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Fantasy The Color Of Royalty OOC Chat

Irianne said:
@FloatingAroundSpace Is there religion in Decucis? And if so, what's it like? :3
I would assume it is a monotheistic religion, akin to Christianity where people must follow certain rules or else they will sin and be damned. I would assume that the royals have used this to their advantage, saying that those that have great sin in their past or in their family's past will be damned to have a child born of it, with dark markings to forever curse them. They would probably also say that the royals were chosen long ago by this god by granting them markings that the Devil later copied in jealousy and any child born with them would be the Devil trying to usurp the royal's power.

The Yellow Crows would call bullshit and probably don't follow the religion closely and the royals wouldn't, either. There would be prayer services for the rest of the population and the royals may follow them but I think the Yellow Crows and royals don't follow a "religion" per say.

They would rather view the world as their "god" and all the energies as part of said god. They would believe that some outward magical force controls the flow of life and that by channeling parts of the force, they would be able to grow stronger and more powerful and conquer their enemies. Of course, not all believe that.
FloatingAroundSpace said:
I would assume it is a monotheistic religion, akin to Christianity where people must follow certain rules or else they will sin and be damned. I would assume that the royals have used this to their advantage, saying that those that have great sin in their past or in their family's past will be damned to have a child born of it, with dark markings to forever curse them. They would probably also say that the royals were chosen long ago by this god by granting them markings that the Devil later copied in jealousy and any child born with them would be the Devil trying to usurp the royal's power.
The Yellow Crows would call bullshit and probably don't follow the religion closely and the royals wouldn't, either. There would be prayer services for the rest of the population and the royals may follow them but I think the Yellow Crows and royals don't follow a "religion" per say.

They would rather view the world as their "god" and all the energies as part of said god. They would believe that some outward magical force controls the flow of life and that by channeling parts of the force, they would be able to grow stronger and more powerful and conquer their enemies. Of course, not all believe that.
Perfect, thank you. I would assume the royal family would publicly follow this religion even though they don't bother with it in private?
Irianne said:
Perfect, thank you. I would assume the royal family would publicly follow this religion even though they don't bother with it in private?
Yup. Gotta put a show on for the kiddies! During great ceremonies, they probably get someone who is supposedly very religious and high-up in the religion in the eyes of the people to do some prayer or worship beforehand and perhaps even to crown their next heir but they wouldn't believe a second of it.
Updated the FAQ with religion! I don't see it being central to the RP because the factions pretty much ignore it but I suspect that during mass prayers, the Yellow Crows and Red Knights have to be extra careful since everyone is quiet and at rest. I would also assume that it would help perpetrate the fact that children born with dark marks need to get out of the house, and fast.
i've been been to put of a cs for so long. unfortunately lots of school stuff to get done first. however, i was wondering if there was a specific type/role you would prefer? i was thinking of making a royal.
Clock said:
i've been been to put of a cs for so long. unfortunately lots of school stuff to get done first. however, i was wondering if there was a specific type/role you would prefer? i was thinking of making a royal.
I mean we do need more royals and Red Knights. The Yellow Crows have every aspect filled or soon to be filled and while they are vital, there are key royal members I do want to see finished before I begin, like the queen. Note that I will be much harsher in examining CSes submitted that are for a role that only one character.

There don't appear to be any Shields either and there's been only one Eye app thus far.
Note: I will be gone without a laptop from the 7th (tomorrow) till the 10th (Sunday). I will occasionally checkn in with my phone but I don't see myself doing anything major aside from approving characters and answering simple questions.
Right, so, I ought to first inform that I yet breathe and secondly that my intention from the start remains, that is, to make the character of a red knight.

One of the prevailing issues plaguing me is the picture. With such a particular character in mind, I find it difficult to discover any picture to match. So, during one of my less eventful classes, I took it upon myself to sketch out the impression I had in my head of the good Red Knight.


Have any of you any suggestions for actors, models, or the like which might bear some resemblance to this cartoonish face?
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QuestingBeast said:
Right, so, I ought to first inform that I yet breathe and secondly that my intention from the start remains, that is, to make the character of a red knight.
One of the prevailing issues plaguing me is the picture. With such a particular character in mind, I find it difficult to discover any picture to match. So, during one of my less eventful classes, I took it upon myself to sketch out the impression I had in my head of the good Red Knight.


Have any of you any suggestions for actors, models, or the like which might bear some resemblance to this cartoonish face?
If you can't find someone, I would accept a clean drawing so long as you either credit the artist or it is yours.

That said...

Aaron Johnson in Nowhere boy?


Andrew Garfield?


Something like Anton Zetterholm?


Sung Joon, in this one photo looks sort of like him. Probably the hair.


Maybe Hayden Christensen if his hair is slicked back enough? I can't seem to find anyone with thick eyebrows.


Ian Nelson? Once again, his hair stuck up looks similar.


That's all the ones I got for now.
Thank you for those suggestions!

All good ones, but not quite as smiley as I'd hoped. I settled for the closest I could find in the end.

Posted a WIP of the CS. I'll fix up the writing sample and add a bit more detail to his magical abilities on the morrow. I hope what is thusfar presented isn't completely off-track. Anyway, tomorrow the resumption.
I just want to compliment you for making this, this has potential to be the greatest roleplay on this site. Unfortunately I won't have the energy to actually participate, but good job!

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