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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

WeirdPrincess said:
...♦︎Yoshino stared back at both of them with a blank expression before speaking and not bothering to what for a response before she continued. She didn't know who these two were, but maybe the could help.♦︎...

"You two live here right? Good because I brought Zenya home because she wanted to come here.. even though she's passed out right now."
''ohhhh...if she passed out with that kind of wound, shes deader than dead...''

...✦Lucelia said as she sighed✦...
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WeirdPrincess said:
...❦Asuka shifted her gaze to the ground in thought after releasing Akira from the hug, her arms now at her sides and the smile no longer one her face. Thinking about Valentine's Day had made her realize she had missed past holidays, three to be exact and one of them, besides Halloween because that was the day she could dress up, had been her favorite. It was one that she had always looked forward to and it had passed her by before she could even realize it. This event had blasted up before she could even celebrate Christmas. It was rather disappointing, but there was no moping about it now, not that she was anyways. Asuka was fairly happy because she was looking forward to things that Akira had planned, even if it didn't show at that exact moment. Pushing away those thoughts, her gaze lifted from the ground and back to Akira, a visible smile playing on her lips as she listened to him. She didn't doubt that anything he planned was indeed fun, though she was curious about what it was. Asuka didn't know what people usually did on Valentine's Day, but she thought it was something exciting and involved chocolates and hearts. That's what she usually saw whenever she had been walking around the city. After Akira placed his hand into hers and started to walk, Asuka followed beside him before speaking❦...
"I wouldn't doubt it. Do I get to know what it is?"

...♅Akira continued walking beside Asuka, the cool evening air gently making his hair sway with each step he took. He listened to Asuka's voice as she spoke, his smile barely containing itself from growing any larger. He looked towards Asuka and replied, a larger smile soon making it's way onto his face as his eyes focused entirely on Asuka's face, a faint blush occurring soon after♅...

Depends~ Do you want to know? Or do you want it to be a surprise?~


Roman said:
Satoshi blinked when Haruo said dog. Dog? He looked downward, and as soon as he did... He tripped over the dog. It yelped and ran off and Satoshi was face down on the ground. He groaned a little as he lay there.
...Haruo laughed lightly as the dog slowly vanished in a puff of smoke. He continued to run until he reached the gates, then he turned to face Satoshi, who was laying on the ground. He spoke as he leaned his back against the wall≭...

So gullible.. Because it was inevitable that I'd win.. I guess.. I'll pay half..
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LunaCrosby said:
Scarlet lightly grabbed his hand and got up, dusting off her clothe's before bowing, apologizing again. "I-I'm really sorry" she said, fixing her gaze on the ground.
Des rolled his eyes again and flipped his book open with one hand while saying offhandedly, "Don't worry about it, it not like you could make an even worst first impression than you already have."
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Yeah its really fun and exciting." He saif to her happily
"H-hayate!!!!" Thana yelled as she fell to her knees her arms wrapping around her chest to cover her breasts as her robes got ripped off when he tripped and fell.

Aya looked back when the girl didnt follow but started walkung and sighed before he turned and launched back to analia landing gently next to her. "Sorry." Aya said to her before she got an idea. "Here get on my back." She said to her as she walked infront of analia and bent down so her back was facing analia



"Oh no it's-" Analia's eyes widened when Aya came back and landed beside her. She stared at her in surprise for a moment, "Huh..." She understood what she was suppose to do, but it was just embarrassing in her opinion and it shocked her. She didn't think the city was so far away nor would Aya have asked her to do something like this. Her cheeks turned a slight pink in embarrassment before getting on to her back as gently as she could.

[QUOTE="Cursed Jester]Des rolled his eyes again and flipped his book open with one hand while saying offhandedly, "Don't worry about it, it not like you could make an even worst first impression than you already have."

Scarlet sighed before standing straight, "If I wasn't a klutz I wouldn't have to worry about the impression I just made." she said. "Though it's not completely my fault it happened"
LunaCrosby said:
Scarlet sighed before standing straight, "If I wasn't a klutz I wouldn't have to worry about the impression I just made." she said. "Though it's not completely my fault it happened"
Des sighed as he continued reading his book before replying in a bored manor, "Impressions are merely that... impressions. After images left behind from an instant where a being perceives an image of how they view existence. And with how that being's perception of existence is constantly changing, it means that their impressions are constantly changing, effectively rendering them useless.





...And yes it was your fault, you ran into me."
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...♅Akira continued walking beside Asuka, the cool evening air gently making his hair sway with each step he took. He listened to Asuka's voice as she spoke, his smile barely containing itself from growing any larger. He looked towards Asuka and replied, a larger smile soon making it's way onto his face as his eyes focused entirely on Asuka's face, a faint blush occurring soon after♅...

Depends~ Do you want to know? Or do you want it to be a surprise?~


...Haruo laughed lightly as the dog slowly vanished in a puff of smoke. He continued to run until he reached the gates, then he turned to face Satoshi, who was laying on the ground. He spoke as he leaned his back against the wall≭...

So gullible.. Because it was inevitable that I'd win.. I guess I'll pay half..

"Or full price"

The Satoshi lying on the ground vanished in a puff of smoke and the real Satoshi chuckled and elbowed Haruo's arm.

"I'm not the most strategic person, but I know how to use my clones."
HimeragiSeiker said:
''hehe, alright...i heard the city lights are beautiful at night too''
"It is beautiful at night. All the lights make the city glow with vibrant colors, but the country side is lit up with stars. I prefer the stars though." Akane said softly.
Roman said:
"It is beautiful at night. All the lights make the city glow with vibrant colors, but the country side is lit up with stars. I prefer the stars though." Akane said softly.
''yeah...stars are nice to look at too''
HimeragiSeiker said:
''yeah...stars are nice to look at too''
"Yeah. I used to go out and just look at them sometimes. Usually by myself, but sometimes I brought Roman along. We lived in the city though, so I'd have to teleport to a place where they're visible."
Roman said:
"Yeah. I used to go out and just look at them sometimes. Usually by myself, but sometimes I brought Roman along. We lived in the city though, so I'd have to teleport to a place where they're visible."
''ah...have you ever been to henir before?''

...✦Arashea asked as she looked at her✦...
[QUOTE="Cursed Jester]
Des sighed as he continued reading his book before replying in a bored manor, "Impressions are merely that... impressions. After images left behind from an instant where a being perceives an image of how they view existence. And with how that being's perception of existence is constantly changing, it means that their impressions are constantly changing, effectively rendering them useless.




...And yes it was your fault, you ran into me."

Scarlet sighed, "You were paying as much attention as I was, so it'd be both our fault's. Me, being an idiot, walked with my eye's closed, and you were reading a book as you walked." she said.
WeirdPrincess said:


"Oh no it's-" Analia's eyes widened when Aya came back and landed beside her. She stared at her in surprise for a moment, "Huh..." She understood what she was suppose to do, but it was just embarrassing in her opinion and it shocked her. She didn't think the city was so far away nor would Aya have asked her to do something like this. Her cheeks turned a slight pink in embarrassment before getting on to her back as gently as she could.

Aya wrapped her arms around Analias legs when she climbed on and lifted her up so she was piggybacking analia and looked back. "Hold tightly ok. I couldn't forgive my self if you fell and died." Aya said before she looked forward then launched into the air with analia and landing in the tree then launching forward and running from tree to tree as they quickly approached the city

Roman said:
Hayate smiled and placed a hand on Thana's cheek. "Yeah we are lucky." He said laughing lightly. "You know... It's weird that we're in an underground cave entrance, acting like a sweet young couple when we're both fully grown adults... If I'm being honest with myself, I really miss the times like this. We're always in the castle, we barely go out much..."
"Hey now you might be an afult but im still concidered to be a teenager ok." She said to him before smiling more. "We must go do more stuff." She said softly to him before she leaned down and kissed him then sat back up and continued to play with his hair.

HimeragiSeiker said:
He smiled and nodded to her before he looked around then chuckled. "Unmm hehehe im to weak to teleport us." He said to her
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Aya wrapped her arms around Analias legs when she climbed on and lifted her up so she was piggybacking analia and looked back. "Hold tightly ok. I couldn't forgive my self if you fell and died." Aya said before she looked forward then launched into the air with analia and landing in the tree then launching forward and running from tree to tree as they quickly approached the city
"Hey now you might be an afult but im still concidered to be a teenager ok." She said to him before smiling more. "We must go do more stuff." She said softly to him before she leaned down and kissed him then sat back up and continued to play with his hair.

He smiled and nodded to her before he looked around then chuckled. "Unmm hehehe im to weak to teleport us." He said to her

''then we'll just walk. sound okay?''
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]J
"Babe have you not seen me?" He asked with a chuckle

''then is there some kind of transportation? cuz i cant really teleport''

...✿She said with a giggle✿...
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"We could ask some of the others..... Or ride eun." He suggested

''Eun isnt the type to be treated like transportation. though if it were urgent she would. and she said she could only carry me since she said i was as light as a doll..''
HimeragiSeiker said:
''Eun isnt the type to be treated like transportation. though if it were urgent she would. and she said she could only carry me since she said i was as light as a doll..''
"Well then lets askaround" he said softly

---A Dark Highway...---

A man with a white helmet and white motorcycle was speeding across bridges and highways, trying to get out of the city as soon as possible. The man's name was Nexus. He had seen things that nobody should have seen. He was frightened, of course, but what drove him forward was finding Ilaani once again, along with his childhood friend.


But things didn't stay peaceful for long, a large streak of red lightning struck out the bridge in front of Nexus and it cause him to heave the motorcycle with all of his might and jump it. He just barely made it across, causing him to swerve a bit. The creepy and destructive being appeared before Nexus as he drove. Akuma. "Well well well! If it isn't my old friend Nexus?" He asked.


Nexus grunted. "Do I know you?" He asked.

Akuma shook his head. "No no, but I know YOU my boy... Your planning to take down my arch rival aren't you?" He asked curiously.

Nexus nodded as he drove down the highway. "Yeah, that's right." He said. "How do you know?"

"Because I've been watching you closely my boy. What do you say we work together and take him down, just you and me?" He asked as he slurped his lips. "It'll be like father-son bonding~" He teased.

Nexus growled. "Like hell I would! You just almost killed me!" He said.

Akuma shook his head and shrugged. "Now you see, that's just too bad..." He said before he made a wide and devilish grin. "B E C A U S E E I T H E R W A Y I W A S G O I N G T O K I L L Y O U." He said slowly before unleashing and unimaginable amount of red electricity on Nexus.

Nexus yelped as he moved to avoid all of them careful but Akuma was already readying his next attack. At this rate, he would be able to make it. He only had one option left... "I know I can't beat you head on, but I can do this!" He said, hoping his fine tuning will do the trick. "Evasive maneuvers activate!" He said before an extra set of boosters and lowered the friction his motorcycle suffered. "Engage battle mode!" He called out before his motorcycle revealed 2 sets of machiene guns and started firing at Akuma. Akuma just yawned as every bullet connected. The bullets had no effect on him whatsoever. Sure they were dangerous, but they lacked the power to defeat the ultimate time demon in the universe. They did slow down Akuma's onslaught however. When Akuma seemed to be off guard, Nexus took his chance. "Activate boosters!" He said quickly and the motorcycle accelerated forward so fast it rammed right into Akuma... Except it didn't. Akuma had grabbed it lazily in midair.

"Well that was fun! Time for our little game to end~" He said before he took a bit to think. "Well... It'd be too boring to kill you now... So I'll just leave something behind for you to remember me by..." He said with demonic eyes and blood running down his hands to Nexus's throat as he held him there by his throat. Nexus could feel himself suffocating as his eyes rolled back and he passed out. Akuma dropped him and sent a bolt of lightning to finish off his ride. A set of white words appeared on his neck. They read, "Servant of Akuma". "Sweet dreams, Nexus my boy..." He said softly and disappeared into the ground.
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...?Lumina hadn't seen Thomas' reactions, and just stared down as she watched clothes be made. She was getting impatient, placing a hand on her hip and tapping her toes like she couldn't wait for it to be done. Honestly, as she had already made clear, she didn't need to wear them, but the fashionista in her said otherwise. Soon the clothes were done and Lumina wasted no time is shedding off the cloak, presenting herself as fully naked again. She made sure to look over at Thomas, striking a pose and winking before putting on all the clothes and turning toward Thomas, standing with her feet spread apart and her arms crossed. This pose made her hair spread out behind her, making her seem bigger than she already was. A smirk played on her lips as she spoke to him?...

"Well, what do you think? Cute right?


...?She looked at him for a few seconds before she burst out laughing, not even caring that he wouldn't answer. It was more of a rhetorical question anyways. Lumina had uncrossed her arms as she laughed, and soon it died down as seen brought a hand to her cheek and winked at him once more, speaking at him before she walked over to the door?...

"Oh what am I talking about? Of course I'm cute! And honestly, it feels like I've been cooped up here for ages! Let's go to wherever we can have the most.. fun."


@Tobi Neafearn
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Roman said:
Alejandro soon landed somewhere where people would usually avoid... The bathrooms. He immediately covered his nose before of are speaking, "I said they have some new roller coasters. Would you like to Rey them with me? It'd be tons of fun."
...€ May got off his back and held luner close, she looked around and smiled nervously, remembering the time she was with han and she accidentally turned everyone on the ride into animals, she nodded €...

"Yea! Which one do you wanna ride first?"
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Well then lets askaround" he said softly

...✿Emiko soon nodded before Drabaki's head came up from the ground and opened a portal✿...

''....i never knew Drabaki can do this..?''
HimeragiSeiker said:
...✿Emiko soon nodded before Drabaki's head came up from the ground and opened a portal✿...
''....i never knew Drabaki can do this..?''
"I never understood what he was." He said to het with a small chuckle

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