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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds








At the moment, Lumina had been too lost in her own thoughts to notice what Kenji had been doing. Her thoughts were jumbled, hopping between different aspects of the wedding all at once. From the cake to the venue to the seating arrangements to the guests to the dress... oh gods, the dress! It w as at the point where the phoenix forgot where she was and who she was with, completely engrossed in her thoughts. Only when Kenji bent down and kissed her cheek did she snap out of it, and the feeling of his lips on her cheek made her eyes widen, completely freezing her flustered actions. Moving her gaze up to meet her fiancée's, a blush slowly bloomed on her cheeks as she blinked up at his smiling gaze. Of course, she had no way of knowing what Kenji was currently thinking of. For her, it had been mere hours between when Akira destroyed Euphoria and then brought it back, and it was unbeknownst to her that Kenji had died at all. Normally, she would have felt something happen. Their pair bond would have let her know that something was wrong, but this time there was nothing. Like nothing had happened at all. Because of this, Lumina had no reason to think that anything was wrong at all, and went about her day as normal, thinking that Kenji was simply busy rather than, well, dead. Though at the moment, it was probably a good thing she didn't know he had died, as things between them had finally settled back down into normalcy and she finally felt fairly okay.

His words did bring a sense of relief to her overwhelming sense of doom regarding the wedding. Lumina remembered at dinner with Asuka and Akira that the former would help plan the wedding with her, but the phoenix hadn't seen her since the hospital. She wouldn't be surprised if Asuka thought she was dead or something. In this regard, Lumina was kind of scared to see Asuka again, not really sure how she'd be able to handle the reunion, or how Asuka would either. But that was in the past. Here and now, Kenji was proclaiming he'd help with wedding planning every step of the way. That was a good sign, considering that she had no idea what to do in regards to planning a wedding in the first place. Lumina's face relaxed into a nervous yet relieved smile, rubbing the back of her head sheepishly.
"That's a relief, I'm glad to hear that." It was kind of an awkward reply, but still true nonetheless. She couldn't imagine trying to get married without him anyways.

Honestly, as confused as she was, she was glad training was over at least for now, though she knew they'd probably pick it up tomorrow in class. Lumina didn't want to burden Kenji with her ineptitude, so her thoughts drifted back to her days of training on Ecrilia. Finding secluded places where she wasn't seen, all alone to practice things without judgement from passing eyes. This would probably be her plan during the school and during her training with Kenji. To not hold him back, she had to do some things on her own, and push herself past her breaking point in an environment where Kenji wouldn't see. Shed feel bad if she worried him in that sense.

"S-so, since you said were done training, what are we going to do now? Class is still going on..." Lumina asked, glancing around at the other sparring matches happened. There was so much going on that she could barely keep up with it all, at least when she was facing off against Kenji she had something to focus on. Now that they were done, she wasn't sure what was coming next.

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charleen said:
Nico was pretty bored and felt that playtime was over. Therefore, she left the combat class, and ventured out to the school campus. Somehow she ended up by the school entrance. Crazy. Anyways, she looked over the area and promptly saw a guy leaning over the entrance. She never saw him before, but she likes meeting new people. She slowly walked up to him.
"Uhh hi!!"

She said, cheerfully. Nico smiled back at him.
Drakon looked in her direction and narrowed his eyes. Tch. "What do you want?" He said with a firey aura about him... One that didn't seem all too friendly.
Mayyflower said:
Lillith tilted her head. "Ch-ur-ros..?" she tried to pronounce. "Whats a churrios?" she asks
Harper went ahead and paid for them to get in and they walked through the gates. "So which ride first?" she asks
Hiro blinked and sighed. "You don't know what churros are? I'll buy you one later, for now let's just decide on which ride to go on first." Hiro said.
Angelostar4 said:
Sophia slowly outstretched her hand towards the cat, and pats it's head gently. She then nods her head in response towards the girl's reply. "That's good, very good." She says taking her hand off the black cat. "My name is Sophia, Sophia Highwind. It's good to see someone like you enjoying the good morning sun."



School courtyard




Introducing herself



Interacting with:




~Elaena Rillas~

"Someone like me?" She asked, her head drooping to the side lazily as she questioned her. Realising the girl had just introduced herself Elaena straightened her posture again, deciding it would be best to do the same "Elaena, Elaena Rillas" she said before frowning and tapping her chin "Huh, doesn't sound as cool when I do that, you have a better name" she said before a gentle laugh escaped her lips.

It had been quite a while since Ai had been in her physical form. The last time was probably when she signed up for FHS on a whim, and that was... well, quite a while ago. She did enjoy some aspects of the physical world, though, but she also found it to be extremely limiting as well. Her preference remained with staying digital.

"I can do all the prep work from here, as long as I'm near that." She pointed down at his phone. She could still access the Internet and everything she needed without actually going inside, it was just more difficult. Like remote access instead of direct. Once he really got started she knew she needed to go back in, but that could wait. "But yes, I do plan on going back in once you're ready to go. World War III doesn't really sound all that fun to me."

@Wicked Jester
@Wicked Jester[/URL]


~Yuna Yelil~

Ah right, she forgot that he didn't know where anything was. Blowing some air from her cheeks she rested her elbows on the table with her head on her hands "Let's see then..." She mumbled as she thought about where exactly they could go. If it were up to her, shed want to go to the place that teaches archery, she loved going there to practice. But she wanted to make sute that C4 got to relax too since it was his day off and he wouldn't be getting another for a while. "Well this is supposed to be a relaxing day for you right? I guess we could go to the park for now then maybe see a movie or something? Or play games at the arcade? Or i have sone games at my home too or...well, we'll work out the second bit later..." She suggested, throwing ideas out there. "Its not often I have to make plans with someone, sorry if my suggestions are a bit...meh" she said, giving a thumbs down and pulling a silly face for a moment before she said 'Meh'



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TheDragoon said:
Nexus then remembered something important. "Wait, we should check on Axel before going. He decided to rest remember?" He asked her. Akuma flashed in her eyes again and vanished... As if she couldn't stop seeing her, but it was really Akuma tormenting her. She could feel a burning sensation on her hand. He was writing his demon signature on her.
Ilaani looked over to him as he spoke "Oh, right. Of cour-" she froze again as the image flashed in her eyes once more, she quietly cleared her throat to try to cover up the fact she randomly stopped talking, when bringing her hand up to do so she could feel her hand burning. Furrowing her brows she looked down at her hand to inspect it.
Roman said:

Alejandro Ishida

~ Ice Prince


Alejandro wss genuinely worried about Astrid. She was the first person here who didn't seem to worry about how much drama was revolved around him and she wasn't obsessed with him either. He knew it might have seemed like he disliked her, but he didn't and he felt it was time they became friends and drop the hate... And well everything he said was true. He wondered if she knew what he meant though when he told her those things.

His mind had overflowed with thoughts, and he wanted to tell her more, but she would probably think he was some sort of weirdo... So he kept his mouth shut after the first time. As they reached the nurse's office, Alejandro was quickly pulled away from Astrid so they could be examined. "W-Wait..." He said, reaching for Astrid, but the nurses paid no attention and went straight to examining his ankle. Their first order was for him to return to his original form, which he did. His hair was once again blue and his clothes turned casual. After this, the nurses got to work. It was confirmed that he had messed his ankle up pretty bad and he was issued a pair of crutches. How was he supposed to tell Mr. Fukushima he would have to sit out of class until his ankle heals?

Once the crutches were given to Alejandro and his ankle was in a brace, he slowly got up and practiced moving around on the crutches. He quickly got the hang of moving around with them and in no time made his way over to Astrid, only to find her laying down with her eyes closed. Alejandro slowly looked down at her, his face naturally emotional, but deep down inside he was worried, it was able to tell through his voice, and how low it was, "Here we are... You're the one... Laying in a bed all beat up." He said, taking a seat on the bed, apologizing as he sat down, "Sorry... The crutches are sort of uncomfortable.."

More Info

Location: Nurse's office

Mood: Pained, calm

Status: Waiting for Astrid to wake up

Objective: Talk with Astrid

Interacting with: Astrid

Tags: @Lumina



Astrid hadn't been laying down long when Alejandro came in, though she had tried to hear how the nurse's were saying he was doing. She couldn't shake the sense of worry that overtook her mind when she saw him limping toward the nurse's office. It was one of the reasons she hated being treated now, because less people were available to check on him. When in reality, she was probably the one that needed more attention, but Astrid was too stubborn to admit it. The dizziness had started to pass as an Alejandro on crutches came over to her bed, sitting down next to it. She opened her eyes and glanced sideways at him, trying to see how he was doing. Looked like all it was was a busted ankle... that was good. For a moment, her expression relaxed into one of relief at the sight that he was doing alright, but it was at that moment a nurse came into the room.

"Ms. Finchett, I apologize, but I'm going to need you to sit up for a moment. We need to get your shoulder in a sling."

The expression of relief was gone, exchanged for a slightly pained one as Astrid used her good arm to sit up. Her eyes remained down in her lap as her arm was gingerly placed in a sling and set tightly against her body. When that was finished, it was explained that they'd be back to set up an appointment for an actual doctor to come check out hers (and Alejandro's) injuries and take the necessary, proper precautions. For now, this would be their temporary solution. Astrid said nothing during this, trying not to feel defeated by the whole ordeal. Stupid ambush. If she would have been able to grab her gun a moment sooner... well, there was nothing she could do about it now.
"What a great first day, right?" Her tone of voice was dripping with sarcasm, failing to mask hints of being really upset with how the day went. This school was supposed to be her chance at a better life, and all she had spent of the year so far was arguing with someone who just wanted to be her friend and being injured. This whole ordeal made her feel really sorry about the way she treated Alejandro, but she wasn't sure how he'd feel about that. He had gotten pretty fed up with her too. Astrid wouldn't be surprised if he was just here next to her out of requirement for their assignment. Rather, she expected that. He seemed the type to follow the rules to a T, not willing to deviate from them. But he was here anyways, and truthfully, Astrid was glad he was.

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Lumina said:
It had been quite a while since Ai had been in her physical form. The last time was probably when she signed up for FHS on a whim, and that was... well, quite a while ago. She did enjoy some aspects of the physical world, though, but she also found it to be extremely limiting as well. Her preference remained with staying digital.
"I can do all the prep work from here, as long as I'm near that." She pointed down at his phone. She could still access the Internet and everything she needed without actually going inside, it was just more difficult. Like remote access instead of direct. Once he really got started she knew she needed to go back in, but that could wait. "But yes, I do plan on going back in once you're ready to go. World War III doesn't really sound all that fun to me."

@Wicked Jester
Jack smirked, "Nice. I'll just suppress their awareness to the legitimacy of the documents so they shouldn't question it anyway. As long as the documents exist in the right places we'll be fine. " Continuing his walk towards the embassy Jack smiled coldly, "besides, would world war III really be that bad? I mean humans kill each other on a daily basis, all it would be to them is an excuse to kill even more... Ah well. Pulling this off correctly only means less trouble for us." Reaching the first security checkpoint black sludge surrounded jack's hand and a FBI badge appeared in his hand and jack suppressed the on duty guard's will to check the badge for authenticity and awareness that the picture didn't match Jacks face, so he opened the gate with Ai in tow. Reaching the front door he looked at her and shrugged. "All set?"
Nona said:
Ilaani looked over to him as he spoke "Oh, right. Of cour-" she froze again as the image flashed in her eyes once more, she quietly cleared her throat to try to cover up the fact she randomly stopped talking, when bringing her hand up to do so she could feel her hand burning. Furrowing her brows she looked down at her hand to inspect it.
The burning sensation had already stopped. There was a faint outline of the name of Akuma on her arm, but only half complete. It looked like another force interfered before Akuma could finish. Lucky duck. Nexus had already started going to the living room to inspect the room.
Nona said:







Thinking of where to go


Find somewhere to go

Interacting with:



@Wicked Jester

~Yuna Yelil~

Ah right, she forgot that he didn't know where anything was. Blowing some air from her cheeks she rested her elbows on the table with her head on her hands "Let's see then..." She mumbled as she thought about where exactly they could go. If it were up to her, shed want to go to the place that teaches archery, she loved going there to practice. But she wanted to make sute that C4 got to relax too since it was his day off and he wouldn't be getting another for a while. "Well this is supposed to be a relaxing day for you right? I guess we could go to the park for now then maybe see a movie or something? Or play games at the arcade? Or i have sone games at my home too or...well, we'll work out the second bit later..." She suggested, throwing ideas out there. "Its not often I have to make plans with someone, sorry if my suggestions are a bit...meh" she said, giving a thumbs down and pulling a silly face for a moment before she said 'Meh'

((C4 sucks at archery... or even really shooting guns xD theres a reason he uses sawnoff shotguns xD ))

C4 blinked as she pulled the silly face and had to resist the urge to hug and pet her again, thinking about the options she provided him with, unsure of which to choose. He wouldn't feel right accepting her offer to go with her to her house... although if her family was home he felt it would turn out quite interesting if they tried to challenge him... then thinking about this he shook his head and drove the thought out of his mind. it was his day off, he shouldn't be thinking about picking a fight. "No your suggestions are fine. I guess we could go to the arcade or something..."
TheDragoon said:
Drakon looked in her direction and narrowed his eyes. Tch. "What do you want?" He said with a firey aura about him... One that didn't seem all too friendly.
Nico's eyes widened in shock, and she even took a couple steps back from him. She looked down, not wanting to make eye contact with the guy. She fiddled with her fingers and pouted slightly.

"Nothing.. Just thought you would've said hi back..?"

She said softly.
TheDragoon said:
The burning sensation had already stopped. There was a faint outline of the name of Akuma on her arm, but only half complete. It looked like another force interfered before Akuma could finish. Lucky duck. Nexus had already started going to the living room to inspect the room.
Ilaani looked over her hand, noticing the barely visible outline that was on it. With a confused expression she turned her attention away from her hand and looked in front of her, noticing that Nexus had already walked off into the living room. Pulling her jacket sleeve down over the marking on her arm she then followed Nexus into the living room.
Sophia just rubs the back of her head a little bit, before offering it to Elaena. "Nonsense. I think your name is just as good as my own." She gives the girl a little smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you Elaena."

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charleen said:
Nico's eyes widened in shock, and she even took a couple steps back from him. She looked down, not wanting to make eye contact with the guy. She fiddled with her fingers and pouted slightly.
"Nothing.. Just thought you would've said hi back..?"

She said softly.
Drakon growled a little. "What? Your going to try and be my friend or something? Dream on kid..." He said as he looked off into space. The girl seemed nice enough to approach him so... Might as well try to be a little nicer. "Your name kid?" He asked her.
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]
Jack smirked, "Nice. I'll just suppress their awareness to the legitimacy of the documents so they shouldn't question it anyway. As long as the documents exist in the right places we'll be fine. " Continuing his walk towards the embassy Jack smiled coldly, "besides, would world war III really be that bad? I mean humans kill each other on a daily basis, all it would be to them is an excuse to kill even more... Ah well. Pulling this off correctly only means less trouble for us." Reaching the first security checkpoint black sludge surrounded jack's hand and a FBI badge appeared in his hand and jack suppressed the on duty guard's will to check the badge for authenticity and awareness that the picture didn't match Jacks face, so he opened the gate with Ai in tow. Reaching the front door he looked at her and shrugged. "All set?"

"Right. Of course. Here, gimme that." Ai took Jack's phone from his hand as he explained what was going to be happening, her eyes flashing a bit as she entered the embassy's database. Security systems were useless against her as she collected the necessary documents, encrypting them and sending them to Jack so only he (and herself, of course) could access them. For added measure, she already changed the name and picture and all required information for him, as it was easy enough for her to acquire and replace in the document. Once the documents were remade, she made sure they'd be applicable in the system, just in case. As they walked through the gate, it just looked like she was his bored girlfriend who was more interested in texting than him. Once through, Ai handed him back the phone, grinning a bit at her work. "All done~ you have all necessary clearances and all documentation has been created for you. I'll hop back in and make sure things go smoothly for you on the other side, though a girl just disappearing into a phone might look kind of conspicious."

Nona said:
Ilaani looked over her hand, noticing the barely visible outline that was on it. With a confused expression she turned her attention away from her hand and looked in front of her, noticing that Nexus had already walked off into the living room. Pulling her jacket sleeve down over the marking on her arm she then followed Nexus into the living room.
Axel had already got up and left. There was note next to the couch. It read, "I decided to bounce by Kotori's place as soon as possible. I'll be back later tonight. -Axel" in neat handwriting. Nexus let out a sigh after he read the note. "I hope he gets back safe..."
Angelostar4 said:
Sophia just rubs the back of her head a little bit, before offering it to Elaena. "Nonsense. I think your name is just as good as my own." She gives the girl a little smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you Elaena."
Elaena smiled back taking her hand and shaking it. "I'm glad you think so" she said with a small laugh "Its nice to meet you too" she continued as she petted the cat on her lap after letting go of Sophia's hand "So..." she leaned back on the bench a little, now sitting in a more relaxed position "...Why are you out here and not in class?" She asked curiously.
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]((C4 sucks at archery... or even really shooting guns xD theres a reason he uses sawnoff shotguns xD ))
C4 blinked as she pulled the silly face and had to resist the urge to hug and pet her again, thinking about the options she provided him with, unsure of which to choose. He wouldn't feel right accepting her offer to go with her to her house... although if her family was home he felt it would turn out quite interesting if they tried to challenge him... then thinking about this he shook his head and drove the thought out of his mind. it was his day off, he shouldn't be thinking about picking a fight. "No your suggestions are fine. I guess we could go to the arcade or something..."

((Oh well Yuna is pretty good xD good thing she thought against it then of he sucks at it ))

Hearing her suggestions were fine, Yuna smiled "Good, because those were the best I could think of" she said with a slight giggle. "The arcade it is then~" she said, flashing another smile before standing up from her seat and grabbing her bag "Shall we get going?~"
Nona said:
Elaena smiled back taking her hand and shaking it. "I'm glad you think so" she said with a small laugh "Its nice to meet you too" she continued as she petted the cat on her lap after letting go of Sophia's hand "So..." she leaned back on the bench a little, now sitting in a more relaxed position "...Why are you out here and not in class?" She asked curiously.
"Wait!? It's class time!? Shoot!" She panicked. "Hold on... why isn't she in class?" Sophia decides to calm her mind. "Um... I simply didn't know that it was class time Elaena, that's all." Sophia says after shaking her hand, and sits on the bench in a more relaxing way. "But, Elaena. Why are you not in class?"
TheDragoon said:
Drakon growled a little. "What? Your going to try and be my friend or something? Dream on kid..." He said as he looked off into space. The girl seemed nice enough to approach him so... Might as well try to be a little nicer. "Your name kid?" He asked her.
"Wow someone woke up at wrong side of the bed.."

She snickered softly, hoping he wouldn't hear it. Nico sighed and looked into the distance as well, but refocused her attention back to 'grumpy'. She crossed her arms slightly.

"You can call me Nico,"

She said, nodding.
TheDragoon said:
Axel had already got up and left. There was note next to the couch. It read, "I decided to bounce by Kotori's place as soon as possible. I'll be back later tonight. -Axel" in neat handwriting. Nexus let out a sigh after he read the note. "I hope he gets back safe..."
Ilaani stood behind Nexus, peeking over his shoulder to read the note. As Nexus spoke, Ilaani nodded. If it had have been any other time she would have just said that she was sure he'd be fine...but seeing those 'visions' for back of a better description she wasn't so sure "N-" she stopped herself from speaking, the news of those visions on the tip of her tongue, wondering was it okay to say. After all, she could have been imagining those things...

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