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Fantasy The Deadly Academy: Magic Assassins

Los sat sleepily at her place, becoming increasingly impatient. When was lesson going to start? That thought had crossed her mind millions of times now. She let out another sigh. How many times did she sigh already? Los just shook her head and rest her head on her crossed arms on the table
She declined his offer saying it was not going to work. Klick folded his arms and thought about her answer. 'Pale eye girl with delay reaction to common gestures who claims she cannot read but attends a school for assassins. prior schooling is not required, but so a flaw would severely reduce once ability to preform on the field. This only meant one thing. She was lying.' Klick turned to her again as she returned to her original pose. 'She clearly was hiding something but what...' Klick dropped his guard and decided that ends does not justify the means. He would let her keep her secret and fake being illiterate. "Hey... don't give up hope yet... With time you will learn... For now though, I will help you by reading everything... if you want..."

@Mackie R
Lily groaned internally. She thought against reading his mind to see if Klick saw through her blatant lie, because that would mean an obvious show of her magical strain. She can read the minds of those she's touching without resistance, but for those who she is not touching their shoulder or holding their hand, it's a sight of her forehead veins popping and a concentration sweat beading down her face.

I'll just have to tell him... Hopefully he won't run around telling everyone that one of their peers is blind...

"Hey Klick.." she began, her voice a little shaky. "I can read. It just can't be normal text... I can read Braille."

"I'm blind."

A couple minutes after the bell rang an someone who must have been the headmaster walked up to the podium (I'm trying not to add any details in case someone wants to play them later)

"Welcome my dearest students,

You have come to this school to learn to fight. Not just fight but kill. As some of you are aware we are training you all to become assassins to defy our current government. All of you have either seen or felt what the government does to the non-magicals and you are all willing to fight it to the best of your abilities.

What some of perhaps did not know is that we have not only picked non-magicals but also magicals. I know this might come as a shock to you or make you angry but it is in my belief that magicals and non-magicals can not only work together but live together in harmony as well. That is why we have selected a few students to share dorms together of the complete opposite race. We want to make sure we can all coexist and get along.

You will all be sharing the same schedule but you may be practicing different fighting techniques in the combat classes. The schedules and dorm partnerships will be placed near the auditorium entrance doors and at the front of the stage for all to see.

Have a wonderful year kids, and remember working together is the only chance you have of survival."

Koruba was absolutely infuriated. MAGICALS HERE?!? If Koruba had known that she probably wouldn't have come to this school... Though, she realized, that was probably why she wasn't informed. Even if the possibility was there for Magicals and Non-magicals to coexist theybwould need mutual respect. For Koruba that would take a while of good thought to accept. She got up and decided to check the schedule and dorm partners with all the other students at the front by the stage.


7:00-9:00 Breakfast

9:00-10:00 Science (poisons, medicines and such)

10:00-11:00 History of Eltance

11:00-12:00 Survival tactics

12:00-13:00 English / Math

13:00-14:00 Lunch Break

14:00-17:00 Combat practice + tactics

17:00-19:00 Free/Study Time

19:00-21:00 Dinner

22:00 Lights out

Dorm Partners:

- Koraba Shizue + Lillian Kibe

- The Twins, Zazu + Kazua Vagras

- Klick Marion + Zero Akashi

- Los Grandlier + Nova FrostBurn

- Leo Ainsworth +Haru Sodie
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At the word, "magical", Los sat up straighter in her seat. Flashbacks of her past swarmed around in her head. Los took deep breaths, trying to calm herself down and listen to the rest of the speech.
Klick put his hand to his chin as he processed the new information. "That must be why your eyes are such a pretty color," he blurted out accidentally. His face went completely red after he realized what he said. "I mean... is being blind the reason you are worried? Don't worry i will keep it a secret..." he said while throwing up a thumbs up. Then suddenly the head master took the podium announcing about both magics and non magics being here. Klick as a non magic was surprised but not angry. He was a non magic who used a special item to preform magical feats of job change. He was probably one of the few people in the world who had access to such technology.

He turned to Lily and not once did the thought of her being a magic cross his mind. "This is so interesting, I never met a magic before. I wonder if they are good fighters haha. Either way i am thrilled to met one." He took a look at his watch to check his mana levels. "Ha i have 10 minutes charged up. Come on Lily lets go meet a magic."

@Mackie R
And he doesn't suspect I'm a magical being . . . Great.

Lily slowly stood up from where she was sitting, and hummed for a quick second to allow her echolocation map to update. The front of the state was swarmed with a few students, from what she can see via the map, but easy enough to get through.

"Can we check the schedule and stuff first? I think the magics are scared of the people they've hurt and the retaliation they'll get.. So their guard will be up...."

"Plus... I need someone to read it for me..." She said the last part quietly, but loud enough for Klick to hear.

He stood up to his full height, and exited the stage with the other teachers. Hands folded behind his back, as he strode along the hallway down to his classroom. It seemed that this term would be... Interesting. The looks on the non-Magical's faces when they announced whom they would be working alongside, was something he could've laughed at. But they would have to learn to work together, or perish together as fools.
Klick jumped out of his set with excitement. He felt like he changed Lily's image of him and now he had to prove he was dependable. He went to grab her hand but stopped his self half way through 'calm down klick, dont over do it' "Just follow me Lily," Klick slowly walked up to the schedule checking back to make sure lily was keeping up. A thought about how she was able to walk around without bumping into thing entered his mind, but he quickly dismissed it. "It's funny really, my family has been hurt by magics but that does not mean all magics are bad... At least that is what my mentor told me."

They arrived at the list and Klick read it out. "Koraba... It saids that she is your roommate. That must make her a magic. Wait isn't she the girl who guided us here?"

@Mackie R
"Yeah.. But the headmaster did say it was only some who were paired up with the opposite race. " she said.

Usually, her energy could sense when there are others who posses magical powers, or she could just read their mind to see if they are worrying about others finding out about their secret. Koruba appeared to not posses a lot, if any, but Lily could be wrong. She's been wrong a few times while on the hunt.

"I guess we should be heading to the first class then..." she said, looking in Klick's direction. She hoped that he would realize that she didn't know her way around and would need a little guidance. It wasn't that she didn't bother trying to make her way around the school, it was due to her ability of not being able to read maps that well. If she could see, she would definitely be self-sufficient and already be at that class.

The silence was a little deafening. "I'm sorry for asking, but what did the magics do to your parents...?" Lily asked, in hopes of getting to know Klick and his personality a little bit more.

Katou made her way to her classroom after the headmaster finished their speech. These batch of students would be... interesting. She got her classroom ready for the students that would soon be streaming into her classroom. Introduction to poisons, bombs and medicines today. She wrote her name on the chalkboard and leaned on her desk waiting for her new students.

Koruba walked up behind Klick and Lily as he suggested her of being a magical.

"I certainly am not!" She said coldly, "Don't you dare suggest something as cruel as that from me."

She glared at Klick. How dare he say not all magicals are bad!! She could never believe that. Not after what they did to her parents...
Lily internally died. If this is how Koruba responded to being every suggested as a magical being, she would go bonkers to know that her roommate was one. And with a disability, at that.

She prayed that Klick and Koruba wouldn't turn to her and start pointing fingers at her for causing pain and suffering to them. All she did was live in a cabin outside of a city for a majority of her life. She was disconnected from the magical world, but nether less, she was guilty by association.

"Let's get to class, guys.." She repeated from before. She looked to Klick and Koruba to lead the way.
Zero walked to class, his mask made him a little mysterious looking but he didn't care. He entered the classroom and took a moment to fix his mask before sitting down.
Klick closed his eyes as he tried to craft some story as to not give away is true identity. Then all of a sudden the non magical Katou came up behind them and corrected him. Not expecting such aggressive and coldness, the startled Klick accidentally activated his watch and magically transforming into his fighter job. Magic swirled around his hands and feet, conjuring his gauntlets and greaves. His eyes started to glow as magic flowed through his veins. "opps... uhh... I completely meant to do that... hahaha..." Klick's face went completely red from embarrassment. Because of the restraints he could not simply dispel it and was stuck like this for a while. After realizing it was just Katou turned around angrily, "Hey, sorry if it offense you to be consider a magic... But you should not just appear behind people like that." He returned the glare and made a fist which caused his knuckles to pop. He was already in his battle mode so he was not afraid to fight now. It would be a waste of his charged energy now.

The Lily cute voice broke the mood. "Tsk, ok Lily," He tried to reach into his pocket but the gauntlets made his hands too big. He started sweating while feeling more embarrass. He knew he could not just asked one of the girls to reach in his pocket to get the paper out so he had to move to plan B wing it. He watched were the other kids were heading and decided that was were the classroom was. "Classes should be this way." While walking he saw that someone dropped a map and picked it up, knowing that Lily could not see him so it would not be embarrassing.

@Mackie R

Lily regretted not reading everyone's minds when she had the chance.

It was as simple as this: Koruba was eventually going to kill her anyways and Klick is just..... Klick. His reactions and enthusiasm to everything alone deserve a look into.

As Lily followed Klick through the halls of academy via the sound of his footsteps, she prayed and prayed she would get Braille editions of her textbooks, and the teachers wouldn't make a fool out of her. Once they finally made it to the classroom, she sat down in a seat in the first row, and quietly turned her attention to the teacher.


Koruba followed behind Lily and Klick. She had read that she was partnered to stay with Lily in a dorm, that didn't seem to bad. Lily seemed like a nice person, as long as they didn't have to talk too much it'd be fine. Klick on the other hand was not someone she could see herself trusting. The way his fisted appeared... he must be one of THOSE... She caught him picking up a map, but lily didn't notice, ah well, I guess she doesn't really care that much. She followed them into class and found a seat in the far corner of the classroom.

Oh Katou was so excited! I get to teach people, she thought, real life people the way of the poisons. She couldn't wait, she would stay where she was until the bell rang again so she could start class.
Lily could already feel herself dreading class for the rest of the year before it even began. Her palms began sweating, her stomach began doing backflips, and her brain went into panic mode. She enjoyed learning, of course, but the vibes she was getting from everyone around her meant they weren't accepting of magicals, let alone blind people. So if she was going to have to ask for a little special treatment, she was going to be frowned upon.

Taking a few deep breaths, she continued to stare at the board. Over all, though, she just hoped she didn't have to read aloud.
Lily walked off to the row while Koruba who was following them seating her self in the far corner of the classroom. He shook his head as Koruba broke off from there group. 'How dare she scare me in front of Lily... that jerk mood killer demon woman.' He waited a bit before taking his seat, deciding if he was going to sit next to Lily or not. Lily seemed a little worried still, so Klick decided to sit behind her so he could support her in case something happened. The teacher was a hot woman in a lab coat. Klick wondered what kind of teacher she was. She seemed excited but maybe it was because she had homework for them already.

Klick looked at the clock circle around the fist symbol on his gauntlets and sigh seeing how the mana would not run out till the bell ranged. Seeing how he could not be productive in his transformation, he though he might as well have some fun and get to know the teacher. He raised his hand which was several times bigger then his normal hand, "TEACHER... I has a question...? Can i skip out on the homework, I have an allergy to it which makes me faint."

Katou looked into the direction of the kid who asked no to do homework. It was a kid with super large fists, abnormally large fists. A magical perhaps, she thought, she then proceeded to burst out into laughter. "If you have an allergy to homework I find that the only thing to cure such an ailment is more exposure to it. So if you do have said ailment I would be more than willing to help you out," she told him chuckling. Oh she remembered being that age... She was a pain in the ass, as a teenager she woild either go around poisoning people then giving them the antidote or she would give herself posion so she could get out of work. Man those were the times, she thought.
Los quietly entered the class, hoping that she would not alert anyone of her lateness. She cursed softly to herself for getting lost in the school.
Klick laughed at her witty comment, "Ok teach you caught me," he started rubbing his chin to while thinking of something else to say however nothing really came into mind. Then suddenly a girl came into the classroom. She seemed to be in a bad mood so Klick did not call her out. Klick dropped his hands along his sides and rested his head on the desk. He was so bored. Being his first time in a classroom, he thought it would be more interesting. Being self taught and tutored was way more interesting because everything went at his past. "The ultimate assassain technique... boring someone to death," complain Klick as he closed his eyes.
Lily sat there like a statue. She ignored a majority of Klick's comments and hoped that the lesson would start soon so that she could get over this (hopefully) small bump in the long and winding road ahead.

She cleared her throat loudly in an attempt to get the teacher to notice that she should start the class now.
Koruba justed rolled her eyes as Klick commented about this and that. Great, she thought, another dick that is completely full of himself. She knew for sure that she wanted to keep her distance from him. She leaned back in her chair and rested her feet on the chair as the bell rang.

Katsou heard Klick in the corner muttering complaints and the such. She guessed it was just him trying to piss her but she merely smiled at his comments. Most of the kids had seemed to come to class now.

"Hullo everybody," she said smiling, "I am your science teacher Asuka-sensai. During your time at the Academy I will be teaching you all about poisons, combat medicine, bombs and the like. Basically anything science related thatcouldd either help you kill your target or save your partner. I have been abliged to tell you that any practice of powerful poisoning will lead to expolshin. So do any of you kids know anything about poisons," she asked.

((Sry for the slow uploads, my parents keep nagging me about shit and I'm trying to research stuff... now that school is over for me I'll be able to write more))
Lily knew very little to nothing about poisons in any way, shape, or form. This frightened her even more. A subject she isn't really knowledgeable in and textbooks that contain lots of useful information but she can't read do not mix. She balled up her fists and began bouncing her knee. Better to have a small, mental breakdown in first period rather than a rather large one at dinner or free time..

She continued to look towards the teacher, pretending to be okay, when she actually the exact opposite.
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After the teacher finished giving her speech, Klick's transformation ran out of power and he reverted back to normal. "TEACHER TEACHER," called Klick as he waved his normal hand in the air, "If you drink too much water you get water poisoning." Now that Klick did not have the weight of his gauntlets on his hands, he could focus on the class. The illness was called water poisoning so Klick figure it was relevant, at least for a good laugh.

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