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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Mayyflower said:
Lillith frowned and walked out of the room. "Okay..." She says sadly as she went into her room
Harper walked out of Hiros room. "Welp.." She sighed
Hiro turned to look at her. "Think she'll be alright?" He asked her.
Lumina said:
Achilles change of plans did surprise Kanon, but it allowed her a chance to actually think of what to do next. His stance kept them in a pretty tight lock, and if he kept pushing backwards then she'd lose her footing and completely fall under his grip. His shoulder into her arms and chest was bit of a blunter blow than she expected, but it still packed a punch. She was breathing hard at this point, but it was the first good fight she'd had in quite a while. Kanon held her ground as much as she could, but Achilles was using his weight against her, and was winning out even with a busted arm. Thinking more on instinct than anything, Kanon teleported out of his grip, appearing behind him and kicking his back, knowing that without holding her, his posture wasnt balance to hold himself up. This was a lot of fun actually. Finally, a decent challenge. Not knowing his teetering mental state, Kanon yelled out as she aimed her foot for his upper back/ shoulderblade area. "Cmon, is that the best you've got?? Bring it, Achilles!"
(This is going to get dark real quick, maybe a powerful character may need to intercede to try and stop the fight. Maybe.)

The foot to his back was what snapped Achilles. No longer was he sparring his lover. Now he was in full warlust mode. Warlust is love/war combined. Achilles form changed for a final time. Now he was truly a golden mechanical lion, with glowing red eyes. Whatever was human was lost to the need to completely and utterly dominate his lover/opponent. With a powerful back arch, he bucked her foot off of his bladed back. His barbed and bladed tail swished seductively. The lovers game was on. Mechilles began to circle Kanon, sizing her up like a slab of beef. "Do not look away, lover, or you will be sorry." it spoke as it circled faster. Faster still. Until it was a blur of motion circling its prize. And in the confusion it leapt at her, when she tried to follow, leaping on her when she was looking away, trying to track his motion. The smell of her sweet scented sweat intoxicated him further, as it clamped its mouth on her shoulder, not to break skin, but to pull her down.

Kagami frowned at Roy's comment.

She always winned ,right?

The dark daggers came from behind her hitting both of her legs and shoulder. Ignoring the damage she swang her scythe twice aiming at Roy's chest.

"Bleeding won't keep me down" she growled.

[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]Roy growled, "Guess I should try harder?" he grinned, making a swiping motion with his hand again, creating a broadsword out of dark magic, which he catches, swinging it at the scythe to stop it with a metallic hiss, "It's time for you to know that you won't always win!" he said, highly determined. The sword disappears, several dozens of dark spears appearing around him, which fire rapidly at Kagami. Roy's face seems lively like he's running with adrenaline.
((A theme not part of Roy's themes, but shows Roy's determination to show Kagami a lesson that she wouldn't always win.))

TheDragoon said:
Hiro turned to look at her. "Think she'll be alright?" He asked her.
Harper rubbed the back of her neck. "This is the first time she's been away from both parents so I don't really know.." She says
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]((Lumina I think your fonts are getting smaller each post xD ))
Jack blinked and smiled before leaning back in his chair and speaking,

"Hmm but Pixel girl might take to long to say, and you're kinda like a fairy on my phone, so how about Pixy? I rather like that."

Smiling Jack sat there drinking his coffee and sandwich planning on waiting until he was almost done, in the meantime he wondering how much the local crime bosses Jack was having Ai stream this to were shiting themselves right now. He had warned them what would happen if they went against him yet they hadn't listened to him and it was time they learned the price for that. Smiling Jack sat there before muttering into his headset,


As soon as he called for Ai to kill the cameras, a black sludge like liquid appeared around him causing all other patrons in the café to tune towards him and he mentally counted out the seconds in his head.


The black sludge shot out slashing through every other patron in the vicinity and spreading throughout the café dicing and killing everyone in the building


Even as the black sludge slaughtered and devoured the people within the café, it restricted the way the blood fell, repeatedly spelling out the fraise "Paid in Blood".


At this point paid in blood had been scrolled hundreds if not thousands of times on the wall and floor, eviscerated limbs and guts strewn all across the café with Jack still sitting at his table as he finished the count in his head, 4,5,6,7,8,9,10.

"You can turn the cameras back on Ai."

Politely finishing his sandwich, Jack stood and tossed exact change on the tales before smirking at the cameras and walking out of the café and addressing Ai

"So, thoughts on my little demonstration?"

Ai awaited Jack's orders, maintaining all of the streams while chilling inside the security camera. She turned it to look at him as he spoke, and her voice laughed in his Bluetooth headpiece. "Pixy. I like it." She never really had any nicknames before other than her self-given moniker, but that didn't really count. Moving the security camera away, Jack soon gave the order, and the feed cut out right on his mark. Though, she could still see what was happening. Ai had seen some messed up videos before, but nothing actually happening right in front of her. "Wow, that's pretty messed up~" she teased, but truthfully she found it actually quite awesome to watch. It was meticulous, artistic, and sadistic. It definitely left a message, that was for sure. When the ten seconds were up, Ai hopped back into the phone, giving him a victory sign with her fingers. "Easy peasy. Your methods are a work of art, I do have to say, Mister... wait, I don't actually know your name. I never bothered to check."

Kisaki said:
Kagami frowned at Roy's comment.
She always winned ,right?

The dark daggers came from behind her hitting both of her legs and shoulder. Ignoring the damage she swang her scythe twice aiming at Roy's chest.

"Bleeding won't keep me down" she growled.
Roy tried to summon the sword again, but was kinda rushed and ended up with a giant dark carrot. He manages to block the first blow, but after the second blow, the carrot breaks, making Kagami hurt a glancing blow at Roy.

Roy leaps away, the cut on his chest sealing with dark magic "It seems obvious bleeding won't do too much." he curled his hand into a fist and held it in front of him, which makes veins of dark magic appear on his arms and torso, then shoots several dark magic beams at Kagami

TheDragoon said:
Syo shook his head. "There are more than one way to fly and be free." He said gently with a happy smile. He then picked her up into the air and winked. "All you need to do is believe in yourself and don't let anything distract you. Break the sound barrier." He said a bit childishly.
Emi blinked and stared at him, she remembered this guy, but he obviously didn't remember her, so why bother saying anything? "Everything distracts me, i'm part cat after all, dangle a string and you have my attention for hours on end" she said.
Jofune Tsurabisu]Paris held her close enjoying the comfort and warmth. This was truly the best. (The movie Armageddon) [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16519-mayyflower/ said:
By the time the movie was over origami had fell asleep on Paris
Kagami rosed her eyebrow. A carrot? She shook her head. Kagami was hit again by a beam in her shoulder.

She flinched at her pain , but she kept running at Roy. She did a spinning attack then threw a dagger at Roy's leg.

" You are really persistent , aren't you" she said while attacking.


[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]Roy tried to summon the sword again, but was kinda rushed and ended up with a giant dark carrot. He manages to block the first blow, but after the second blow, the carrot breaks, making Kagami hurt a glancing blow at Roy.
Roy leaps away, the cut on his chest sealing with dark magic "It seems obvious bleeding won't do too much." he curled his hand into a fist and held it in front of him, which makes veins of dark magic appear on his arms and torso, then shoots several dark magic beams at Kagami

Angelostar4 said:
"Chinese food? Hmmm.... yeah!" As Sophia thought of that, she nods her head yes to Lena's suggestion. "I haven't ate chinese food in awhile, so let's head there."
...❧Lena grinned. Perfect. Today started off less than ideal, but it seemed things were looking up. Her stomach growled again, and a light blush came to her cheeks at the sound and feeling. How embarrassing. They had soon made it to town and the restaurant was already in view, with Lena nodding her head at it❧...

"It's right over there. Lets go, I'm starving!"
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]
Fenris smirked, his smoke still tickling her under the covers, teasing her slightly,
"I wouldn't mind that. I think you'd look cute when begging from withdrawals..."

Fenris was about to see about going for round 3 when his phone began vibrating from across the room. Disappearing from beside Isuzu, Ferris boredly answered the phone, his smoke still playing with Isuzu beneath the covers as he listened to the voice on the other end flipping the phone shut.

Isuzu grinned slyly at him, enjoying the feeling of his smoke on her. It seemed she had found a new favorite feeling. "Cheeky aren't you?~ I guess you'll just have to see if you can get me to that point... or maybe I'll get you to beg me to give in. Wouldn't that be fun?~" A shiver ran up her back as the smoke drifted somewhere nice, slightly drunk not off that alcohol but instead on the feelings and sensations he was giving her. Despite this, she was able to keep a part of her head clear, noticing how he was answering his phone and not seeming interested by it in the slightest. "Who was that?" she asked, slightly curious. Isuzu's guess was probably work, or something along those lines.
Lumina said:
...❧Lena grinned. Perfect. Today started off less than ideal, but it seemed things were looking up. Her stomach growled again, and a light blush came to her cheeks at the sound and feeling. How embarrassing. They had soon made it to town and the restaurant was already in view, with Lena nodding her head at it❧...
"It's right over there. Lets go, I'm starving!"
With the restaurant in sight and her stomach growling mad, she runs over to it, and opens the door. Though she would just love to rush in and take a seat inside, she has to show Lena proper respect. After all, she is offering her to eat and she did show her this place. With a smile, she holds the door open for Lena, and wait for her to enter first.
Of course, Kanon hadn't seen this change coming, and seeing the transformation honestly surprised her a bit. Though, now really wasn't the time for surprises, so she made a mental note to ask him after she won. Sure he was stronger, but she was quicker and smaller. She figured that at least had to help somewhat. As Mechilles started circling, Kanon did attempt to follow him, but her eyes soon were unable to catch up, and suddenly she felt sharp pressures on her shoulder as he bit into it, trying to push her down. She felt the weight pressing on her, his stature and armor much bigger than herself and much heavier. Her legs were bound to give out if she tried to resist this way, so she tucked her shoulders downward into a smonersault, attempting to dislodge him from the impact of him suddenly being lurched forward. Though, in doing so, her shoulder pushed into the teeth of the lion, breaking skin and sending razor sharp metallic teeth directly into the flesh of her shoulder. She cried out but mixed it in with the grunt of exertion of rolling herself forward and rolling all of Mechilles' weight from behind her to suddenly in front.
Rini frowned gently as he told the story, it seemed even more sad now with the explanation to accompany it. Though, as she listened to the story, she was now being held, which was both calming and a bit shocking since she wasn't expecting it really. "That poor girl..." She said quietly when he had finished telling the story. Hearing the mention of tea being wonderful brought a smile to the young girl's face, though she was a bit reluctant to go actually get tea for a moment as she was finding great comfort in the position she was currently in now that the initial shock had long subsided. "Shall we get going then?" She asked curiously after a moment or two.
((Anyone free? c: I'm thinking of taking another interaction~))
Lumina said:
Ai awaited Jack's orders, maintaining all of the streams while chilling inside the security camera. She turned it to look at him as he spoke, and her voice laughed in his Bluetooth headpiece. "Pixy. I like it." She never really had any nicknames before other than her self-given moniker, but that didn't really count. Moving the security camera away, Jack soon gave the order, and the feed cut out right on his mark. Though, she could still see what was happening. Ai had seen some messed up videos before, but nothing actually happening right in front of her. "Wow, that's pretty messed up~" she teased, but truthfully she found it actually quite awesome to watch. It was meticulous, artistic, and sadistic. It definitely left a message, that was for sure. When the ten seconds were up, Ai hopped back into the phone, giving him a victory sign with her fingers. "Easy peasy. Your methods are a work of art, I do have to say, Mister... wait, I don't actually know your name. I never bothered to check."
Jack laughed, this girl was just his style and far more interesting than any other girl he had met before. Too bad she lived on his phone. Walking down the street as police pulled to the front of the café behind him, he spoke cheerfully into the Bluetooth.

"The name's Jack "The CROWN" Prince. Jack, Crown, or Prince all work though Pixy. So that's my message sent, where do you wanna go now? Well I mean... I guess if you're on my phone you're not actually going anywhere but whatever. Was there some where you wanted me to take you?"

Jack had no other plans for the day other than to mess around with his hopefully entertaining new friend, so asking such a question felt natural to him.
TheDragoon said:
Aiden laughed a little. "It still needs to DEVELOP the ability to respond. It'll take some time. We can go to a hospital to check if you like." He said. "They can check if you have a child."
Nissa: "How do they check?" Very curious about the whole process.
Kisaki said:
(Sorry for late reply, got off the PC and forgot I posted that)

Serena looked around the pizza parlor, it was nice and old looking, then she saw the waiter bringing out their pizza, the waiter set it down on the table, it was pretty big, almost the size of the whole table itself, he then set the peppers on Serena's side, and walked away, "Wow this is uh...wow..." she said, she's never seen such a large pizza, all the larges she's ever ordered, were much smaller than this.

(Had another sentence from the waiter, but I was cringeing while typing it, so I went against posting it on here)
" This pizza looks like it will give me a heart attack" he looked down at the pizza. His ears twitched.

" Um.. soo..you can start first".

Jack wondered if all portion sizes were always this big.


CERBERUS177 said:
(Sorry for late reply, got off the PC and forgot I posted that)
Serena looked around the pizza parlor, it was nice and old looking, then she saw the waiter bringing out their pizza, the waiter set it down on the table, it was pretty big, almost the size of the whole table itself, he then set the peppers on Serena's side, and walked away, "Wow this is uh...wow..." she said, she's never seen such a large pizza, all the larges she's ever ordered, were much smaller than this.

(Had another sentence from the waiter, but I was cringeing while typing it, so I went against posting it on here)

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