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Fantasy The Deadly Academy: Magic Assassins

'Are all teachers this witty at this school... I will have to up my game' thought Klick as he put on a big smile. Before Klick could give a response one of the twin boys said something about being quiet or else Klick would get a writing assignment. Klick snickered at the statement. He was not afraid of extra work. It would just reflect how smart he was. Before he could respond to that the teacher asked a question. Klick knew the answer but the class was just going at it. So much distraction everywhere. He could not think straight. Suddenly Lily was called out and gave a simple answer. Klick new she was nervous so he stood up after her. "Yes they work together as a team with every wolf having a job. The alpha being the leader and the strongest guides his pack to survive the harshness that they could only overcome together. In a sense Teacher#2, They are family because that how families work. Each member doing their job to benefit the whole," Then he turned to Lily "i think your answer was good" he said quietly.

(i cant keep up with the one lining every minute lol its crazy could you guys like but more thought into your post or give others time to respond)
"close but no cigar klick"

she smiled at him and then turned back to Kazu

"your wrong too sorry"

she turned to Zazu

"yes what is it"
Zazu smiled. "I was just wondering if you could repeat the question, I was to busy watching you smile to hear it," he said to her, his eyes glowing.
Zero raised his hand in case the boy got it wrong too, he was going to take a shot at the question even if he was nervous.
Lily hung her head in shame. Klick's additional support didn't help to the cause, either.

What a great first impression to the people I haven't gotten the chance to talk to yet....

She internally scolded herself for such a stupid answer. When hunting moose and deer for her family in the winters, she had come across wolves in the woods outside her house. They did appear to be a family, but didn't seem like the extreme battle-tactical animals. It was just their insticts.
"sure the question was why do wolves hunt in packs"

she lay back against the board

"yes you Zero is it?"
"They hunt in packs to catch bigger prey to provide more food for the group, or to catch more animals from a group" he said, he was unsure of himself but he had to not doubt himself.
Zazu smirked at his brother and winked, before turning back to watch the teacher. He saw Zero stand up and yawned, laying his head down on the desk in utter boredom. He raised his hand just in case. He might take a shot, wouldn't hurt.

she smiled down at Zazu

"are you going to answer the question now?"

she asked politely

"or are you going to carve something in your desk like your brother"
Kazu was looking at her and put the knife in one of his many holsters for knifes and clicks his tongue in annoy meant thinking "she's only busting me for some reason" and puts his head on the desk and try's to sleep the whole class so he can go to the lounge meet up with this teacher and get on with his life.
(Really guys, could you stop onelining and give some meat in your post. it really takes away from the story)

Klick fell back to his seat folding his arms. He did not care that he was wrong, he was more mad about not being able to fully redeem Lily. Snow was hitting on the teacher for the second time today, which annoyed Klick. 'I may make joke but I did not break the relationship between the two... and yet this teacher was oblivious to it.' He turned to Lily who seemed down about it and now he was waiting for Zero's 'brilliant' answer. 'If Zero is correct, then I am done and he would know this teacher is stupid... That is what I said but i said it in a more intellectual way.'

He was wrong, which saved the teacher some hate points.
Lily slowly leaned back in her chair, and closed her eyes.

Maybe I can just quickly scan her mind and get the answer... She thought, but stopped herself before she could carry out the action. She did this to men who tried to bribe her out of her money is guessing/gambling games in the past. Although her family got a lot of money off of it, it was cheating. If she were not to do anything this school year, it was to cheat her way to the top of the class.
Zazu smiled and glanced over at his brother. "Well, I was going to answer." He said. He rose from his seat and stuffed his hands in his pockets. He walked up to the teacher and smiled. "Kazua, board." He THOUGHT to his brother, since he couldn't create objects like his brother.
"you were going to answer the question?" she said acting surprised

she thought to herself "this can go down in a number of ways , i'm assuming he's communicating with his brother"

she griped the chalk firmly in her hand without giving anything suspicious away.

"well then can you tell me why your not going to answer the question now?"
In the meanwhile, Robert had been preparing for the first lesson in combat practice. He glanced at the beginners blades, and looked through them in boredom. He had a rough plan on how to introduce the subject. Too bad the class had a grade 'A' twat. He could have really done without it. Who knows, there could also be multiple twats.
(@Aqua Just gonna pretend Kazua made the board.)

The board appeared and Zazu smiled. "Well, I don't want to be too fancy, since I probably won't be very correct. But, one of my most used forms is the wolf, so, meh," he replied as he started drawing a wolf. It came out well. "This is a lone wolf, he hunts alone." He then drew ten wolves on the other side of the board. "Here, we have an entire pack. The wolf is not only strategically limited alone, but also weaker. Packs unite their strengths, and work together. They use teamwork to get what they want. If one wolf had a disadvantage when it came to sight, another wolf would aid him. If he were a lone wolf, that would not be possible," he explained, crossing his arms over his chest. "Packs make wolves stronger, and much more efficient." He concluded.
(Srry eating)

Kazua smiled and said to his brother in his mind "pretty good answer you dweeb" he smirked at Zazu at the board and pulled out a green sucker and placed it on his desk thinking "you deserve this bro" and smiled putting his head on his hand and started to draw something in the air that started to glow dimly and another sucker appeared and Kazua put it in his mouth.
Zazu smirked at his brother. 'You're the best. Times a million. Thanks,' he thought back. He then looked over at the teacher and stuffed his hands into his pockets, waiting to see if he was right or wrong.
Lily rolled her sightless pale green eyes before internally scoffing at the scene that she could only hear. This teacher was really only interested in flirting with her students and making them squirm. If this kid was right, which even if he wasn't, the teacher would most likely give it to him anyways, Lily would be mad... maybe even infuriated.

She froze, however, when he got to the wolves with a disability part. Her eyes widened, and her heart dropped.

Ho-How did he know?.....

Her right hand began shaking slightly. She quickly hid it under her desk, but nether the less, he knew. How could a kid she never had even talked to know about her disability? Was it that evident? She shook away some straying thought, forcing herself to calm down. She would have to talk to him in private and ask how.
Koruba was mad at herself... Her survival skills we're pretty good but she never really learned a lot about the hunting patterns of other prey... Now she was kicking herself because of it. "Your answer seemed pretty legit, Zero." She said
Kazua thought to Zazu "I think she found out that we found out she was blind" kazu started to smirk at his brother then thought "bro get to your seat before you embarrass that sweet girl anymore damn" kazu was on the edge of laughing.
"That is a good theory but its not correct she smiled"

she leaned on her desk and sighed

"the answer is....wolves hunt in packs because it works."

she had a stern look on her face "you all gave me detailed answers which all could of been correct, but they were the causes of wolves hunting in packs not why!"

she picked up her book and closed it making a loud bang

"this is the law of the jungle

As old and as true as the sky

The wolf that shall keep it may prosper

But the wolf that shall break it must die

For the strength of the pack is the wolf

And the strength of the wolf is the pack"

she looked at all the students and smiled

"this is an extract from your book ,you are all to learn it"

she turned to the board and wrote it.

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