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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

"Is anyone here? Come on..I'm serious."

He looked around and called for pretty much anyone and got nothing back.

"Did they leave us?" Caitlyn asked.

"I sure as hell hope not. Guys come on this isn't funny."

He immideately bolted to the place where they keep the suplies and equipment.

He noticed there were some minor things missing and where was the truck they had?

Were they robbed,kidnapped,dead?

Alex was walking out of the restroom while holding Carl's hand. He looked at Matty and sighed. "Matty, everything alright?" He asked.
"Trent took it. Take Carl along to the bedroom and find Eric, Caitlyn can join them because they're doing some coloring. I need to go out." He said to him.
"Okay...Come,Carl we gotta go and do some extreme coloring."

He took his hand gently and went back into the sleeping quarters.

"I'd pick you up too,but my left shoulder is still healing a little bit."

"Don't get hurt, Alex..." Carl whimpered as he took Matty's hand. Alex nodded and instantly ran and grabbed a rifle that was scoped. Tom would be easy to track. There was no way he was losing someone who meant so much to him and his brothers, when he eventually catches up, he'll stick to the trees and keep his distant so that he couldn't be seen. (@DryPunishment)
Tom set up in an abandoned building, propping the the rifle up on a few bags of rice, that he would have to remember to take back. Over the course of the past few weeks Tom had been hunting a man, who had watched kill a woman and a child traveling with her, then he took advantage of the body. He would have dealt with him then, but he was dragging back food for the group. He believed he had found the mans base camp, and was watching it.
"What do you mean 'don't get hurt,Alex'?"

He looked back and Alex disappeared again. Matty sighed.

After a couple of minutes they arrived back at the sleeping quarters.

"Eric?" He 'scouted' the place and saw him standing there on Carl's bed.

"Where are you guys keeping the crayons?"

He let go of Carl's hand and let Caitlyn down.

"They're here." Eric said as he reached into Carl's backpack and pulled out a pad of paper and some crayons. (@DryPunishment)


Once Alex arrived at the town he cut through it but stopped when he heard voices. He jumped up against the wall he we closest to and peeked around the corner, rifle at the ready - he saw a camp of men there. Is that why Tom was here?
Alex felt a pistol press against his head, "spying on my group, huh boy? Drop your gun." Tom looked through the scope, he could just make out the two men Alex had seen. He got ready to squeeze the trigger.
"Anyone else?" Connor asked, then waited for anyone that did have something to say. Once everyone said their part, he began to shovel the dirt into the grave. He was their new leader, him and Dominic actually. They could get a few more people on board, make sure everyting was fair for everyone. But right then, he was just focusing on filling the grave.

(@DrTrollinski )
"Good...I'll just leave you guys to enjoy some pristine coloring,while I go and bring some snacks. Allright?"

His tone was rather amusing.

Given the opportunity to be on his own for a small while he leaned against a wall far from the sleeping quarters.

He cleaned his face with his palm and sighed. He wondered who he was to this group. Except for a few times everyday he wasn't exactly living it the group way. He mostly kept to himself and stayed with Caitlyn all the time. Since the day they were attacked by those savages his top priority was raising that little girl who stole his heart.

Matt continued on his way to the supplies room and got some cans. He was coming back now.

Alex dropped his rifle and it bounced out into the open. He sighed and just hoped that Tom was nearby and had seen it. ".. Trying to avoid trouble is a funny kind of 'spying'. Just passing through, and I saw 'em. Didn't want to cause a panic, so I'm trying to find a way around... I'm looking for someone." He replied, his hands raising up a little and covering the back of his head with them so that he'd take less of an impact if he got struck over the head. (@DrCompton)

The man nudged him toward the other two who were alert, which made Tom pull his finger off the trigger. He felt a pang of terror as Alex came into view.
Alex just needed a confirmation. He still had his sidearm tucked away as well as his knife. He wanted a confirmation that Tom was nearby, or he was as good as dead. All it would take was one shot to panic the three of them, then he could make a move of his own. (@DrCompton)
Beowulf said:
"Anyone else?" Connor asked, then waited for anyone that did have something to say. Once everyone said their part, he began to shovel the dirt into the grave. He was their new leader, him and Dominic actually. They could get a few more people on board, make sure everyting was fair for everyone. But right then, he was just focusing on filling the grave.
(@DrTrollinski )
Tom knew if he didn't make a move Alex was dead. So he made his choice.

The crack of Tom's rifle hit Alex's ears as the exact moment the bullet went through the brain of then man holding the gun to Alex's head. The other two men looked in the direction of the sound forgetting about Alex for a moment. @DrTrollinski
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Alex took that to his advantage. He ran back and grabbed the rifle he dropped and then quickly brought it to aim; he took one shot off at one of the men and hit him in the center of the back. Following that, he sprinted over and dived behind a car for cover. The last guy was now covered from both sides; if he popped up from the cover he was in, either one of them could get him before he did any damage. (@DrCompton)

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