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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

With everything well, Fricka waved Serene off, as she went to her dorm to rest. Fricka then changed into her usual stuff, and walked out of the gym, headed out towards the cafeteria.

(Anyone who wishes too)
CERBERUS177 said:
(I poor and I don't think my internet can handle that, but when DayZ comes to the one, I'm going to power through it, and there's going to be a party if @Storm Guardian and @Kisaki are on)
Cody laughed, remembering the good times, "I remember when me and a friend used to camp a door in that one palce with all the rooftops, not the one that had a choke point, the DLC one is...Dragon rising? Anyway, he'd always camp with a RPG and I'd be there with a shotgun waiting for someone to come up the stairs. Good times...Good times..."
Oras chuckled " I would play online with my friends, we would always try to do trick shots with the snipers and throw random gernades all over the maps to see if we could get anyone... I remember one time I threw a sticky gernade on the nuketown map.... It landed on one person and killed him " she laughed " I always failed on my trick shots though...."
kk1243 said:
Oras chuckled " I would play online with my friends, we would always try to do trick shots with the snipers and throw random gernades all over the maps to see if we could get anyone... I remember one time I threw a sticky gernade on the nuketown map.... It landed on one person and killed him " she laughed " I always failed on my trick shots though...."
Cody smiled, "I never did any, I took gaming very seriously when I was alone." Cody said, remembering that one time, once in a lifetime K/D..."I remember this one time I got a 42-12, I was so happy, I almost broke my face I smiled so hard."
charleen said:
((Do I owe you a reply??))
(I'll make a new one)

Chler resurfaced, gasping for air after 30 seconds underwater have passed.

"See. All you have to do is hold your breath." She exclaimed, smiling friendly at Nice.
charleen said:
Nico smiled nervously back at her.
"Seems simply enough,"

She held her breath before emerging into the water. Her whole face and body under water now. She stayed there for a while. Maybe Cher should do sometimes about it.
Chler looked confused at Nico dive, as she did so herself, swimming up to her. She placed her hands on Nico's shoulder, ready to pull her up at any given moment.


The day had gone by in a blur, and suddenly it was lunchtime. Kanon hadn't seen her sister since the entrance ceremony, and guessed she was probably off with her friends at the moment. This put her in a slightly bad mood, she was hoping to at least eat lunch with her on the first day if anything. Well, whatever. If she remembered correctly, he said he'd meet her for lunch at least. Well, it was halfway through lunch and he still wasn't here, and she was starting to really get irritated by this point. At least she had a juice box. Yes, even for her tough demeanor, she still enjoyed the little thing. She was sucking down on the straw when she heard a familiar voice behind her. Looking up at the source, Kanon ended up giving Achilles an annoyed look before she realized who it was. Her eyes widened in surprise as she spoke.
"A-Achilles??" She hadn't meant to look at him so rudely, she was just caught by surprise. Though it was good to see him, honestly.

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Lumina said:


The day had gone by in a blur, and suddenly it was lunchtime. Kanon hadn't seen her sister since the entrance ceremony, and guessed she was probably off with her friends at the moment. This put her in a slightly bad mood, she was hoping to at least eat lunch with her on the first day if anything. Well, whatever. If she remembered correctly, he said he'd meet her for lunch at least. Well, it was halfway through lunch and he still wasn't here, and she was starting to really get irritated by this point. At least she had a juice box. Yes, even for her tough demeanor, she still enjoyed the little thing. She was sucking down on the straw when she heard a familiar voice behind her. Looking up at the source, Kanon ended up giving Achilles an annoyed look before she realized who it was. Her eyes widened in surprise as she spoke. "A-Achilles??" She hadn't meant to look at him so rudely, she was just caught by surprise. Though it was good to see him, honestly.

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Achilles was taken aback, a little by her look. He really did not mean to make her mad. "Yes, my love, it is I, Achilles." he spoke as he sat down and proceeded to devour his lunch. "If I have brought you displeasure, please tell me, so I may fix it." he said as he tried to make up for whatever slight he may have committed her. He finished his lunch quickly so that he may spend as much time before combat class with her as possible. "Half a day, and still you are as pretty as the morning star." he said as he had taken her hand. "So are we ready for our next class?" he asked hopeful that her mood might improve.

Ballerina said:
Klef suddenly grasped onto Nova's hand and flashed a smile at her. Their other hand was fumbling through their seemingly endless hoodie pocket to try to get hold of one of their notebooks. In their hand was now a worn composition notebook that appeared to have several pages torn out. " Lemme look at something real quick..." Klef mumbled, as they flipped through the pages in search for one in particular. A grin crept up onto Klef's face and their finger pressed against a poorly drawn diagram to mark the spot. Not only the page that they were searching for found, it was also in 'mint' condition, barely crumpled up at all nor was the ink smudged. "If you're ready, I can try getting us there. Just look away when I tell you to, ok?"
Nova nodded. "Okay. I promise..." She said, blushing now since Klef was holding her hand. It made her kind of happy though, even if Klef wasn't always very bright sometimes.
Nona said:



Outside Cabin




Walking back from the park with Nexus


Check what the noise was

Interacting with:





Ilaani walked alongside Nexus as they walked back from their day at the park, a light smile on her face from having such a good day, she was in pretty high spirits. After all it had been a while since they had such a...normal day? Well, normalish. As they approached their cabin Ilaani's head perked up upon hearing the clatter, her eyes darting toward the cabin "Do you hear that?" She said as she proceeded to walk up to the Cabin. Axel was still out for the count and noone else lived there so where on earth did that noise come from. She reached the entrance and peered through the door to see who or what made the noise. "Axel? Is that you?" She asked as she stepped inside.

Axel was up and completely healthy, making lunch for the 3 of them already. "Oh hey! You guys are back! I thought I'd cook you guys some food and tidy up the cabin a bit while you both were gone. After that nap I feel good as new!" Axel said with a smile, which he didn't hand just anyone too often. That caused Nexus to flash a smile back, but he was obviously still concerned for him. After all, he did get hit pretty hard. "Are you sure Axel? Just don't want ya pushing yourself too far." He chuckled before Axel gave a quick nod.
JJKab said:
"It was okay... This night" Lena exclaimed, sighing, as she slightly moved closer to Shuu, laying her head on his chest.
((Looks like I didn't get an alert... Poo .3. I can free her up for you if you like))

Shuu sighed and looked to the side. He seemed uncomfortable about something. He also had the feeling everything was going to go to hell on him.
CERBERUS177 said:
Cody smiled, "I never did any, I took gaming very seriously when I was alone." Cody said, remembering that one time, once in a lifetime K/D..."I remember this one time I got a 42-12, I was so happy, I almost broke my face I smiled so hard."
Oras laughed " That's the best, when you win so good at the game and completely dominate your friends or online people" She looked around "soo... You just joined the school right?" * Oh Pretty Please don't let me shift at this moment....* Oras thought to herself nervously as she looked at him waiting for his reply

(( Going to bed now, Thanks for Continuing to RP with me though I disappeared for bit there ))
kk1243 said:
Oras laughed " That's the best, when you win so good at the game and completely dominate your friends or online people" She looked around "soo... You just joined the school right?" * Oh Pretty Please don't let me shift at this moment....* Oras thought to herself nervously as she looked at him waiting for his reply
(( Going to bed now, Thanks for Continuing to RP with me though I disappeared for bit there ))
"Huh, oh yeah, yesterday." Cody opened his phone and saw the time, "Oh, I should go study! I'll talk to you later Oras!" Cody said and walked back to his dorm.

(Night then)
Roman said:
(((( Oh no! Don't worry. It's fine, and I hope you get better soon. ))))

Alejandro Ishida

~ Ice Prince


Alejandro didn't feel like getting in trouble again, in fact he thought the idea was pretty ignorant of Astrid. Trying to plant weapons on him and make Mr. White give him ANOTHER detention. Alejandro knew he had to do something and breaking the gun was the first thing that popped in his mind. He looked at Astrid, seeing the obvious annoyance by his actions showing on her face. Being the mature young man he is, he decided to apologize. "I'm humbly sorry for doing that, but I do believe you're the one in the wrong on this one." He said, before she told him that no one touches her weapons. As they went to Mr. White's office, he spoke once more, "How about we sit together for lunch? It'd be a good way for us to put our differences aside and work together better." He asked as they entered the office. "Just tell me after this."

Alejandro stepped into the office behind Astrid, closing the door once he stepped inside. Mr. White was sitting at his desk, still eating his lunch. He looked as if he were enjoying it.
"I know I didn't make a mistake putting you together." Mr. White said after he swallowed his food. He looked at them and sighed, wiping his mouth with a napkin. "Everyone in my class is sitting next to their opposites... But you two are exact opposites. 100%." He told them. "Fire. Ice." Mr. White added. "But this is what'll make you better. I need you two to spend one day with one another, then I want to see the results of that day. if nothing changes, I'll give you both new partners. Sound good?" Alejandro smiled when he heard what he was told. He has a chance to move away from her, and he eagerly took the offer up. "We may be opposites, but we probably won't be able to agree on anything."

More Info

Location: Weapons Class

Mood: Calm

Status: Getting his new assignment

Objective: Get his assignment and go to lunch

Interacting with: Astrid, Mr. White/Taylor

Tags: @Lumina

OOC: I changed my color scheme to make it easier to read, that way it's easier so you don't have to change anything.

Roman Ishida

~ Man of Many Scars


Roman didn't have to carry, Kaori, he knew that well as she did. For some reason his body acted on its own in his opinion, but he wasn't against it. Having Kaori so close made him get a fuzzy warm feeling he had gotten when close to people like his wife Mal. He knew what that feeling meant, and he quickly found himself angry at no one but himself. He didn't say it when they were kids, so he wouldn't say it as adults either... It would be the best choice for the both of them. As they neared his room, he began to feel a little warm, and he could tell it was from Kaori, seeing how cute she looked when she rested her head against his chest.

When they made it to the room, Roman gently sat Kaori on the bed and she told him that she'd go cook when she was done resting up a bit. Roman didn't want her to move from this spot, so he shook his head and raised his free hand, the one Kaori wasn't gripping the sleeve of. Words began to come out of his mouth, and he didn't think carefully about his choice of words either, "I love you too much to make you do anything after getting sick and being pregnant to do much. I'll ju-" Roman stopped mid sentence as he had just realized what he said. "Love". Such an idiot he was. He just told himself he wouldn't say it. "Kaori... Who am I kiddin'?" He asked.

More Info

Location: His bedroom

Mood: Embarrassed

Status: Thinking about telling the truth

Objective: N/A

Interacting with: Kaori


Hyouinmaru Ishida

~ Ice Dragon with A Heart of Steel


Hyouinmaru stood up as the doctor began to finish speaking. He had said he'd help, so that's what he was going to do. He planned to do as much as he could, hoping she'd forgive him. It might sound like a lot but it's needed... In his opinion. As Hayes left out of the room, Hyou looked at his hand. The one Skylar was touching in specific. He smiled a little and took his other hand, gently patting her on the head with it. "So.. I promised to help. I'll do just that." He told her.

Hyou nodded in agreement to her words about leaving to go to the therapy. "Yeah, we should go now. I'm guessing the session is starting soon and you don't want to be late on the first day." He said, Panther gave a small nod to add his input in. Skylar then mentioned a wheelchair, which Hyou went to go get, taking it back to Skylar's bed. He scratched his head a bit, wondering how he could pick her up with out hurting her. "H-How are we going to do this?"

More Info

Location: Hospital

Mood: Calm

Status: Talking to Skylar and Dr. Hayes

Objective: Help Skylar

Interacting with: Skylar, Dr. Hayes




Kaori knew exactly when the last time she felt this warm and secure was, but she refused to think about it. Especially after... no. She wasn't going to think about it, and that was that. Even if she was carrying his kids. Either way, the warm and fuzzy feeling that she was getting by being close to Roman wasn't going away, and she hated herself a bit for it. She was sure that those feelings from her childhood were long gone by now. They were the only thing that made her feel the way she was right now. If they were here now, then she... how could she? Was it just because he was being so kind to her now? Or... was it because they never truly went away at all? Her hand never released it's grip on his sleeve, thoughts speeding through her head and not helping with her dizziness.

She figured that he'd give some kind of protest to her making food, but wasn't expecting what was going to come out of his mouth next. She froze, looking up at him with a shocked expression, the severity of his words hitting her. He... what? No. He couldn't have just said what he just said. He... loved her? But... no. He was married. Right? Then why...? He could have meant it in a family way, right? Her mind was reeling, no chance of the feelings she was trying to deny going away now. A small blush found her cheeks as her eyes remained locked on his face.
"Roman... wh-what did you...?" Kaori couldn't even get the words out, still trying to wrap her head around what he just confessed to her. Even still, while she knew that it was wrong, if he really did mean it in the way she thought, the smallest part of her couldn't help but be happy, that part of her fueled by the feelings for him from their childhood that were rapidly resurfacing.

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Skylar hadn't really thought to remove her hand from Hyou's. Without really realizing, it just felt natural to hold it. Despite her smaller size, their hands fit really well together. He was a lot warmer than she thought he'd be. Skylar had been watching Hayes leave when she had felt something on her head, and turning to look at Hyou she realized that he was petting her head. She looked at him with a slightly blank expression, simply confused from the action. But, she couldn't deny it kind of felt nice, and as Hyou got up to get the wheelchair that she had mentioned she couldn't help but blush a bit, trying to control herself before he came back.

He did pose an interesting question. How would this work. Maybe if she could get her legs over the side of the bed... but even still she'd need some help getting into the chair. Yeah her body was still kind of broken a bit, but she was better, and she guessed that as long as he didn't yank her or jostle her or pull or anything, he'd be okay to pick her up at least. She was in casts and everything at this point, considering the length of her stay so far.
"W-well... I think I'll be okay if you just pick me up, a-and place me in the chair... I trust you." It was true, she did trust him not to hurt her anymore, but she thought she probably had to convince him of that fact still. Plus, her suggestion was literally the easiest way to do it with the smallest chance of her getting hurt again, so in her mind it was the ideal choice.

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Crap. She didn't mean to look at him so rudely, and he seemed taken aback. Damn it. She shook her head, immediately protesting.
"N-no, I'm not- ...I'm not mad, I promise. I didn't mean to look at you like that... I'm sorry." With that being said, Kanon looked down at her food silently and finished it, feeling bad that she might have upset him. That was the last thing she wanted, especially when she was having such a meh day. Having her boyfriend upset at her was the last thing she wanted or needed. As he complimented her, she glanced up at him, feeling his hand take hers, signalling to her that he didn't seem to be upset. Thank god. She still felt bad though, and it showed on her face. "Yeah.. let's go."

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TheDragoon said:
((Looks like I didn't get an alert... Poo .3. I can free her up for you if you like))
Shuu sighed and looked to the side. He seemed uncomfortable about something. He also had the feeling everything was going to go to hell on him.
Lena looked worriedly at Shuu, as she slowly climbed up to sit on him, and touched his cheek

"Hey.. Sweetheart... You're sick?" She asked softly

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Check what's wrong with Shuu
Interracting with

((If our consistency keeps dropping... You can suspend it...)
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LunaCrosby said:



...........................................................................~The Scarred Light Spirit~

Asako looked up at him a bit before looking at a passing cloud, "I'm afraid if I answer that it might break me" she said.

More Info






Talking to Kenai



Interacting with: Kenai Yelil


"What?" Kenai furrowed his brows in confusion at her words...It could...break her? He looked over at her with a slightly raised brow "What an odd thing to say. How could it break you?" He asked, now really curious to what it was.
JJKab said:
"You'll get the worst ticklefest on earth." Gregory warned her, grinning mischeviously.
"Reconsider it, love" He said.

(GTG. Sleep time up in're)
Ariel was about to poke him again but paused mid poke as he warned her. "Huh...okay" she said with a giggle as she pulled her hand back.
Gregory chuckled softly, as he laid his hand on Ariel's cheek.

"As you wish..." He said, smiling lovingly at her.

"What do we do now?" He asked, smirking.

(I take it back. You'r BB code is so distinct, I really want you to bring it back :¢ )

Nona said:
Ariel was about to poke him again but paused mid poke as he warned her. "Huh...okay" she said with a giggle as she pulled her hand back.

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