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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Kendrick was taken aback by the sudden suggestion. Dominic smiled and stepped forward. "I agree with Conner." He said, Kendrick looked to him and grinned. "Anyone else in agreement?" He asked. A bunch of people raised their hands. Dominic looked at Conner and gave a half-smile. (@Beowulf)
"It means a lot that you'd say that.., I mean it. Thanks Alex." There was a loud crack, and the window cracked from the point of impact the bullet had caused. "Shit." Blood was coming out of the upper right portion of Tom's chest, where it connected with his shoulder and collar bone.

"Keep driving!" Tom pulled his pistol out, but he couldn't see the shooter as a second billet flew threw the window, "turn left!"
"Looks like it's agreed. Welcome on board, Kendrick. Now get going, and stay safe." Looking out at the gathered group, he purses his lips and nods his head, as if he is pleased with what he saw. Hopping off his stand, he walks towards his house. Even though he may be the co-leader of this colony, he still had classes to teach.

(@DrTrollinski )
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"SHIT!" Alex yelled. He quickly swerved the car to the left and took a turn to hide behind the safety of some buildings. ".. Oh, motherfucker." Alex muttered, taking a quick deep breath. "You alright?!" He asked. (@DrCompton)
Tom was clutching his shoulder, "yeah, come on we can't stop... Keep going." Tom cursed under his breath, "get us back."
"Shit, shit, shit." Alex muttered. He floored it and sped off down the street; he took as many turns as he could to avoid taking any more fire. If the sniper was on foot, there was no way of him catching up now. Alex drove as far as he could away from the spot that they were shot at, and now they weren't too far from the mall. Another five minutes or so. "Fuck... Who was that?" He asked. "An angry friend of those guys we shot? But that isn't possible, they were ten minutes back. Unless he had communication with them or something." He suggested, shrugging. He stopped the car engine for a minute and pulled a shirt from the bag he grabbed; he tore a scrap of it away and then quickly tied up the wound on Tom's shoulder. "You with me?" He asked. (@DrCompton
The youngest that went with them was a boy of thirteen. He was keen to help out, so he was quite an asset seeing as he was fast and young - his eyesight was probably a lot better than most of the grown men that were with him. Daniel wanted to come along, but the world out there was no place for a seven-year-old.

"Dad... What am I gonna' do while you're gone? You're gonna' be okay out there, aren't you?" He whimpered in question, Dominic crouched down, kissed his cheek, and then hugged him.

"Of course I am, son... I'm a leader now, remember? Sit in with Conner on his lesson, okay?" He said, Daniel nodded and hugged him once more before dashing off and catching up with Conner, tugging on the sleeve of his shirt.

"Conner. Dad said I gotta' go to that lesson you're gonna' teach. What are you teachin' today?" He asked. (@Beowulf)
"Yeah I'm fine pal." He grunt when Alex started to mess with his wound. "Maybe a random guy , wanted our car. Shot at me first, to make you stop... Smart."
"Well, as I've said. Some of you cannot make a decent pair of shoes. But I've talk long enough about it, if they can't make any then they can't make any. I guess I could show them how to cook, funny how some grown men still don't know how to cook. Maybe I'll even show them how to set up a deadfall trap, dangerous those but simple." Connor rambled on, about the pros and cons of a dead fall trap compared to a spike trap ("You stick a sharpened stake on the end of a sapling, pull the end back, set it up right and when something walks in front if it, it gets a nasty surprise.") and what he may teach today.

(@DrTrollinski )
"Not very fucking logical. He should have shot the driver." He said, making a swift turn behind more buildings. "Straight back to the mall, right?" He asked. (@DrCompton)


"Oh cool." He smiled and continued following Conner. Eventually they ended up in one of the elementary school classrooms where Conner held a lot of his lessons. (@Beowulf)
Nick and Tina started in on the silly plan; it sounded like something out of a juvenile Nancy Drew book. Instead of it failing miserably as he'd expected, his aim with one of the larger stones precisely pushed the keys from where they were set on the side of the table; hanging on the corner. They hit the ground with a clinking sound, causing him to withdraw; just in case someone came in, or heard. They both waited for a while, listening for someone, anyone, to come in. However, from the sounds of the walkie talkies; there had been some sort of crisis that required more men than they had. Nick and Tina weren't exactly a priority when there was a riot of either people or walkers; or whatever was going on, he couldn't be too sure. He tried to think about what West would do; or, better yet, what Levi would do in this situation. He assumed Levi would've found a way to pick the lock, instead of this charade; but Tina didn't have bobby pins and he didn't have his knives. Not to mention the fact neither of them knew how to do it, they'd probably take too long and get caught in the act.

Now he took her sweater, hoping that maybe his longer arms would give him an advantage. It was as frustrating as it was grueling, he was just barely getting them; even pushing them farther away at one point. It took longer than he thought it would, but felt like more of a waste of time than it really was; and upon succeeding pulling them close enough to grab. He felt elated, like a child. "Do we leave now? We don't have any weapons, we don't have a plan... Hell, I didn't think we'd get this far."



Delaney watched the creature watching her; it did not do anything. Once it had some sort of morsel, all it wanted was more. She smiled and looked to Brad, "I think that it's fine." She shrugged, not minding much other than the fact they'd probably need to try and barricade just a little bit to be safe.

Jared pulls his feet off the dash. "Well i really do not agree with him...but if he knows the count ill ask him when we arrive back at the mall."
Brad slowly reached out and let the dog sniff his hand. He then petted it softly on the head. "Eh, you ain't too bad." He smiled. "Maybe you can keep us company, but before you do that..." He rushed forward and gently unclipped the collar from its neck. It whimpered and even snarled in pain, but Brad got it off and replaced it by tying a dark blue bandana from his pocket and tying it around the dog's neck. He looked at the tag and smiled."Oreo." He chuckled. "His name's Oreo." (@TheHarlequinnCat)
[QUOTE="Vyork Ashfin]Jared pulls his feet off the dash. "Well i really do not agree with him...but if he knows the count ill ask him when we arrive back at the mall."

Hunter shakes head while driving. "Alright... Hey... did you see that?" she asked while pointing towards the swerving car. "There's a shooter nearby. Look around for me."
Trent pulls his gun out and turns the safety off. "Motherfucker wont get us!" he smashes open his window and takes a look around. "It does not seem like anyone....{Bullet flys by Trent's head}..Holy shit!"
"Take 5th, then turn right toward 22nd Avenue. It'll bring us into the far side of the mall, but it'll seperate us from him a little bit more." He looked at his wound, "Damn it this hurts. I wish I had my morphine injectors."
"You'll be fine." Alex said. "We know that you haven't got a severed artery or you'd be dead already." He sighed and began taking the directions that Tom had instructed. He came onto 22nd and sighed. "We can't lead him back to the mall." He said, looking around after pulling into a secluded but shielded back alley, (@DrCompton)
"Surely we're seperated from him. If we go on foot we risk him catching up, or seeing us and picking us off. I vote we take the car, but I cant drive, so really, its up to you pal." Tom trust Alex and looked down the alley.
"What if Hunter and Trent get attacked on the way back? Shit..." He thought to himself and sighed. "Could you pinpoint a location?" He asked in reference to the stacker. (@DrCompton)
Tom looked up at the roof of the car they were in, thinking of the street. "We were on Main Street, the shots came from directly infront of us... I would say the Library building, from the roof, or that church." Tom looked at Alex, "Those would be my best guesses, but I have no clue."
".. What's the chances of me getting him if I get to a high spot?" He asked, looking around in nervousness. "One of these apartment buildings right here would offer enough cover from within one of the rooms. I'd be able to peek well enough without being spotted if I was on one of the balconies." He added. (@DrCompton)
"He is a decent shot, he hit us while we were moving from a few miles out. We didn't even hear the crack of the rifle." Tom sighed, "I wouldn't want you to try counter sniping. I think this guy has some training behind him... I mean, I wouldn't be able to make that shot and Im pretty sure I have the most training in our group."
"Which is why we can't let him get to the mall. If he can make shots like that, I don't want him getting near the others. Not a chance." Alex urged, shaking his head while rubbing the back of it with both hands. "Shit. There must be something we can do. If we had more with us, someone could stay here, I could make a flank and try and cut him off. I'm worried about Hunter and Trent - they went out the same way as us, which means they'll be coming back the same way as well - even when we were out of sight I heard a gunshot, so I'm praying that they're alright..." He said, looking around again. (@DrCompton)
Hunter gave a growl and turned the wheel to the hard right as she drove them down a side road and out of the line of fire for a moment. "You alright? Also we need to get rid of him or kill him... He's a good shot and he gets near our base... Don't even want to think about it... Get ready cuz we're heading back out again. She said as she turned them up an alley and down another side road and back onto the main road. (@Vyork Ashfin)
"Can you swerve down the road and get me to that church? Thats my 60% guess." He grabbed his pistol, then looked at Alex, "Chamber a round for me." He handed the pistol to him. He right arm was too weak.

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