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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

JJKab said:
"Sure, you will" Gregory said sarcastically, as he poked Ariel on her stomach.

~*Ariel Reaver*~

Ariel let out a squeak when she was poked in the stomach, quickly covering her mouth to silence herself for a moment before uncovering it again "What's with that tone?" She said jokingly as she poked him back "You think I couldn't prank you?" She asked.
Nonalaka said:

~*Ariel Reaver*~

Ariel let out a squeak when she was poked in the stomach, quickly covering her mouth to silence herself for a moment before uncovering it again "What's with that tone?" She said jokingly as she poked him back "You think I couldn't prank you?" She asked.
Gregory chuckled, as he poked Ariel again, slowly moving towards her

"I'mma get ya!" He said, grinning mischeviously. When he got to her, he hugged her tightly, and he sunk underwater, dragging her with him.
Roman said:
Takashi smiled down at Violetta and kissed her on the cheek. As she spoke, he listened again. To him it didn't matter of she was able to handle her emotions. She could be mad at him all the time for all he cared, he'd still love her.. Because she showed him to care for someone, even if she didn't know how herself. The sight of her smile made his own lips form a smile... He spoke softly to her...
"That's amazing. Maybe all your powers aren't gone, but as long as you're more human than goddess, then we're okay~"


~ once goddess, now human ~

...?Violetta couldn't help but laugh softly at his answer. Yeah, it'd be great if she had her powers, that way she'd be able to tell for sure if she was pregnant or not. But right now she was completely without her time-manipulating powers, so even if she wanted to, she couldn't do anything. Wiping her face one last time, Violetta moved her hand to interlace in his, and after trying and failing to stifle a yawn, she responded?...

"I wish I had my powers. That way we'd actually know for sure if we were successful. Also... we should get some rest. I'm sorry for waking you up."

no slide no slide
JJKab said:
Gregory chuckled, as he poked Ariel again, slowly moving towards her
"I'mma get ya!" He said, grinning mischeviously. When he got to her, he hugged her tightly, and he sunk underwater, dragging her with him.

~*Ariel Reaver*~

Ariel took a breath before he began to sink, taking her with him. As they went underwater she looked around before smiling at him.
"What? You thought I wasn't going to do that" He asked, kissing Ariel on her lips gently, embracing her tightly.

"Welp, you're wrong." He smiled.

Nonalaka said:

~*Ariel Reaver*~

Ariel took a breath before he began to sink, taking her with him. As they went underwater she looked around before smiling at him.

Astrid Finchett

~ weapons expert ~

...?School was actually starting up soon. That meant that Astrid needed to go sign up for classes. The girl had taken the civil war as a good thing, being able to relax and just do what she wanted rather than have to go to class and study and whatnot. She had been in her room eating nachos and watching TV when suddenly an emergency broadcast had taken over all channels, announcing the end of the civil war. Supers were free to be, well, free, and there was no more chipping that would be happening. Well that was good, not that she had really been worried about it. She wasn't really one for violence unless absolutely necessary, so despite having her ports revolve around weapons, she was glad to hear it was over. However, she wasn't glad to see that a letter had arrived in her mailbox the next day that said school was going to be resuming in a week. That meant going to classes, and studying, and homework, and all that boring stuff. Well, if that was the case, then she was going to make sure that she took easy classes that she could totally blow off and slack off in. The sign up booths weren't that far from the dorms, which she berudgingly had moved into only recently, so the walk didn't really last that long. As she walked, she adjusted her custom made sniper rifle over her shoulder, knowing that it was finally safe to carry it around again. She hated not having it on her, and even though it was easily reachable in the pocket arsenal she was able to access, she just liked physically carrying it around. Astrid felt more like herself with it slung around her shoulder. As she walked, she placed a hand to her cheek, looking upwards at an exaggerated angle as she spoke to herself about having to sign up for classes, continuing to do so as she sat at the booth and chose her classes?...

"Man, this sucks. I was really enjoying my extended vacation. Well, let's see here... ah! A weapons class, huh? That'll be super easy, totally taking that. What a blow off! Let's see... probably combat training would be good, yet another blow off, hmm, what else should I take...?"

no slide no slide
After Fricka woke up, she slowly dressed herself. She noticed thwt there was a mail in her mailbox. She got out of her dorm to get it.

"Hmm.... classes... In a week.... Sign up... Right" She sighed, as she said, as she stuffed the paper in her pocket, and went to the signing place, hoping they'd have swimming and healing.

Valter was wandering at the school, he doesn't care what class class he will take because he can choose anything anyway, he wanted to go back to his dorm but he can't do anything fun in there so he's just deciding a class to sign up.
When Fricka arrived at the place to reserve the classes, she saw a girl with a sniper rifle behind her back. She shivered slightly, not being used to seeing guns. She decided to sign up to telekinesis and healing classes, to improve on her own abilities.
JJKab said:
"H-heh.. Sorry... My tape ripped.." Lena said quietly, sitting up. She yawned, stretching out.
"How long was I gone?" She asked, smiling sheepishly
Shuu thought for a moment, then answered. "You were out for at least an hour at most." He said, eating some pasta.
WeirdPrincess said:
(( Okay ))

...?It had been a long day, but Yoshino was finally getting back home. She had been busy earlier in the day running errands, traveling to different dimensions to get certain ingredients and training. There were the kinds of things she did daily It was slightly exhausting and she felt gross, Yoshino vowed to take a shower once she reached the house. There was no way that she'd go see anyone with the smell that she had. One of the plants that she had been trying to get, sprayed some kind of purple gas that covered her completely. The smell had been putrid, luckily the smell had died down some over the course of the day, but it was still terrible. She didn't even get to kill the plant, which was the whole point of even going to that dimension. Next time, she'd wear a quarantine suit so she could avoid getting anything on her. Though that would be saved for another day, as she was nearing the big sized house. The sound of keys jiggled in her pocket as Yoshino reached her hand in and took her keys once she reached the front door, soon unlocking it and poking her head inside. As far as she saw, no one was in foyer, much to her relief. She didn't need anyone in the house commenting on her smell. Seeing that the coast was clear, Yoshino inched her way into the house and closed the front door behind her before heading over to the bathroom. Once inside, she turned on the shower, making sure the water was hot before stripping herself of her clothes and stepping inside. The temperature of the water was close to almost boiling water, but it was rather refreshing. Nothing hot ever really bother her, as she was use to the heat. She actually enjoyed the heat most of the time, unless she needed to cool off or something the she would prefer the cold. As Yoshino took a shower, her head tilted back a little as she ran a hand through her hair, letting the water cascade on her face and body. This was really what she needed. Aside from needing a of get rid of a disgusting odor, it was also used to relax and relieve some of the tension in her body. She had been slightly tense before when fighting different monsters and creatures, to the point where they started aching. The scorching shower gave her a way to relieve the pain that was in her back and shoulders. Really, she needed to loosen up a bit or she'd be sore every time she came home and that was something she didn't want. Yoshino finished her shower after some time, having gotten rid of the putrid odor with her lavender scented body wash. She stepped out of the shower and wrapped the towel around her body before trecking to both her and Kaz's room to change into a clean pair of clothes. Once that was done, she returned the towel to the bathroom and hanging it up before doing her hair. It was in its natural wavy state, which she preferred over having it straight. It didn't feel or look as nice to her when it was straightened. Yoshino fixed her hair up like she usually would before heading into the kitchen to grab something to drink. She look for Kaz or Minako afterwards, since she didn't have a clue as to where they would be or if they were home. She hadn't bothered to ask what either of them were doing today, so she didn't know if they were home or they had gone somewhere. Of course, she had left pretty early in the day and they were both still asleep so it wasn't like she could ask what they were going to do. That would mean disturbing their sleep and she didn't want to do that. As Yoshino reached the kitchen and went to grab herself a bottle of orange juice, she passed by the door to the backyard. It had been open enough for her to make out two people, though that was about it. She had been more focused on getting herself a drink, than seeing who was outside at that moment. Walking over to the fridge, she reached inside and grabbed herself a bottle of orange juice and took a sip before going over to the backdoor to see who was out back. As she pushed the door open a little more and poked her head out to see who was outside, Yoshino saw that Kaz and Minako were outside working in the garden. A smile made it way to her lips at the sight of the two. She had missed both of them throughout the day and was sad that she never really got to spend time with either of them. Her schedule was usually busy, so she never so them often and if she did it was just a quick hi or bye before she left. Though today her day had ended a little earlier than usual thanks to that stupid plant, which she swore to destroy the next time she was out. Yoshino didn't want to stress out about that so much, so she just focused on the task at hand. Still holding the bottled orange juice, she made her way outside and raised her free hand as if waving when she spoke?...

"Hey you two~ I'm home."

Kaz had just got home not too long ago himself. Minako was the first here since she had decided to come home early after signing up for school. He noticed she was in the backyard doing some gardening, and she asked if he could join her. At his delight, he accepted her invitation, but he had some stuff to do himself. Kaz went back inside and leaned his sword against his bedroom wall, and took off his uniform. He took a quick shower, which didn't last long at all. Today wasn't a busy day. Only about 4 ghosts sightings or less. After getting dressed and stuff, Kaz went back out and started gardening, laughing about some stories and jokes him and Minako were telling one another. When Yoshino had came out, the two looked up at her and gave her a happy smile.

"Hey babe~"

"Hey mom! Wanna join us?"


LunaCrosby said:
Misaki looked at him, "uh-huh, a little mud doesn't count as dirty" she said.
Mal grabbed a handful of mud in her hand and looked at Roman, she then put the handful in his hair and smeared it around, "Now we're even"
Roman sat there, with mud on his head, laughing lightly. "You two are evil. Evil little witches." He said, before Misaki was in the mud again being hugged by her father, who had also pulled Mal into a hug. "Now you have even more mud on you~ You both do~"
Lumina said:

~ once goddess, now human ~

...?Violetta couldn't help but laugh softly at his answer. Yeah, it'd be great if she had her powers, that way she'd be able to tell for sure if she was pregnant or not. But right now she was completely without her time-manipulating powers, so even if she wanted to, she couldn't do anything. Wiping her face one last time, Violetta moved her hand to interlace in his, and after trying and failing to stifle a yawn, she responded?...

"I wish I had my powers. That way we'd actually know for sure if we were successful. Also... we should get some rest. I'm sorry for waking you up."

no slide no slide no slide
Takashi smiled a little more and planted a kiss on Violetta's forehead. Yes, if she had her powers, this could have been done already, but that wasn't what they wanted to do. Violetta had turned into a human for a reason and if she were to turn back into a goddess it'd be for nothing, so he was surprised to see her going through this so well. Other people probably would have returned to their normal state and not live in such a place a human has to. He then spoke, a light laugh following his words when he finished...

"Don't worry about it. I was going to wake up anyways... Besides, I do have to go to the bathroom, so if you could just step out for a moment, thatdrbe great."
TheDragoon said:
Shuu thought for a moment, then answered. "You were out for at least an hour at most." He said, eating some pasta.
Lena smiled sheepishly, as she stood up, yawning.

"What did I miss, bucko?" She asked, smiling slyly at Shuu, as she approached him.
Lumina said:

Astrid Finchett
~ weapons expert ~

...?School was actually starting up soon. That meant that Astrid needed to go sign up for classes. The girl had taken the civil war as a good thing, being able to relax and just do what she wanted rather than have to go to class and study and whatnot. She had been in her room eating nachos and watching TV when suddenly an emergency broadcast had taken over all channels, announcing the end of the civil war. Supers were free to be, well, free, and there was no more chipping that would be happening. Well that was good, not that she had really been worried about it. She wasn't really one for violence unless absolutely necessary, so despite having her ports revolve around weapons, she was glad to hear it was over. However, she wasn't glad to see that a letter had arrived in her mailbox the next day that said school was going to be resuming in a week. That meant going to classes, and studying, and homework, and all that boring stuff. Well, if that was the case, then she was going to make sure that she took easy classes that she could totally blow off and slack off in. The sign up booths weren't that far from the dorms, which she berudgingly had moved into only recently, so the walk didn't really last that long. As she walked, she adjusted her custom made sniper rifle over her shoulder, knowing that it was finally safe to carry it around again. She hated not having it on her, and even though it was easily reachable in the pocket arsenal she was able to access, she just liked physically carrying it around. Astrid felt more like herself with it slung around her shoulder. As she walked, she placed a hand to her cheek, looking upwards at an exaggerated angle as she spoke to herself about having to sign up for classes, continuing to do so as she sat at the booth and chose her classes?...

"Man, this sucks. I was really enjoying my extended vacation. Well, let's see here... ah! A weapons class, huh? That'll be super easy, totally taking that. What a blow off! Let's see... probably combat training would be good, yet another blow off, hmm, what else should I take...?"

no slide no slide no slide

? Alejandro ISHIDA?

Alejandro had finally made it to his last task on the list of things he had to do for his father. Sign up for... School. Oh man, even the name made him want to vomit in his mouth. He's been here once, but never really got the chance to sign-up because the civil war started and he was chipped. Luckily for him, his father removed the chip when everyday was over and it deactivated. Once he finally made it there, he looked up at the building. The place was massive, and actually quite nice... Though he was thinking more along the lines of how boring this place was going to be. As he made his way to the sign-up sheet, he applied for a weapon class and stared down at the rest of the classes. He soon signed up for his core classes, before speaking quietly to himself...

"I guess that's it for now... I'll go exploring for now I guess..."

Roman said:
Roman sat there, with mud on his head, laughing lightly. "You two are evil. Evil little witches." He said, before Misaki was in the mud again being hugged by her father, who had also pulled Mal into a hug. "Now you have even more mud on you~ You both do~"
Misaki whined a bit. "It feel's so weird" she said and put her hand in the mud, taking a handful and putting it on his neck.

Mal blinked, "Your about to be covered in it" she said and scooped up some mud.

JJKab said:
Lena smiled sheepishly, as she stood up, yawning.
"What did I miss, bucko?" She asked, smiling slyly at Shuu, as she approached him.
Shuu snickered teasingly. "You missed the best part, the part where I tear your fort down." He said jokingly.
TheDragoon said:
Shuu snickered teasingly. "You missed the best part, the part where I tear your fort down." He said jokingly.
Lena laughed, as she wapped her hands around Shuu's neck, standing behind him

"Maybe you'll get to the point that I'll allow you to do that" She said, teasingly kissing Shuu's neck.
(I am, Fricka is at the school actually, she's heading towards her dorms... pretty lost in thought)
(Sure. Who will start?)

LunaCrosby said:
(alright, I can send Zero or Ryouko to her. since they are the only two I can think of that would currently be at the school.)

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