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Fantasy The Deadly Academy: Magic Assassins

"Guys.. Stop.. Seriously!" Lily said, a hint of anger in her voice.

What had gone into Klick? If he had taken time to read the situation before he went to beat up one of the twins, he would have noticed that she had continued it instead of ignoring it. If the twin then persisted after turning him down for a conversation, then she would have a problem. But, she could easily take care of it herself.

Lily backed away from the situation and turned to her partner, who was silent.
Zazu glanced down at the sword and he raised an eyebrow. He looked up at the girl and smiled. "I'm sorry for my brother. He can be very...emotional," he said with a grin.
He walked between them, and scowled "PUT. IT. DOWN" he growled. "You come to ME with disputes. AND YOU TWO. I see you not treating the girls with upmost respect, and you'll be sent to be man whores if you like it so damn much!"
(I never swung I only made a threat so I will just assume that never happened and your not strong enough to just crush bones so again going to assume that never happen and will never happen and since I never let go I still have you in my hand)

"2 v 1 seems fair to me, you need the extra help to bother woman"

Klick dropped the twin on the ground so that he was between the twins and Lily. "Bother her again and I won't kill you, but you might get 2 black eyes."

At the death threat, from the other twin, "only little kids throw around killing people like its nothing," Klick did not smile but turned away from the kid, "if you plan to kill me, you better be ready for the punishment"

Then the teacher told them to stop so Klick rolled his eyes and walked back to Koruba "I really will deck him next time... "
Kazu looked at the girl pointing the sword at him and Zazu and said "you want a fight I'll give you one" and pulled off a pendant that looked like a scythe and infused some magic in it creating a giant scythe it was bigger than the one usually used on kazu and kazu thought "I'll kill them for doing this"
Zazu grabbed his brother's arm. "Kazua, enough," he said sternly, looking into his eyes with his glowing ones.
He pulled his revolver, and pressed it to the kids forehead. "Do i need to fucking confiscate the weapon?" He hissed. His eyes narrowing as he dug the revolver in. "PUT THE FUCKING WEAPONS AWAY" he shouted. Of course it wasn't very teacher like... but it seemed they had to learn the hard way. "I MEAN IT"
As the teacher roared at them she put away her sword, she knew when enough was enough. "Like you even could. I may not be magical, but that doesn't mean I can't beat your ass." She walked away with Klick but making sure she didn't turn her back on him just in case he was stupid enough to attack her.
Kazu looked over to his brother and said "fine" and looked towards everyone as the scythe retracted and shrank into a pendant again and put it around his neck and thought to Zazu "next time don't get people post off so,I don't get pissed off you got that Zazu" he thought with a serious tone.
Zazu glared at his brother. 'I was trying to make a friend you dumb shit!' He thought back, his eyes glowing threateningly. He then stuffed a blue sucker into his mouth, just like a child would.
Kazu looked at him with his eyes glaring and thought 'and don't get other people post in the process you dumb shit be glad I didn't get my hood taken off or we would be in shame dumbass' putting a blue sucker in his mouth.
Zazu pouted and sighed. 'I'm sorry Kazua. I should have thought better..' He thought. He looked down at his hands. 'Why can't we be normal?'
"Yes science is a wonderful subject, especially that what I am teaching. I speciallize in poisons, it's kind of been a hobby of mine since I was young, I was a weird child... Maybe we should work together whith your survival tactics class when you get to poisonous food and the such. It would be fun to work together," Katou smiled and leaned back in her chair. @MrSwiftshots
Lily grabbed her partners hand and led her to a more quiet area of the gym. As soon as she let go, she began to unbutton her blue denim button-up to reveal a black sportswear undershirt. After discarding the old one to the floor, she unrolled the sleeves of the combat one.

"I'm Lily, by the way. Since we have very little time to debrief, I'm just gonna go ahead and give you my strengths and weaknesses." As she was saying this, she used her echolocation to find wooden versions of her dual swords on a rack. She took them eagerly, and quickly began to do a little practicing.

"I'm blind, first off. However, due to me being magical, I have echolocation which makes up for it. I also can read the opponents minds to find out their tactics. So if you don't want to talk during the battle, just think it, and I'll take it into account. My weaknesses include being blind, loud noises, and super fast people. You?"

Kazu put his hand on Zazu hood and says "we are normal to eachother" he said smiling and says "people just won't like what we are under theses hoods.
Los just stared at her partner, dazed by the sudden action and information. After staring for awhile, she took a pair of wooden katars from a rack. I'm..a non-magical....so i don't have any powers. Just....agility and fast reflexes.......And....i rarely talk..... Los thought slowly

@Mackie R
Zazu smiled, knowing his brother was the only one who could see it. He hugged his brother tightly and then let go. He continued sucking on his sucker, a grin on his face. 'I don't know how I'd live without you Kazua,' he thought.
Lily balled up her fist to concentrate on what Los was saying.

"Okay.. Good. If you got my back, I got yours." She said aloud, the faintest smile on her face. With that, she started heading towards the group a little bit more, gesturing for Los to come with.
Kazu smiled and thought 'me to' and said well we probably should get going so we don't get in a fight little bro" and started to walk out the door passing everyone without looking at them.
Zazu grabbed his brother's arm. "Hey, hold your horses, class isn't done. I don't want to get into trouble, the teacher's scary, and easily angered," he snapped.
Kazu looked at Zazu and said "fine I'll stay since I don't want mr cranky mad again and started walking back and sits in a chair and crosses his arms saying "give us a fight already" to himself and Zazu.
Zazu walked over and sat down on his brother's feet. He grumbled and continued sucking on his sucker.
He pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing heavily. He would have to consult Miss Agatsuma about the pairings, and battles. Right now it was a mess. And he didn't like messes.
Kai was sat in the back of the room as he watched all of the events unfurl, "So many threats" he thought to himself with a slight chuckle, he found the fact that people resulted to threats was amusing. Kai. He looked around at all of the people in the room and sighed, knowing that now was the time for him to speak to them as he had to find his partner. Kai then proceeded to stand up and walk towards the two twins, a very calm yet slightly cold demeanour on him. He looked at one of them and smiled as he said, "I believe we are to partner up.. The names Kai, nice to meet you" He didn't enjoy introductions, at least it wasn't to the whole class. He then chuckled as he waited on a reply. @SnowFeather

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