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Fantasy The Deadly Academy: Magic Assassins

Akira looked around the room taking notes on how everyone was reacting.

she then proceeded to leave the room heading towards the staff room.

when she arrived she noticed a blonde teacher sitting at a desk next to hers.

Akira walked over to her chair sitting down.

Haru smiled. "See perfectly fine after all your looking at a guy who was beaten down by some demon hunters and then left to bleed out along with the poor demon." Sho yiped. "But this little guy saved me he formed a contract with me and we survived. I owe my life to Sho." Sho nuzzled him. "And I owe my life to Boss!" Haru chuckled.
(everyone is in combat training they've been teamed up for a fight there all getting to know each other atm)
(Guys use the occ for real, there is no reason for you to speak out of character in this area of the thread)

"All i have is hand to hand combat... I never had time to program anything else into my watch..." said Klick as he dropped his arms said that he was not as useful as his partner, "but when i transform into my fighter job I bet I could knock out Teacher#3 in one hit if I tag him." He started pounding his fist into his palm with and evil grin, "But i should test my theory on a lighter target... or two." He let out a small chuckle of evil as he imagine smashing the twins between his gauntlets.
(Also, Zazu is incredibly fast and has the power to shapeshift, so no one will be kicking his ass any day soon. @Unyielding Just saying, so that won't be possible. Also why does everyone hate the twins so bloody much?)

Zazu sighed and looked around. He didn't care if he was assigned a partner, so he took out his how and arrow. He shot an arrow into the air that caught on fire, and then awaited for it to land. Just before he did, he flicked his hand, making it come flying straight towards him. He caught it in his hand and the fire went out. He smiled under his hood and did it again.
Katou gave a wide smile to the woman who just sat down beside her. "Well hello there," she said, "I don't think we've been properly introduced, I'm Katou."

Koruba looked over at one of the twins as he fired an arrow up in the air and then caught it. "Yep, he's magical," she said, "should we really be picking fights or should we wait for Ryan-sensai to give us instructions?"
Akira turned to Katou and smiled back at her. "Hi im Akira"

She raised her hand out toward Katou .
Zazu's bow and quiver disappeared. He took out a sucker and stuck it in his mouth, pouting. He looked around for Kazua, hoping to find comfort to be near his brother. He looked over and saw that girl from earlier. He smiled and hurried over towards her. "Hey!" He called as he neared her.

@Mackie R
Katou took Akira's hand and shook it. God this woman was fine, she thought. "So what exactly do you teach?" Katou asked.
"i teach survival and combat tactics you?" Akira asked turning her chair to face Katou.

she leaned back in her chair.
"Oh I teach science, you know bombs, poisons, medicine... Survival tactics and my class aren't that different," Katou said smiling, "I personally love my subject, poisons saved my life, but that's a topic for another day. These kids sure are something else... You think they'll make it?" She wasn't quite sure. Many we're loud and rambunctious and cruel, others we're super quiet and never got involved. Plus they were already picking fights...
"that's hard to say....they sure are stacking the odds against themselves"

she sighed opening a blank notebook.

"but by the time they graduate i'm sure they'll be fine"

Akira took a pen from her desk and started writing something down in the notebook

"so science huh sounds like a fun subject to teach"
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"I would pick a fight... but an official duel means no excuses when i win lol" preached Klick as he watched the magic show off his power. Klick really wanted to deck him in the face but held it back. It was getting annoying though, he wish he had not even came to the class room for people where just wasting his time. If he did not get to fight, he might explode from irritation.

He started walking towards lily and talking with her.

Klick reached for his watch ready to transform and nail him any mintue if he did something to hurt lily. He would of intercepted now but he did not want to make Lily feel weak.


"That twin is trying to talk with Lily, should I do something? Or wait" he asked Koruba.
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Lily looked up and closed her book hurriedly when she noticed two strangers near her. The one right next to her was the one who she assumed was Los, but the one who was coming near her was a different story. His voice sounded a little familiar...

Ah. He's one of the twins.

She slowly got up, and only replied with a calm "Hello" after he got to where she was now standing.

Zazu smiled but didn't bother to reach out his hand. "I'd shake your hand, but I don't want to be rude," he said warmly. "Want a hug instead?" He added with a laugh.

@Mackie R
"That's it... I'm not going to stand her and watch him make Lily feel uncomfortable!" He said to Koruba as he pulled his sleeve back stormed over to the twin.

Klick grabbed his shoulder and turned him around, "Hey Playboy, I see you can't stop flirting with every girl you see, how about I tutor you in manners," then klick grabbed the twins collar and lifted him in the air and cocked his fist back.

Kazua was just sitting when he saw klick go over to Zazu and grab him and got up and went over saying "hey ass you got a problem with my brother bring it to me" and went over to Zazu and klick breaking them apart and says to klick "next time you lay a hand on my brother I'll kil you" with a serious tone coming from under the hood.

@SnowFeather @Unyielding
Roberts eye twitched. This damn class would be the end of him. "Would you please not try to kill eachother? It would be bloody well appreciated!" He sighed. "ALRIGHT. Spend five minutes with your partner, and debrief. Tell them what you can do, and then return. We'll be rotating each fight" he nodded, and folded his hands behind his back. "I want only TRAINING weapons used, if there is any fatal injuries, I'll do what the assailant did five times over"
Koruba watched as Zazu went and threatened Klick she walked over and yelled "like you could take us both on," she pulled out her sword and pointed it on his heart. "You try to kill my partner I will kill you," Koruba was sick of them acting like they own the school, and like they were better then everyone, it was time to show what she could do.

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