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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Mayyflower said:
Rin shrugged. "Won't tell me" she says "he says that mommy will get really really mad, and an angry soul isn't a good soul" she says
Len widened his eyes "Are you planing to trap mom in there?" he all most yelled.
Nonalaka said:
Ariel followed her grandmother out of the tent.
Euloria furrowed her brows as she watched what was going on "W-Why are they making her do that?!" she said shaking her head before turning to Daniel "We have to get her"
Daniel noddes before grabing euloria and pulling her out side. "Ready?" He asked her quickly

Ariels grandmother leg her through the camp and headed for a rather large altar
Daniel reaving]"I-isn't that hot?" He asked her suprised she didn't flip out [/QUOTE] [COLOR=#ff0080]Kyoko looked at him then down at her food.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0080] [/COLOR][URL="http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-K_xc5qWiAKo/UyH_2nPpZBI/AAAAAAAAEBk/HCFTXcN_CYk/w426-h624/tumblr_inline_mztzvocoei1r0v7vl.gif&imgrefurl=https://plus.google.com/communities/108379528199817728286&h=486&w=332&tbnid=59zfFFijmsb7rM:&docid=tAmgDDHP5kXCjM&ei=KOIvVr7lHcjUmwGvsaywAg&tbm=isch&ved=0CCMQMygHMAdqFQoTCL6ZmaXC48gCFUjqJgodrxgLJg said:
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/upload_2015-10-27_15-54-43.jpeg.c1ec5debfd2ba060694827ee1c5749ed.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82476" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/upload_2015-10-27_15-54-43.jpeg.c1ec5debfd2ba060694827ee1c5749ed.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>[/URL]

"the heat doesn't bother me like it does other's." she said.



  • upload_2015-10-27_15-54-43.jpeg
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[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Roland had been working in the shop and had become grease and oil covered while working on alot of different things, including a new bracket for Dakota. After deciding he needs Roland walks up the stairs and opens the door just in time to see Dakota fall off the couch "Are you okay Dakota?" he said as he rushed over to her still covered in grime.

Dakota nodded as she looked over at Roland "Yeah, yeah im fine" she said with a small laugh "Im clumsy, so im used to falling, remember?~"
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Len widened his eyes "Are you planing to trap mom in there?" he all most yelled.

"Im not planning to! He is... Im just helping him" she says covering his mouth. "And stop yelling" she says
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Daniel noddes before grabing euloria and pulling her out side. "Ready?" He asked her quickly
Ariels grandmother leg her through the camp and headed for a rather large altar

Euloria nodded "Ready"

Ariel looked at the altar curiously as they approached it.
[QUOTE="Jofune Tsurabisu](@Nonalaka owes me and chiharu a reply too....)

oops ill go back in my alerts and find the reply, sorry ;- ;) )
Nonalaka said:
Euloria nodded "Ready"
Ariel looked at the altar curiously as they approached it.
Daniel noddes before they both started to glow before disapering reapering outside of the angel camp

"Don't worry lottle one you will be purged soon enough." Ariels grandmother said softly to her
Nonalaka said:
Dakota nodded as she looked over at Roland "Yeah, yeah im fine" she said with a small laugh "Im clumsy, so im used to falling, remember?~"
Roland shook his head "I'm not the one with the perfect memory, remember?" he said as he offered her his hand not remembering it was covered in grease while holding a new bracelet her her in the other.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"I've never seen anyone that can take that heat before." He said before starting to eat his own food

"really..." she said quietly before holding a spoon of her food out "then you try some, I want to see your reaction" she said.
Mayyflower said:
"Im not planning to! He is... Im just helping him" she says covering his mouth. "And stop yelling" she says
Len frowned under her hand before punching the jar and sending it flying.
LunaCrosby said:
"really..." she said quietly before holding a spoon of her food out "then you try some, I want to see your reaction" she said.
River looked at the spoon full of food before he took a bite then chewed slowly before going silent for a sec then swallowing then going wide eyed and opening his mouth as the spice sting his throat badly making him cough
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Len frowned under her hand before punching the jar and sending it flying.

Rin sighed and watch the jar fly out of her hands and onto the floor. "It wont break, there is an enchantment on it" she says getting up and grabbing it
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]River looked at the spoon full of food before he took a bite then chewed slowly before going silent for a sec then swallowing then going wide eyed and opening his mouth as the spice sting his throat badly making him cough

Kyoko then quickly held out her water "it's that hot?..." she said quietly.
LunaCrosby said:
Kyoko then quickly held out her water "it's that hot?..." she said quietly.
Rivee gladly took the water and chugged it quickly then sifhed a sigh of releife and nodded. "Yeah..... Very." He said before coughing once again
LunaCrosby said:
"hah yup, gotta check on them every once in a while" he say's.
"Oh lovely" she says before thinking about family and then about lexi, she sighed and frowned a little
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Rivee gladly took the water and chugged it quickly then sifhed a sigh of releife and nodded. "Yeah..... Very." He said before coughing once again

"you sounded like you were about to die..." she said and sat back in the chair.

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