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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Nonalaka said:
"Im sorry" Euloria whimpered as she hugged him, burying her face into his chest "I-I had to..." she said quietly, her voice muffled
"Mama! Daddy!" she said as she ran over hugged them both, very much shaken from the events she happy to be reunited with her parents.
"Shhh you two. Your both ok now." He said quietly as he hugged them both tightly
Mayyflower said:
Sam sighed and glared at Marcus just a little
Riley ran over to Sam and stood behind her
Marcus rubbed his forehead "Nero! What are you doing here?" He asked

Nero blinked "I........Came to see you.....Is that bad?"
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Roland chuckled and smiled at her "So, we may have wore extra clothes, but maybe we should take them of now, so they don't get wet." he said playfully.

Dakota laughed a little "Yeah, that would be the best idea" she said as she looked at the dress she was wearing.
HimeragiSeiker said:
...⊹Kikuri said realizing how much she wanted one from Myuki⊹...

...✦Zenya sighed before going back inside and patting his back✦...
Myuki giggked at her. "I might give you one later." She said teasingly before pecking her cheek again then smiling

Jace just say there wide eyed as a couple tears steamed from his eyes as he stared at the picture
shortyshot8 said:
Marcus rubbed his forehead "Nero! What are you doing here?" He asked
Nero blinked "I........Came to see you.....Is that bad?"
Sam Squated down "Riley will you go upstairs with Noah?" She asks

Riley nods and starts to go upstairs, glaring at Nero as she went
Mayyflower said:
"That's what's wrong with kids these days they don't give themselves the chance to relax and be kids" he says
Kairassi nodded "Hmm, yeah I suppose they are" she said before giggling "Although I do wish i was as mature as some of them, I mean, Im 18 and I still act like a kid"


WeirdPrincess said:


Maria followed alongside her and laughed as Ilaani said she was a window shopper too. At least they had one thing in common when they went shopping. "Yeah, it's pretty fun I have to admit. I can't explain why I like window shopping, I just do." She stated before putting her gloves back on and stuffing her hands in her pocket to keep herself warm.

Ilaani nodded "I never really figured that one out" she said with a shrug "Though, maybe its cause when you see something nice, even if you can afford it, its fun to imagine owning it?" she then laughed "That sounds kinda sad, maybe its not that I dunno"


[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Shhh you two. Your both ok now." He said quietly as he hugged them both tightly

Euloria simply nodded.

Ariel smiled a little "Can we go home now, this place is scary..." she said as she hugged closer to her parents and frowned a little.
Nonalaka said:
Dakota laughed a little "Yeah, that would be the best idea" she said as she looked at the dress she was wearing.
Roland smile then leaned over to peck her cheek "Well, don't wait on me now~" he said teasingly as he pulled off his shirt and put out the flame in his hand.
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Roland smile then leaned over to peck her cheek "Well, don't wait on me now~" he said teasingly as he pulled off his shirt and put out the flame in his hand.

Dakota smiled lightly as she removed the dress that was over her swimming gear and left it to one side so it wouldnt get wet.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Myuki giggked at her. "I might give you one later." She said teasingly before pecking her cheek again then smiling
Jace just say there wide eyed as a couple tears steamed from his eyes as he stared at the picture

...⊹Kikuri blushed before she started to giggle⊹...

...✦Zenya just stayed there, rubbing his back✦...
(This will deal with Rini, Chiharu, and Miyaka, however anyone else wanna join may.)

Over the ruined city....

Six streaks crash down from the sky. The ruined city shook a little as each one touched down. On the path back to the still standing school, one of the streaks takes form. The form is of a truly handsome man, flipping a coin as he stroll through the crowds, leaving people in his wake awe struck and comatose. The pretty man spots a group of girls and smoothly approaches them, as if he has known them forever. Moments later each girl passes out, flushed, aged and in a deep trance like sleep. Adjusting his tie he moves on looking for a better meal, than these corrupted by modern living morsels......

Miyaka sneezes. "Something strange is going on...." she said as she moves the kerchief from her mouth as she eyes her sweet supply. The now large load of stuff floats behind her dutifully not moving an inch. The large parfait nearly devoured to empty still hangs out awaiting to be eaten. "So ladies, about the schools bath house.." She asks as she finishes her dessert.


Nonalaka said:
Dakota smiled lightly as she removed the dress that was over her swimming gear and left it to one side so it wouldnt get wet.
Roland whistled playfully "Oh my pretty lady~" he teased as he set his shirt on her dress before starting to make his way over to the water "If it's too cold for you, just tell me, i'll heat it up."
Mayyflower said:
Sam Squated down "Riley will you go upstairs with Noah?" She asks
Riley nods and starts to go upstairs, glaring at Nero as she went
Marcus sighed "Best birthday ever..." He said sarcastically

Nero frowned "Dude, what happened to you? I remember you as the top dog. No one would ever try and mess with you...But now...."

"I became a father and a husband. That's what fucking happened."
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"I am now that you are" he said before chuckling a little and smiling at her

☁Kyoko looked at him

"alright well, thank you for helping me"
shortyshot8 said:
Marcus sighed "Best birthday ever..." He said sarcastically
Nero frowned "Dude, what happened to you? I remember you as the top dog. No one would ever try and mess with you...But now...."

"I became a father and a husband. That's what fucking happened."
Sam stood there her arms crossed, listening to there conversation.
Nonalaka said:
Kairassi nodded "Hmm, yeah I suppose they are" she said before giggling "Although I do wish i was as mature as some of them, I mean, Im 18 and I still act like a kid"

Ilaani nodded "I never really figured that one out" she said with a shrug "Though, maybe its cause when you see something nice, even if you can afford it, its fun to imagine owning it?" she then laughed "That sounds kinda sad, maybe its not that I dunno"


Euloria simply nodded.

Ariel smiled a little "Can we go home now, this place is scary..." she said as she hugged closer to her parents and frowned a little.
Luke nods. "Yea I sometimes do" he says
Mayyflower said:
Sam stood there her arms crossed, listening to there conversation.
"Dude calm the fuck down....But, you did marry a hot chick so I suppose I can let it slide"

Marcus's hands clenched together and lit on fire "Nero....Do you want me to fucking kill you?"
In a non-descript, stereotypical conference room obviously with the lights off, a not so serious, yet still incredibly important meeting was taking place…

As Virgil walked into said conference room, he was greeted by the sounds of his commanders arguing as usual. Sitting down at the head of the table, he tidied up a few folders and leafed through a few reports before being startled by the sound of a shotgun going off. Looking up, he glared at the young man who was holstering a sawn off shotgun on his back, and then at the green goop slowly reforming into a humanoid shape next to him. Sighing Virgil addressed the group before him saying,

“Well I do believe that simply raising my hand would have achieved the same effect, but I suppose a shotgun blast works as well. Now to start off this meeting, I would like to address our recent attack on the being known as “Ayen”. This attack consisted of around twenty soldiers, five S.A.M. units, and a few demons. This attack was a miserable failure, after all, Ayen is a nature spirit on a high enough level to be consider a god, however what this attack did achieve is it allowed up to petition the council for more funding. Now with that out of the way, I would like to bring up targets for possible capture or elimination. Suggestions?”

The man who had fired the shot gun earlier leaned back in his chair and placed his feet up on the table before saying,

“What about that bastard Akira? That guy destroyed heaven and hell, so I can’t wait to get my hands around his neck.”

Murmurs of ascension came from the rest of the group, however the man who had been on the receiving end of the shotgun, shook his head in disgust before saying,

“Only go after Akira if you have a death wish, and if you do make sure you record it, I would love to see you getting pulled apart one atom at a time. I suggest we go after the nature existence informally known as “Roselyn”, I heard it recently awoke, and shouldn’t be to hard to deal with. Or perhaps the being known as Ilaani, although I don’t know much about it.”

Many of the members nodded in agreement with the man, and then another said,

“What about the beings known as Myuki, Marcus, Roland, or Ohana?”

Virgil sighed before briefly searching through CROSS’ archives trying to pull up their information before giving up and saying,

“As a side note, remind me to get someone to organize the archive database, so I can actually find shit next time, however continuing from that point, I think perhaps the best thing to do would be to launch minor attack on those we wish possibly peruse farther, for the sole purpose of gathering information on them, however that begs the question of who we should target. Personally I am in favor of Roselyn, Marcus, and Ilaani. All in favor of those three?”

Many hands where raised at this notion, however one man spoke up and asked,

“If we are targeting so many why not also target the others?”

Virgil nodded in ascent to his comment and replied,

“We are undoubtedly going to lose any soldiers we assign to this mission, and the council will get mad at me if I order too many units to their death in one sitting, so I’m thinking only one squad of twenty soldiers each, equipped with type three anti-spirit gear. All in favor?”

Nearly all members around the table raised their hand, and nodding with satisfaction Virgil said,

“Then the notion passes. I will notify the units who will be sent out, and organize the release for their equipment within the hour. And with that I believe this meeting has come to a close, so I bid you all adue.”

With that, the commanders all got up and left the room while Virgil pulled out his phone and began to make the necessary preparations.

@shortyshot8 @Nonalaka

((Oh and before anybody says anything, I do have permission to attack anybody from Akira, and I technically don’t even have to give you guys a warning, I just thought I would do so this time, considering how I haven’t done much regarding this yet…))

((Both Dante, and Rael are open, and if you want to interact with Virgil, he’s technically free as well.))
shortyshot8 said:
"Dude calm the fuck down....But, you did marry a hot chick so I suppose I can let it slide"
Marcus's hands clenched together and lit on fire "Nero....Do you want me to fucking kill you?"
Sam blushed a little and shook her head with a light chuckle

((Oh and before anybody says anything, I do have permission to attack anybody from Akira, and I technically don’t even have to give you guys a warning, I just thought I would do so this time, considering how I haven’t done much regarding this yet…))

((Both Dante, and Rael are open, and if you want to interact with Virgil, he’s technically free as well.))
(Oh no xD )

Mayyflower said:
Sam blushed a little and shook her head with a light chuckle
Marcus sighed "Nero, just go....I have a bad feeling...Sam I suggest you go with, and take Riley and Noah"

@Fukushima Akira Why are you sending Jester to his death? xD
shortyshot8 said:
(Oh no xD )
Marcus sighed "Nero, just go....I have a bad feeling...Sam I suggest you go with, and take Riley and Noah"

@Fukushima Akira Why are you sending Jester to his death? xD
Sam tapped her foot, she hated it when people told her what she should do, she rolled her eyes and went upstairs. "Don't destroy my house" she says as she went upstairs
Mayyflower said:
Sam tapped her foot, she hated it when people told her what she should do, she rolled her eyes and went upstairs. "Don't destroy my house" she says as she went upstairs
Marcus sighed "Sam! I mean out of the house!"
Mayyflower said:
Luke nods. "Yea I sometimes do" he says
"Do you mean you wish yourself was or me?" Kairassi said blinking a few times not fully understanding what he meant.


Rini was too interested in Miyakas first comment to talk of the bath house "...Something strange? like what?" she asked tilting her head curiously



[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Roland whistled playfully "Oh my pretty lady~" he teased as he set his shirt on her dress before starting to make his way over to the water "If it's too cold for you, just tell me, i'll heat it up."

Dakota laughed at his first comment, rolling her eyes a little before making her way to the water as well "Alright but i think it should be fine" she said with a nod

((Oh and before anybody says anything, I do have permission to attack anybody from Akira, and I technically don’t even have to give you guys a warning, I just thought I would do so this time, considering how I haven’t done much regarding this yet…))

((Both Dante, and Rael are open, and if you want to interact with Virgil, he’s technically free as well.))
((Oh Okay xD ))
Nonalaka said:
Kairassi nodded "Hmm, yeah I suppose they are" she said before giggling "Although I do wish i was as mature as some of them, I mean, Im 18 and I still act like a kid"

Ilaani nodded "I never really figured that one out" she said with a shrug "Though, maybe its cause when you see something nice, even if you can afford it, its fun to imagine owning it?" she then laughed "That sounds kinda sad, maybe its not that I dunno"


Euloria simply nodded.

Ariel smiled a little "Can we go home now, this place is scary..." she said as she hugged closer to her parents and frowned a little.


Maria had to think about it for a minute. She did sometimes imagine herself owning a particular article of clothing or maybe having some type of furniture. That sounded a bit sad if she thought about it hard enough, she she agreed with Ilaani on that part. Though as hard as she thought, Maria couldn't place her finger on why she liked to window shop. Thankfully, she wouldn't be doing that today. She'd brought money along with her so she could actually purchase a few things and as to what those things were, Maria didn't have a clue. "I don't think there's any other reason, but that. Or maybe you think that you'll mess up whatever it is you want to buy, so you'd rather just not get it in the case that you do somehow ruin it." She suggested. Though as she said it, the more odd it sounded to her. "Or maybe not. That just sounds a little weird~" Maria said with a laugh.


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