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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

( I'm using it for the magic. That's all)

Lumina said:
((I'm guessing you're using the gif for the spear and not the character, because that appearance is being used, so you know. d: ))
Kisaki said:
"Waa!" she cries out and hits the icy floor. She quickly gets up and rubs her back.
She spins her scythe in front of her.

"Time to focus Kagami. There's a reason why you are called Demon."

She hits the staff on the ground and closes her eyes.

She summons a large a mount of fire melting the ice into puddles of water.

"For god's sake!" Wylie hopped backwards, lightning propelling himself up and away from the trouble, "This is a spar! Not a reason to ruin the grass here!" He growled slightly, "This fight has been going on for way too long."
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She walks inside the office, and the office attendent looked at her. "Um... i'm a new student, so can I g-" She was cutoff as the attendent gave, her the school schedule. Sophia blankly stares at the schedule and then slowly looks at the attendent who went back to do their work. Shrugging her shoulders, Sophia leaves the office, and folds the schedule to fit in her pockets.
" Then lets end this". There is no way she was going to lose. Left over water starts to lift from the ground.

"I'll won't lose" She lifts the her scythe ,summoning a great wave of water at Wylie.


[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]"For god's sake!" Wylie hopped backwards, lightning propelling himself up and away from the trouble, "This is a spar! Not a reason to ruin the grass here!" He growled slightly, "This fight has been going on for way too long."

Kisaki said:
" Then lets end this". There is no way she was going to lose. Left over water starts to lift from the ground.
"I'll won't lose" She lifts the her scythe ,summoning a great wave of water at Wylie.

"You son of a bitch." Wylie, his energy depleted, watches as the wave comes at him "I wanted a stalemate, but you just won't stop, even if it becomes lethal, eh?" The wave crashed down, and Wylie saw no more.

Inside the dorm, Roy feels like something has gone amiss. Roy leaves the dorm, armed only with his ring. In the distance, he sees a great wave, realizing that is where Wylie is. He stormed over at his fastest speed, seeing the wave crash down upon Wylie, knocking him out. He gritted his teeth and glared through the waters to try to see who changed such a sparring match into this.
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"Ne! Your such a sore loser"

The waves of Water settle , leaving the ground covered in water.

She turns around seeing Roy.

"You look angry" She put her scythe on her shoulder. "It's just water. It's not like I killed him."


[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]"You son of a bitch." Wylie, his energy depleted, watches as the wave comes at him "I wanted a stalemate, but you just won't stop, even if it becomes lethal, eh?" The wave crashed down, and Wylie saw no more.

Inside the dorm, Roy feels like something has gone amiss. Roy leaves the dorm, armed only with his ring. In the distance, he sees a great wave, realizing that is where Wylie is. He stormed over at his fastest speed, seeing the wave crash down upon Wylie, knocking him out. He gritted his teeth and glared through the waters to try to see who changed such a sparring match into this.

JJKab said:
Lena closed her eyes, chewing slowly, as she smiled lightly. She still felt bad, although
"alright" She said, as she kept on eating, occasionally stopping to drink some water
Shuu felt like he had hurt Lena's feelings now, which is why he was eating his food a bit more slowly than normal.
Jennete said:
Nissa: She looks around and blinks before looking at him, smiling softly. "Yay. We are home."
Aiden sat on the bed in their room, looking down nervously as he looked to the side. "Are... You sure about this?" He asked Nissa. "Once it's done there's no going back."
Angelostar4 said:
((I am))
Sophia with the schedule in hand, decided to head back to the clearing... and relax under a tree. The sun's rays, partially being blocked by the leaves.

...?Lena had just settled into her dorm. She and her sister had enrolled in the school on time, but they had arrived a day later than intended, and so she was moving into her dorm on the day that school started instead of beforehand. Thankfully she didn't have too much stuff, neither did her sister, so the move was easy. Lunch had just passed and Lena managed to snag a snack from the cafeteria before it closed, heading over to the principals office next to get her schedule. Gavrielle had gone before her, so she was alone for the moment. That posed a slight problem, as she was actually quite lost. Thankfully, in her wandering around campus, she noticed a girl who seemed well situated with the school. Maybe she knew where the office was. Coming up to her, Lena spoke in a soft voice, looking slightly embarrassed?...

"Um... excuse me... can you help me find the principals office? I need to get my schedule and I have no idea where I'm going..."

Lumina said:
...?Lena had just settled into her dorm. She and her sister had enrolled in the school on time, but they had arrived a day later than intended, and so she was moving into her dorm on the day that school started instead of beforehand. Thankfully she didn't have too much stuff, neither did her sister, so the move was easy. Lunch had just passed and Lena managed to snag a snack from the cafeteria before it closed, heading over to the principals office next to get her schedule. Gavrielle had gone before her, so she was alone for the moment. That posed a slight problem, as she was actually quite lost. Thankfully, in her wandering around campus, she noticed a girl who seemed well situated with the school. Maybe she knew where the office was. Coming up to her, Lena spoke in a soft voice, looking slightly embarrassed?...

"Um... excuse me... can you help me find the principals office? I need to get my schedule and I have no idea where I'm going..."

Sophia looks up to see that a girl was staring her down, looking slightly embarrassed. She gets up from laying on the tree, and decides to help her out with her problem.

"If you need help looking for a schedule, I can lead you to the office and we can speak to the attendent." Sophia says with a confident voice.
Lumina said:
Her little motion was enough to shift the battle away from an early loss for her. Kanon wasn't sure how much of a difference it would make, hooking her leg around, but it seemed to do more than she thought when she felt Achilles wrap around her protectively. This confused her a bit, weren't they sparring? Soon Achilles shoulder made impact with the ground, and she heard the crunch as well as his shoulder and armor took most of the impact. She was thrown to the side, and her first instinct was to run over and help him, but their fight wasn't over yet, and the feeling from earlier of when he punched her in the stomach came back full force, the only reason she hadnt really felt it before was a burst of adrenaline in that moment. She was tough, she knew this, but Achilles was stronger. Another hit or two from him and she was done. Kanon nearly doubled over in a coughing fit, but regained her composure enough to see Achilles coming in for yet another attack. He had closed the distance between them faster than she could think of a counterattack, so all she could do was bring her arms up to brace for impact.
Achilles was right under her block, but instead of striking her with his fist, he used his good shoulder to rush into her block and tackle her. His arm and shoulder was mending, but it would still be a few minutes before they were of any use again. With the shoulder tackle, he grabbed her leg with his good arm and tried to out wrestle her. It was about as much as he could do, before allowing blind fury to take over and possibly mortally wounding her.

Achilles change of plans did surprise Kanon, but it allowed her a chance to actually think of what to do next. His stance kept them in a pretty tight lock, and if he kept pushing backwards then she'd lose her footing and completely fall under his grip. His shoulder into her arms and chest was bit of a blunter blow than she expected, but it still packed a punch. She was breathing hard at this point, but it was the first good fight she'd had in quite a while. Kanon held her ground as much as she could, but Achilles was using his weight against her, and was winning out even with a busted arm. Thinking more on instinct than anything, Kanon teleported out of his grip, appearing behind him and kicking his back, knowing that without holding her, his posture wasnt balance to hold himself up. This was a lot of fun actually. Finally, a decent challenge. Not knowing his teetering mental state, Kanon yelled out as she aimed her foot for his upper back/ shoulderblade area. "Cmon, is that the best you've got?? Bring it, Achilles!"
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Angelostar4 said:
Sophia looks up to see that a girl was staring her down, looking slightly embarrassed. She gets up from laying on the tree, and decides to help her out with her problem.
"If you need help looking for a schedule, I can lead you to the office and we can speak to the attendent." Sophia says with a confident voice.
...❧Lena's expression visibly lit up as the stranger agreed to help her. She appreciated any gesture at this point, as she already felt bad for not even being present on the first day. That just meant she'd have to make up for it tomorrow. But that wouldn't happen if she couldn't even find her classes. So this girls help was very much appreciated at the moment. Smiling, Lena took a step toward the girl as she stood up, her tone of voice changing from an embarrassed one to a more thankful one❧...

"Really? Thank you so much! I'm already a day late to classes, so I don't want to be late tomorrow, so this really helps out a lot!"
Lumina said:
Jack's question only earned an innocent smile from Ai. Well, as long as he was on his phone, he'd be spending time with her, as she honestly had no plans of leaving his tech anytime soon. He was far too entertaining and fun, and Ai had been bored for far too long now. "That must mean you're not human, I suppose. And if you wanna spend time with me, I wouldn't complain~" Ai grinned, noticing the small screen shake of his finger prodding the screen as if he was poking her. It felt kind of funny, like a small vibrating sensation, and she giggled at it, hiding her body offscreen but sticking her head out to look at him. She watched as he sent the text to the CROSS agents, smirking as she noticing the adendum about making it a clean cut the next time. "Well, I don't really need to eat, so the whole 'getting grossed out right before eating and being put off of my appetite' thing doesn't really apply. But I suppose it's not the best thing to have to see first thing in the morning." Ai made herself comfortable as Jack placed the Bluetooth headset on his ears, taking a quick glance at his GPS showed he was headed toward what was probably food or something, considering he had mentioned breakfast. This piqued her curiosity. "So, where we headed?" she asked, her voice now coming from the Bluetooth speaker on his ear.
This digital girl was quite different and amused him immensely. Jack could see this girl being quite useful, but he got the feeling that as much as he would use the girl to his advantage, the girl would use him for hers. Not that he would mind of course. All relationships were give and take but they could still have fun with it.

"Hmm... who knows. Am I human or not? Maybe you'll never know. Anyway, we're headed for a café who's owner owes me a bit of money, and after a nice cup of coffee and a sandwich I was thinking I might send a bit of a message to the owner. Would you care to help me out? If your as good with computers as you claim I figure deactivating some security cameras should be no trouble right Pixel girl?"

Jack typed out a message canceling his date plans for the evening and told the girl to go see a fucking doctor. It wasn't like he cared about her anyway so being an asshole was no problem and hanging out with pixel girl seemed far more interesting. Jack smirked as he thought this. He had never been much good with 2D girls in dating Sims,, but apparently he was better in real life. Ha! Fuck you, you stupid video games!
Lumina said:
...❧Lena's expression visibly lit up as the stranger agreed to help her. She appreciated any gesture at this point, as she already felt bad for not even being present on the first day. That just meant she'd have to make up for it tomorrow. But that wouldn't happen if she couldn't even find her classes. So this girls help was very much appreciated at the moment. Smiling, Lena took a step toward the girl as she stood up, her tone of voice changing from an embarrassed one to a more thankful one❧...
"Really? Thank you so much! I'm already a day late to classes, so I don't want to be late tomorrow, so this really helps out a lot!"
She rubs the back of her head, and just smiles at the girl.

"Hehehehehe... I didn't go to my classes... well only some of them since I was lost and confused as you."

Sophia looked rather embarrassed as she basically admitted that she got lost at the school.

"Anyways, we should get a move on towards the office." She began to walk towards the school entrance, but she turns around and looks at the girl. "My name is Sophia, Sophia Highwind."
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]
This digital girl was quite different and amused him immensely. Jack could see this girl being quite useful, but he got the feeling that as much as he would use the girl to his advantage, the girl would use him for hers. Not that he would mind of course. All relationships were give and take but they could still have fun with it.
"Hmm... who knows. Am I human or not? Maybe you'll never know. Anyway, we're headed for a café who's owner owes me a bit of money, and after a nice cup of coffee and a sandwich I was thinking I might send a bit of a message to the owner. Would you care to help me out? If your as good with computers as you claim I figure deactivating some security cameras should be no trouble right Pixel girl?"

Jack typed out a message canceling his date plans for the evening and told the girl to go see a fucking doctor. It wasn't like he cared about her anyway so being an asshole was no problem and hanging out with pixel girl seemed far more interesting. Jack smirked as he thought this. He had never been much good with 2D girls in dating Sims,, but apparently he was better in real life. Ha! Fuck you, you stupid video games!

Ai was glad she decided to invade this phone of all phones today. All because she got some pings of a dating app being used. Who'd have thought she would come across someone so interesting? Not afraid to actually mess with people. That was a first for sure, and it made her decide to stay for good, at least for now. His question piqued her interest, and she came back on screen fully, her pigtails bobbing a bit. "Psh, thats so easy even a baby program could do it. You say he owes you money? I can save you the hassle and transfer the money for you too, if you want." It seemed like a pretty fun endeavor he was on, apparently fun enough to where he'd cancel his date with STD girl. Good. He didn't need to be hooking up with something so nasty. Ai moved closer to the screen, looking at him with her blue eyes flashing a bit. "I have a name you know. It's Ai, for future reference." Sure she was technically a computer program, but she was still alive. She had a name, and real feelings. And maybe she was okay with getting to know him a bit too.
Angelostar4 said:
She rubs the back of her head, and just smiles at the girl.
"Hehehehehe... I didn't go to my classes... well only some of them since I was lost and confused as you."

Sophia looked rather embarrassed as she basically admitted that she got lost at the school.

"Anyways, we should get a move on towards the office." She began to walk towards the school entrance, but she turns around and looks at the girl. "My name is Sophia, Sophia Highwind."
...❧This girls attitude was refreshing. It was nice to be around someone who actually took things easy. Unlike Noel or her big sister, everything was always so tense and serious all the time. So Lena was already extremely happy to have met someone so easygoing and kind. Lena smiled warmly as she noticed the girl get embarrassed, before moving to catch up with her as she began leading her toward the office❧...

"My name is Lena Reinhardt, it's really nice to meet you~"
Lumina said:
...❧This girls attitude was refreshing. It was nice to be around someone who actually took things easy. Unlike Noel or her big sister, everything was always so tense and serious all the time. So Lena was already extremely happy to have met someone so easygoing and kind. Lena smiled warmly as she noticed the girl get embarrassed, before moving to catch up with her as she began leading her toward the office❧...
"My name is Lena Reinhardt, it's really nice to meet you~"
Sophia was really glad to meet someone that enjoyed her carefree attitude. It made her feel... needed, which isn't a feeling she gets often. As they walk inside the school, and it's halls, Sophia looks behind herself, smiling warmly at her.

"That's nice name. It's a pleasure to help you, and meet you Lena"

As she said those words, the office was coming into view.

"Well, there goes the office." Sophia stops in her tracks. "Just talk to the office attendent, and you'll get your schedule."
Lumina said:
...?Lena had just settled into her dorm. She and her sister had enrolled in the school on time, but they had arrived a day later than intended, and so she was moving into her dorm on the day that school started instead of beforehand. Thankfully she didn't have too much stuff, neither did her sister, so the move was easy. Lunch had just passed and Lena managed to snag a snack from the cafeteria before it closed, heading over to the principals office next to get her schedule. Gavrielle had gone before her, so she was alone for the moment. That posed a slight problem, as she was actually quite lost. Thankfully, in her wandering around campus, she noticed a girl who seemed well situated with the school. Maybe she knew where the office was. Coming up to her, Lena spoke in a soft voice, looking slightly embarrassed?...

"Um... excuse me... can you help me find the principals office? I need to get my schedule and I have no idea where I'm going..."

(Oh my fucking god it's Sarah. Where the fuck is Noel xD )
Marcus opened his eyes and nearly leaped up with sweat covering his body as he shouted out "Samantha!" With the only expression describable being fear in his eyes.


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