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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Hunter waiting in the truck, gives him an odd look but shakes her head as she watches. "Hurry up... I want to head back so i can have breakfast finally... I'm starving..."
Tom laughs, "look I'm sure she is too... And we don't want kids yet... We aren't set up for that, plus she's be more likely to die in Childbirth now... Still, you might as well try, companion ship goes a long way. Shit, if I want a decade older than her or Adelaide, id probably give it a shot... Shit, am I a dirty old man now?" @DrTrollinski
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Trent throws the door to the truck open and jumps in. "We can go now.....unless you want to wait for the fire to die....which i don't want to!" He slams the door shut and looks over to Hunter. "Lets go...."
Hunter nods as she starts the truck and starts driving back the way they came, looking in the rearview mirror slightly as she drives slightly. "I can't wait till we get back... I'm hungry..."
Adelaide smiled. "Yeah, he really does. It's nice. Carl and you should have a father figure to up to." She paused for a moment and watched the streets below, awaiting the return to Alex and Tom. Finally she shook her head. It could be hours before they return. There's no point just standing on the roof and waiting. "Will you play a song for me? It's been so long since I've heard you play." (@DrTrollinski )
"Yeah, sure. I know a good one. Come with me." He said, smiling as he lead her inside and down to the room that Hunter set up for him, he picked up a single wooden guitar that he had tuned for one particular song; he grabbed a pick and then sat down, smiling. "Take a seat." He said. (@october_rain) 
"Heh, I bet. Yeah, I don't think I'm ready to be a daddy yet. I don't know if I'll ever be in this world..." He sighed a little and continued driving onward. ".. You had a family, right? What's it like--.. You know, being a dad? Carl and Eric pretty much see you as a dad as well, but I've never really understood it. What's it--.. You know, what's it feel like?" He asked.  
(Fail. @DrCompton - My bad.)
"I wasn't a dad very long but it was magical, but everything was safe then you know? Simpler times man." He sighed
"I get you... A funny story about parents, before all this happened, Eric was jealous of Carl because our parents gave him the most attention. You wouldn't be able to tell that he had a grudge against him now, would you?" He chuckled a little. (@DrCompton)
"It's hard being a middle, I was one growing up, he never stopped loving Carl, was just jealous, it happens." He shrugs.
"We're all going to miss him." Connor said. After they finished, he decided that he better do the rest of his buisness quickly. Funny how a lot of things hurt less when you do it quick, like a band-ade. Reaching the center of the town, he gets as high up as he can so everyone can see him, and gets their attention. "Hey! I got something to say and I'm only going to say it once. Before Kane passed, he wanted me and Dominic to follow in his foot steps and lead this colony. I know some of you may not belive me, and if that's the case fine. But I'm still going to do the best damn job of keeping you all alive."

(@DrTrollinski )
"Yeah, it is. Me and him had a couple of fights since this started, but we're good now." He smiled. "You've really helped them, I hope you can see that." He added. (@DrCompton)


He smiled and then started playing a song. He added in the vocals as well of course, his adolescent voice was perfect for it, but he was always a good singer, even before his voice changed.




"That's the truth." Dominic agreed. "What's our first plan of action. Any ideas?" He asked. (@Beowulf)
Trent kicks his feet back up onto the dash. "Do we have any toast? I am in the mood for toast and jam." He smiles and looks outside his window. "do you see that?" He points to a large horde of zombies moving towards the fire and away from the mall.
"We survive. We keep going on with how we've been doing. We can adjust things as problems appear." After a pause, Connor opens his mouth again. "Actually. We can send some scavanging parties out to other near by towns for supplies. We shoukd bave some cars lying around, and they can find gas along the way if they have to."

(@DrTrollinski )
"Yeah, we have a bunch of cars parked beside the town. People can use those." Dominic said in agreement. Kendrick gave quick nod.

"I'll go." He said, "Anyone else?" He asked as he glanced around. A few hands went up and they all looked back to Conner. (@Beowoulf)


"I can tell. You've been a lot more... Open... since you've been spending time with them. Carl really loves you, you know that?" He said, smiling. (@DrCompton)
Adelaide couldn't help but smile as the boy played. He played with so much passion and emotion, and although his voice was not yet fully developed, it still sounded beautiful. It was really too bad that all of this happened. He could have made it big. Adelaide clapped her hands together as the song came to an end. "Amazing as always!" (@DrTrollinski )
"Heh, it was nothing." He said, picking at the guitar for a moment before placing it down. "Thanks nonetheless." He said, smiling at her. "That was Owen Campbell, I loved his music back when it came out - I taught myself that song, depicted the tuning and all that by myself." He shrugged and gave a half-grin. (@october_rain)
[QUOTE="Vyork Ashfin]Trent kicks his feet back up onto the dash. "Do we have any toast? I am in the mood for toast and jam." He smiles and looks outside his window. "do you see that?" He points to a large horde of zombies moving towards the fire and away from the mall.

Hunter snorts. "I doubt that... Bread spoils easily so I doubt we would have any... And yeah I see them." She said as she continued to drive away from the fiery pit and towards the mall.
Adelaide brought her hands together in her lap. "Well it was amazing. Owen would have been proud." She said with a smile. "The fact that you can even teach yourself those songs just by listening to them is outstanding. You're a wonderful musician, Eric." (@DrTrollinski )
Tom smiled and said nothing, he wasn't entirely sure how Alex would take it if Tom said he loved Carl and Eric too. He didn't live Alex, he didn't know him that well
Trent sighs and leans his chair back. "So what is our ammo count back in the shelter?" He slides his hand through his hair to fix it. "The storm is on its way...and we are not prepared."
".. I've been playing since I was seven. It was... I don't know. A lot of musicians would say that it was their 'escape' from things. That wasn't the case for me because I had nothing to escape from. It's because I enjoyed it. And... when I was nine and Carl was born, I was more inspired to make him smile and all that." He chuckled a little under his breath and looked around. ".. I'm glad you think I'm good at it. It means a lot." He added. (@october_rain)


There was a brief silence while Alex drove out of the town and back in the direction of the mall. ".. I don't mind if you're the new father of those two, by the way... I hope you know that. You're the best person for it." He smiled a little while he took a deep breath through his nose and rolled the window down. (@DrCompton)
[QUOTE="Vyork Ashfin]Trent sighs and leans his chair back. "So what is our ammo count back in the shelter?" He slides his hand through his hair to fix it. "The storm is on its way...and we are not prepared."

Hunter snorts. "Your asking the wrong person about that... Alex is the leader remember? Plus I hate using guns so why would I know what the ammo count is?" She asked while driving, focusing on getting to their destination.
"Take a couple weapons, and a few rounds. Where you go is up to you. I'll stay here and make sure things run smoothly. Some of you bums still don't know how to make a decent pair of shoes." Patting Kendrick on the back, he sends him on his way, but not before saying one last thing. "Kane had decided that, if we choose, can take on more people with us, form a counsel if you will. You can all nominate someone if you wish, but I nominate Kendrick here to join our counsel."

(@DrTrollinski )

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