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Fantasy The Deadly Academy: Magic Assassins

Koruba blushed as she walked into the class. "Well I like guys that are tall," Koruba said, "I don't know what it is but they are just endearing." Holy cow am I flirting with this guy, Koruba thought, what the hell is wrong with me. There was just something about this guy that she really liked. He was like a gentle giant.
He glanced up at the newcomers, and glanced at his watch. Where the hell was the rest of the class? He gave a small almost stern nod. "Welcome" he greeted, in his rough cockney accent. His foot tapping in annoyance. First day and most were late! He rubbed his face, shaking his head slightly.
Zero walked in after her And blushed "endearing huh?"he said then saw the teacher "hello" he said then went back to paying attention to her "well I might just be the tallest person in the world." He laughed.
"well it may take me a while but i think i can manage it" she said getting up from her seat.

"i'll be teaching combat tactics alongside your next teacher so i can give you that book when we get there"

she made her way over to lily and smiled

"come on i'll guide you to the gym"

@XxLuluxX @Mackie R
"And that's not a bad thing," Koruba said, "I mean you you can be the only one in the world who can say that. That's pretty cool, right?" She said giggling. They went and grabbed a seat in the back of the classroom. "So we're you born with red eyes?"
He felt like face palming. "ALRIGHT!" he roared, his eyes narrowing. "Enough chit chat ladies. Im Mr. Ryans. I'll be your combat practice teacher alongside Miss Agatsuma. First things first, i dislike tardiness. I expect you ALL to be here on time. I WILL NOT have any exceptions, unless there is a note from one of the other teachers excusing you. You will all be with me for the next term, you will learn to fight in multiple styles with multiple weapons, while also increasing your own skills and physical form. DO YOU HEAR ME?!" His booming voice echoing out over the hall.
"Yes I was, the doctor freaked out but my parents expected it" he shrugged. He was about to continue talking when the teachers voice suddenly got loud and scared him, causing him to go silent.
"Thank you so much.." She said again. She quietly stood up, and trailed Miss Agatsuma to the gym. As soon as she walked in, her stomach was doing summersaults due to the intenseness of Mr.Ryans' voice. She obviously didn't expect to be treated differently than the other students, but she did wish a very small amount of lenience with tardiness and very bad caligraphy.
Koruba sat up straight when this Sargent guy started yelling at them. "Yes, sir" she said, then she whispered to Zero "well I think that is super cool. My eyes are a super normal brown color, they are kinda dull. I'd much rather have a fun eye color like yours."
Kai sat in the room quietly, the loud boom of the teachers voice throughout the room didn't bother him that much, he sat there in complete silence and listened to the teacher, Mr.Ryan. Kai looked around at two other students, to Kai it seemed they were both flirting and were getting over the top with it, but he shook it off since it wasn't really a big deal. He then saw another girl walk in. Kai then looked back to Mr.Ryan and was ready to listen
He raised an eyebrow "I take that as a yes then" he said, and rubbed his hands together "Today your first task, is something me and Miss Agatsuma have devised to test your skills, and physical limits. With this, we can see what you already know, and how much you know. But let me remind you, i do NOT appreciate any disturbances within the classes. You make me angry, and i will impose punishment." His head snapped to look at Koruba, he walked up to her and peered down. "Would you like to share your conversation with the rest of us?" He asked, in a voice laden with venom.
Zero looked at her "your eye color is extrodinary in its own way" he said and was startled when the teacher went up to Koruba. He felt bad and quickly tryed to think if a way to get he rout of it but he had nothing. He had a look of guilt on his face.
"I said I'd love to kick some asses today." She said standing up straighter. She was kind of embarrassed that Mr. Ryan had caught her talking, but she wouldn't let him catch on to that. She did blush a little at Zero's comment though. But she really was excited to kick some people's butts, especially the twins.
Zero smiled to himself then stood up "yeah, we were just talking about how wed love to kick some butts today" he said and smirked "is that all you'd like to know sir?" He asked and sat on the edge of the table.
He stood up to his full height, giving her a supicious look. "I see you talkin' again, and it'll be laps around the field" he threatened. He looked around at them all. "You will be put into pairs, this'll possibly rotate each time i decide to test how far you've come. These classmates, you will learn to trust with your life, i don't care if you're friends or nemesis. One day, you'll work together. And you need to be prepared." He turned toward Zero again "Keep your snarky trap shut, before i break your jaw" he said, a malicious look in his eyes.
Koruba quickly exchanged glances with Mr. Ryan then Zero, then shrugged. This time making sure to keep her mouth shut. Please put me with Zero, please put me with Zero, please, please please. She kept begging in her head, she didn't really want to be partners with anyone else. She thought about Lily for a second, she probably wouldn't be too bad either...
"The teams shall be; Koruba Shizue and Klick Marion, Lillian Kibe and Los Granlier, Zero Akashi and Haru Sodie, Kazua Vargas and Nova FrostBurn and finally Zazu Vargas with Leo Ainsworth" He read out from list, looking up at the class.
Koruba sighed, of course it would be Klick. Well he's better than the twins, though she didn't really trust him he wasn't a complete dickhead, plus we both had Lily's best interest in mind so it was something they had in common. Koruba locked eyes with Zero again and shrugged.
Zero looked bummed out but tryed not to show it "who's haru?" He asked, he'd never heard about that person until now. He glanced around for who Haru might be. When he locked eyes with Koruba he blushed and quickly searched again.
Haru looked around for this Zero guy Sho popped out from under his hat and sniffed. "Boss he's over there." Sho pointed at Zero Haru waved. "Yo Zero over here!" He called

Zero waved bye to Koruba and walked over to Haru "so were partners huh? This'll be fun" he smiled "I hope me being 7 feet tall doesn't terrify you" he said and sat on the table.
Koruba waved goodbye to zero then went to find Klick. He was somewhere in the crowd though she didn't know where. She would have called but laps we're know fun.

Haru scoffed. "Please you haven't seen scary till you've seen my sister." Sho popped out. "He's right she's like a monster!" Haru chuckled. "Says the demon." Sho chuckled. "Yeah guess your right Boss."

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