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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Ballerina said:
Celeste gleefully her to the booth, not suprised that this woman was her mother. " I can tell." She replied.
Aya giggled a little before she toom celests hand and pulled her over to the booth. "Hi mother." She said politely as thana looked up and smoled. "Hello my sweet child... And who is this?" She asked in a beautiful and relaxing voice as she looked to celeste
Lumina said:
...۞Yumi had been helping the old lady with the chores around the building, but everything seemed to have been taken care of for the day. The old lady had excused her for the rest of the day, and since Achilles and Kanon hadn't returned yet, so she figured she'd explore the city a bit. She didn't really know the situation about the U.N or any of the soldiers, but she didn't see any reason to worry, and on the surface she looked like a normal human. Her powers weren't that impressive anyways, so she doubted she would get noticed. Either way, she was in the mood for a coffee, so she located the nearest cafe and started heading toward it, her hands behind her back as she walked۞...
Serenity was still in the woods, adjusting to her human body. She decided to roam about somewhere else, this was something she hasn't done for ages. The world outside the forest never concerned her, so she was completely oblivious to the U.N situation. Unforunately, her horn protuding from her forhead gave away the fact that she was not normal, and even if she didn't have her horn, Serenity's bushy white hair and and tattered white dress would bring about attention. She saw younger girl on the same sidewalk as her and was immediately drawn to her since she seemed rather pure. " Where are you going?" She says, forcing words out of her lips in attempt to talk to the walking girl, speaking wasn't exactly her forte.
Lumina said:
...☆Kaori had nearly fallen asleep, but not quite yet. She was on the cusp of it when he rubbed her back, and upon instinct her eyes opened, at least just enough to see Masahi falling asleep in front of her. A very sleepy smile found her face, to the point where it might not have even looked like she was smiling at all, but it was definitely there, and she was definitely happy. Hearing him speak she closed her eyes again, letting herself go completely to succumb to the sleep her body wanted oh so badly, but not before mumbling a response☆...

"Yeah... goodnight..."
...♝Masahi fell asleep not to long after that, in wasn't an eventful sleep in terms of dreams and nightmares, just a few broken images of his past, or at least thats what he thought of them as because he couldn't truly prove what they were. A hazy scene of him blocking a hail of throwing stars, the assault stopping, then a sharp pain on the back of his hand, him trying to hide it, then failing as Kaori found it and scolded him over hiding it. After that there was nothing, even as he woke up it was pitch black in the room, looking over at the clock Masahi figured out it was one in the morning. Careful not to wake Kaori Masahi got up out of bed before covering her up with the blanket and writing a note in case she woke up, the note saying he'd be back inside in a few and he'd as close to a door to the inside that he could be. After that Masahi quietly walked out the bedroom, using Kamui to just pass through the door, leaving it locked and all as he made his way outside for a breath of fresh air♝...
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Ethan smoled at her giggle and continued to kiss at her shoulder lovingly before he spoke. "I love you emiko." He said spftly

''i love you too Blake''

...✿Emiko said as she smiled more, remembering that day when Blake had saved her✿...
WeirdPrincess said:
Elora Capistrano
Well of course a parachute was needed, without it anyone would fall to their death. There were a few other things that she would need, or anyone for that matter, before going skydiving. "You're correct about the parachute, but that's not it. There are three other things you'll need, along with the goggles and flight suit, which I already mentioned. You'll need a helmet, an altimeter and an AAD. The altimeter isn't necessary, but it's a good thing to have. It's supposed to measure your altitude while you're falling, so you know when to pull your parachute. It's not wise to pull it to early or to late." Elora said as she pushed the button for the first floor, the doors soon closing before the elevator started to rise. "And AAD, or Automatic activation device, is something that will activate your parachute at a certain altitude. It's usually needed for safety reasons, extra safety reasons." The elevator ride didn't take that long before the it stopped and the doors opened, revealing that they were indeed on the first floor where they had started. Elora didn't know if Talia wanted to know those terms and their meanings, but it was probably good to know in case she did decide to actually go skydiving. And yeah, she had to admit she exaggerated on saying their was a lot of stuff, when their really wasn't. That tended to happen, though not to often.

Talia listened to Elora, soaking up as much information as possible... It's not like she'd go skydiving anytime soon. In her opinion, it was suicide for both humans and specials. "So I'd need that stuff? Seems like a small amount rather than a bunch of stuff... Though the AAD seems pretty cool. Maybe I'll make a more improved version. Just to have something to tinker with when I'm bored." She said, before they reached the first floor and the elevator doors opened. "Well here's our stop."
LunaCrosby said:
Mal nodded and smiled slightly "yeah, maybe she won't, but we'll see" she said, hearing the mention of a kid named Klef "well, it's nice that he made a friend..." she said.
Roman chuckled, "Yeah it's better that way, unless he tells her himself." He said softly, before wiping the thought out of his head and putting his arm around Mal, listening as she spoke. "Yep, he was here earlier, but I don't sense him anymore. He must've headed home..."
...♞Siegfried stood there in disappointment, it had been to long since he used to much magic in combat, but that was now an after thought as he looked at Thomas, his pawn for his own uses, missing an arm, then at the people whom died of blood loss, really their brains were easily still in tact, so they where as good as alive as he created golems to remove the bullets and pieces of bullets from them. After that he easily revived them, after all, magic was still greater than modern science at bringing people back, and if the brain was intact then they were practically still alive for up to twenty four hours. As he finished the causalities had been reduced to zero, even saving the baby inside the pregnant woman. It was know that Siegfried walked over to Thomas and he received his whole report of his mission♞...

"Well, you still need to bring that phoenix in one way or another or you'll be punished, and while we're at it, do you remember the feel of the energy she gave off?"

...♜Thomas simply nodded before wondering what sort of weird plan his creator was coming up with before sighing in defeat while looking at his still bleeding stump of an arm♜...

"Yeah, i could easily tell you if she was nearby, i learned her energy and presence while i maintained the mana in her body."

...♞Siegfried smiled before pulling out a crystal orb from the pack on his belt, it focusing on the town Thomas said he was in before, then the hospital before Siegfried looked over at Thomas and making him touch the orb♞...

"Now then, zero this in on her location!"

"Got it, done, what are you gonna do?"

...♞Siegfried simply chuckled before looking at the orb himself, seeing the sleeping phoenix, it was easier than taking candy from a baby, it was like having it handed to him along with extra. From where he stood Siegfried cast a spell to make a wormhole from right above the ground next to him, and right below Lumina, causing the sleeping girl to drop next to him from the hospital before closing said wormhole♞...

"Thomas, be a good puppet and carry the girl to our studies, do that and i'll consider your job completed and get you your arm back."

...♜Thomas couldn't help but sigh before burning the wound shut on his stump arm before picking Lumina up by the waist with his only arm, sorta holding her over his shoulder as he began walking, refilling her body with his mana as he did so. After five minutes of walking he arrived in a large area under the castle that use to be the dungeons, but his master had redone it to be more than fit for a king to live in, so to lessen his load Thomas simply laid Lumina on a nearby couch before sitting on a chair paralell to it, sending two commands, stay quiet, and stay calm♜...

"Now we wait for my damn master."


Roman said:
Roman chuckled, "Yeah it's better that way, unless he tells her himself." He said softly, before wiping the thought out of his head and putting his arm around Mal, listening as she spoke. "Yep, he was here earlier, but I don't sense him anymore. He must've headed home..."
Mal nodded. "most likely, though, if he does tell her himself, i'm sure he's prepared himself on how to deal with her reaction, at least I hope he does, she can react pretty badly when it has something to do with him, since she didn't really get to see him that often since this whole chipping thing started" She said.
HimeragiSeiker said:
...♱Seris soon took the hot chocolate and took a drink♱...
Taylor sat down and held his coffee in his hands, soon taking a small sip to taste it. "Seris, how do you like the hot chocolate?" He asked, sipping his coffee once again.
Roman said:
Taylor sat down and held his coffee in his hands, soon taking a small sip to taste it. "Seris, how do you like the hot chocolate?" He asked, sipping his coffee once again.
...♱Seris didnt answer. She only stared at it blankly before chugging the whole drink down and beamed at Taylor♱...

''M-More please!''
LunaCrosby said:
Mal nodded. "most likely, though, if he does tell her himself, i'm sure he's prepared himself on how to deal with her reaction, at least I hope he does, she can react pretty badly when it has something to do with him, since she didn't really get to see him that often since this whole chipping thing started" She said.
"I hope he doesn't. I told him to keep quiet about it... I decided I'd tell you and to keep it from Misaki for this exact reason." Roman said, sighing lightly. "That being said, you and I have to keep quiet too."
Roman said:
"I hope he doesn't. I told him to keep quiet about it... I decided I'd tell you and to keep it from Misaki for this exact reason." Roman said, sighing lightly. "That being said, you and I have to keep quiet too."
"I plan on keeping it away from her for a very long time, I feel like she'd do something big and get herself hurt, which is an even bigger reason to keep this from her" Mal said and nodded.
HimeragiSeiker said:
...♱Seris didnt answer. She only stared at it blankly before chugging the whole drink down and beamed at Taylor♱...
''M-More please!''
Taylor blinked, and slowly set his coffee down. "Relax there, Seris. I didn't know hot chocolate could be THAT good." He said, taking out his wallet. He soon handed her four dollars, "Here. Buy another."
Roman said:
Taylor blinked, and slowly set his coffee down. "Relax there, Seris. I didn't know hot chocolate could be THAT good." He said, taking out his wallet. He soon handed her four dollars, "Here. Buy another."
...♱Seris nodded before taking the four dollars and quickly buying another hot chocolate, and went back to sit down and drank a quarter of the hot chocolate before setting it down slowly and resting her head on the table♱...

''ah~ its been awhile since i drank those~''
LunaCrosby said:
"I plan on keeping it away from her for a very long time, I feel like she'd do something big and get herself hurt, which is an even bigger reason to keep this from her" Mal said and nodded.
Roman nodded, and looked around at the plants growing in the garden, "Yeah. They're still young and outting them through this is sort of thing is pretty sad... Really sad for us considering we're his parents."
...♤Lumina slept deep, despite having passed out instead of fallen asleep. Her dreams were basically replaying of the events that happened since she arrived at the hospital. Starting with the succubus, and meeting Thomas, and the knife on her neck, and Kenji's anger... the kidnapping, seeing the man kill all those people... the moment she was brought back to the hospital... with a gasp Lumina woke up, sitting straight upright on the seat. Breathing hard to catch her breath she looked around wildly, finding that she wasn't near the hospital anymore. Of course she started to panic, but the sensation didn't last long as the command kicked in. A scream that wanted to escape was stuck in her throat, and the adrenaline in her system seemed to melt away, as if it didn't exist anymore. As this happened, Lumina's eyes fell on Thomas' figure in the chair next to the couch she had just been laying on. Her eyes widened in surprise, and what would have been fear had she not been issued the command to keep calm. Sitting up in a more natural way Lumina opened her mouth to speak, but no voice came out, as the command to keep quiet kept in place. She could only look at Thomas and look around, wondering what had happened and how she could have gotten into this place. Why was she with her captors again? Hadn't that other guy saved her, or something? She wanted to start wondering why she was here, but she didn't want to think about it. It was probably why she was brought here the first time, and she didn't want to know then either. So the phoenix sat as she was told, awaiting her fate♤...

@WeirdPrincess @Fukushima Akira (because why not xD )
HimeragiSeiker said:
...♱Seris nodded before taking the four dollars and quickly buying another hot chocolate, and went back to sit down and drank a quarter of the hot chocolate before setting it down slowly and resting her head on the table♱...
''ah~ its been awhile since i drank those~''
Taylor couldn't help but laugh at Seris. His laughter slowly died down and he took a quick sip of his coffee. "How long has it been exactly?" He asked softly.
Roman said:
Taylor couldn't help but laugh at Seris. His laughter slowly died down and he took a quick sip of his coffee. "How long has it been exactly?" He asked softly.
''a thousand years~''

...♱She said as she just stared at the cup happily♱...
Nonalaka said:
((She lives in a dorm))
"Eh?" Maya quickly turned her head when she heard a knock on her door. Blinking a few times she moved from the window and made her way to the door, soon opening it, peeking out to see who it was, smiling brightly when she saw who it was "Hi Cecil~" she said as she opened the door fully so he could come in.
Cecil smiled when the door opened, seeing Maya's face light up the way it did when she seen him made him happy. "Ah! Maya! I missed you so much." He immediately said, before making his way inside and lifting her up into a hug. He soon put her down and gently held her hands and spoke, "What have you been up too Maya?"
HimeragiSeiker said:
''a thousand years~''
...♱She said as she just stared at the cup happily♱...
"So you were sleep for a whole 1000 years?" Taylor asked. "Is that exactly how long Lucelia and Lucia were around?"
Roman said:
"So you were sleep for a whole 1000 years?" Taylor asked. "Is that exactly how long Lucelia and Lucia were around?"
''pretty much''

...♱Seris said as she giggled again♱...

''they never drank hot cocoa before though''
HimeragiSeiker said:
''pretty much''
...♱Seris said as she giggled again♱...

''they never drank hot cocoa before though''
"Can't say I know." Taylor said, shaking his head. "They were around Celia more than they were with me. We've only actually talked once before."
Alternated said:
Mateus chuckled "yeah but I'll try to come up with a way for it" he replied and realized they we're still hugging each other "uhh...can you let go of me now please I may experience that complicated feeling again" Mateus said as his face got red.
"Eh?" She looked up at him, complicated feeling? It was just a hug, hugs were nice, in Elaena's opinion anyways so she had absolutely no problem hugging anyone really "You don't like hugs?" She asked, blinking a few times before noticing his face starting to turn red "...Are you, embarrassed?" She asked in a confused tone as she let go of him and took a step back, looking at him as if she was studying his expression.

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