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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Tom watched for the third man, who was focused on Alex now. The man aimed in Alex's direction, giving Tom just enough. He fired, clipping the mans cover. He hit the man, but didn't kill him. The man cried out and tom moved from his position moving toward Alex
Alex ran up as quick as he could and aimed right at the man's head. He shot him right between the eyes and sighed. He lowered his rifle down to the ground and then glanced around the camp. He knew he was in for some sort of criticism, but he didn't feel like Tom cared about him as much as he did Eric and Carl, which he didn't mind, Alex was just more of a partner when he was needed, and a friend, of course. (@DrCompton)
"What the hell are you doing out here Alex!? Why aren't you back at the mall!" Tom had his rifle over his shoulder
"I was fine, you almost got yourself killed kid! What the hell would I have told Carl if you had gotten killed Alex!?"
"What if it was YOU?! What would I have told him?! He was worried. In fact, he was traumatic. I found him crying in the bathroom - he's worried about you... For all you know, that guy that got me could have come around to you and popped you without you knowing... Carl don't need me as much as he needs you. Not any more, at least. That's why I came out here." He said, slinging his gun over his shoulder and then slapping his hands down at his sides. He turned away and bowed his head, his hands moving onto his hips. (@DryPunishment


Dominic and Kendrick assisted with the digging. They did that until the grave was six-by-three, and with that, they lowered him into the ground and began shoving the dirt down on top of him. ".. Man, I'm gonna' miss this guy." Kendrick muttered as he took a deep breath. (@Beowulf)
Tom looked at him for a moment and sighed. "Why did I get attached to your family." He rubbed his face, "come on Alex. Let's get back."
"Please just stop this. If you want to keep coming out like this, please just let me come with you." He begged, with a sigh he patted Tom on the shoulder and then walked to the area where the group kept their food. He grabbed one bag and then went to the nearest car. ".. I'll drive." He murmured, (@DrCompton)
"No, no reason to risk them losing both of us. I mean hell we shouldn't risk either one of us. Coming out here, hell you have Hunter to worry about too."
"Then stop, please..." He said, turning the car engine on. He waited for Tom to get in and then started driving. "I've noticed that Carl's been calling you daddy now and again." He said, this time a soft smile tugged at his lips. (@DrCompton)
Adelaide sat cross-legged on the rooftop, her red hair pulled back into a messy ponytail. In her hands she held a sketching pad and some charcoal she found in one of the art stores. Adelaide had always loved art, but lately she hadn't seemed much point or reason for it. But still she couldn't help herself. Art was one of the only things she was really good at. She brought the charcoal across the page in one swift stroke. Her tongue poked out of the corner of her mouth slightly as she concentrated. With one final stroke she held up the sketch and compared it to the scene below. Adelaide was attempting to capture the scene outside of the mall. If in twenty years this whole thing was over she wanted to have something to remind people of how horrible it truly was. She had done a fairly good job, showing the death and the blood, but a sketch cannot hold a smell or sounds. Adelaide sighed and tossed the pad onto the ground next to her. It was alright, but not good enough. Adelaide pushed her bangs out of her eyes roughly, leaving a streak of black across her forehead. Adelaide picked up the sketch pad and charcoal, and tucked the pad under her arm. She would have to try again another time. She stood up and took a deep breath, a smile tugging at her lips. It sure was nice to have the warm weather coming back. Especially the life that spring seemed to carry with it's arrival.(@DrTrollinski )
Tom laughed anlittle. "Yeah, yeah he called me that this morning, I think he was afraid I'd hate him or something for it, so I told him it was fine."
Trent grabs the bodies and starts kicking them into the hole. "Yup its big enough." He grabs the gas canister and drenches the bodies.
Eric got up from drawing and excused himself from the bedroom to go out on to the roof. He wanted to see if Alex and Tom were back yet. But he ran into Adelaide. "Oh, hey... You alright?" He asked. (@october_rain)


Alex smiled. "Thank you." He said, looking away from the road for a moment to look at Tom. "It means as much to me as it does to him, trust me... I don't think Carl would be like he is now if not for you." He explained. (@DrCompton)
[QUOTE="Vyork Ashfin]Trent grabs the bodies and starts kicking them into the hole. "Yup its big enough." He grabs the gas canister and drenches the bodies.

Hunter climbs her way out of the hole, using a root to help her as she gets out and dusts her arms off slightly as she pulls the shovel up and puts it in the back of the truck. "I'm going to keep an eye out for danger while you do that..." she said as she started walking away slightly. ( xD Everyone is pushing them. xD )
Adelaide smiled at Eric's voice. "Everything's perfect." She responded with a nod. "It's just beautiful out here." If you can ignore everything happening on the streets below. She turned and dropped her smile. "Are you alright?" She asked. (@DrTrollinski )
"Oh come on, don't act like you're not. She's cute, you're a teenager. Hell you should be trying to sneak off to the empty stores. Just use condoms pal." Tom paused for a moment, "unless... You bat for the other team?"
Adelaide followed Eric to the edge of the roof and placed one one hand on his shoulder. "You're not going to lose them." She promised quietly. She bit her lip nervously. You can't actually promise that. These are different times. Just as fast as the thought came, Adelaide banished it, shaking her head. "No. They'll be fine. They're probably on their way home now." She said, trying to convince herself as well as Eric. (@DrTrollinski )
"Haha. No, I ain't gay, Tom. I do like her, yeah... I just... I just feel scared, that's all. Plus, what's the difference between a condom or no condom in this world now? Hell, I bet, if this goes on for another ten years, we'll have thirteen-year-old fathers on our hands." He chuckled under his breath. "I'm a Virgin." Alex muttered after a long pause, his face going red. (@october_rain)
Trent pulls out a match then lights it. "And here comes the part where i smile." He tosses the match in the hole and runs for the truck.

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