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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Syo hopped off and nodded. "Yes ma'am! I'll finish right away!" He said happily. He made sure the coast was clear before he morphed back into human form to cook Hanako her eggs and toast. He made some for himself cause he was kinda hungry too.

♱ Hanako Ajinsei ♱

~ Goddess and God Eater Hybrid ~

Hanako just sat there in bed before she took another sip of her coffee.
♱ Hanako Ajinsei ♱

~ Goddess and God Eater Hybrid ~

Hanako just sat there in bed before she took another sip of her coffee.

Syo bobbed back in with a tray of food, smiling at her. "Foods done Hanako-chan, I hope you like it." He said as he gave the food to her.
Roman Ishida

The Head of the Ishida Family


Could you really blame him for being so cautious? No. Roman had every right to be cautious, but at the same time he knew his judgement was off. "Don't say it like I'm completely wrong. You're technically bad in the eyes of others. Especially those who know what you did. " he said, referring to himself and Kaori. "I guess I should rethink this whole situation though as you do have a point."


Roman then walked towards a bench, sitting down and putting the kunai away. "You should take a seat. Talk with me. Maybe this way we can get a better understanding of each other's view points. I already know if this goes south, blow will be exchanged." Roman then tapped his foot on the ground and looked at Masahi, "Or we can settle the score once and for all without the talking. I know you've been wanting to finish what was started to. The need to defeat or be defeated." 


That exact quote had been something that weighed on Roman's mind for a while now. He wanted to show Masahi he was superior. Show him why he shouldn't mess with those of pure heart. 

"What do you say, Masahi? We can go to the Space-Time Dimension right now."

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Masahi Takamasa

~~The Kamui Ghost~~

Masahi didn't hesitate to sit next to Roman while thinking over what his once friend had said. Understanding would help, hopefully, but would it even matter? The most interaction Masahi had gotten for the better part of an decade was battle, manipulating others, and business deals. The very thoughts of what Roman proposed a laugh like snort out of Masahi. From Roman's perspective it must of looked like Masahi was just a walking storm, a disaster waiting to happen.

"If you want a battle, so be it... But, but nothing else to make her worry or sad. If you wish to understand my point of view, then imagine everyone you know believes you're dead and you're almost certain you have no one you can trust anymore, and no home to return to. That you have this barely sliver of a chance to make everything okay again, but it is there, and if you slack off for even a moment it could disappear." Masahi said in now a sober tone. This chance may seem fake to him, but he had to try, even if it made him look dense.

With that Masahi looked over to Roman, with his choices in hand. It almost seemed to him that Roman may want the fight, to prove himself. But for what? It was Masahi's pure heart and strong fire like will that had made this current situation possible after both of them being crushed and blackened that night years ago. However, now Masahi's flame had begun to burn away the black and repair his will after so long. But he wouldn't deny Roman now.

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Syo bobbed back in with a tray of food, smiling at her. "Foods done Hanako-chan, I hope you like it." He said as he gave the food to her.

♱ Hanako Ajinsei ♱

~ Goddess and God Eater Hybrid ~

Hanako smiled before she took the tray and spoke in a Japanese accent before she began to eat.

♱ Zenya White ♱

~ Chaos God Eater of Calamity ~

View attachment 163085

Soon, 5 attackers charged at Zenya with fire magic and started throwing flaming projectiles at her. She simply stabbed down both her weapons on both sides of her into the ground before getting into a low stance as a shield was created in front of her, blocking the fire shots. Once the fire shots cleared, she took her weapons and broke out from her shield and began to attack them, slashing away as the attackers focused more on Zenya. Soon some were closing in on Talia. Something Zenya should've thought of. Zenya's attackers attacked Zenya with flaming fists and kicks. Talia's attackers were only holding blades, ropes, and chains.

Talia White

The Optimistic Succubus



Talia had not been paying attention to her surroundings and was caught by those guys. One grabbed her from behind, holding her tightly so she couldn't get free while the others came towards her with rope. She kicked and soon was able to land both her feet on some guy's chest, allowing her to kickflip. By doing this, Talia knocked the guy behind hee on the ground and gave him a single blow to the head, knocking him out. She had now been able to clear her mind, and summon her weapon. The men had started to back away, and Talia quickly cut them down, though in areas that wouldn't kill them as she was just trying to prove a poibt. 

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Hansuke Ishida

Angel with a Dark Side



Han had been standing outside Thetis' classroom, waiting for his partner. "O-Oh. My bad. I forgot you were all beaten up... Or well flat out killed just a moment ago. Go rest up in the infirmary if you wis- In fact I'll send you there myself. I can deal with the mother. Han said, his irises changing to their deep red and his hair growing longer and black, and he soon teleported Apollyon to the infirmary. When serious matters came along, he felt people took him more seriously in this form. "I'll heal your wounds when I return." He said with a nod before twisting the knob of the door. When he opened it he found Thetis speaking to herself, and overhearing it made him chuckle. "Excuse me ma'am. As much as I'd like to let you continue on with what you were doing, and believe me, you were right in every statement, I wanted to speak about your son. Achilles. You don't mind now do you?" He asked curiously with a smile. "If you don't wish to, I understand completely."

 OOC: I hope you don't mind me sending him there. I'm pretty sure this conversation won't last too long.


@Lumina - Pretty sure we're almost there to getting back to Kanon and Yumi. :))

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She barely batted an eyelash at the man's sudden intrusion. "What do you want to know? Most of what there was to know of my son was written in the Trojan Cycle. More importantly is why do you need to know about him?" she answered as she probed his intentions using her sense to detect any deceit. "My son was -is- a great hero, forced to fight in a war that he had no stake in, murdered by a wife stealing coward after he had killed the cowards older brother in one on one combat, and now over three thousand years after his death, he is alive as if he did not miss a step. What can more can I tell you?" she finished as she sipped her fresh cup of tea.


Talia White

The Optimistic Succubus


Talia had not been paying attention to her surroundings and was caught by those guys. One grabbed her from behind, holding her tightly so she couldn't get free while the others came towards her with rope. She kicked and soon was able to land both her feet on some guy's chest, allowing her to kickflip. By doing this, Talia knocked the guy behind hee on the ground and gave him a single blow to the head, knocking him out. She had now been able to clear her mind, and summon her weapon. The men had started to back away, and Talia quickly cut them down, though in areas that wouldn't kill them as she was just trying to prove a poibt. 

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 Zenya White 

~ Chaos God Eater of Calamity ~

Zenya continued to fight, causing painful cuts towards her enemies. It wouldn't kill them but leave them paralyzed due to a poison in her weapons. And some of these cuts, crippled her attackers where the damage may be permanent. Zenya was a lot more careless than Talia in defeating her enemies. As long as it stopped them from attacking even more. And after all, these were fire magic users. Her old instincts of hunting supers were starting to kick back in.
♱ Hanako Ajinsei ♱

~ Goddess and God Eater Hybrid ~

Hanako smiled before she took the tray and spoke in a Japanese accent before she began to eat.


Syo smiled at her then took his own tray from out of the kitchen and sat next to her in Neko form, eating with a light blush on his face. The time for him to be in heat was coming and he sadly didn't have a mate so he was just gonna tough it out.
Syo smiled at her then took his own tray from out of the kitchen and sat next to her in Neko form, eating with a light blush on his face. The time for him to be in heat was coming and he sadly didn't have a mate so he was just gonna tough it out.

♱ Hanako Ajinsei ♱

~ Goddess and God Eater Hybrid ~

Hanako kept eating her dinner not knowing that mating season for Syo was coming soon. She wasn't that much of a cat expert. And she was really, only a week old.
♱ Hanako Ajinsei ♱

~ Goddess and God Eater Hybrid ~

Hanako kept eating her dinner not knowing that mating season for Syo was coming soon. She wasn't that much of a cat expert. And she was really, only a week old.

Syo finished his food quickly, putting his dishes in the sink and cleaning them. He then came back and curled up in Hanako's lap, purring lightly. "Are you going to apply to that school for the supernatural?" He asked her curiously.

((Dinner? I thought this was breakfast XD))
Syo finished his food quickly, putting his dishes in the sink and cleaning them. He then came back and curled up in Hanako's lap, purring lightly. "Are you going to apply to that school for the supernatural?" He asked her curiously.

((Dinner? I thought this was breakfast XD))

♱ Hanako Ajinsei ♱

~ Goddess and God Eater Hybrid ~

''Yeah...Well, that really is my parents' decision...''

She said before she finished her food as well and just put them on the side.

(fuck me xD)
♱ Hanako Ajinsei ♱

~ Goddess and God Eater Hybrid ~

''Yeah...Well, that really is my parents' decision...''

She said before she finished her food as well and just put them on the side.

(fuck me xD)

Syo meowed up at her. "Can I attend with you? I'm half cat half human so I should be good to go!" He said happily, thinking about the idea of going with Hanako to school. It'd be a fun experience, maybe they'd get to go on new adventures.
Syo meowed up at her. "Can I attend with you? I'm half cat half human so I should be good to go!" He said happily, thinking about the idea of going with Hanako to school. It'd be a fun experience, maybe they'd get to go on new adventures.

♱ Hanako Ajinsei ♱

~ Goddess and God Eater Hybrid ~

''Sure. I mean, my parents are the ones who are gonna enroll us.''
♱ Hanako Ajinsei ♱

~ Goddess and God Eater Hybrid ~

''Sure. I mean, my parents are the ones who are gonna enroll us.''

Syo nodded. He guessed if Hanako's power was at this level he could have been easily been noticed by her parents. Looks like he wasn't as subtle as he had thought. "Okay. Wow! I'm really excited! An all new experience, right Hanako-Chan?" He said, hugging her happily from the side since he was next to her.
(Ok x3 I wasn't sure whether you saw it or not)

Asako's eye's lit up and she brought her arm's down only to throw them up again and jump up excitedly 

"Yay!~" she said happily. She looked at him and continued grinning, "It's a good thing it's close by, just the thought makes me even hungrier~"

Kenai chuckled "Good, no point in going if you aren't hungry, I hate seeing food going to waste" he said as he lifted his jacket and walked towards the door, he patted his head for a moment to make sure his ears weren't showing "Ladies first" he said as he opened the door and waited for Asako to walk through it.

Zac Crimson Black

Zac froze instantly when she asked the question, "Y-yeah..."  He stuttered before he looked around the books again sighing while doing so, "Well, i don't have anything to do here, unless you want to search for some books... We can head back to my room...?" He said the last part slightly shyly before he looked back at Rosalie.

Sarin Mortirus

Sarin gave a small sigh before he laughed, "Well that hurts my feelings," He said still smiling before he moved towards her, looking at the eggs she was making, "By the way, thanks for letting me stay," He said with a bright smile as he moved himself to wrap his arms around her waist, "Just go with the flow," He said in a mocking tone.

Rosalie tilted her head lightly when he looked back at her, she sort of picked up on the shyness of his voice but didn't comment on it. She could hear the tiniest changes in peoples voice actually, since after all, her hearing was incredibly sensitive. "Sure, we can do that, I'm sure if there's anything extra I need to know you can help me with that" she answered with a smile as she walked over next to him.
Luke blushed when she kissed his cheek, he never really blushed that much so it was embarrassing to him, he smiled and turned to walk home. "Night beautiful!" He called out to her

As he called out to her, her cheeks heated up quickly before she giggled and walked inside.

(( End of interaction or a time skip, your choice c: ))

She barely batted an eyelash at the man's sudden intrusion. "What do you want to know? Most of what there was to know of my son was written in the Trojan Cycle. More importantly is why do you need to know about him?" she answered as she probed his intentions using her sense to detect any deceit. "My son was -is- a great hero, forced to fight in a war that he had no stake in, murdered by a wife stealing coward after he had killed the cowards older brother in one on one combat, and now over three thousand years after his death, he is alive as if he did not miss a step. What can more can I tell you?" she finished as she sipped her fresh cup of tea.



Hansuke Ishida

Angel with a Dark Side



Han looked at Thetis, sighing lightly. "Well I see, that should be one to write down now." He said with a smile. The smile soon disappeared and Han looked at Thetis, "Though that is why he's so violent. His past was one filled with figting, and I'm assuming that is why he resorts to violence in the blink of an eye." He said, placing his hands behind his back. "Is there a reason as to why he's so protective? Did anything happen to someome he cherished in his past?" Han said turning to look out of a window. 


background-image: url(http://67.media.tumblr.com/c870712de39e94a795593f2f77da35d8/tumblr_n89melyDbl1tcm14ko1_500.png); background-size:cover;
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Syo nodded. He guessed if Hanako's power was at this level he could have been easily been noticed by her parents. Looks like he wasn't as subtle as he had thought. "Okay. Wow! I'm really excited! An all new experience, right Hanako-Chan?" He said, hugging her happily from the side since he was next to her.

♱ Hanako Ajinsei ♱

~ Goddess and God Eater Hybrid ~

''Yeah. I wonder if I can finally get a taste of combat.''
♱ Hanako Ajinsei ♱

~ Goddess and God Eater Hybrid ~

''Yeah. I wonder if I can finally get a taste of combat.''

Syo gasped. "That's right! I was meaning to teach you how to fight when you got older!" He said before he got a cocky grin. "I'd like to see your power for myself in fact, don't worry, I won't disappoint." He said as he winked playfully at her.

He nodded happily at her answers. She enjoyed simplerthings, which was very cozy. "That all sounds quite good right about now." he said with a smile. He was waiting for the waitress, when he palmed a paper doll and hidden it under his hand. Speaking a few words, under his hand glowed slightly. From underneath it was a dancing couple that almost looked like them.


She nodded in agreement with his words "It does" she said softly before her eyes drifted down to Misafune's hand. Blinking a few times she lowered her head a little to look under his hand, wondering what the light was. It was then she saw the paper creation he had made, her eyes glued on them with awe "Its so pretty..." She looked up at him "I wish I could do that" she said with a giggle.
Syo gasped. "That's right! I was meaning to teach you how to fight when you got older!" He said before he got a cocky grin. "I'd like to see your power for myself in fact, don't worry, I won't disappoint." He said as he winked playfully at her.

♱ Hanako Ajinsei ♱

~ Goddess and God Eater Hybrid ~

''Even though you totally panicked into a cat when I nearly stabbed you when i was little?''
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♱ Hanako Ajinsei ♱

~ Goddess and God Eater Hybrid ~

''Even though you totally panicked into a cat when I nearly stabbed you when i was little?''

Syo pouted. "H-Hey! You just caught me off guard is all!" He said. "We can go to the garden for a proper fight, come along." He stated as his eyes turned more cat-like, transforming himself into a cat and hoping away towards the battleground.
Syo pouted. "H-Hey! You just caught me off guard is all!" He said. "We can go to the garden for a proper fight, come along." He stated as his eyes turned more cat-like, transforming himself into a cat and hoping away towards the battleground.

♱ Hanako Ajinsei ♱

~ Goddess and God Eater Hybrid ~

RWBY Summer Rose Fan Art2.png

Hanako soon got out of the bed and grabbed her weapon and started towards the battlefield in just her pajamas.
♱ Hanako Ajinsei ♱

~ Goddess and God Eater Hybrid ~

View attachment 186163

Hanako soon got out of the bed and grabbed her weapon and started towards the battlefield in just her pajamas.

Syo turned to look at her and rose an eyebrow. "Are you sure you wanna fight me in just your pajamas?" He asked her curiously. His claws began to sharpen, his eyes starting to fill with animal killing intent. He was letting the animal in him take over.

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