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Fantasy The Deadly Academy: Magic Assassins

Lily essentially sat there, bored, looking in the direction of the board. She wondered if the teachers at this school would be able to deal with the rambunctious group of teenagers. Her leg continued to bounce, however, her hands had unballed themselves.

She just hoped the teacher would get this lesson over with.
Kazu was still laughing his ass of and says "your the one who fell for it you idiot and stops laughing for a second and looks at Zazu's pouting face and starts to laugh again.
Zazu sighed and rolled his eyes. He looked around the room for once and saw a girl, who was bouncing her leg. He smiled at her, but his smile was not visible. All that could be seen were his enchanting, glowing blue eyes.

@Mackie R
"Ok you two, Break it up! I can excuse tardiness, but if so much as break one of the bottles in this room I will make you clean it up with your tongues, those are very fast acting poisons, and a few slow acting ones, I am the only person anywhere near here that knows the antidote and I would not give it to you. SO SIT DOWN DAMMIT!" She had watched them fight in shock for a few minutes, not knowing how to intervene until now. The students were supposed to keep their weapons hidden unless they were in combat practice. She sighed, she guessed there will be many things Katou would have to get used to about teaching...

Koruba watched the two boys wrestle around and rolled her eyes. "You two really are some stupid idiot aren't you..." she muttered to herself, but accidentally said it loud enough that the two boys could have heard her. Koruba's heart started beating quicker. Shit, she thought, they're gonna notice me. She tried to push herself into the shadows a bit but not enough that they would notice that she moved.
After Akira had finished reading the files she placed them back in the cabinet.She got up off her chair and walked out into the halls heading toward the training room.

"four close range , four medium range and two long range" she muttered to herself
Kazua heard someone call him a idiot he looked back and saw a girl and smiled and looked back while sticking his middle finger at her and snickered to himself and he snapped his finger and his scythe shrank down and into a necklace and thought to his brother "this place should be interesting".

@SnowFeather @LadyRager
"Very. The people here are so.. What's the word..boring." Zazu thought back. He glanced back at the girl who had called them idiots. "Miss...something. I deeply apologize, I did not know I had to explain." He said as he rose from his seat. He leaned on his brother's chair and smirked. "That, was something, called fun. Try adding that to your vocabulary."

Although Lily can't see, she still gets a feeling when she's being watched. In her head, it feels as though you're being pierced with two tiny daggers, then a heat spreads through your body, alerting you of what happened. As soon as she felt it on the back of her neck, her posture stiffened.

What in the world... She thought. Since she knew Klick was behind her, she could easily read his mind. With a quick scan, Lily knew it wasn't him looking at her. It had to be someone else.

Due to her leg already bouncing, it created a origin point for her echolocation map. Everyone in the room seemed to be facing the teacher... Except one who was looking in her direction, and a person sitting next to them, looking at the onlooker.

Lily turned her head to the general direction of the boy, and stared back with her pale, emotionless green eyes.
"Oh I know fun," Koruba said, "but if you want me to have fun I'd have to shoot an arrow in you're head." These boys we're so annoying, all they wanted to do was have 'fun' but they get a lot of people hurt in the process. She'd meet enough people like this, almost all of them magicals. "Damn magicals," she whispered this time making sure no one could hear her.
Zazu raised an eyebrow. "You could try," he said. He sat down and sucked on his sucker. "I heard you," he said after a while, smirking.
Akira heard the commotion from down the hall

when she reached the science lab she leaned against the outer wall listening to the class

"oh....they're already trying to make enemy's"

She smiled "that's great !" she thought to herself
He lept forward, slicing the air with the cutlass, and smiled. These were good quality for training blades. With that, he returned the blade to its rack and started on, out from the gym. His hands folded behind his back.
"Could you guys not fight like 3 year olds, and what we are doesn't matter, magical or not we still are the same" he said and stared at the ones who were arguing.
Kazua Pulled out a little blade and it started to spin on his finger by itself and said to Zazu "idiot I'm not trying to get somebody killed again because of you remeber last time....even though it was fun it was dangerous you know" and the blade stopped and he put it away and smirked.
He wasn't looking anymore. She sighed in relief, and turned her attention back to the teacher. Hopefully, they would get textbooks and go to the next class. Even if she doesn't know know where it is, what it is, and when it is.
Zazu looked over at Kazua and smirked. "I remember. It was fun at first, yes. Then it got boring.." He muttered. He took out his sucker and looked at it. "I don't like this color," he said.

Zazu glanced over at the sound of a sigh. He smirked as he looked at the girl. "Who are you, if I may ask?" He asked her, his eyes glowing brightly as he grinned.
Koruba signed, God this is going to be a long few years if I have to spend it with them. She was going to say something mean back to the two boys but the bell suddenly rang, cutting her off
Robert, was an impressive standing man. Broad shouldered and well muscled from years of military service, and continued fighting. He was an intimidating man to say the least. The added scars on his face, seemed to just enhance it. One through his eyebrow, the other a curving line down his cheek.
Kazu looked at Zazu and said "quit Bitcoin about the color and eat it you moron" Kazua looked at Zazu under the hood with a face that wasn't to be messed or bugged with right now and thought to Zazu "damn non magics they're the ones that killed mom and dad" and etched in his pocket and through Zazu a blue sucker and got up and said "come on"
Zero pulled down his hood, it was too hot to be wearing a hood and a mask. He sighed hoping nobody would question his mask and red eye color. He ran a hand through his hair and smiled to himself for no reason. He stood up when he heard the bell ring, he forgot he was 7 feet tall and immedietly got embarrassed but shrugged.
Zazu glanced back at his brother. "But red is so..boring," he complained, but stuck it in his mouth, not going to argue. He liked strawberry, so what the hell. As his brother's voice echoed in his head his eyes narrowed and his fists clenched. 'You can't harm her, Kazua. You'll expel both of us. That is not what they'd want.'
Akira looked down the hall at the approaching military man she let out a smile

"he must be the combat teacher looks like i'll be spending a lot of time with him"

she thought to herself. Akira waved slightly at the man.
He nodded to her with a slight smile tugging his lips "Mornin'." He greeted, in the rough city accent that he was well known for. He ran a hand through his hair, and glanced in the classroom which held the pupils he'd be teaching.
Koruba was walking past the boy as he was talking about non-magicals killing their parents. "Well magicals killed my parents, plus magicals have treated me unfairly my whole life. I was less then scum to them. You at least get to be put on a fucking pedestal" she said angrily, they don't have a damned right in the world to hate non-magicals, it was their race that we're the really cruel ones.
LadyRager said:
Koruba was walking past the boy as he was talking about non-magicals killing their parents. "Well magicals killed my parents, plus magicals have treated me unfairly my whole life. I was less then scum to them. You at least get to be put on a fucking pedestal" she said angrily, they don't have a damned right in the world to hate non-magicals, it was their race that we're the really cruel ones.
(They weren't speaking, they were communicating through telepathy)

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