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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Fricka was sitting by the beach, her legs submerged in the water. Her eyes appeared to be glossy, her vision obscured with tears, as she reminded herself of Nai and their well being. She sobbed softly, burying her face in her arms

"Why.... why..... did I do it" She whispered. Her mind had few ideas as to how end her suffering. The non-pleasent way...

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wiigamechamp said:
(my character is on page 60. what page is your character on?)
"I find it odd that a beam of pure light would disintegrate something. Unless..." Mako said as he stuck his hand into the beam. "I see that is quite interesting." He said as he took out his hand. @JJKab
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]
Fenris smiled and pulled Isuzu onto his lap, wrapping his arms around her, he removed the carcinogens in her lungs. Being a smoke demon, he was literally made up of such hazardous substances, but for someone like Isuzu they would still be highly dangerous and he didn't want them to cause her health problems later. Although having a naked Isuzu sitting on his lap made him quite aroused so his clothes shifted into a smoke form and bound her tightly to him as he whispered in her ear, "Well if you plan on sticking around, are you ready for round 2?"

Isuzu giggled as she felt Fenris bring her on to his lap, enjoying the feeling of his arms around her. He was quite the strong and... dominant demon, qualities she definitely found attractive in a man. She had definitely hit the jackpot today by skipping school and going out drinking, getting laid by someone who's interests matched her own and was hella cute. Isuzu felt like one lucky girl, that's for sure. She wasn't really aware of the who carcinogens thing, but she did hear his question about round two, which earned a smirk from her as she bit his earlobe in response. "With the way you're holding on to me I'd say I don't really have a choice. Since you're asking though, my answer is hell yes. But I bet you already knew that~" She did quite enjoy the feeling of being bound, and let him know how she was feeling by smiling and lightly dragging her hands along his shoulders and back, his arousal increasing with every touch she left on him.
Kanon grinned upon seeing her fist actually connect with his back. She knew she could fight, but she also knew Achilles was much more accutomed to actually fighting. As much as she enjoyed sparring, a part of her knew that she didn't stand a chance if this was a real battle, and that he was probably just toying with her. So it was a nice surprise that she could actually land a few hits. Her joy didn't last long as she suddenly felt a strong pain in her stomach, her breath leaving her dizzy as his fist made a connection with the soft sensitive tissue. But, Kanon was resilient, and as Achilles grabbed her she attempted to hook her leg around his so his pile drive would be sent off balance, hoping to shift some of the impact to him as well.
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]


Jack looked at his phone and the girl with in it amusedly, before receiving a message from a person who apparently received an eggplant emoji from him. boredly deleting the message, Jack figured the girl on his phone was messing with him so he didn't truly mind. Bored sighing he tapped at the screen trying to poke the digital girl while speaking.

"Why should I be bothered by something as mundane and human as a STD? Unless of course you want me to spend that time with you pixel girl."

Momentarily stopping trying to poke the digital girl, Jack rapidly typed out a message scolding the CROSS agents for sending him the picture of the body this early in the morning and to humor the pixel girl he told them to make the cut cleaner next time before returning to attempting to poke the pixel girl.

"I was more referring to the fact that seeing that while trying to go get breakfast. Its just not something I really needed to see."

Placing a blue tooth over his ear, Jack merrily laughed as he headed towards a café to find some food.

Jack's question only earned an innocent smile from Ai. Well, as long as he was on his phone, he'd be spending time with her, as she honestly had no plans of leaving his tech anytime soon. He was far too entertaining and fun, and Ai had been bored for far too long now. "That must mean you're not human, I suppose. And if you wanna spend time with me, I wouldn't complain~" Ai grinned, noticing the small screen shake of his finger prodding the screen as if he was poking her. It felt kind of funny, like a small vibrating sensation, and she giggled at it, hiding her body offscreen but sticking her head out to look at him. She watched as he sent the text to the CROSS agents, smirking as she noticing the adendum about making it a clean cut the next time. "Well, I don't really need to eat, so the whole 'getting grossed out right before eating and being put off of my appetite' thing doesn't really apply. But I suppose it's not the best thing to have to see first thing in the morning." Ai made herself comfortable as Jack placed the Bluetooth headset on his ears, taking a quick glance at his GPS showed he was headed toward what was probably food or something, considering he had mentioned breakfast. This piqued her curiosity. "So, where we headed?" she asked, her voice now coming from the Bluetooth speaker on his ear.
wiigamechamp said:
(my character is on page 60. what page is your character on?)
"I find it odd that a beam of pure light would disintegrate something. Unless..." Mako said as he stuck his hand into the beam. "I see that is quite interesting." He said as he took out his hand. @JJKab

Chler looked with a pretty curious expression at the boys hand, seeing nothing wrong happened. She still wasn't sure whether to stick her hand in there or not, so she decided not to

"Anyways, what's your name? I never actually saw you around here" She exclaimed, smiling lightly at the boy

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Happy, Curious
Introduce herself
Interracting with
Roman said:

Alejandro Ishida

~ Ice Prince


Alejandro was swimming around the water looking for Assana, but came up with nothing. Out of nowhere, something had him by his feet, and he began to struggle, nothing helping as he was stuck in the lake's grip. He changed back into his original form, using his sword to cut at the water, hoping to get free, but it didn't work.

Alejandro soon found himself in the air, his sword flew out of his hand as he lost grip and he saw everything in slow motion. Reaching for his sword, he wasn't able to grab it as it was out of reach. Soon Alejandro his thr ground, his sword came flying down into the ground, blade first. The sword had pierced the dirt and Alejandro was lying next to it, staring at the sky. "I lost..." he said before he slowly stood up, his hair dropping due to it being wet. He sheathed his sword and looked at Assana. "Good match. I have to go now, I'll catch up with you a different time." He said before limping away, his destination the nurse's office.

More Info

Location: School

Mood: Calm, hurt

Status: On his way to the nurse's office

Objective: Go to the nurse... Or his grandmother who doubled as the nurse on her off hours

Interacting with: No one now

Tags: @Lumina

Astrid had been in a bad mood since the end of weapons class. Stupid Alejandro. What was his issue? She couldn't even have any fun around him it seemed. What a stuck up prick. Huffing, she had hurried through lunch, not even bothering going to combat class because she knew he'd be there and she didn't want to see him right now. Sure they had that assignment from Mr. White, but that could wait a bit at least. Right now, she needed some time to clear her head, and let off some steam. Taking her rifle, she set up a mock shooting range near the school away from the combat class, getting ready to take aim and not miss a single shot. Astrid set her gun in the crook of her arm like normal, her finger primed on the trigger to take the first shot, when Alejandro's scolding popped in her mind for some godforsaken reason. Out of surprise, her finger had twitched, pulling the trigger and the gun fired, completely missing her target. "Damn it!" she exclaimed, actually kind of annoyed now. Huffing once again, Astrid took aim and fired, only hitting half of her targets. "What the fuck??!" She was yelling now, almost about to throw her gun on the ground in frustration.

What Astrid didn't know was that her stray bullets had nearly hit a group of student elementals, who were just recently learning how to adapt into society. However, Astrids bullets were perceived as a threat, and in juvenile fashion, they responded in a hostile manner. In Astrids small bout of rage, she didn't notice their approach until they were right on her, and at that point she was in no position to effectively fight back. The assault went on until she was pretty beat up, battered from the earth elementals as well as burned from the fire elemental and rope burn on her ankles and wrists where the plant elemental held her down with their vines. More had happened, but it all happened so fast that Astrid wasn't sure exactly who or what was going on. All she knew is that she was annoyed, but now in a lot of pain. She didn't feel to good, and there were some spots on her that felt kind of.. off, so she thought it best that she head to the nurses office. Slightly dizzily, she slowly made her way toward the office, unknowingly nearly running into Alejandro as she did so.
"There you are!" Rico Walked up to his locker and opened it up. He looked at the empty box. "Noice"

Calm, Happy

Fantasy Highschool

Put things in his locker

The locker!

wiigamechamp said:
"I'm Mako. Spell caster extraordinaire. Or on my way to be." Mako replied with a smile. "What's yours?" @JJKab
Chler giggled lightly, looking at Mako

"Mako. Nice name. Mine is Chler" She said, tilting her head, looking at him

"You're new here, from your description of yourself, am I correct? I can show you around, and if you happen to have a swimming/pool lesson, we can go together, since I have it as well"

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Introduce herself, Lead Mako around
Interracting with
"Actually I've been here for a while now, But I'm still having trouble with magic is all. But your right on queue as I also have swimming lessons." Mako replied. @JJKab
wiigamechamp said:
"Actually I've been here for a while now, But I'm still having trouble with magic is all. But your right on queue as I also have swimming lessons." Mako replied. @JJKab
Chler's eyes widened lightly, as she smilde widely

"That's great. We can actually go now, since I've got everything: swimming bikini, all that stuff." She offered, smiling in a friendly manner

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Happy, Calm
Go to the pool with Mako
Interracting with
"Then after you Chler." Mako said with a smile as he stretched out his arm in the direction of where they were to go as it was a sign of allowing her to lead. @JJKab
wiigamechamp said:
"Then after you Chler." Mako said with a smile as he stretched out his arm in the direction of where they were to go as it was a sign of allowing her to lead. @JJKab
Chler nodded, as she began walking towards the school entrance, humming peacefully

"As a side note, though... You... can swim, right?" She asked, looking at Mako, smiling softly

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Walk to the pool
Interracting with

Mei Junchi

They couldn't wait any longer. Junchi was in the library printing out posters only after almost two hours of waiting for Fricka to come back and not having any signs of her return. They quickly made the posters, not really caring if they were good as long as they got the information through.



Name: Fricka

Surname: Fnich

Age at the day of disappearance: 16

Characteristic features: Yellow ribbon in hair

Appearance when last seen: Grey jeans jacket, along with a black t-shirt, jeans shorts, white sandals

Last seen at: Female dorms

If anyone sees her, please call 86169-6170-4005.

Once finished with printing them out, they began to walk around the school carrying a bag full of posters and hanging them up. Buildings, walls, anywhere Junchi could find that people would look at and notice. They hoped someone would call in and deliver some useful information, or for Fricka to just come back. They would feel a bit embarrassed if she showed up only a while later, but at least they would've known she was okay. Junchi wouldn't hesitate to take down all the posters to save themself the embarrassment though.

After hanging up half the amount of posters they had, they sat down near the pool and took a breather. They tried to clear their head and just hope something good would come out of this. Junchi sighed, knowing they wouldn't be able to change their phone number for a while. Usually they changed their phone number every few weeks because of some illegal businesses they've been in, and the only ones who know their phone number are those close to them, like their family, or Moonstone's grandparent, and of course Moonstone. Moonstone was the one who could easily change their phone number, and Junchi would have to talk to them about the whole situation going on at the moment, and to keep the phone number the same until the problem is worked out.

Extra Information


Fantasy High School's Pool




Hanging up posters for the missing Fricka


Find Fricka

Interacting With:

Character Sheet:

Mei Junchi

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wiigamechamp said:
"Uh swim you say..." Mako said as he scratched his head. "Y-Yea I can." Mako replied with a fake laugh as he scratched his head nervously. @JJKab
Chler looked confused at Mako, as she raised her eyebrow

"C'mon now, don't lie to me now. Can you or not, because if not, I can teach you a bit" She exclaimed, smiling a little

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Confused, happy
Learn if Mako can swim or not
Interracting with
Mako gave out a sigh. "No I can't. Embarrassing enough as it is to say." Now that he thought about it. Throughout all his times of adventuring he never had to swim across any kind of water. @JJKab
wiigamechamp said:
Mako gave out a sigh. "No I can't. Embarrassing enough as it is to say." Now that he thought about it. Throughout all his times of adventuring he never had to swim across any kind of water. @JJKab
"Hey, don't worry.. I won't drown you" Chler exclaimed, smiling assuringly at Mako, as she patted his shoulder lightly a few times, as they entered the pool area. She headed down towards the girls changing rooms.

"I'll see you in a bit" She said cheerfully, waving

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Learn Mako how to swim, dive, all that stuff
Interracting with
JJKab said:
"Of course I'm okay with that... You didn't offer me this ring only for my pleasement, now did you" Lena joked softly, slowly beginning to finish her massage.
"I wonder how you would massage me?" She said, kissing the back of his neck, sucking on it lightly, before getting off of him, lying down by him.
Shuu blinked and pointed at himself in confusion. "E-Eh...?" He asked himself before he blushed badly. "EHHHHHHHH!?" He said before nose bleeding a little, quickly covering it and wiping it away. "A-Are you sure?" He asked her.
Roman said:
Han laughed lightly as the ride started and Mari was interrupted. "Just relax, Pumpkin. If you do, the ride will be super fun." He said reassuringly.
Mari began laughing happily as the ride got faster and faster, now making full spins. Celia waved at them from the side of ride, teleporting a camera into her hands and taking some pictures.
TheDragoon said:
Shuu blinked and pointed at himself in confusion. "E-Eh...?" He asked himself before he blushed badly. "EHHHHHHHH!?" He said before nose bleeding a little, quickly covering it and wiping it away. "A-Are you sure?" He asked her.
Lena nearly instantly noticed Shuu's nose bleeding a little, which got her on high alert.

"Well... I'm not going to take off my bra.. for your knowledge... I'm going to leave it, just take off my shirt, okay?" She asked, putting her hand on Shuu's shoulder.

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Worried, slightly seductive
Check on Shuu
Interracting with

wiigamechamp said:
"Alright." Mako said as he went to the men's room to change. He came back out wearing a shirt and swim trunks as he sat down by the pool. @JJKab
Chler soon came out of the changing rooms, wearing her usual dark green swimming bikini, as she sat down by Mako, a light blush tinting her cheeks

"So. Wanna get started?" She asked, looking at Mako, smiling softly, as she dropped down into shallow part of the pool, about 1.20m deep

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Happy, curious
Swim around with Mako
Interracting with

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