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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Lana immediately pushed her down hugging her as she layed with her

...⊹Ophelia soon looked at Lana a bit surprised for a moment before she hugged back now having a calmer expression⊹...
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Lana started crying as she held onto her tightly

...⊹Ophelia just held Lana, still in her sports bra and shorts⊹...
Mayyflower said:

~?Mayela Loria?~

May turned her gaze to seraph. "I'm Mayella Loria... Call me May" she says with a hint of irritation in her voice.

"We just signed a contract with each other so she's my host.. Who is this" Quinn says looking at misaki.

Extra Info









Interacting with:

Seraph and Misaki


@Luna Crosby



..................~Once a Demon, Now a Weapon and Guardian~

Seraph grinned, "Ooh~ she's got a bit of a kick to her." she said before gesturing toward's Misaki, "I've told you about Mal, well, this is her daughter, and i'm being forced to look after her, so I'm her weapon now, not Mal's" she said.

"My name's Misaki Ishida." she said, since Seraph didn't seem to mention it.

More Info




S: ok

M: calm


Talking to Quinn and Mayela



Interacting with: Quinn and Mayela



They were busy for... quite a while. Isuzu's tastes weren't exactly vanilla, per se, but Fenris matched her expectations and went beyond. She had never been so... satisfied before. Honestly, she wasn't sure she'd be able to be satisfied after that. Groggily, Isuzu laid over, in pain and exhausted, but feeling so freaking good. Her head kind of hurt from having drank so much, and she yawned a bit as she started remembering where exactly it was that she was.

First thing she noticed, she was in a bed and naked. Her memory was kind of fuzzy, but she did remember at least meeting a hella cute bartender... but that was it, aside from the feelings from the sex. Second thing she noticed, the bartender was laying next to her, still looking as attractive as he did before. And he was naked too. So... that meant... a smile crept onto her hungover lips as she realized what it was that happened. Getting an attractive man to bed on the day she met him? Fuckin' score! Now content, she closes her eyes and snuggled up against him, the headache from the hangover not liking the light in the room. Plus her body was exhausted, and she did enjoy a bit of cuddling.

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Lumina said:
((No macro bc I'm on my phone and I don't have Merrick's macro set up yet))
Violetta was laying in the hospital bed, looking pretty worn out. Labor had lasted actually quite a while, and her body was just plain tired at this point. But, despite that, she looked happy, and was holding Merrick with a serene look on her face. Her children.. their children... they were beautiful. The most beautiful things she had ever seen. She didn't think anything could possibly be more amazing. She was staring down at the boy, who was sleeping soundly in her arms when she heard Kai speak, prompting her to lift her head and smile up at him tiredly. "Victoria, huh...." they had decided around halfway through her pregnancy, when they found out the genders that Kai would be the one to name the girl and she would name the boy. They had discussed possible names, but never in much detail. She quite liked the name Victoria.

"His name..." Violetta paused for a moment, finalizing her decision, looking back down at her sleeping son "...is Merrick." It was the first name she had come up with when they first discussed names, but didn't really keep it in mind that much, keeping her options open. But looking down at him, she knew it was the right decision. "Our children..." her eyes were teary as she looked at Kai, overwhelmed with a sense of happiness she had never felt before.


Kai Mason

~ Angel and Father

Kai laughed lightly and gently rocked Victoria in his arm, hearing Violetta's comment on the name he chose made him smile a little. Made him feel like did a good job... It had been a long process of giving birth, so Kai knew Violetta was tired. As happy as she looked, he could see right through her. Kai decided to put Victoria down so she could rest and he walked towards Violetta and the bed, gently leaning on it using his hands to prop him up.

"I like it. Merrick." Kai said, smiling warmly as e watched his son and girlfriend. He then sighed lightly, "I want to know how you're feeling. From what I witnessed, it's not a thing to take lightly." He said, softly brushing a few red strands of Violetta's hair out of her face.

More Info

Location: Hospital

Mood: Happy

Status: Talking with Violetta

Objective: N/A

Interacting with: Violetta


[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]Ribbon threw out her arm and a string of threads shot forwards, impaling a far off building and quickly dragging her forwards. As she sailed past Perfect she sarcastically waved to him.

Perfect blinked as he saw Ribbon fly pass him, waving. He grit his teeth, gathering as much energy as possible, allowing him to run up to speed with Ribbon, catching up quickly. "Might as well call it a tie! The bank is right there!"

It had been a long time since Kanon had been able to fight. What with taking care of Yumi, and being in school, to the casino and getting drunk and being taken advantage of by those men, she was well overdue. It would be nice to let off some steam after all she's been through. Nobody better than Achilles, who she knew would be able to take it. Taking a breath, she moved her stance into a more defensive one, unsure of what Achilles would do, or who would make the first move.
"I'm ready when you are." she commented, looking at him with a determined expression. Unlike her sister's, her body was made for fighting, and her expressions matched it. So all that was left was for the match to begin, and for someone to make the first move.

Kanon wondered if she was going to have to be the one to do it, but soon Achilles had donned his golden lion armor, quite literally roaring as he charged for her. For a moment, Kanon froze, the golden color of his armor reminding her of when she was kidnapped, but she didn't have time for that as soon he was charging at her faster than she would have expected. Blinking, Kanon jumped to the side, barely missing Achilles' charge. She could feel the adrenaline begin to course through her veins, her muscles remembering what it was like to be in a fight. Before his charge could end she found herself running at him from behind now, attempting to kick his back to interrupt his control over it.

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Mayyflower said:

~☾ Origami Noire ☽~

Origami blushed when he put her on his back, she wrapped her arms around him and rested her head on his back, yea she was really warm but the breeze from him running made her feel better, her head started to throb again so she held her head. "Thank you.." She said softly

Extra Info


Heading home


On Paris's back




Get home

Interacting with:



Paris kept running with her on his back in a makeshift pouch. Her words and the sensations he was getting from her were making him blush as he ran. Barking dogs, little old ladies, and the curious onlooker proved to be less challenging than running through the woods. He loved her dearly, so this was priority one.

Lumina said:


Kaori could really do nothing but sit there as Roman continued spilling out his long-tucked away feelings. Feeling his hand on her shoulder sent a small but of warmth to spread throughout her body, knowing it was happiness she was feeling from hearing his words and being so close to him. A small smile found her face as she looked at him, but she took felt conflict bubbling up behind it. Of course she knew it was wrong to feel the way she was, and that it was wrong for Roman to feel the way he did. Thinking about this, and how devastated his wife would be in she knew finally brought the tears to her eyes, and as Roman finished speaking, her head had dropped, her gaze falling to her lap as she tried her best to control the tears that were spilling on to her cheeks. Maybe she shouldn't have come back, or asked him for help. Then he wouldn't be in such a messy situation that only existed because of her. He'd be happy without he- Kaori's attention was brought back to the man in front of her as Roman placed a hand under her chin, bringing her gaze back up to meet his, before slowly lowering his mask and moving forward and kissing her. Her eyes widened as she felt their lips lock, even though it didn't last for long. Tears still slid down her cheeks as she stared at him in shock, confusion, apology, so many different emotions running through her head at the same time. She never would have expected that from him, and before she knew it she had sat up and moved her body forward to wrap her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly and with an obvious sense of longing. At this moment, her emotions overpowered the knowledge that it was wrong, he was married and she was pregnant with someone else's child. But as with Roman, at this moment Kaori felt like it was only the two of them in the world. She didn't care about anything else but him, and being close to the man that she had loved for so many years. Her face buried itself in his shoulder, her hands gripping his shirt as she held on to him. The tears that were still falling left wet spots on his shirt.

Kaori wished this moment would last forever. It felt right, she felt whole for the first time in a while, and nothing seemed like it could go wrong. For once since she woke up back in the Home, she felt like things would actually be okay.
"Roman, I..." she mumbled into his shoulder, not really sure where she was going with that sentence. There was so much on her mind, but she didn't know how to express it. Truthfully, if it was Roman, she probably didn't need to. It seemed like time had stopped until a knocking sound was heard from the door, and Kaori raised her head a big in surprise. Turning her head, she looked over at Roman, sniffling a bit. "Were you expecting anyone?" she asked, before removing one arm from around him to wipe her eyes. She really did wonder what it was before San suddenly spoke up.

"Why are they here?"

Kaori blinked before momentarily thinking to speak to her tailed beast. "San? What are you talking about?"

"The other tailed beasts. I'm sensing their energy right outside the door. Kaori, you need to be careful."

San wasn't making any sense. The other tailed beasts? So there were others like him? And why were they outside the door? "San, what's that supposed to mean?" she asked, with no answer. Of course not. Worriedly, she looked up at Roman before glancing in the direction of the door that was being knocked on.

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Lumina said:

It had been a long time since Kanon had been able to fight. What with taking care of Yumi, and being in school, to the casino and getting drunk and being taken advantage of by those men, she was well overdue. It would be nice to let off some steam after all she's been through. Nobody better than Achilles, who she knew would be able to take it. Taking a breath, she moved her stance into a more defensive one, unsure of what Achilles would do, or who would make the first move. "I'm ready when you are." she commented, looking at him with a determined expression. Unlike her sister's, her body was made for fighting, and her expressions matched it. So all that was left was for the match to begin, and for someone to make the first move.

Kanon wondered if she was going to have to be the one to do it, but soon Achilles had donned his golden lion armor, quite literally roaring as he charged for her. For a moment, Kanon froze, the golden color of his armor reminding her of when she was kidnapped, but she didn't have time for that as soon he was charging at her faster than she would have expected. Blinking, Kanon jumped to the side, barely missing Achilles' charge. She could feel the adrenaline begin to course through her veins, her muscles remembering what it was like to be in a fight. Before his charge could end she found herself running at him from behind now, attempting to kick his back to interrupt his control over it.

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(Dis gonna be good.)

Achilles watched as she dodged. The only reason to dodge like that was to attack from the side or rear. But in any case he dropped his arms and hands into the ground pushing him into a somersault over the little red headed girl, just as he felt the near blood lust of Kanon from the rear. He landed and rolled out of her attack range. Righting himself left him kneeling and panting. "I..see...the little lamb fancies herself a lioness. Come, earn your spot beside me!" he shouted as his armor glowed again, changing form to a more true metallic lion visage. With the small change he sprang at her, intending to pounce on her, this time arcing higher with his body. "This will hurt!" he shouted as he felt the blood in his veins start to boil in places on his body that were not normally seen. If this fight was a fight between a lion and lioness it would almost certainly be a courtship. Again, he came withing precious few feet of direct body contact.

Most people he has fought would have never lived this long. But he was going to enjoy this. Murder? no, this was a lover's tussle in the tall grass, except there will be bruising and pain. He noticed the sullenness she had been feeling was lifted. And if getting to stomp on him helped her, he was strong enough to let her. However, he was not going to roll over on his back and take it without getting his own aggression out. Besides, He could call his mom to draw a soothing bath for Kanon later if need be. His mom could heal wounds. But now his focus was solely on Kanon, not the idiotic red headed child punching and fighting as if she would rule the world. No, his lover demanded his attention and he was well obliged to give it.














Attempting to hide her colouring cheeks



Interacting with:



@Jofune Tsurabisu

~Rini Yelil~

Still half giggling at her own joke and at this new appearance, she was caught slightly by surprise as she heard Misafune's comment, which made her stop moving before smiling bashfully in response to it. Just as the notion to step away from the 'mirror' was travelling to her thought process Misafune had made his way over to her without much detection, a small jolt going through her when she suddenly felt his hands placing themselves on her shoulders.

feeling his face nearing her ear as he then whispered into it, she could feel her cheeks beginning to slowly colour up at his words. Blinking a few times as the overlay shattered, only to reveal the version of herself she was used to. Antlers and all those antlers that she detested, it took a lot of energy to hide them all the time, she had even tried cutting them off once or twice at a stage before in a desperate attempt to feel normal but to no avail, they just grew back incredibly fast. Her face became even redder at his words referring to this version of herself being perfect quickly turning around after he stepped away from her and sat down so calmly. She however, had her cheek shining a dusted pink colour. Taking a moment to compose herself as her mind screamed at her face to cool down, she slowly took her seat as well.

Lumina said:

They were busy for... quite a while. Isuzu's tastes weren't exactly vanilla, per se, but Fenris matched her expectations and went beyond. She had never been so... satisfied before. Honestly, she wasn't sure she'd be able to be satisfied after that. Groggily, Isuzu laid over, in pain and exhausted, but feeling so freaking good. Her head kind of hurt from having drank so much, and she yawned a bit as she started remembering where exactly it was that she was.

First thing she noticed, she was in a bed and naked. Her memory was kind of fuzzy, but she did remember at least meeting a hella cute bartender... but that was it, aside from the feelings from the sex. Second thing she noticed, the bartender was laying next to her, still looking as attractive as he did before. And he was naked too. So... that meant... a smile crept onto her hungover lips as she realized what it was that happened. Getting an attractive man to bed on the day she met him? Fuckin' score! Now content, she closes her eyes and snuggled up against him, the headache from the hangover not liking the light in the room. Plus her body was exhausted, and she did enjoy a bit of cuddling.

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Fenris woke up with the naked Isuzu snuggling up against him. They had had a rather and fun time together, and Fenris was pleased to find she was into many of the same things he was, and she had done something to make him feel even better. Gently nudging her awake he looked at her curiously, 'You did something to mess with my emotions and senses earlier didn't you?" then pulling her in tight he leaned in and whispered something in her ear.
((@charleen @CERBERUS177 ))

Mei Junchi

Anxiety made Junchi feel bloated as they prepared themself to visit Salvador. They wanted to ask again if everyone was fine with this, but they knew that would make them look silly and scared. Instead, they puffed out their chest and said, "Remember to back me up. I go to Salvador, one of you gets a teacher, and one of you stay behind in case things go wrong."

Junchi then left Cody's dorm, and took a minute to let themself breath. They knocked gently on Salvador's door, and tried to make themself look as weak and vulnerable as possible. They even tied their hair up, since anyone who has even the smallest bit of knowledge on fighting would know to pull someone's hair if it's easy to get there. Junchi knew it was pretty stupid to put themself in an even more vulnerable state, but they had confidence they would have good backup.

Extra Information


Fantasy High's Male Dorms, Outside Salvador's Dorm




Outside Salvador's dorm


Talk to Salvador

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:

Mei Junchi

Nagisa was careful walking around the new environment. It could be a trap. And she wasn't fond of traps. Or people. The wolfskin had on a scarlet red hoodie, dark blue jeans and black combat boots. Being away from the nest her parents insisted on her going to this school to be safe. The poor girl was new, and didn't want to be around others, except her father and mother. The wolfskin had gray hair and light gray eyes as well, her fluffy tail matching the color of her hair. The wolfskin just walked without a clue in the halls. Standing in just one place, until she walks elsewhere.
((Apparentley so xD her decision on to leave or stay will just depend on what he replies with really))





Slightly annoyed


Figuring this out


Find out what C4 is hiding

Interacting with:



@Wicked Jester

~Yuna Yelil~

Yuna narrowed her eyes slightly as he began stammering with his words, she knew he was withholding information now, and probably a lot of it too. "No? so do they have something against me possibly or what, am I a job to take care of? I don't understand" she said as she left down her fork and knife, no longer interested in the food that was in front of her. She always had felt strongly about telling lies or omitting the truth since she was one to always say what was on the tip of her tongue and when you get lied to often, you tend to get pissed off by it. "Is that what you're here for? was walking into me all some kind of elaborate plan or what?" she said, now skeptical of his actions "What are you really here for?" she asked, looking more disappointed than scared of what the answer may be to her questions

[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]((oh dear. Are we already at the part where C4's criminal history comes out? Will she try to correct him or will she leave him? (either way I theoretically win xD new general or far more brutal C4 xD ))
C4 sat there stammering. He was always one of the worst at hiding information, "Umm...um... N-no?... uhhhhh....." If Yuna learned of his connections with CROSS, he didn't know what she would do, but he knew he didn't want her to leave. So instead, he puffed out his cheeks and sat there refusing to speak.

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The Royal Keen](([URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/36364-charleen/ said:
@charleen[/URL] @CERBERUS177 ))

Mei Junchi

Anxiety made Junchi feel bloated as they prepared themself to visit Salvador. They wanted to ask again if everyone was fine with this, but they knew that would make them look silly and scared. Instead, they puffed out their chest and said, "Remember to back me up. I go to Salvador, one of you gets a teacher, and one of you stay behind in case things go wrong."

Junchi then left Cody's dorm, and took a minute to let themself breath. They knocked gently on Salvador's door, and tried to make themself look as weak and vulnerable as possible. They even tied their hair up, since anyone who has even the smallest bit of knowledge on fighting would know to pull someone's hair if it's easy to get there. Junchi knew it was pretty stupid to put themself in an even more vulnerable state, but they had confidence they would have good backup.

Extra Information


Fantasy High's Male Dorms, Outside Salvador's Dorm




Outside Salvador's dorm


Talk to Salvador

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:

Mei Junchi

Roy bit his lip, listening in to make sure he's okay. It wouldn't do well if Junchi died.

Salvador jumped upon hearing the knock even as soft as it was. He stood up, throwing away the sleeve that the hot pocket came with. He was tempted to cook another hot pocket and open the door and scream something like 'Eat this and go away' and then throw the hot pocket at their face and close the door. But to be gracious, he peeked out at Junchi through the peephole in his door, the fizzy potion in his hand. He frowned apon seeing Junchi. To him, it was more likely that it was that Cody guy or the guy with the spear. He shrugged, and opened the door, face blank, waiting for Junchi to say something

Upon hearing the door open, Roy stiffens, his left hand glowing slightly in case he has to break a wall to get Salvador

Roy Drake

Mood: Tense

Objective: Make sure Junchi is safe

Location: Cody's dorm

Interacting with: Nobody

Salvador York

Mood: Prepared for the worst

Objective: Defend himself; talk to Junchi if he must

Location: His dorm

Interacting with: Junchi

Tags: @CERBERUS177 @The Royal Keen @charleen

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LunaCrosby said:
Kelsey gave an embarrassed smile, "W-We just don't do it often so it caught me by surprise is all" she said, holding her hands behind her back.
Ken sighed and nodded. "I get it... I bet the girl left by now, let's go back to my place." He said before he hesitated before speaking again. "Of course, if you don't want to you don't have to."
Lumina said:


Kaori could really do nothing but sit there as Roman continued spilling out his long-tucked away feelings. Feeling his hand on her shoulder sent a small but of warmth to spread throughout her body, knowing it was happiness she was feeling from hearing his words and being so close to him. A small smile found her face as she looked at him, but she took felt conflict bubbling up behind it. Of course she knew it was wrong to feel the way she was, and that it was wrong for Roman to feel the way he did. Thinking about this, and how devastated his wife would be in she knew finally brought the tears to her eyes, and as Roman finished speaking, her head had dropped, her gaze falling to her lap as she tried her best to control the tears that were spilling on to her cheeks. Maybe she shouldn't have come back, or asked him for help. Then he wouldn't be in such a messy situation that only existed because of her. He'd be happy without he- Kaori's attention was brought back to the man in front of her as Roman placed a hand under her chin, bringing her gaze back up to meet his, before slowly lowering his mask and moving forward and kissing her. Her eyes widened as she felt their lips lock, even though it didn't last for long. Tears still slid down her cheeks as she stared at him in shock, confusion, apology, so many different emotions running through her head at the same time. She never would have expected that from him, and before she knew it she had sat up and moved her body forward to wrap her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly and with an obvious sense of longing. At this moment, her emotions overpowered the knowledge that it was wrong, he was married and she was pregnant with someone else's child. But as with Roman, at this moment Kaori felt like it was only the two of them in the world. She didn't care about anything else but him, and being close to the man that she had loved for so many years. Her face buried itself in his shoulder, her hands gripping his shirt as she held on to him. The tears that were still falling left wet spots on his shirt.

Kaori wished this moment would last forever. It felt right, she felt whole for the first time in a while, and nothing seemed like it could go wrong. For once since she woke up back in the Home, she felt like things would actually be okay.
"Roman, I..." she mumbled into his shoulder, not really sure where she was going with that sentence. There was so much on her mind, but she didn't know how to express it. Truthfully, if it was Roman, she probably didn't need to. It seemed like time had stopped until a knocking sound was heard from the door, and Kaori raised her head a big in surprise. Turning her head, she looked over at Roman, sniffling a bit. "Were you expecting anyone?" she asked, before removing one arm from around him to wipe her eyes. She really did wonder what it was before San suddenly spoke up.

"Why are they here?"

Kaori blinked before momentarily thinking to speak to her tailed beast. "San? What are you talking about?"

"The other tailed beasts. I'm sensing their energy right outside the door. Kaori, you need to be careful."

San wasn't making any sense. The other tailed beasts? So there were others like him? And why were they outside the door? "San, what's that supposed to mean?" she asked, with no answer. Of course not. Worriedly, she looked up at Roman before glancing in the direction of the door that was being knocked on.

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~? The Usurper, Hero, and Mask ?~

Masahi took a deep breath. He came to talk to Roman, he had to be ready. No, he was ready. But then, why did he feel hesitant? He shouldn't. Masahi shook his head and was about to answer Roman when GuruGuru covered Masahi mouth and pointed to himself. This only worried Masahi; but before he could do anything GuruGuru was talking in a loud, over the top excited voice, as if he was a child getting candy.

"Aww! I thought for sure that BakaRoman would remember the rather charming guy that found his home last time! It's me! GuruGuru and I've come to.... OWW!"

Before GuruGuru could carry on for too long, Masahi had bitten GuruGuru's hand. On top of that, Masahi was giving GuruGuru a death stare. However, after clearing his throat, Masahi donned a calm face. To go along with that calm face was a steady voice. Though, how he spoke now was almost reminiscent of how he might sound while apologizing when he was younger.

"Sorry about that... Anyways, Roman, It's me, Masahi... I want to try to make this life right instead of another. Can I come in?"

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