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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Roman said:
Takashi nodded, seeing the forced smile she gave the waiter sort of made him feel bad. She shouldn't have to force her smiles, even if it was only once. He listened to her talk and sighed lightly when she finished. It was obvious her words had an impact on him by the way he was looking at her. Especially when she told him she cared. As much as they told one another they loved each other, this felt different. Maybe it was because of the situation, but he almost felt like shedding a tear, but if he did that, he'd over exaggerate the fact he was crying... Most likely yelling about how it's sweat and not a tear. Takashi then smiled, and even chuckled. He looked Violetta in the eyes and spoke, "And I care for you too. I'll make sure I lay off work for awhile, and hell... I'll probably quit. It's not like the pay is good anyways." He joked. "Now... Let's forget about all of this and go on with our lives... Together."
...₪Violetta could tell her words had an impact on him. It's not like he was hard to read, he was the kind of guy who couldn't really hide his emotions even if he wanted to. Or at least thats how she saw it. She was glad he was willing to listen to her side about it, but as she was learning relationships go both ways. It's not all about him, but it's not all about her either. Truthfully Violetta just wanted for Takashi to be happy. Thats what she wanted most of all. Despite this, hearing that he was going to take time off work or even quit made her excited. She hadn't really been able to spend much time with him as of late, and it had gotten kind of lonely. Ever since they started seeing each other Violetta had been less lonely than she had ever been, but it was a double edged sword in the fact that when he's gone she ends up more lonely than before they were together. But it made the times when they were together even better, so she figured it was well worth it. As Takashi finished talking Violetta nodded in agreement, taking his hand and squeezing it before responding₪...

"You do what makes you happy. If that's what you want, you know I'm more than willing to spend time with you."
Lumina said:
...♧Lilliana had basically climbed in at this point, inpatient to get in the water. Why she was impatient though, she wasn't too sure. Maybe it was because she had never taken a bath before and was curious about what it was like. As she got to the edge of the tub she basically put all of herself in at once, nearly jumping in, only to find the water was a lot hotter than she expected. It wasn't too hot, but enough to where she gave a surprised yelp. The surprise also came from being surrounded by water and having her hair be wet, two things she wasn't used to feeling. Lilliana looked up at her father in the water, a mixed expression of relaxation from the water and surprise from everything else♧...

...♗Ayen chuckled as Lilliana rushed into the tub, causing herself to yelp, also confirming that this really had been her first time taking a bath. In response to that Ayen reached into the water with one of his hands, almost making a fist then flexing it a little, squirting water at her through the opening between his thumb and palm. While doing that he got the soap prepared to wash Lilliana, getting ready to wash her hair he spoke in a fatherly tone once again♗...

"I'll wash your back, and your hair, from there i want to see if you can do it yourself, okay Lilliana?"
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...♜Thomas turned the phone off as the video ended, then leaning back in his chair before letting out a sigh and looking up at the ceiling in boredom. Truly his master had never seemed this interested in someone who was captured before, so it had wet his curiosity as well, casusing him to look at the phoenix with a appraising stare, as if he was a pawn shop owner looking at something that was being traded to him♜...

"Did... Did you ever meet Siegfried before? And do Phoenixes keep memories through their rebirths? Also, it's better if you talk now, i won't force you to talk, but my master isn't as kind."

((Sorry it's on the shorter side ;- :) )

((No worries!))

...♤The subject of the news cast wad sinking in now. So, anybody that wasn't a human was a threat now. At least, that's how people were seeing it. But... that's not a fair assumption! Shed never hurt anybody! How can they assume everyone with supernatural powers is a threat? It's not.. it's not fair! Shed have gotten more angry had she not had the command in her body to stay calm. Once more Thomas spoke, and this time he was asking questions. Truthfully she didn't want anything to do with talking to these guys. Any information they had about her could be used against her. And since she was kind of trapped here, she knew that anything she said would most definitely be used against her. She didn't feel obligated to talk, meaning he hadn't sent that command yet, which kind of confused her. Did he want her to tell him information of her own accord? With how Thomas was talking about his master, it seemed that way. Well, if that was the case... maybe a vague answer wouldn't hurt. Lumina's gaze dropped to her lap, where her hands were clasped together, speaking softly as her irises scanned over her fingers♤...

"...I don't know."
Nonalaka said:
Ariel took another glance at the note she had a shopping list on to make sure she had gotten everything her mother had asked for, since Ariel had offered to get the groceries for her while she was out. Content she had picked up everything on the list she tucked the list into her bag and continued to walk along. Looking up to see those military vans Ariel made sure her wings were properly tucked away, obviously not wanting to be caught, not noticing the girl that was on the ground in her path while she watched the vans until the last second, suddenly stopping "Oh!, sorry! I almost didn't see you there" she said with a small laugh.
...๑Yuuka tilted her head forward to see the girl that had stopped in front of her. Had she been looking at the vehicles too? They were kind of hard to miss, seeing as how the military vehicles were big and pretty spacious. Once the girl started talking, Yuuka sat up and readjusted her clothing so her stomach wasn't showing, which tended to happen when she laid out anywhere. She soon spoke as she got up from the ground, dusting herself off before smiling at her๑...

"Oh no, its fine. I was in the way, so its my bad. I just stopped to take a rest and got a bit distracted."
Damion found his dorm rather quickly and open it slowly until the door was fully open now. He pulled his suit case towards a bed to the right of him and pulled his clothes out well whats leftover of his clothes. He put them up neatly not wanting to destroy the last remaining clothes as he then find himself hungry. He look in his book-bag hoping he hadn't ate all his snacks: sadly he did as he drop his bag to the ground as his stomach growled at him for starving it even though he ate 30 minutes ago. He left his room quickly running down the hall trying to find the cafeteria before he die of starvation.

DaRkBeTaWoLf said:
Damion found his dorm rather quickly and open it slowly until the door was fully open now. He pulled his suit case towards a bed to the right of him and pulled his clothes out well whats leftover of his clothes. He put them up neatly not wanting to destroy the last remaining clothes as he then find himself hungry. He look in his book-bag hoping he hadn't ate all his snacks: sadly he did as he drop his bag to the ground as his stomach growled at him for starving it even though he ate 30 minutes ago. He left his room quickly running down the hall trying to find the cafeteria before he die of starvation.

Klef walked back to the school, they should have been taking class there for a week, but due to other circumstances, were unable to. They decided to head to the dormitory, going to from the cave to school would be a rather long commute so they decided to stay at their dorm until they could figure out some way to teleport to the school from the cave. Teleporting long distances was exeptionally hard to do, especially now that they had a chip prohibitting that. They saw another guy sprinting down the hall and wondered why he was in such a rush. "Why are you in such a rush? Do you know where room XXX is?" They asked, blocking his path to wherever he was heading.
Lumina said:
...☆Kaori had always been a light sleeper. She was trained to be, growing up, considering some of the missions they had to go on sometimes. So she half woke up as Masahi left, though it was only as he was exiting the room. By the time she actually sat up and started rubbing her eyes to wake up, Masahi had already made it outside. Confused, Kaori looked to the bed to see it empty, and a feeling of panic gripped her chest. After he just left that one day and didn't come back until a day or two later, she couldn't help but have the same feeling again. She was about to scramble out of bed to try and find him when she finally noticed the note. Worried, she picked it up and read it, and it seemed to calm her down a bit, though the panic didn't completely disappear. Setting the note back down Kaori sat there, wondering what she should do. Usually if someone says they need air, they want to be alone. But at the same time, something was probably bothering Masahi and she wanted to do whatever she could to help. So she decided that she'd stay up until he got back, and if he wanted to talk about it when he returned then she'd be here to listen. Yawning Kaori fixed the blanket around herself so she'd be comfortable until he got back☆...
...♝Masahi stood outside, staring up at the stars as he filled his lungs with the crisp night air, the whole time wondering if it was truly okay for him to just come into Kaori's life again after so much time away, with all he's done, and what he still has to do, yeah, he might be just a burden for her from this point forward, especially if she ever found him while he was working, that would probably make her call him a monster. Now that he thought of it she probably woke up when he moved out of bed, so she might be worried once more about what he was doing. Before long one of the white plant men he had used for a spy network peeked it's head out of the ground, he talked with it for a few minutes, getting an update of what was happening around the world with the UN and various other things before it disappeared into the earth once more. None of the news surprised him, it just put him on edge. Then Masahi went back inside, now making a noise as he made his way back to Kaori's room, using Kamui to pass through the door to the dorm room, then walking to the bedroom, unaware Kaori would actually be sitting up and waiting for his return as he simply phased through the closed door♝...
Damion was running so fast he almost didn't catch someone in front of him till he stop dead in his tracks and glared at the person. HE heard the question but he was having a debate to answer it until his stomach growled so loud even without his good hearing he would been able to ear it. " Umm..im looking for the cafeteria" says Damion staring at the person cautiously as if the person is about to attack him.

Lumina said:
((No worries!))
...♤The subject of the news cast wad sinking in now. So, anybody that wasn't a human was a threat now. At least, that's how people were seeing it. But... that's not a fair assumption! Shed never hurt anybody! How can they assume everyone with supernatural powers is a threat? It's not.. it's not fair! Shed have gotten more angry had she not had the command in her body to stay calm. Once more Thomas spoke, and this time he was asking questions. Truthfully she didn't want anything to do with talking to these guys. Any information they had about her could be used against her. And since she was kind of trapped here, she knew that anything she said would most definitely be used against her. She didn't feel obligated to talk, meaning he hadn't sent that command yet, which kind of confused her. Did he want her to tell him information of her own accord? With how Thomas was talking about his master, it seemed that way. Well, if that was the case... maybe a vague answer wouldn't hurt. Lumina's gaze dropped to her lap, where her hands were clasped together, speaking softly as her irises scanned over her fingers♤...

"...I don't know."
...♜Thomas nodded at her response, but he guessed she would indeed know the answers to his questions if she met Siegfried before, so in the mean time Thomas got up before walking over to a coat hanger and taking off his own coat, revealing a very bloody shirt, most of the blood being on the side that he lost his arm on, while the rest of it was white. After that Thomas walked over to a counter and made three cups of hot chocolate before setting them on a tray and bringing them over to Lumina and offering her one♜...

"Listen, it was never my intent to hurt you, but the second that other being showed up i needed a way to ensure the survival of the others in the hospital, so i am sorry about that."

...♞Siegfried had causally walked in, after all, it was his study and his base, though officially owned by the UN right now it was his in every other right. So when Thomas offered the hot chocolate Siegfried had simply manifested a table between the couch and the chairs parallel to it, the he used simple magic to make the tray hover over to the table, besides the cup Thomas had offered, that was still hovering infront of Lumina♞...

"Yes Yes Thomas, we all know that if you could you'd go without harming a single fly, but you're my tool to use. Now then, M'lady phoenix, where and when did you meet the one whom marked you? And i don't mean Thomas's mana either."
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DaRkBeTaWoLf said:
Damion was running so fast he almost didn't catch someone in front of him till he stop dead in his tracks and glared at the person. HE heard the question but he was having a debate to answer it until his stomach growled so loud even without his good hearing he would been able to ear it. " Umm..im looking for the cafeteria" says Damion staring at the person cautiously as if the person is about to attack him.
"Oh, um... Ok?" They said looking at the guy, he seemed extremely hungry and annoyed. " I know where the cafeteria is, it's pretty nearby." Klef told him, noticing that he was rather warey of them, that was a first. "Dude, I'm not going to attack you. Seriously, I just wanted help finding my room."
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Roman said:
Roman smiled and kissed Mal really quick, "Alright, I'm ready now too." He said, nodding his head. The soon was then warped to the entrance of Mal's parents house. "You're knocking."
Mal looked at the door, "Alright, fine..." she said and walked in front of the door, slowly knocking. She then took a step back and looked at Roman, though footsteps could be heard making their way to the door.
Damion look at the person and smiled " Sorry i'm a little bit shy and XXX is the same room as mine i can show after i get done eating if you want" says Damion rather fast getting nervous this person might not like him. Damion looks at the ground eyes drifting from the cracks in the ground to the little spots of paint.

Roman said:
"Well it's a good thing I decided to come here. I don't know how I'd feel letting you out here alone with those guys looking for us supers." Cecil said, looking at the window. "They're ruthless and don't waste any time during their captures. Whatever means it takes to get one they use." He explained, before his gaze landed on Maya again. "Coffee sounds nice. Thank you." Cecil said softly, giving Maya a kiss on the cheek.
Maya blinked she honestly didn't fully understand the extents of this chipping thing, she never really looked at the news headlines or anything, all she knew was that she wasn't supposed to be out and really she was happy enough not knowing to much that way she didn't feel as panicked really. "I'll continue to keep a low profile then...though to be honest, I don't get why they'd try chipping me, I'm pretty much harmless..." She said with a slight frown as she went to the kitchen to make coffee "And you haven't done anything bad before either...its not really fair for them to go after people who mind their own business..." She said softly.
DaRkBeTaWoLf said:
Damion look at the person and smiled " Sorry i'm a little bit shy and XXX is the same room as mine i can show after i get done eating if you want" says Damion rather fast getting nervous this person might not like him. Damion looks at the ground eyes drifting from the cracks in the ground to the little spots of paint.
"It's fine." They said, reassuring him. " You have the same room as me? That's awesome, I don't know how long I'm going to be staying there though." Klef mentioned while smiling. "Let me show you the where the cafeteria is, I'm kind of hungry too." They told him, ushering him to walk down the hallway. " Why do you look so nervous? There's literally nothing to worry about this place, I promise." They asked, concerned about how anxious he looked.
Damion smiled to himself again and look up as they started going down the hallway supposedly to the cafeteria since his stomach was rumbling like it knew i was going there. " when i was a kid i was alone all the time until Ethan came along and took me up he like a older brother to me. I never really had friends are been near people because of what i am" says Damion a hole in is heart forming from being away from his alpha and brother.

@ Ballerina
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DaRkBeTaWoLf said:
Damion smiled to himself again and look up as they started going down the hallway supposedly to the cafeteria since his stomach was rumbling like it new i was going there. " when i was a kid i was alone all the time until Ethan came along and took me up he like a older brother to me. I never really had friends are been near people because of what i am" says Damion a hole in is heart forming from being away from his alpha and brother.
@ Ballerina
"I guess it's kind of the same me and mentor, he is kind of like my father/ older brother... I guess?" They told him. "Why would anyone care so much about who you are to not befriend you, that's BS. You can consider me a friend if that makes you feel any better."
Damion nods and look at the person " What is your name anyways? " says Damion with a little bit of eagerness in his tone his first friend thinks Damion as he continues walking.

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DaRkBeTaWoLf said:
Damion nods and look at the person " What is your name anyways? " says Damion with a little bit of eagerness in his tone his first friend thinks Damion as he continues walking.
"Oh, my name's Klef, what's yours?" They responded, glad to see this guy looking happier than before. The two reached the door, Klef opens it and ushers for the guy to go through. "The cafeteria's right there." Klef said, pointing over to a nearby building.
Damion nods " Hi Klef im Damion or Day what ever float your boat" says Damion as he walks towards the building. Damion eyes was filled with tears but he willed them away he was happy he got his first friend finally. " So may i ask what are you ?" asks Damion sensing something about Klef.

DaRkBeTaWoLf said:
Damion nods " Hi Klef im Damion or Day what ever float your boat" says Damion as he walks towards the building. Damion eyes was filled with tears but he willed them away he was happy he got his first friend finally. " So may i ask what are you ?" asks Damion sensing something about Klef.
"Okay Day!" They said jokingly as the two aproached the building. Klef was concerned that Damion was crying but didn't say anything. "Me? Um...A magical human, I guess? To be honest I'm not completely sure." They replied, chuckling as they entered the cafeteria.
HimeragiSeiker said:
...✿Emiko continued to make the eggs. She soon turned to her shoulder seeing Blake look in the fridge and smiled a bit before looking back at her cooking✿...
Blake smiled as he pulled out a bottole of orange juice then set it on the counter. "Want some?" He asked as he pulled out a cup
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]She follows Aya to the booth. "My name is Celeste, who are you?" She asked to Aya's mother.

"Its nice to meet you celeste. Im thanatose but please just call me thana." She said to her with a polite smile

"Um... Hello Thana." She said, a smile spread across her face.
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...♜Thomas nodded at her response, but he guessed she would indeed know the answers to his questions if she met Siegfried before, so in the mean time Thomas got up before walking over to a coat hanger and taking off his own coat, revealing a very bloody shirt, most of the blood being on the side that he lost his arm on, while the rest of it was white. After that Thomas walked over to a counter and made three cups of hot chocolate before setting them on a tray and bringing them over to Lumina and offering her one♜...

"Listen, it was never my intent to hurt you, but the second that other being showed up i needed a way to ensure the survival of the others in the hospital, so i am sorry about that."

...♞Siegfried had causally walked in, after all, it was his study and his base, though officially owned by the UN right now it was his in every other right. So when Thomas offered the hot chocolate Siegfried had simply manifested a table between the couch and the chairs parallel to it, the he used simple magic to make the tray hover over to the table, besides the cup Thomas had offered, that was still hovering infront of Lumina♞...

"Yes Yes Thomas, we all know that if you could you'd go without harming a single fly, but you're my tool to use. Now then, M'lady phoenix, where and when did you meet the one whom marked you? And i don't mean Thomas's mana either."

...♤Lumina just kept her sight on her hands, not wanting to look up at Thomas. She didn't want to be familiar with him if she could help it. She wanted to leave. Ever since the hospital, all she wanted to do was go back home and just be alone with Kenji for a long time. But no, instead she was stuck here, with people who wanted her for one reason or another. Her hands were gripped together tightly, the knuckles turning white. She could smell the hot chocolate and feel it's heat (she was kind of good at that), but she didn't want to take it. The cup had been hanging there for a while when suddenly a table manifested itself next to her and the couch she was sitting on. Now Lumina's attention was gathered, and she looked up to meet eyes with the guy with the staff from earlier. She was slightly taken aback by the abrasive attitude this guy had, but her shock faded as he suddenly addressed her, asking about how she was marked or something like that. Lumina just looked at him with a look of slight fear and just honest confusion. What the heck was he talked about? She wasn't marked, and if she was she would have noticed. So Lumina spoke in a soft voice up at this stranger, being completely honest♤...

"...what are you talking about? I'm not marked."
...ΨKenji walked through the streets towards the U.N building. The last time he was there, he struck a deal to protect himself and his family. However, it seemed the U.N went back on their word, and kidnapped his fiancée, a bad decision on their part. Now Kenji was going to end them all. He walked through the glass main doors, leaving a burning imprint of his figure through said glass. The nearby military saw, and quickly rushed over towards Kenji, soon pointing their weapons at him. Kenji didn't stop walking, and as he did so, the Humans around him melted, along with their guns. Not one warning was said on Kenji's part. Kenji ignited slowly began to lift off of the ground, and shot towards the top floor, directly where the U.N was holding another imperative meeting. Kenji landed on the top floor and walked over towards the conference room's door. He slammed his foot into the centre of said door and sent it flying backwards, causing it to crush the only two military members on the top floor. Kenji walked in and spoke, his irises burning a fiery red colour as they darted from each Human in the roomΨ...

All you people.. you'll all burn..

What? Why?!

...ΨKenji grit his teeth in frustration as the human secretaries began to disintegrate. Kenji replied over their dying screams, clearly displeased at the fact they'd even attempt to lie at him. He'd seen the fear in Lumina's eyes, and the blood coming from the cut in her neck. Upon remembering the scene, his anger at the pathetic beings infront of him only increasedΨ...

You know what you did.. you took my fiancée.

No we didn't! We had her file specifically exonerated upon terms of our-!

...ΨKenji increased the temperature of the room as he replied, the U.N members soon feeling their skin peel from their bone, layer by layer. Their very blood had begun heating up, and the sweat they were trying to emit was evaporating as quickly as it cameΨ...

I don't believe you.

I-it's the truth! We'd nev-


B-but..y-you're meant to be a nice one, right..? S-surely y-you wouldn't really-

...ΨKenji quickly cut him off as the rest of the U.N members were incinerated, causing their bodies to turn to black ash and flicker into the air. Kenji spared the one he was talking to, yet it was only temporary. The smell of burnt flesh filled the roomΨ...

That man died when he watched his fiancée put a blade against her throat through one of your men's orders. Don't worry though, I promise I'll show you a sight you've never seen before..



...ΨSuddenly, the U.N building exploded into a maelstrom of fire and hate. Kenji stood in amongst the flames, with the final U.N's leader perfectly crystallised in black igneous rock. The roof had been blown away, most likely disintegrated by his fire. Dirt and debris dropped from the air as smoke polluted the sky, his red fire burning any and all humans who were unfortunate enough to get caught up in the blast. Kenji had no regrets though, he now saw the Humans as nothing more than an insect deserving to get crushed, so he watched the Humans burn below him, talking as he did soΨ...

This is nothing. When I find her, and I will find her, you'll all wish you'd never taken her.

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