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Fantasy The Deadly Academy: Magic Assassins

"sounds like there having fun huh"

she said sarcastically to the man

"im Akira Agatsuma i'll be teaching tactics"

she put out her hand towards the man
Zero exited the classroom, he seemed to be the only 7 foot student which made him embarrassed. 'I feel like a tree...' he thought and sighed, entering his next classroom.
Kazua stands up and says to Zazu with eyes that'll kill and says "come on Zazu" and looks back at the girl and says "your dead" and turns around walking past two teachers saying "get out of my way" while dragging Zazu.
He smirked "Sure does" before grasping her hand in a firm handshake. "Names Robert Ryans. I'll be teaching combat. It seems we'll be spending some time together" he said with a small laugh
Akira looked at the boy and smiled at him

"that was rude i want a written apology on my desk by lunch time understood?"

she leaned back on the wall

He cracked his knuckles, grabbing the kids collar "Listen to the good lady, before i have to get involved" he said, his brow deepened with a scowl, and a voice laced with a threatening malice.
Lily stayed implanted to her seat. Klick seemed like he was on an entirely different wavelength than everyone around him, so he didn't notice that the bell went off. Lily unfortunately did, yet she couldn't get to her next class. She stared wide-eyed at the teacher, hoping she would help her in some way or another. Oh, how she hated being blind. Although her echo-location is cool and all, she just wanted to be a normal. Even if it meant not being magical.
Zero closed his eyes "yeah because mixing us together was such a great idea... us magical are treated like freaks when we can't help what our kind does" he said to himself and sighed. "I'm sorry they did that to you...mom...dad" he mumbled.
He raised an eyebrow, looking up from the kid he held at the collar. "Most likely the sparring hall... or whatever they call it." He shrugged. "I've been inspecting the equipment" @Mr Swiftshots
"ill be waiting in the staff room for you at lunch don't be late"

Akira said looking at the boy still smiling

"if you are late there will be consequences"

Kazu was walking when he was picked up by the collar and looked at the guy through his hood and said "get off me before I have to get aggressive old man" he looked at the teacher with serious eyes.


"And fine I'll be there damn" he said with a pissed voice.

@Mr Swiftshots
"Now thats just harsh" he said, shaking his head. "Its sounding to me, that you want to do laps around a field. Every lunchtime for the rest of the term" he said, an almost murderous glint in his eyes, as he dropped the kid to the floor with a look of distaste. "You don't listen to our rules, and you'll be put out again. Whatever you hoped for, gone. Alright? Be a decent person. Because its the only thing to stop you from delving into insanity once you start to kill." He said, striding away.
"good im glad to here that"

she said turning and entering the classroom

she said back to the man "i'll catch up to you later okay"

"Oh... Um thanks I guess" Koruba said to the tall boy who was passing by her. He seemed to have red eyes, she like them. "I'm Koruba." She smiled at him.
Zazu followed his brother, not bothering to argue. He watched his brother get into trouble, and ignored it. As his brother was thrown on the ground his eyes closed. He bent down and helped his brother up. He brushed the dust off his hoodie.
she sat at the desk and lay back in her chair

pulling a book and chalk out of her desk.

she scanned the room paying close attention to everyone awaiting the other students arrival.
Zero was surprised when she offered a name "I'm Zero, I hope my mask,tallness,and red eyes don't freak you out" he laughed nervously, he didn't like scaring people.
He nodded toward her, and silently started to make his way back down to the staff room, where upon he sat in one of the chairs, and proceeded to sigh. This years term... hadn't started out so well.
When kazu was helped up by Zazu he said to Zazu "I'll kill anyone that harms you Zazu okay" he said to Zazu with warm eyes and then says "let's go Zazu" and walks into the class and sits in the back row by a window.

"No, it's... Well it doesn't scare me..." She started to blush, "I... I kinda like it,"

Dear gods, what was getting into her.
Zazu smiled at his brother and nodded. He then followed Kazua and sat at the desk beside his twin brother. It was funny how alike they were, the only difference being their powers and hoods. Zazu looked over at his brother. 'Cover for me, I forgot something.' With that, he disappeared.

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