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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

TheDragoon said:
Shingo snapped his eyes awake, shivering a bit from shock from being woken up suddenly. "What's wrong?" He asked her worriedly.
Ally looked to the side, "I'm not sure if i'm right but I think the baby's coming." she said.
Nonalaka said:
Kenai nodded "I see, well fruits are better than vegetables so I agree with her" he said with a small chuckle.
Asako smiled, "I should have you meet Yui and Hakuru, though Yui is normally calm and so is Hakuru, but Hakuru is more of... what should I say... hmm... she's more serious but she does have a soft spot... for animals." she said and nodded.
Roman said:
"Well it's pretty obvious my little girl here is scared." Roman said, smiling at Misaki. "I wouldn't mind if you slept with your mother and I tonight... Just don't tell your brother. He'd probably tease you about it." He said, laughing lightly. He then looked at Mal and nodded, "If you say so. Anyways, what's our plan now? Misaki looks a little too scared to stay out. Should we head home? I think we should."
Mal smiled and nodded, "If you think we should then i'm fine with it." she said.

Misaki looked at her father, "I'm the older twin, therefore he should be kneeling before me and kissing my boot's" she said.

...♅Akira stood ontop of a building, his black irises gazing off into the distance. The moon glowed behind him in the night sky. Akira sighed lightly and folded his arms as he spoke, his irises soon moving off to the side, towards the city♅...

I should visit Asuka-chan. She probably thinks I'm dead, given the circumstances in which we departed..



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Nonalaka said:
Amara nodded "Hmm, it seems good so far~" she said happily as she watched it, lifting another donut and popping it into her mouth.
Ariel tapped her finger to her chin " I guess its alright....its pretty much the same as normal school except I guess its a bit lonelier? Since I'm the only 'student' I have no friends really..." She said with a quiet laugh "Maybe I get to go to normal school after a while" she said with a smile.

Kenai shrugged "I guess you're right, I just thought since you brought it for yourself I didn't want to eat your food if you didn't want me to" he said before looking to her "Thanks for sharing with me" he said with a small nod.
...๑Yuuka nodded, understanding a little how homeschooling worked. Though it did seem kind of sad that she couldn't really make any friends because of it๑...

"Yeah! After this whole thing blows over, maybe your mom will let you go~ You'll get friends in no time, you're pretty friendly."

HimeragiSeiker said:
...☫Fuyumi said as she happily lead Nanami to the house her mother stayed at☫...

...✦Nanami grinned happily and just followed beside her as the neared the house✦...

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Lana froze as her eyes widened. "L-love me?" She asked her in shock

''yeah...i know it may sound...a bit quick but...i want to at least give you a chance. since your not a guy asking for sex just because im an Intoner...''
WeirdPrincess said:
...๑Yuuka nodded, understanding a little how homeschooling worked. Though it did seem kind of sad that she couldn't really make any friends because of it๑...

"Yeah! After this whole thing blows over, maybe your mom will let you go~ You'll get friends in no time, you're pretty friendly."

...✦Nanami grinned happily and just followed beside her as the neared the house✦...

(when is Zenya being discovered? xD )

...☫They were soon greeted by woman wearing the same Kimono being worn by Fuyumi but having a longer length. They bowed as they spoke to them while the door behind them was being opened by a girl also wearing their kimono☫...

''Welcome back Fuyumi-sama''
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Our." She said with a grin before kissing him again then starting for the door happily
"Boredom. I dont exactly have many friends so i came here looking for one." She explained to her

"We should do this again." Lana said happily to her as they beared the shop


Analia nodded, she didn't have very many friends either, though that was only because she was new. Why would she come to school when she's bored though? If she were bored, she'd try to find somewhere fun to go and school didn't really seem like the place. "If you're bored, why don't you come to school? Isn't there something fun around here you like to do?" Analia asked, tilting her head a little bit.

Roman said:
Alejandro nodded, and leaned against a nearby tree. "I would understand in a way. I don't prefer the heat as many people do. I prefer the cold, as it possesses many benefits, just as the warmth does."
...€ May nods and took another bite of her hotdog €...

"When I stay in a house and never talk to anyone, I get sad and so tired, that's when I leave, I leave so I can talk to the people at the park, I've met so many people here"
HimeragiSeiker said:
''il be fine. even if they chip me, and i should die, Natsumi has the gift of resurrection. she could just bring me back to life. since she's done it many times before. but i promise il be fine. just worry about yourself. i dont know what id do if something were to happen to you''
...✦Arashea said softly back✦...
Arashea smiled and sat up so she wasn't leaning on the table anymore. "I'll try my best not to... It's just hard when you care so much about someone. Hell, everyone I care about is just a thought all the time for me." Akane said, sighing lightly.
LunaCrosby said:
Mal smiled and nodded, "If you think we should then i'm fine with it." she said.
Misaki looked at her father, "I'm the older twin, therefore he should be kneeling before me and kissing my boot's" she said.
Roman smiled back at Mal and soon looked at Misaki. He sighed and shook his head, she should know that's not how things worked. "No Misaki. Plus after watching a scary movie, did you know the monsters become real and hunt for the little kids? It happened to me when I was your age... I was scared." He said as they appeared in the mansion.
Mayyflower said:
...€ May nods and took another bite of her hotdog €...
"When I stay in a house and never talk to anyone, I get sad and so tired, that's when I leave, I leave so I can talk to the people at the park, I've met so many people here"
"That's.... True." Alejandro said, blinking a few times. "That's why I come out more, because I feel that sitting inside doesn't benefit one's social skills. Not only that, but friends are a valuable thing and all should have them." He said, smiling at May.
HimeragiSeiker said:
''yeah...i know it may sound...a bit quick but...i want to at least give you a chance. since your not a guy asking for sex just because im an Intoner...''
"Y-yeah i would like to grow close to you. I might not be able to say i love you yet but. Im sure i will say it soon." Lana said softly to her

WeirdPrincess said:
Analia nodded, she didn't have very many friends either, though that was only because she was new. Why would she come to school when she's bored though? If she were bored, she'd try to find somewhere fun to go and school didn't really seem like the place. "If you're bored, why don't you come to school? Isn't there something fun around here you like to do?" Analia asked, tilting her head a little bit.

"Well the U.N. Might try to kill me if i head out. The school is the last safe place here so." She said with a shrug hoping that answered her question as to why aya would venture here for fun
Roman said:
Arashea smiled and sat up so she wasn't leaning on the table anymore. "I'll try my best not to... It's just hard when you care so much about someone. Hell, everyone I care about is just a thought all the time for me." Akane said, sighing lightly.
''well lets just mind it now, it might ruin our appetite''
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Y-yeah i would like to grow close to you. I might not be able to say i love you yet but. Im sure i will say it soon." Lana said softly to her
"Well the U.N. Might try to kill me if i head out. The school is the last safe place here so." She said with a shrug hoping that answered her question as to why aya would venture here for fun


...⊹She said as she smiled⊹...
HimeragiSeiker said:
''well lets just mind it now, it might ruin our appetite''
Akane smiled as the waitress soon made her way over to the table. Akane asked for a simple salad with piece of chicken in it. The waitress then asked Arashea what she wanted.
Roman said:
Akane smiled as the waitress soon made her way over to the table. Akane asked for a simple salad with piece of chicken in it. The waitress then asked Arashea what she wanted.
''hmmm...could i have a alfraedo pasta?''

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Lana smiled as well then hugged ophelia a little tighter

...⊹Ophelia soon closed her eyes happily⊹...
Roman said:
Once they made it to the room, Taylor plopped down on the bed as Celia sent through all the clothes to find something to wear. He then grabbed his phone and began scrolling through his contacts as she looked. When she finished putting on her clothes and started talking, Taylor listened closely. He heard her mention the kitchen and he immediately knew she was warning him not to go in there for the millionth time. Taylor chuckled and shook his head...
"Celia. I understand now. You don't have to keep telling me. Plus I promised, now go do what you have to do, babe."
...??Celia was holding her towel, debating on whether or not she should throw it at Taylor. There wasn't any reason behind it, she had just gotten the urge to. It was a bit hard to explain as to why she suddenly wanted to do that, so the reasoning was best left unanswered. Listening him talk, Celia decided not to toss the towel at him and instead draped it over her arm. Keep telling him? She did have a tendency to repeat herself when something was urgent and though this wasn't exactly all that urgent, she didn't want him forgetting. With as many times as she said it, which was three, it probably wasn't hard to forget. Celia spoke as she gave him a sheepish smile??...

"I know, I know, sorry."

...??With those words, Celia walked out of the room and headed back towards the bathroom, hanging up her towel before leaving and heading into the kitchen. Humming to herself as she walked towards the closet close to the front door, Celia opened it and pulled out her apron before putting it on, being careful to tie the back of it. After doing that, she closed the door and headed to the kitchen. She didn't know how long it would take to make everything, most likely a good hour or so, maybe a little longer. Celia just hoped it would turn out good and not be a complete disaster, because if it was she would never attempt at making chocolate or these special cookies. Having only made both things once, she really didn't know how well it would turn out. Celia raised a fist in determination, set on trying to make these perfectly. Clearing her head of any negative thought, she tied her hair back before getting to work on making the chocolate first since it would take awhile to cool. As she began melting both white and milk chocolate chips, she danced around the kitchen as she started to make the dough for the cookies. That wasn't the hard part, what was a little difficult was trying to find substitutes for what was going into the cookies. The ingredients that she had used at the bakery, wasn't anywhere in her kitchen. A frown made a way to her face as Celia went back over to the stove and turned off the burners that were melting the chocolates, trying to think of what else she could put in it. As she pulled out a pan and a few other things to put the chocolate in, she figured out that she was going to put the left over chocolate chips and maybe some dried fruit, or nuts in it. She wasn't sure on what yet, so she'd wait until she was done making the chocolate. After waiting for it to cool a little so it wouldn't melt through the decorating bag, Celia put the regular chocolate into one bag and the white into another. She then proceeded to make small hearts that filled the pan, before discarding of the little bit of the decorating bags that had little to no chocolate in it??....


...??After putting the pan in the fridge to harden, Celia finally started finishing the cookies that she had started earlier. Using a heart shaped cookie cutter that she had grabbed from the drawer, she rolled out the dough and made four decent-sized heart-shaped cookies, soon taking away the excess dough. Though not wanting to waste it, she decided to make smaller cookies with the remaining dough. The smaller cookies were strictly for her though, after all the hard work of making these treats, Celia wanted some of her own. It wasn't going to be a large batch or anything, at least she didn't think there was that much when she put both trays of cookies in the oven. Was a dozen cookies considered a lot? Personally she thought that was only a little because she knew she could eat way more than a dozen cookies, that was just like a snack to her. Oh well, if it was a lot, she'd just leave six cookies for Talia and have the remaining six for herself. As she waited for everything to finish, Celia put on music a danced around the kitchen as started cleaning up. The kitchen was in a messy state, with chocolate on the counter in a few spots and the various pots and bowls she used were dirty. It would have been better to wash whatever she had used after she was done with it, but that hadn't crossed her mind until now. Celia had to keep that in mind when she was cooking anything else. Soon enough, she finished cleaning the kitchen, turned off the music and after a waiting for a little while longer, the cookies were done. Both batches of cookies smelled amazing as she grabbed an oven mit and pulled them out. Celia had to wait for them to cool off before she could wrap them and give them to Taylor, so while waiting, she took out the chocolates that were in the freezer and set those on the counter. Her mouth watered at the site of the chocolate and it took almost everything in Celia not to reach out and take one. Though really.. taking one wouldn't hurt right? Well, it turns out it does because after eating one, she couldn't help herself and ate a ton more. So now there was only a handful of chocolates left, which was still considerably a lot, just not as much as before. Realizing she ate way to many chocolates, Celia hung her head and spoke to herself before she sighed and began wrapping everything up. Except for the chocolates, those had to go in a tiny box that she had. There was also the bag of cookies that she left for Talia sitting on the counter, signed with her name and everything??...

"Dang it.. this is why no one can trust me with chocolate.."


...??With everything wrapped, boxed and the kitchen cleaned, Celia took off her apron and threw it into the washer, since it had chocolate and dough all over it, before heading back to her room. Her hands were positioned behind her back as she walked, hiding the cookies that she had made while she balanced the box of chocolates on the tip of her tail. There wasn't a risk of anything falling out since the box was tied, so Celia thought it was safe to do it. Rounding the corner and walking through the doorway of her room, she spoke. The only reason she was wondering if Taylor was asleep was because she had been in the kitchen for quite a long time, as long as she had expected to be in there, and didn't know if he had been tired after taking a bath. That was how she felt sometimes after taking one, so Celia wondered if he was like that too. Probably not??...

"I'm back. You aren't asleep are you?"

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Lana hugged her happily as she relaxed in the springs with ophelia

''hmm...oh. how was the confrontation with umm...Seol (Nanase) and Neo? yknow, the ones who knocked ya out..''
HimeragiSeiker said:
''hmm...oh. how was the confrontation with umm...Seol (Nanase) and Neo? yknow, the ones who knocked ya out..''
"Tshh.... Horrible...... I had just been nocked out by a demon before they came and when they did i woke back up to a boot being slammed into my face." She said as she held ophelia more.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Tshh.... Horrible...... I had just been nocked out by a demon before they came and when they did i woke back up to a boot being slammed into my face." She said as she held ophelia more.

''i thought they gave you food and...yeah..''

...❦After what was hours of nothing but darkness, Asuka finally woke up in the confinements of her home. She didn't remember much, just that she had left the hospital and then.. nothing. After that everything went blank, there were no memories for her to retain. Not that she would have wanted to remember anything in the forest if she had a choice, those would stay well locked away forever. Asuka soon sat up and put a hand to her head before glancing around the room. It was faintly familiar, though at the same time it wasn't. She could tell she had been there before, she just couldn't remember when. Why couldn't she remember what this place was? It was a little frustration, so she decided to check around a little. Upon closer inspection, Asuka realized she was in her old room. Which meant that she was in her old house, the one that she had first lived in when she arrived. It was strange being back here again.. but it was also comforting. The house held many memories, both happy and sad ones. It felt good to be back, even if it was only for a while. Asuka glanced over at her bed and a soft chuckle escaped between her lips as she remembered summoning a large fox, who then proceeded to push her off of her own bed and take it for itself. Though it was also the time Akira had stayed over at her house and just the thought of him made her sad. The smile that had been there, slipped and was replaced with a sorrowful expression. Not wanting to think about it anymore, Asuka turned and left her room, heading into the bathroom just down the hall. After arriving in the bathroom, she ran herself a bath, undressed before stepping in. She didn't bother turning on the light, she didn't want it on. There was a window beside her tub that shined enough moonlight into the bathroom for her to see, so she felt as if she didn't need it on. Asuka gaze at the reflection of the moon on the water, her eyes still holding the same expression as before❦...


...❦Even though she had escaped her room and took refuge into the bathroom, somehow this area of the house still held memories of him. Asuka was reminded by the fact when she looked over at the counter, looking for her clothes but finding nothing, but a pair of shoes. It had seemed she had forgotten them in her room. Why those were there? She hadn't the slightest clue, but it was a little funny. Asuka remembered the time that she had to walk out of her bathroom, with Akira who was also in the same condition as she was, with stark naked. He had stated that it was for her own benefit and was suppose to put her at ease, though for the first good half of it, that did anything but put her at ease. Asuka had been bright red and didn't dare look anywhere near him. It was probably the most embarrassing thing she had ever had to go through in her life and would not like to have a repeat. When thinking about it though, she probably wouldn't have been as embarrassed as before, much less at all. It was funny to her, remembering how she acted back then but she wasn't in the laughing kind of mood. Asuka was still saddened, so shook her head to try and clear her thoughts before putting her head down in the water and making small bubbles❦...


...❦After she was done with her bath, Asuka got out and grabbed her towel, drying herself off first before draining the tub. She then wrapped the towel tight around her body before heading back to her room to get dressed. Thankfully she still had some clothes here that she didn't take with her when she moved and surprisingly they still fit. As she was getting dressed, she wondered where she was going to go after this. There was no way she was staying here, not that it was in a bad state or anything, because it wasn't! She just didn't feel like staying here any longer for.. reasons. She didn't know where she was going, just as long as it wasn't here then she would be fine. After she finished getting dressed and fixed her hair, Asuka proceeded to leave her old home, swinging the keys around on her finger as she made her way out of the house. She then locked it and stared at her house for a moment in silence before stuffing her keys into her pocket and turning away as she headed off towards.. anywhere really. There was no set destination for her to go❦...

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Nonalaka said:
Elaena blinked before nodding "Alright, though I'm curious why you never had the time to" she said as she looked to him, tilting her head a little.
"I never had time to see one especially when I'm finding a part time job" Mateus explained why he rarely see movies and have a good time he was busy to find a part time job.

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