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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

WeirdPrincess said:
...✿Kioko nodded and laughed lightly as Yumi explained that her sister was overprotective. She couldn't explain why she thought it was funny, it just was to her. Kioko soon spoke as rested her back on the bench and looked up at the sky✿...
"Sounds kind of rough, to have an overprotective sister. I think both me and my sister are more lenient with each other. Do you live in the dorms with your sister?"
...۞Yumi smiled at Kioko, nodding a bit. She did find it slightly amusing how overprotective Kanon was. After all, Yumi had a better capability of defending herself rather than her sister, and was also less reckless. She smiled as she responded to Kioko۞...

"That sounds nice. I bet you two have a great relationship. And yeah, we're rooming together in the dorms. Its... a little crowded."
Lumina said:
...☆As the first chain was removed a tv-like screen popped up above her head, releasing a trapped memory. It was of a random training mission the two had gone on together, plus their other friend and teammate. Kaori looked up at Masahi, the memory coming back to her, wondering who this boy was. But the moment she started to wonder the chain in her chest yanked itself forward, bringing her body forward with it. The chains still attached to her arms tugged backwards, opposing the chain attached to her chest. Kaori cried out for a moment, pain ripping through her chest at the motion. Obviously something didn't want anything messing with her memories☆...
...☬Masahi yeeled out with anger when the chains caused Kaori more pain, then he got an idea and held onto her and activated Kamui once again and slowly tried pulling her away from the chains and into his own dimension before remembering they where still in her mind, so it probably wouldn't work that way. He then spoke softly☬...

"Hey, trust me for a moment..."

...☬Masahi sighed then started taking in the location of each of the chains before also focusing on Kaori before starting to suck all of them in with Kamui's dimension, leaving only him and Kaori sitting there, hoping it worked☬...
Lumina said:
...♧Lilliana felt herself get pulled up against him, and when they started moving fast she clung tightly to him, not wanting to fall. Not that she would, but she had never flown in the sky before. Especially not like this. She had read that people fly in the sky, but they did so using some kind of metal bird. She didn't really understand it though. She hadn't been paying much attention to anything but holding on to Ayen when they suddenly stopped, and she moved her head enough to look up at him♧...
Ayen looked down at her then smiled nervously "O-oh, nothing, nothing at all....." he was gonna continue talking when a piece of cloud covered his face then his head "Well.... this is not what i had planned, not at all..." he said in an almost comical tone before sighing and lowering a little so he was out of the cloud. Ayen then smiled at her again "I'll keep hold of you, but if you don't like heights, then don't look down."
Vergil grinned as he starred at the monitors. It was finally time for C.R.O.S.S. to make their entrance, and they where going to do ir with a bang. Laughing, Vergil pressed one of the many buttons in front of him, and gave squadron 1 permision to begin their hunt.

At that moment, 20 solidures wearing full riot gear and wielding MG43s loaded with HE rounds all began firing at two targets moving across the sky, along with 5 automatic SAM units which launched a continuous stream of missiles at the pair.

@Tobi Neafearn @Lumina
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[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...☬Masahi yeeled out with anger when the chains caused Kaori more pain, then he got an idea and held onto her and activated Kamui once again and slowly tried pulling her away from the chains and into his own dimension before remembering they where still in her mind, so it probably wouldn't work that way. He then spoke softly☬...
"Hey, trust me for a moment..."

...☬Masahi sighed then started taking in the location of each of the chains before also focusing on Kaori before starting to suck all of them in with Kamui's dimension, leaving only him and Kaori sitting there, hoping it worked☬...

...☆Kaori's head hung down limply, the tugging of the chain in her chest falling only slightly slack, enough for the pain to subside a bit. She raised it enough to look up at Masahi as he spoke, having no choice but to trust him. She was trapped like this otherwise. The chains slowly were warped away, and the chain in her chest tugged only slightly at each disappearing chain. More TV screens popped up, revealing a new memory with every chain gone. Kaori looked at Masahi, beginning to recognize him a bit as the memories came back. She couldn't focus too hard as the chain in her chest was still pulling her to the ground, though not as severely as last time. The opposing forces caused Kaori some pain, though it wasn't as bad as before. It was painful, and slow, but Masahi's plan seemed to work. Kaori looked at Masahi with a pleading look, wanting the pain to stop already☆...
...♧Lilliana continued looking up at Ayen, wondering what he was talking about, and she stifled a laugh as his face was covered in a cloud for a moment. Almost as if on cue her grip tightened onto him, nodding at his response♧...


...♧It was kind of annoying how much her body froze in fear at being up so high. She was so focused on that, that she didn't really notice at first the sounds of the ammunition flying at them♧...
Lumina said:
...☆Kaori's head hung down limply, the tugging of the chain in her chest falling only slightly slack, enough for the pain to subside a bit. She raised it enough to look up at Masahi as he spoke, having no choice but to trust him. She was trapped like this otherwise. The chains slowly were warped away, and the chain in her chest tugged only slightly at each disappearing chain. More TV screens popped up, revealing a new memory with every chain gone. Kaori looked at Masahi, beginning to recognize him a bit as the memories came back. She couldn't focus too hard as the chain in her chest was still pulling her to the ground, though not as severely as last time. The opposing forces caused Kaori some pain, though it wasn't as bad as before. It was painful, and slow, but Masahi's plan seemed to work. Kaori looked at Masahi with a pleading look, wanting the pain to stop already☆...
...☬Masahi looked at her with a look that said it was almost done as he focused on the chain in her chest and pulled it out personally before removing the last of the chains with kamui. After he was sire the last of the chain were gone he fell down on to his butt and looked at her with a slight smile before rubbing his eye then speaking in a lighthearted tone☬...

"That might have gotten your memories back, but i'm still at a blank with mine."
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...☬Masahi looked at her with a look that said it was almost done as he focused on the chain in her chest and pulled it out personally before removing the last of the chains with kamui. After he was sire the last of the chain were gone he fell down on to his butt and looked at her with a slight smile before rubbing his eye then speaking in a lighthearted tone☬...
"That might have gotten your memories back, but i'm still at a blank with mine."

...☆But, the chain didn't disappear. When Masahi yanked it, Kaori came with, yelping at the sudden action and motion. It was like it was connected to something else, something external of her body, and it wasn't going away. She flew forward a bit, her hands landing on the ground, and she had to take a moment to recover. She looked up at Masahi once she did, looking at him now. Her eyes starting tearing up, now remembering who he was. She stared at him, her mouth slightly open as if she was scared to speak☆...

Lumina said:
...♧Lilliana continued looking up at Ayen, wondering what he was talking about, and she stifled a laugh as his face was covered in a cloud for a moment. Almost as if on cue her grip tightened onto him, nodding at his response♧...

...♧It was kind of annoying how much her body froze in fear at being up so high. She was so focused on that, that she didn't really notice at first the sounds of the ammunition flying at them♧...
Ayen smiled at her "Well aren't you just..." he cut himself off when he felt the bullets approaching "Mixed metals, gunpowder, some form of burning oils." he quickly said as he used his powers to pull the clouds around them and harden the outsides of the cloud to the strength of diamonds as he moved further into the cloud, spreading his aura through to make it denser and turn it into a storm cloud on steroids.
Lumina said:
...☆But, the chain didn't disappear. When Masahi yanked it, Kaori came with, yelping at the sudden action and motion. It was like it was connected to something else, something external of her body, and it wasn't going away. She flew forward a bit, her hands landing on the ground, and she had to take a moment to recover. She looked up at Masahi once she did, looking at him now. Her eyes starting tearing up, now remembering who he was. She stared at him, her mouth slightly open as if she was scared to speak☆...
...☬Masahi quietly nodded as he slightly teared up as he looked down at her, wishing he could remember her name, even have some of his own memories back, but all he had was her face, and the emotions attached to it. Masahi gulped then took a deep breath as he looked at the chain again thinking it might have to stay for now before standing up and speaking softly☬...

"Yeah, that's me, or at least that's who i was, but now i just have his scattered memories, well, more like emotions, but still...."
...Elyse let herself be washed by Kili, enjoying how warm his hands felt against her. She knew she'd never get used to such a nice feeling. It tickled a bit, but it was soft, and lovely. Elyse leaned into Kili more, snaking her arms around his back as she did so∞...

"I love you..."

@Kalin Scarlet
...♧The smallest hint of a smile had begun to find Lilliana's face, until Ayen's expression changed and she heard some weird sound coming closer from out in the distance. Her expression grew worried and scared, the child in her really coming out now as she held on to Ayen♧...

"W-What's happe-"

...♧Lilliana's voice was cut off as one of the rounds that the second team in exploded nearby on the side of the cloud they were on that hadn't quite hardened yet. The explosion didn't do much, but the shrapnel was sent in a multitude of directions and scraped her cheek just before the duo was encased in the cloud completely. It was a decent sized gash and Lilliana cried out, releasing her grip on Ayen and almost falling off of the gravity thing that was keeping her aloft with him♧...
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...☬Masahi quietly nodded as he slightly teared up as he looked down at her, wishing he could remember her name, even have some of his own memories back, but all he had was her face, and the emotions attached to it. Masahi gulped then took a deep breath as he looked at the chain again thinking it might have to stay for now before standing up and speaking softly☬...
"Yeah, that's me, or at least that's who i was, but now i just have his scattered memories, well, more like emotions, but still...."

...☆All of her returned memories of Masahi were playing on TV screens around her as her mind played through them. Suddenly all the screens went blank except for one, playing the memory of the last time she saw him alive. Kaori stood up as well, taking a step towards her friend. A tear escaped her eye, slipping down her cheek as her foot took its step. Her arms reached out a bit toward him of their own accord. She could barely believe what she was seeing. Was he really alive again?☆...

"You're really... alive..."
...◇Vanille nodded, then hugged Levya tight for a moment before swinging her legs over the bed and standing up. She walked over to her dresser before stripping her shirt and bra off, leaving her completely shirtless in her room. It didnt really register she was changing in front of someone, despite knowing that Levya was there◇...

"So, what would you want to do? We could go to the park, go out to eat, go see a movie, there's an aquarium I think?"

Lumina said:
...◇Vanille nodded, then hugged Levya tight for a moment before swinging her legs over the bed and standing up. She walked over to her dresser before stripping her shirt and bra off, leaving her completely shirtless in her room. It didnt really register she was changing in front of someone, despite knowing that Levya was there◇...
"So, what would you want to do? We could go to the park, go out to eat, go see a movie, there's an aquarium I think?"

*Levya blushed when she saw Vanille change in front of her*

''um...i-i dunno...w/e you wanna do''
LunaCrosby said:
Scarlet got changed and picked up the clothes she borrowed, walking out and throwing them at him "I'm guessing you'll want those back" she said.
Leon reached out and grabbed the clothes, staring at them for a moment, before looking back up at Scarlet

"Thanks. But you can keep them if you want. " he said, holding them back out towards her.
Lumina said:
...Elyse let herself be washed by Kili, enjoying how warm his hands felt against her. She knew she'd never get used to such a nice feeling. It tickled a bit, but it was soft, and lovely. Elyse leaned into Kili more, snaking her arms around his back as she did so∞...
"I love you..."

@Kalin Scarlet
Kili smiled as Elyse wrapped her arms around him, and stopped cleaning her for a moment. He kissed her forehead softly, and lifted her chin. "I love you too, Ellie."

After he finished speaking, he used some more water to wash the soap off of her back, making sure he wiped it all away, before doing the same to her chest, and stomach.

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Lumina said:
...♧The smallest hint of a smile had begun to find Lilliana's face, until Ayen's expression changed and she heard some weird sound coming closer from out in the distance. Her expression grew worried and scared, the child in her really coming out now as she held on to Ayen♧...
"W-What's happe-"

...♧Lilliana's voice was cut off as one of the rounds that the second team in exploded nearby on the side of the cloud they were on that hadn't quite hardened yet. The explosion didn't do much, but the shrapnel was sent in a multitude of directions and scraped her cheek just before the duo was encased in the cloud completely. It was a decent sized gash and Lilliana cried out, releasing her grip on Ayen and almost falling off of the gravity thing that was keeping her aloft with him♧...
Ayen let out a quiet laugh as he took in their new tactic "Your the first ones to use science and demons, i'll give you that." his voice echoed throughout the sky as he pulled Lilliana back to his and healed her in almost a second thought as he pointed his palm towards the oncoming attack "But sadly, it isn't enough....." he said as he released a wave of power. There are a few things that this waved did, the first was to freeze the air soild around the packages so they didn't even make contact. Second was to disrupt the minds of the Addus. Third was to increase the gravity around the entire attack by a factor of 50. This all happened in under five seconds.
Lumina said:
...☆All of her returned memories of Masahi were playing on TV screens around her as her mind played through them. Suddenly all the screens went blank except for one, playing the memory of the last time she saw him alive. Kaori stood up as well, taking a step towards her friend. A tear escaped her eye, slipping down her cheek as her foot took its step. Her arms reached out a bit toward him of their own accord. She could barely believe what she was seeing. Was he really alive again?☆...
"You're really... alive..."
...☬Masahi made a bitter face as he looked away. how could he explain to her now that he was never dead? How he failed to save her and the horrible things he did while she was dead. Masahi looked back at her and forced a smile for her sake as he could of sworn that some of his memories attempted to return, but all it was, was a few more images of her. when he noticed her reach out to him he couldn't help but do the same before talking softly☬...

"The t-truth is, i, well, i never died in the first place, i mean, have you seen the right side of my face?"
LunaCrosby said:
(my heart just got shot x.x)
Kelsey watched him walk off, remaining quiet for a bit. "bye..." she said quietly, slightly waving.
((I'm sorry ;- ;) )

Ken then began to walk off.

((I would say there's still a chance tho, but Kelsey better do something xD ))
Nanne said:
Kanae looked over at the baby boy and smiled. "He is...." she said weakly. Tears ran down her face and she chuckled quietly, "We haven't given any thought as to what his name was going to be...what should we name him? I like Ihdob because it's unique and no one has that name because I thought it up just now...but I also like Kei which means joyful...what about you?" She said before closing her eyes to rest them a bit.
Diablo pecked her cheek. "Any name you like will be perfect..." He said softly. The baby seemed to respond well to 'Kei' though...
HimeragiSeiker said:
''k then il wait...''
Mari ran off to the kitchen to wash off her apple before quickly coming back with a smile. "Thanks for waiting, Rosie-San~" She said sweetly.
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]
Leon reached out and grabbed the clothes, staring at them for a moment, before looking back up at Scarlet
"Thanks. But you can keep them if you want. " he said, holding them back out towards her.

"I would...but, my sister would question why, where, and how I got them" she said and shrugged.
TheDragoon said:
((I'm sorry ;- ;) )
Ken then began to walk off.

((I would say there's still a chance tho, but Kelsey better do something xD ))
(alright, I must do dis x3)

Kelsey ran torward ken and hugged him from behind "thank you"


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