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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

wiigamechamp said:
Almost out of air. Mako swam to the top as he gasp for air knowing he loss. @JJKab
Chler smiled widely, looking at Mako resurface. She still could hold on for a little bit, her lungs beginning to sting a bit. Her cheeks puffed more, as soe hovered her hand over her mouth just to hold on for a little more. Some air escaped through her nostrills, as she closed her eyes shut.
Her little motion was enough to shift the battle away from an early loss for her. Kanon wasn't sure how much of a difference it would make, hooking her leg around, but it seemed to do more than she thought when she felt Achilles wrap around her protectively. This confused her a bit, weren't they sparring? Soon Achilles shoulder made impact with the ground, and she heard the crunch as well as his shoulder and armor took most of the impact. She was thrown to the side, and her first instinct was to run over and help him, but their fight wasn't over yet, and the feeling from earlier of when he punched her in the stomach came back full force, the only reason she hadnt really felt it before was a burst of adrenaline in that moment. She was tough, she knew this, but Achilles was stronger. Another hit or two from him and she was done. Kanon nearly doubled over in a coughing fit, but regained her composure enough to see Achilles coming in for yet another attack. He had closed the distance between them faster than she could think of a counterattack, so all she could do was bring her arms up to brace for impact.
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JJKab said:
"Hey.. don't you escape from me.... I only offered us some peace at the beach, while eating something... not a crazy night at my place" Lena said, giggling, waiting for their food. She moved her head back as well a bit.
Shuu shook his head. "No, that's not it... I was just wondering... If it would mean a lot to you... Then of course." He said as their drinks were served and he took a drink of his soda.
TheDragoon said:
Shuu shook his head. "No, that's not it... I was just wondering... If it would mean a lot to you... Then of course." He said as their drinks were served and he took a drink of his soda.
Lena soon took a sip of her water, and shivered lightly, as it was kinda cold.

"Thanks, sweatie.." She said, smiling lovingly.

"Tell me... how long untill we get married? And please, don't run out of the godamn restaurant only to come back with the church and limousine." She joked, laughing softly

"I am only asking, how did you plan this out?" She rested her head on the palms of her hands
JJKab said:
Lena soon took a sip of her water, and shivered lightly, as it was kinda cold.
"Thanks, sweatie.." She said, smiling lovingly.

"Tell me... how long untill we get married? And please, don't run out of the godamn restaurant only to come back with the church and limousine." She joked, laughing softly

"I am only asking, how did you plan this out?" She rested her head on the palms of her hands
"Well... The wedding can be a week from now if you like. I might have to work just before the wedding though. The gang should have me back by the time of the wedding." Shuu said. "As for how I planned it... Let's just say I had the help of a certain yellow friend."


Shuu was in the holofight room, fighting hordes of Rufaro's Meganubs when the simulation was suddenly interrupted, causing the room to become blank again. Rufaro and Cielo had entered. Shuu waved at them. "Hey! You need me or something?" He said.

Cielo smiled at Shuu as he looked from him to Rufaro. "I told Rufaro here you had a wedding coming up. Were seriously really happy for you... And since you hadn't decided on where to hold your wedding, we thought maybe you could host it in the base's courtyard. It's nice and pleasant and pretty like a park." Cielo said.

Rufaro then stopped him there as he summoned his smiley shield. "On... One condition." He said as he used his free hand to put on The Phantom Mask they had recovered a while ago, releasing Rufaro's inner power... Insanity Rufaro. "You can have the wedding, only if you take me on in a battle." He said with a smile.


Shuu could feel the energy and power pulsating from Rufaro... Which made him smirk. "So, somebody who can finally take me on at full power..." He said as he summoned his dual revolvers. "Now... COME ONNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!" He roared as he ran towards him and Rufaro ran at him, clashing as Cielo looked on with a smile.

---End of Flashback---

"Long story short, I lost. Rufaro's one of our strongest members, even though he is the strangest. He shouldn't be taken lightly." He chuckled. "So the entire gang, including the interns will be coming to our wedding. Their even giving us a comforting spot to have our wedding!" He said happily, already excited from thinking about it.
JJKab said:
Chler smiled widely, looking at Mako resurface. She still could hold on for a little bit, her lungs beginning to sting a bit. Her cheeks puffed more, as soe hovered her hand over her mouth just to hold on for a little more. Some air escaped through her nostrills, as she closed her eyes shut.
"such the over achiever." Mako said as he went back underwater to reach her. @JJKab
TheDragoon said:
"Well... The wedding can be a week from now if you like. I might have to work just before the wedding though. The gang should have me back by the time of the wedding." Shuu said. "As for how I planned it... Let's just say I had the help of a certain yellow friend."


Shuu was in the holofight room, fighting hordes of Rufaro's Meganubs when the simulation was suddenly interrupted, causing the room to become blank again. Rufaro and Cielo had entered. Shuu waved at them. "Hey! You need me or something?" He said.

Cielo smiled at Shuu as he looked from him to Rufaro. "I told Rufaro here you had a wedding coming up. Were seriously really happy for you... And since you hadn't decided on where to hold your wedding, we thought maybe you could host it in the base's courtyard. It's nice and pleasant and pretty like a park." Cielo said.

Rufaro then stopped him there as he summoned his smiley shield. "On... One condition." He said as he used his free hand to put on The Phantom Mask they had recovered a while ago, releasing Rufaro's inner power... Insanity Rufaro. "You can have the wedding, only if you take me on in a battle." He said with a smile.


Shuu could feel the energy and power pulsating from Rufaro... Which made him smirk. "So, somebody who can finally take me on at full power..." He said as he summoned his dual revolvers. "Now... COME ONNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!" He roared as he ran towards him and Rufaro ran at him, clashing as Cielo looked on with a smile.

---End of Flashback---

"Long story short, I lost. Rufaro's one of our strongest members, even though he is the strangest. He shouldn't be taken lightly." He chuckled. "So the entire gang, including the interns will be coming to our wedding. Their even giving us a comforting spot to have our wedding!" He said happily, already excited from thinking about it.
"Ooohm that's neat" Lena said, smirking lovely, as she looked a bit seductively at Shuu

"When we are married... I will make sure you'll enjoy it" She exclaimed teasingly, biting her lower lip a bit

wiigamechamp said:
"such the over achiever." Mako said as he went back underwater to reach her. @JJKab

Chler let out half of her air, as she couldn't hold on to it anymore, her face going red from the oxygen deprivation. She swiftly swimmed over to the surface, and as soon as she got there, began gasping for air, slightly struggling to stay afloat.
wiigamechamp said:
"Over achiever." Mako said after he surfaced @JJKab
Chler stopped gasping after a bit, as she looked at Mako

"Hey, shut up" She exclaimed, giggling, splashing him
Fricka's eyes were half closed, as she was staring weakly at the ocean. What if she couldn't do it? Her mentality was already broken, and her will for doing "it" was stronger than ever. If she had to do something, she'd most likely try and regain Nai, but... seeing how angry he was, that... wasn't really the case... so if she wanted to rehabilitate to herself, she'd either have to

-Attempt to "it"

-Come back to Nai, and apologize for this situation

-Maybe try to hook up with him

Honestly, the first option was more appealing to her than the second, and not too close behind was the third option.

She decided to try the 1st one by holding her breath for 5 minutes. She knew she couldn't do it, but if she did, that meant that someone up there had different plans for her. Fricka stood up, sobbing softly, as she went towards the water slowly, with her watch in her hand, breathing slowly
Nona said:



Study Hall



Friendly and slightly apologetic


Awkwardly stammering for words/Looking at the "Cat"


Die in a hole/Think of an apology

Interacting with:





~Elliot & Elaena Rillas~

Elaena tapped her chin "Hmmm, if weird dreams count as nightmares then yes. I tend to stay away from nightmares, thats my brothers territory, as much as he hates to accept it" she said before Yumi introduced herself. "Yu~Mi~" Elaena sounded out in a chime as she sleepily tilted her head, raiding her own brain for a moment for the name before her eyes lit up in recognition. "Oh! I know why you're familiar to me now! I saw you with Elliot once or twice!" she said leaning a bit closer to view her for a moment her slightly hazy looking eyes dancing over Yumi's facial features "Yep" she tilted her head "So, you're the girl with the pretty eyes" she said as she leaned back on her chair again.

Elliot almost shrieked, visibly cringing in the corner. He knew his worry wasn't unwarranted. Oh if only the ground could swallow him up forever, it would be now that he'd wish that. He was happy for now with Yumi being blissfully unaware of how he viewed her. "E-Elaena! Tha-"

"What." Elaena looked back at him for a brief moment before looking back at Yumi, her eyes changing to the same colour as Elliot's for a moment "Don't act like you don't think that, she looks a lot prettier through your eyes and that's perfectly normal." she said giggling as her eyes went back to normal. Elliot covering his face with his hands and leaning back so Elaena could no longer see with his eyes.

Elliot groaned "I-I told you not to do that without permission" he said looking embarrassed before coughing lightly an muttering "There's a cat". Upon him muttering that Elaena looked back at him and covered her mouth with her hand and mouthed 'sorry' as she pulled her hand away, realizing that he probably never told Yumi that before. Oops. Along with other odd phrases the two shared to communicate different things undetected, that phrase was their code they used when Elaena was saying things that Elliot would rather not be said, since after all, the girl had no filter, she did have to be reminded, because she wasn't purposely trying to embarrass him. Finding someone attractive was a natural thing, she couldn't see the bad behind saying it out.

Elaena then looked around "A cat?, oh, right!" she pretended, getting up and going to the window to pretend she saw one. Elliot cleared his throat a little "Well, T-That's my sister..." he laughed sheepishly. half out of embarrassment and half out of relief that he caught Elaena in time before she said anything else that could kill any confidence in himself to socialise any further.

Yumi Eru

~The Secret Gamer~


After that short period of time and Elaena recognizing her as one of Elliot's friends, Yumi finally remembered where she had heard her name before and it had come from Elliot. She remembered a little about of the stuff that he had told her, like how Elaena was always or usually tired. With the way she sounded so sleepy and the hazy of tiredness that was in her eyes, it was easy to tell. There was also the small tidbit that she use to be bullied at her old school. She was curious if it was happening here too, but didn't think it was appropriate to ask, since she just barely just met the girl. While Elaena seemed nice and friendly, Yumi didn't think she'd want to be asked something like that from someone she didn't know very well or just didn't want someone to know about her personal life. So she just pushed the thought aside and nodded slightly at what she was saying. Yumi was taken aback by the compliment and looked genuinely shocked. While she did like her eyes to some extent, she never thought they were particularly beautiful. She sometimes found them somewhat boring and not as unique as others. Maybe it was because she had gotten so use to the bright purple that filled her irises that she didn't think they were that nice anymore. She fairly liked other people's eyes besides her own, like Elliot's or Elaena's (whom she just met). They were much brighter than Yumi's, with there vibrant orange with shades of reds and hints of yellow. Like the color of amber, but better. While she wanted those kind of colored eyes, she didn't think that would suit her well. For now, she'd just have to settle for her own bright purple colored eyes that danced between the siblings.

Yumi was a little unsure of what was going on, it looked like they were having a silent conversation. She blinked a few times and tilted her head in curiosity, peering over at Elliot who's cheeks seemed to be a little flared in embarrassment. What was so embarrassing? She didn't quite understand it; was it the comment about her eyes? Maybe he had said something about that to Elaena, though she couldn't really be to sure. That probably didn't happen, she didn't really think it was all that likely. Yumi leaned back a little when Elaena turned to her again, her irises the same vibrant color as Elliot's as she said that Yumi was prettier through his eyes.
"Huh?" What did that mean? Did she look different or something through his eyes compared to Elaena's? Strange... now she was curious as to how she looked to Elliot now. She was about to ask Elaena what she was talking about, but then she said something about a cat and proceeded to leave her area to go look out the window, leaving Yumi more confused than ever as she stared after her. What cat? There wouldn't be any cat's or animals on campus right? Or maybe there was... maybe a stray had wandered it's way on to the grassy plains on the courtyard and was walking around. She wasn't about to get up and look though, seeing as how Elliot was still here talking to her. Looking away from the Elaena, she turned her gaze towards Elliot and smiled a little. "She's quite the character, but nice. I like her." And she did really like her, even though she was acting a bit strange a little while ago. It reminded her that she wanted to ask him what his sister was talking about earlier. "What was she talking about when she said I look prettier through your eyes? I didn't really get it."

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More Info




Study Hall


Find out what Elaena was talking about


Elliot and Elaena



wiigamechamp said:
"Make me." Mako said jokingly as he splashed her back. @JJKab
Chler grabbed both of Mako's hands, and dragged him towards her

"You're going deeeeeep!" She threatened, giggling mischeviously, with a sly look on her face, as she swam towards the deeper part of the pool, which spanned over 3 m deep
HimeragiSeiker said:
...?Fuyumi and Nanami had decided to sleep over at Fuyumi's house. It was late and it was raining hard but the snow wasn't melting. Though that ice spire in the outside of Fuyumi's room was acting weird. It started glowing some kind of crest. Fuyumi was sleeping soundly though so she didn't notice it. Though the glowing gave off some kind of sound that were usually heard in MMOs when you find some ancient artifact or something very special?...
View attachment 306286

...?Nanami was curled up a little next to Fuyumi, chest rising and falling with each breath she took and her hair splayed on the pillow as she slept. She didn't look like she was waking up any time soon, she was pretty tired. So she didn't hear any of the sounds that was going around by the house. It was hard to say the last time she got a good nights sleep was, she usually stayed up a lot doing work, homework or just playing video games. It was almost rare ever seeing her sleeping during the night, though with none of her stuff here with her, she thought she might as well get some kind of rest at the household?...

CERBERUS177 said:
(Can't believe Fricka is missing:0)
(Yuuuuup. Ya can join in, of course if any of your characters had any relations with her. Poster is up there)
JJKab said:
(Waitin' for ya. Go on)
((I believe that i've already made that post. But i'll do it again.))

"Yep, i'm new" Sophia says as she takes a last bite into her apple. She then throws it in a nearby garbage bin. "Gramps thought it would be a good place to live at, and I would be getting my education."

CERBERUS177 said:
(Can't believe Fricka is missing:0)
((A character is missing...? I think my heroics are kicking in! Well... Sophia's heroics.))
Angelostar4 said:
"Yep, i'm new" Sophia says as she takes a last bite into her apple. She then throws it in a nearby garbage bin. "Gramps thought it would be a good place to live at, and I would be getting my education."
"Yeah, they feed ya here, at least." Gregory said, chuckling, as he eyed the girl down a bit.

"Wondering now... Do you live in a dorm, or in a house?" He asked out of pure curiosity
CERBERUS177 said:
(I forgot which ones have met her...was it Cody?)
(IDK.... I think no one of your OC's met Fricka.... Lena got met up by both Serene and Cody.... uhm... Ollene not, Greg not... Chler, I think Serene met her, but other than that...)
JJKab said:
"Yeah, they feed ya here, at least." Gregory said, chuckling, as he eyed the girl down a bit.
"Wondering now... Do you live in a dorm, or in a house?" He asked out of pure curiosity
"Gramps told me i'm living in a dorm. I went to it and look at the place. It's pretty comfy actually." She smirks as she finished those words.

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