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Fantasy The Deadly Academy: Magic Assassins

Lillian followed the sound and the echos of Koruba's footsteps very closely, but at a distance that would make her disability undectable. Once she stopped to comment on the boys throwing knifes at each other, she started making mental notes about the steps to get to the auditorium in the future, just in case another important event was to happen here. If only her echolocation could work on just normal, flat text..... Oh the troubles she would have in class.

"So, tell me a bit about yourself, Koruba." She began, cocking her head to the right side of her head.

Lily looked to the direction of a new voice. The sound of the crash created a large echo for her to map out the area they were in. From what she could see from the map in her mind, the boy was standing before her, but looked a little hurt. Poor guy... she thought.

"What would it have looked like?" Lily muttered under her breath, giggling ever so slightly. This kid will be fun to mess with.

Snapping back into her usual non mind-reading self, her smile faltered.

"Are you okay?.." She hoped she was looking in the general direction of the guy. "My name is Lillian, by the way. Lily for short." She gave a small smile.
Koruba turned as she heard Lillian ask for Koruba to tell something about herself. Then suddenly a boy came rolling through the hallway and landed right in front of them, it took all her self control to not flat out burst into laughter. The academy of assassins where they taught one to be agile, graceful, and powerful... well this one sure had a lot to learn, what a killer technique that would be, she thought snickering under her breath. But as the girl started talking to him she was glad for the save. Koruba. Talking about something. To another human being... dear gods that would be horrifying. Lillian, or I guess maybe Lily instead, seemed to talk super nicely to the clumbsy guy. Koruba wasn't quite sure if she was just sincerely trying to be nice or if she was playing him for a fool. She hoped for the latter and decided to play along as well

"Oh my gods, are you ok? You didn't get hurt did you?" She asked as sincerely as she was able to without laughing.
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Klick continued to tremble until he hear the girl speak. His faces started to revert to its normal color, and he regain control of his body. The girl gave her name, Lillian. It was a very pretty name for a cute girl he thought. His mind soon filled with thoughts of the too studying together, helping out in training, and going on a date. Before he was completely trance, the other girl asked about his well being. He snapped back to attention and started laughing.

He shifted his eyes to Lilly and then placed his hands on his hips. "Me hurt haha, no way. I am super strong." As he finished his statement his watched made a loud tick and his job dispelled, releasing a small flash of light. His gauntlets and greave disappeared and Klick started sweating a little. He looked at his watch to see it was out of mana and felt embarrass again, "Uhh... I... Meant to do that..." Then he placed his arms down and walked up to Lilly and held out his hand hoping she would return the greeting, "My name is ... Klick"

Shortly after introducing his self blood started to trickled down the side of his face. Klick was unaware as he was trying to hold on to what little composure he had left .


@Mackie R
Los stared up at the building that loomed over her. A sigh escaped her lips as she thought about having to introduce herself to random strangers. Pulling her mask higher up her face, she slowly walked into the academy. Her feet made no noise along the floor as she made her way to her classroom. Soon she heard soft chatterings bouncing off the walls of the hallway. Up ahead were 2 girls and 1 boy. She started fidgiting with her and tried to walk past the group without alerting them of her presence.

@LadyRager @Mackie R @Unyielding
He scratched the back of his neck, in a confused fashion. Well... Whatever had happened, became resolved quickly with no tears, thank god for that. He stood straight, drawing his shoulders back and holding his head high, a military man through and through. He started off once more toward the auditorium, stepping inside to take his place near the front, standing with his hands folded behind his back respectfully. It seemed the students this year, would be even more trouble than that of the last.
Zero woke up groaning, he slammed his fist on the alarm clock and the beeping stopped. He glanced up and saw he broke it 'oops' he thought and sighed, hopping up he threw on a shirt and some clean jeans as well as his mask. He picked up his skate board and bolted out the door, hopping on and rolling quickly to the school 'maybe a little ride inside won't hurt..' he thought and rode into and through the school doors. "Excuse me... pardon me" he said and suddenly saw stairs approaching 'you shall not stop me' he thought and smirked. He kicked his skateboard along with him onto the rail and grinded down landing perfectly until he ran into a teacher "oops.." he mumbled and looked up. He had to give the old geaser his skate board sadly, but that was it.
Quietly enters the auditorium and sit at the back in the corner. Takes out a length of wire and starts fiddling with it to make different shapes. Los let out a soft sigh of annoyance. She was still wondering why the villagers had sent her to this school They should know by now that she would never change how she is. Letting out another sigh, Los sat patiently, waiting for the rest to arrive.
Kazu laughed as Zazu jumped on him saying "Zazu I'm going to get you later"as he walked to the school laughing and picking up his throwing knifes.

"Klick.... What an interesting name.. " Lily said, a faint smile on her lips. The echos of her voice mapped out the boy again in her brain, but this time showing an out reached hand. Oh crap, I delayed too long. She took it, and shook it stiffly. Lily forced herself not to scan his mind until a later date. Everyone's minds are probably just racing with anticipation of the new school.
Crossed her arms and laid her head on them. I guess it wouldn't hurt to sleep for awhile..... She thought as her mind slowly drifted off into her dreamworld.
Lily withdrew her hand from the handshake and wiped it on her pant leg unknowingly. She wasn't a germaphobe, however, her hand was extremely sweaty and clammy after the touch. I hope I don't become that nervous when we start combat training...

After a few heartbeats, she turned to Koruba.

"Continue to lead the way, please."
Koruba was standing to the side silently watching the interaction between the two. She raised an eyebrow when the guys giant hands lost their mass. Well that sure is interesting, she thought, and there was something just a bit off about Lily. She didn't quite know what it was, but there was something, and she didn't know if it was a good or a bad thing.

Yeah I guess it is time we get to class," Koruba said, "Right this way," I think... but we'll make it one way or another, I think we still have 15 minutes so we should be good.
Lily followed Koruba intently via the sound of her footsteps, and continued to map out the directions out in her head. I wonder if I'll get Braille books.... Or when my disability will be spilled... She thought to herself. She had a general idea that Koruba and Klick might have possibly noticed something in her actions that was a little strange, however, she highly doubted it. Over the years, Lily had become quite good at fooling people into thinking she was a normal, magical being. Eyesight and all.

She continued to follow the female in front of her to the auditorium.
He stood almost to attention at the front of the auditorium, yet stayed slightly more to the back. He didn't like to the center of attention really. He was a solitary man at heart after all. He sighed, slouching ever so slightly as the room filled with students, fresh faces looking excited and full of wonder. How that would all change given time. This was the place, where children became murderers. He still wondered to himself why he became a teacher, yet the answer was that he felt he needed to pass on the knowledge.
The sleeping girl soon came back to reality, hearing chatterings from the other students around her. She stretched her arms and legs as minute as possible and yawned with her hand covering her mouth. She the rest her head on a proped up arm. She stared at the teacher stood infront. Los pulled her mask highers onto her face and secured it to make sure it would not fall off
Zero walled into the auditorium and looked around, he felt awkward that he didn't see anybody else wearing a mask for a reason. He sighed and readjusted his mask so only one of his eyes showed as he scanned the room.
Lily eventually found her way to the auditorium, and sat down in the middle of it. It was far enough where it wasn't extremely loud, and it was close enough to where she can hear the speaker. She really did wonder how she was going to maneuver her way around the school in the future. Sure, echolocation does have some great pros, such as finding people hiding, but it still prevents her from listening to loud noises. It also isn't as good as seeing.
Inside of Klicks head, he was freaking out. Klick mistook the delay in shaking his hand as hesitation. 'She probably thinks I am a huge loser and does not want to be associated with me' was the only thought that was going through his mind. Then the girls started to head out to the auditorium for class with Koruba leading the way. After they took a few steps he snapped back to normal and ran after them, "Wait for me..." As he trailed the girls, Lilly walked off on her own to the middle of the auditorium and sat by her self. 'Ok Klick you have this... you made a horrible first impression and she probably does not think highly of you... but remember who you are. You are strong and you have something nobody else has... hopefully.' He swallowed his fear of being rejected and sat next to the Lilly. She looked a little worried about something which Klick as a great opportunity. Not that he wanted her to be sad, but now he had an opportunity to make her happy. With this he might be able to improve his image with her and then he wont be a loser.

This was it... all he had to do was say something super cool. He opened his mouth and prayed what he was going to say would be the right thing. "Hi again... umm... you seem a little worried, is everything alright?"

@Mackie R
When would the bloody introduction assembly start?! He was beginning to get impatient, never a good sign. He shifted his weight, and started to fidget with the revolver on his belt, barely looking up at the last of the stragglers still trickling into the auditorium. He sighed, smoothing down his beard and proud facial hair. "Goddamn it all" he muttered under his breath, leaning on the wall.
Lily looked up from where she was staring, and towards the sound. By the voice, she could tell it was Klick. She sighed and closed her eyes. It wasn't that she didn't like Klick, it was just that she was so stressed out thinking about what was going to happen. How would she explain to the teacher she can't read the textbook if they didn't have Braille versions? And how was she going to ask if she could have a Braille version?

"No.. If I'm going to be honest, everything is not alright. Stress and stuff..." Lily trailed off. She covered her face with her right hand in exasperation. Sighing again, she shook her head lightly.

Lily and Koruba walked into the auditorium with the guy, Klick, on their tails. Koruba found a seat far in the back while Lily and Klick moved more to the middle. The farther away from people she was the less she would have to talk to them. Koruba sighed, she wasn't quite sure what she had gotten herself into. When she found that flyer in the black market she was sure it was a great idea. She had gone to the location, they accepted her righf away, no evaluation, no tests. They were either going to weed out the best or they were really desperate... either way she had a chance of killing people who killed her parents, that was all that mattered.

As Koruba sat deep in thought a loud ringing went off in the auditorium. I guess class has started, she thought.
Klick took a deep breath and exhaled as he went into deep thought, 'She really seemed upset about something but she did not say what. Did she give a clue earlier today? Her animated pale green eyes, sparkling brown hair... not the time Klick, what abnormal things did you notice about her... pale color eyes are abnormal, even for magical beings. and the delay to shake my hand, if she disliked me, i would not be sitting here now. So what is up with the delay... ARGH... I cant think like this...' He noticed her hand trembled. He wanted to grab it but felt it might be a little weird and did not wanted to be resented or called a pervert. "What is bothering you Lily, is there anything i can do to help?" he asked as he tried to calm her down.

@Mackie R
Lily removed her hand from her face while taking a shaky breath. After shaking out both hands, and smoothing down the flyaway hairs from her ballerina bun, she sat up straight in her chair and turned to Klick. Am I really going to do this?... She thought. After opening her mouth to say something, she realized a way around revealing her secret.

"I can't read." She lied. It was sort of true. And it was a pity excuse for what was bothering her. But, she was not gonna give up her disability to someone just yet.

"Cant... Read..." he repeated quietly. Inside he wanted to laugh from disbelieve but her face was so serious. He just had to believe her. He scratched his head and thought of an idea. He placed his fist into his hand and smirked. "Lily, what if i teach you to read?" Klick knew he could do it. He taught his self how to use his own watch and learned many subjects at home by his self. How hard could it be to teach a cute girl how to read.

@Mackie R
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Oh god . . . What have I done? She thought. Of course she could read! She could read Braille faster than any other person in nation. The problem was, the books this school might have would most likely be only be flat text. She thought to herself for a second. I could just come clean... but it might be possible that he would think lesser of me and spill the beans to everyone else at the academy..

"That's really not gonna work," Lily muttered under her breath, but loud enough for him to hear. She took a deep breath before resting her elbows on her thighs and then her head in her hands. "You may insist it will, but I've tried, trust me."


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