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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Nexia closes her eyes and vanishes in a cloud of stardust. She reappears near Williams Location. She sends an energy shock to locate him. "Bingo" she begind making way toward Williams Location

BlueHawk said:
"I'm still not so sure about this..." Jay says to Rain as he watches the plants run off. I mean simple pranks are one thing, but killing. I'll get you a body... But..." He says, unsure how to feel, but softening up to Rain.
Rain:*Sighs and snaps her fingers, the plants stopping, staying still till further commands* Fine, lets do something else then...like rob a bank? *smirks knowing how to play to Jay's greed. Needing to corrupt him, her plan to destroy everything Snow loves backfiring a little if he doesn't actually destroy things*


Snow:*see's Roman run right past her and she holds her breath, turning into water and going underground, following the plants roots now they stopped, curious onto why they aren't moving, wondering what Rain could possibly have been distracted by to not cause chaos. Cutting their roots with high pressured rain slices to cut, fighting off their attacks, or attempts at attacks, burning though when black water mixes with her own. Knowing that she is helping*

Piffy Queen]Nexia closes her eyes and vanishes in a cloud of stardust. She reappears near Williams Location. She sends an energy shock to locate him. "Bingo" she begind making way toward Williams Location @shortyshot8 [/QUOTE] William feels a strong surge of energy "Mitsu get under the bed now!" He yelled at her with worry in his voice [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/14287-daniel-reaver/ said:
@Daniel reaver[/URL]
Hina had washed up then walked out in a skirt and a long sleve sweater to hide her cuts as she walked over to Al "ready" she asked him

Mitsu blushed "h-how is it different

For me" she asked nervousky

shortyshot8 said:
Al sat down on the bed and sighed "I guess this is kinda nice" He said to himself
William was a bit shocked of her leaning on him "Mi-Mitsu? This is strange for you"

Cam sighed "Someone that loves me? An Incubus? That's not possible" He said sadly
"Stop being a downer and get up. We're gonna find you a girlfriend of its the last thing I do." Nora said, determined to help Cam out.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Hina had washed up then walked out in a skirt and a long sleve sweater to hide her cuts as she walked over to Al "ready" she asked him
Mitsu blushed "h-how is it different

For me" she asked nervousky


Al smiled and stood up "Alright!" He said happily adjusting his suit

William puts back on his eye patch "NOW!" He yells out standing up
"Wh-what no" she said defiantly to him sensing the shock wave too and pushing William down "if any thing you get down" she said to him

WeirdPrincess said:
"Stop being a downer and get up. We're gonna find you a girlfriend of its the last thing I do." Nora said, determined to help Cam out.
Cam stood up with a frown "Have fun with that I have been alive forever and no one has loved me"


[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]"Wh-what no" she said defiantly to him sensing the shock wave too and pushing William down "if any thing you get down" she said to him

William frowned at her before standing back up "No I know how to deal with this"
shortyshot8 said:
William feels a strong surge of energy "Mitsu get under the bed now!" He yelled at her with worry in his voice
@Daniel reaver
Nexia travels through the door in stardust form before turning human infront of Will. "We need to talk. Now" black dust floats behind Nexia as she glares toward him coldly.
WeirdPrincess said:
"Um....we kinda left you guys up there for awhile. Sorry." Nora said with a sheepish look in her face.
Ivory laughed. "Don't worry about it...Wait, where's Tyler? Wasn't he with you?" She looked around, a bit confused.
[QUOTE="Piffy Queen]Nexia travels through the door in stardust form before turning human infront of Will. "We need to talk. Now" black dust floats behind Nexia as she glares toward him coldly.

William sighs as she appears "What is it" He said readjusting his eye patch
shortyshot8 said:
Cam stood up with a frown "Have fun with that I have been alive forever and no one has loved me"

William frowned at her before standing back up "No I know how to deal with this"
"Sure, it'll be hard, but that's the fun of it. Now come on, we're on a mission. I'll find someone who loves you just for you." Nora said with a smile before grabbing his hand.


Aeron said:
Ivory laughed. "Don't worry about it...Wait, where's Tyler? Wasn't he with you?" She looked around, a bit confused.
"I have no idea where he is. I'm gonna go now though. I'm helping someone with love! Bye!" Nora waved before leaving with Cam.
WeirdPrincess said:
"Sure, it'll be hard, but that's the fun of it. Now come on, we're on a mission. I'll find someone who loves you just for you." Nora said with a smile before grabbing his hand.
Cam frowned as she grabbed her hand "Alright where do we start?"
Shira looked down slightly as she took a bite thinking of yuki "how can I know for sure that I can trust those words" she asked him trying not to sound as if THATS what she wanted

[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Shira watche rhen smiled at the bowls of rice fhen looked up at ansom "why did you want me to come?" She asked him

Daniel laughed softly fully noticing her blush before nodding "come on" he said happily as he started to pull her twoards the park


She nodded as she followed behind smiling to herself a little, this was nice, the human world was actually pretty fun. She thought to herself.
Tyler sat near a run down house, on a overhanging cliff. The sun blazed bright in the sky. Tyler looked at the blood on his hands. He looked back out at the valley, wondering if what he had done was right.

(Basically Tyler is back at his old home)
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]Hina smile at him "yeah" she said softly to him before holding out a hand for him to take

Al took her hand in his happily "Alright where should we go?" He asked happily
Daniel smiled sensing the joy she was having before they reached the amusement and walked up to the ticket booth "hello sir may I intrest you two in the couples pack you get your tickets half off" the man in the booth said to them before daniel blushed leting go of her hand ten sliding his arm around her

Waist "sure" he said to the worker acting as if they where a real couple


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