the scythe between her and Syo. When Syo had pounced onto her, he pounced onto the scythe as well. The blade literally at his side. Her finger was on a trigger that seemed to shoot something. If she pulls that trigger, she'll fire a shot, thus the recoil will cause the blade to cut into Syo. Hanako explained in a calm manner before she smirked.

''If I just press this trigger here, you will die.''

Syo panicked lightly before he realized something. "Then I guess this is a tie. If I attack you'll shoot and we'd both die. Impressive Hanako." He said before he shapeshifted back into human form. He was now on top of her. His face went red when he realized what he had just done.
(((( I'll just say he tagged along :pp )))) 

Logan had parted from the sisters, seeing as they were sick, well maybe he too could get sick. On top of that, he even wore a mask to keep the germs away. Yep. He seemed like a total germaphobe, even carrying a bottle of disinfectant spray he found in the store. "I'm going to have to pay for this." He said, grabbing a bag full of stuff to eat. Becoming less paranoid of getting a cold, he took off the mask and trashed the spray, making his way to Scarlet. He enthusiastically stepped in front of her, "Scarlet! I got my stuff, and dontcha think you should get more medicine rather than junk?" He asked curiously. 


Scarlet looked at him, "Well.... I don't know what to get, and I keep seeing really good food, so it just happened" she said and slowly put the chips back, knowing now she probably shouldn't get them and that Logan was right. She looked back at the medicine, grabbing a bottle and reading it, she nodded to herself and looked back at Logan, "I think I found what I needed" she said and smiled.
Scarlet looked at him, "Well.... I don't know what to get, and I keep seeing really good food, so it just happened" she said and slowly put the chips back, knowing now she probably shouldn't get them and that Logan was right. She looked back at the medicine, grabbing a bottle and reading it, she nodded to herself and looked back at Logan, "I think I found what I needed" she said and smiled.

Logan watched as Scarlet put the chips back, and grab the medicine in it's place. He nodded and grabbed the chips that she wanted, dropping them into his bag. "I'll get these for you. If you're sure that's the medicine you need, then let's get to going. How long do you think this'll last?" He asked. 
(Do I owe anyone replies, since my main story arc is moving on, I wanted to take care of any Hector, Misafune, and Paris posts. But I do have other characters also. Giselle, Scarlett, Riri, Aika, and for adults, Beatrice and Randall.)
(Do I owe anyone replies, since my main story arc is moving on, I wanted to take care of any Hector, Misafune, and Paris posts. But I do have other characters also. Giselle, Scarlett, Riri, Aika, and for adults, Beatrice and Randall.)

(( I put up a Rini and Misafune post up last night not sure if you saw it c': ))

Having found this spot free of people so close to the school, after having a lovely tea and snack with Rini, he led her to this spot. "I prepared this place away from the prying eyes." he said as he was still a little lovestruck with her. "However I will have to teach you the fundamental difference in the style of magic I use and the kind of magic you are used too." he said with some authority. "Power is the basis for most of the different magics I have seen in the world. With a powerful word, you can make a monster or a mouse. But we Onmyouji feel a little differently. It is about balance and control. Not controlling the forces of nature, but existing within their flow." he spoke as he drew the primary level circle for both of them to stand in. "I invite you into the circle, that we may both learn from it." he spoke the incantation of invitation.

((yoo @TheDragoon change of plans, you should timeskip to when Drakon ended his interview and stuff :3)) 

((Okie! Right away!))

Drakon finished his interview with a local engineering agency. Turns out he got the job! He was so excited he forgot about everything he was doing to call Nico. Nico's phone rang and Drakon's name was on the screen.


 Zenya White 

~ Chaos God Eater of Calamity ~

Zenya continued to fight, causing painful cuts towards her enemies. It wouldn't kill them but leave them paralyzed due to a poison in her weapons. And some of these cuts, crippled her attackers where the damage may be permanent. Zenya was a lot more careless than Talia in defeating her enemies. As long as it stopped them from attacking even more. And after all, these were fire magic users. Her old instincts of hunting supers were starting to kick back in.

Talia stood over the ones who attacked her, keeping them all back by aiming his weapon at them. "None of you move or I'll kill you." She said, which was definitely a lie, but they couldn't tell. "Zenya? Can we leave yet or what?"
((Okie! Right away!))

Drakon finished his interview with a local engineering agency. Turns out he got the job! He was so excited he forgot about everything he was doing to call Nico. Nico's phone rang and Drakon's name was on the screen.

Nico answered her phone, yawning from her nap. "Hellooo.." she said, cheerfully. She saw the caller i.d. was Drakon and immediately jumped up. "Drakon!!" she giggled. "How's my lovely dovey??" She said jokingly. 
Nico answered her phone, yawning from her nap. "Hellooo.." she said, cheerfully. She saw the caller i.d. was Drakon and immediately jumped up. "Drakon!!" she giggled. "How's my lovely dovey??" She said jokingly. 

Drakon blushed lightly and rolled his eyes. "Geez Nico your embarrassing me again... Anyways I got great news! I got the job!" He laughed. "You want to celebrate with me?"

...≭Haruo sighed lightly and looked around, as if trying to think of something to do. Coming to the same conclusion he has before, he released a sigh and replied, shortly before a smile formed on his face≭...

 I don't know what to do. I didn't come up with the idea for you to be my servant, you did. As for the whole attempting to kill me part, you don't have to wait~ No matter what you do, the result is going to be the same~ 

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Lance's face flushed red in anger and frustration at his reasoning and annoyingly she pulled out a high caliber handgun from the inner recesses of her skirt and furiously pointed it at Haruo before firing off a few shots at his head. She already figured it wouldn't do anything, to him but it did help to release some of her stress as she shouted at him angrily, still firing the gun at his head a rude and infuriated voice leaving her mouth as she spoke..

"Ya? Well a servant doesn't have to make the decisions, thats the master's job! A servant only has to advise when necessary and follow all other orders. So I would advise you to shut the fuck up and make a goddamn decision!!!"
Kenai laughed "No. Thank god" he said shaking his head "I mean I guess if I went to any of the parties people there threw then maybe? But I don't. So things are pretty normal for me" he said before glancing back at her for a moment to make sure he wasn't walling too fast "I still kinda like it. Though having some of my friends there would be nice..." He said with a nod.

Asako grinned, "Maybe... though you could probably make friends there, as long as they don't replace me of course~" she said. "Party's aren't really my thing either though so I understand, i'd rather spare people my fabulous dance moves~"

Having found this spot free of people so close to the school, after having a lovely tea and snack with Rini, he led her to this spot. "I prepared this place away from the prying eyes." he said as he was still a little lovestruck with her. "However I will have to teach you the fundamental difference in the style of magic I use and the kind of magic you are used too." he said with some authority. "Power is the basis for most of the different magics I have seen in the world. With a powerful word, you can make a monster or a mouse. But we Onmyouji feel a little differently. It is about balance and control. Not controlling the forces of nature, but existing within their flow." he spoke as he drew the primary level circle for both of them to stand in. "I invite you into the circle, that we may both learn from it." he spoke the incantation of invitation.


Rini looked around the area she was lead to, noting that it was empty. That was probably best. It would be difficult to learn with those around you staring. Rini listened carefully to his words...yes, that did seem a lot different than she was used to. Even her powers she had naturally had been given to her as such she didn't have to work in balance or anything like that. All the more reason for her to listen carefully, she didn't want to screw up and look silly in front of him, how embarrassing would that be! Shaking that thought from her head she watched him draw the circle, stepping into it after he had asked for her to do so, she stood next to him, waiting for the next step.
(( Rushed, last post for today. ))


Caspian quickly looked up at Allen, her eyes holding only happiness and guilt, she moved herself so she was placing her head between his shoulder blades, her fangs came forward though she didn't want them to, "S-sorry..." She said quietly knowing he would hear, she quickly sank her fangs into his neck, the blood pouring into her mouth, she took sips of it as he hands rested on his chest. Tell me when you want me to stop... She said to him through a simple mind link.

(I hope it's not too short for you)

Allen flinched slightly at the feeling of her fangs piercing his skin, but he bared with it, having felt worse before. Drink as much as you need, I don't mind.. he replied, managing to relax after a bit.
Asako grinned, "Maybe... though you could probably make friends there, as long as they don't replace me of course~" she said. "Party's aren't really my thing either though so I understand, i'd rather spare people my fabulous dance moves~"

Kenai shook his head "Nah. No one there is short enough to replace you" he joked as he looked over his shoulder at her and grinned. "I couldn't replace you anyways" he said looking ahead again "You need to show me those moves too, I'm curious"
Logan watched as Scarlet put the chips back, and grab the medicine in it's place. He nodded and grabbed the chips that she wanted, dropping them into his bag. "I'll get these for you. If you're sure that's the medicine you need, then let's get to going. How long do you think this'll last?" He asked. 

Scarlet's eye's lit up when she saw him grab the chips, though she remained calm, not wanting to seem like a child. "The cold or the food?" she asked and smiled, "The cold might last a day or two" she said and looked at the food, "But knowing us i'd say the same for the food~"
Kenai shook his head "Nah. No one there is short enough to replace you" he joked as he looked over his shoulder at her and grinned. "I couldn't replace you anyways" he said looking ahead again "You need to show me those moves too, I'm curious"

Asako puffed out her cheek's when he made a joke about how short she was, though her expression quickly went away when he mentioned her dance move's and turned into a very, very happy one. "Oh yeah~ They'll blow you away. Maybe i'll show you when we get back~" she said and grinned.
Syo panicked lightly before he realized something. "Then I guess this is a tie. If I attack you'll shoot and we'd both die. Impressive Hanako." He said before he shapeshifted back into human form. He was now on top of her. His face went red when he realized what he had just done.

♱ Hanako Ajinsei ♱

~ Goddess and God Eater Hybrid ~

View attachment 186163

''I think you should probably get off me...huh?''

Asako puffed out her cheek's when he made a joke about how short she was, though her expression quickly went away when he mentioned her dance move's and turned into a very, very happy one. "Oh yeah~ They'll blow you away. Maybe i'll show you when we get back~" she said and grinned.

Kenai raised a brow "Is that so?...Well then. I'm pretty excited to see them." he said as they neared the restaurant, the smell of food from it already floating down the street towards them.
Mei Junchi

Location: Exiting Bakery
Status: Talking to Rael
Objective: Take Rael to the ATM machine | Wondering why Rael is acting differently
Mood: Interested | Charmed

It was obvious that they were trying to flirt with him... but he couldn't be sad about it. It was nice, and he wasn't the type to turn down a girl's advances unless she was being too pushy, gross, or some other reason he should have to not like her. The sudden personality change was still weird, and as Junchi led Rael out of the Bakery and towards the ATM he tried to think deeper about it. He didn't have much knowledge to judge why Rael began to act differently, but he did realize it was more subtle instead of being sudden like he previously thought. "Rael?" Junchi started, no longer being able to resist the questions he had. "Uh, mind explaining why you're acting so different now? I didn't take you for the type to try and flirt with me... or at all."

Tags | Interacting With: Rael
OOC: It's fine, I don't rp much during a school week anyways. I only get in about one or two posts depending on the day and time I have.
Character Sheet

((I've painted myself into a corner here... I have no idea what to do XDD ))

Rael giggled and leaned in, completely unaware of what was happening to her personality as she followed him to the atm. wrapping her arms around him she leaned in whispering in his ear. "Who knows? maybe you just flipped my switch, and maybe its just one of those times when I'm a girl just like that."
(I hope it's not too short for you)

Allen flinched slightly at the feeling of her fangs piercing his skin, but he bared with it, having felt worse before. Drink as much as you need, I don't mind.. he replied, managing to relax after a bit.

[SIZE= 26px]Caspian De Sol[/SIZE]

Caspian wrapped her arms around Allen, holding him tightly for dear life as she took small sips. Finishing, she pulled away, her fangs with her before she licked the wound clean of blood, her eyes where a deep crimson in the room, a slight glow to them before she lowered her head, placing it against this chest, "S-sorry..." She said quietly, but loud enough for him to hear. 

(( Don't mind, i just think we are past this part, but ok, ))

Rosalie thought for a moment, which was quickly interrupted with a squeeze which caused her to pause for a split second with a pretend pout before giggling silently at his expression. "Ah, sure. I've never watched gremlins before" she then answered as she ticked a piece of hair behind her ear and looked in the direction of the TV.

Zac Crimson Black

Zac laughed a bit before he looked at the TV, "It's an old movie, bad CGI, and stuff like that. But it's funny, meant to be a horror though," He said before giving a small laugh again. He pulled Rosalie closer until there was no space between them, a slight smirk on his face before he lightly kissed Rosalie, pulling away only slightly from Rosalies face, "So, wanna watch it?" He said with the same smirk on his face.
Talia stood over the ones who attacked her, keeping them all back by aiming his weapon at them. "None of you move or I'll kill you." She said, which was definitely a lie, but they couldn't tell. "Zenya? Can we leave yet or what?"

♱ Zenya White ♱

~ Chaos God Eater of Calamity ~

View attachment 163085

Zenya had finished fighting after she had stabbed her weapon into the ground which killed an attacker. The attacker's appearance had a demon-like feel and it also seemed to be the gang leader. Zenya also had a knife stabbed into her shoulder and her knee was on the ground. She soon started to slowly stand up, removing her weapon from the gang leader's chest before she looked at the knife and took it out grunting a little bit.

Kenai raised a brow "Is that so?...Well then. I'm pretty excited to see them." he said as they neared the restaurant, the smell of food from it already floating down the street towards them.

Asako caught a whiff of the food and felt like she was going to melt, it all smelt so amazing, and she was so hungry at that moment that it smelt all the more better. Asako sped up and grabbed his arm, dragging him along with her, "Lets go!~ If we don't hurry I might die" she said, she of course didn't know exactly where it was, but all she needed was to follow the smell and she was good to go~

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