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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Hunter shrugs. "You gotta live with it and move on... Nothing else you can do about it..." She said while driving and pulling up. "We're here." She said and got out.
"Of course big guy, remember, I already told you, Im invincible, nothing can hurt me." He ruffled Carl's freshly cut hair, "I'll be gone 3 hours, at most." He looked at Eric, "I promise." He put his arm around Eric's shoulder, "And dont come looking for me if I dont. Understood?"
"Then why haven't you done anything about it? I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure you might like her too." Adelaide paused and bit her lip. "I'm not telling you to go pronounce your undying love for her, but maybe you should talk to her about it. Even if you're not interested. She deserves at least that." (@DrTrollinski )
"You cant just move on! Find closure." He hops out of the truck and walks around to the back. "Can you begin digging the trench?" He pulls a shovel out of the back part of the truck and tosses it towards Hunter. "We have to move quick.....were in the open!" Jared grabs the can of gasoline and sets it on the ground.
[QUOTE="Vyork Ashfin]"You cant just move on! Find closure." He hops out of the truck and walks around to the back. "Can you begin digging the trench?" He pulls a shovel out of the back part of the truck and tosses it towards Hunter. "We have to move quick.....were in the open!" Jared grabs the can of gasoline and sets it on the ground.

Hunter says nothing as she starts digging, huffing about how she has to do all the hard work. "Fine fine... And I don't have time for closure right not!"
Eric looked at him. ".. Carl--.. Why don't you go find something to do, bro?" He suggested, Carl sighed.

".. Okay--.. I gotta' go to the bathroom anyway." He said, his head bowed a little. Eric patted him on the head and nodded towards the door.

"Okay, say goodbye and go to the bathroom, then go and find something to do. Draw him a picture for when he gets home." He said, smiling. Carl grinned and then nodded. He hugged the front of Tom's legs and then smiled up at him.

".. I'll draw somethin' nice." He said, he then dashed out of the store and went upstairs to run along to the public restroom. Once he was gone, Eric looked Tom in the eye.

".. Before you go, I need you to tell me one thing... Is what you're doing going to be dangerous? I might be strong, I might have lifted the weights and took lessons from you, but I am not strong enough to lose someone I love. Not again." He said, shaking his head briefly at the end. His lip was quivering but he did his best to hide it. (@october_rain)
Trent begins to drag the bodies out of the truck and towards the trench being dug. "I am not sure you would want to stay when the trench is done.....it will smell terrifyingly horrible." He finishes moving the bodies.
Adelaide frowned and pulled Alex into a hug. "I have a hard time believing that. You have taken on a savage one on one, you have fought to keep this entire group alive constantly, you cleared a mall of undead -with help-, but you can't talk to a girl about feelings?" She chuckled and rested her head on his shoulder. "You're such a guy." (@DrTrollinski )
[QUOTE="Vyork Ashfin]Trent begins to drag the bodies out of the truck and towards the trench being dug. "I am not sure you would want to stay when the trench is done.....it will smell terrifyingly horrible." He finishes moving the bodies.

Hunter nods while digging the trench, stepping over the bodies with her boots.
He hugged her back. "Not everything I did benefited me..: I killed my parents when they turned... when I lost them so quickly, I just... I didn't want to know what that felt like again. I'm scared that I'll get closer to her, and then I'll lose her." He admitted, he didn't look at her when he spoke. He looked away, seeming a little upset. (@october_rain)
Adelaide pulled away and smiled reassuringly. "Nothing will happen to her. Hunter's a strong girl." She said softly. Adelaide took his chin gently and forced him to look at her. "When you're ready talk to her. That's all I ask." (@DrTrollinski )

(I have to go soon. Bye!)
"Here will do." Connor replied solomly. Taking up his shovel, he begins to dig the grave. It wasn't going to be special, they didn't have to material or the skills for it to be. But it would be enough, that he was sure of. Maybe in future days they would honor him properly. But right now, they made do. "Would anyone like to say a few words?" he asked once the grave was dug and they had lowered Kane's corpse into it.
"Allright,you see these pebbles? I've been scraping them off the walls,digging for them and I've been looking for them everywhere in this stupid cell. The keys are about 5 feet away from us on the same wall with the bars. We're gonna throw these pebbles at the keys until they fall. After that we'll grab the keys with my hoodies. I'll throw my hoodie at them and drag them here.

She was definitely planning this for some time. Nick was a mess and she was trying to snap him out of it. The plan was crazy,but it could work. It wasn't the same since Levi left. She didn't want to admit,but they needed him right now. As emotionless as he was,Levi would know how to deal with this. After she told him the plan Tina went and ripped off a cloth of her sheet and tied her hair in a ponytail. Much better.

Tom put his arm over Eric's shoulder, "Going for a midday stroll in this world is dangerous now, Bud. Its not too dangerous, I just have to go return some videotapes." Tom was certain Eric wouldn't get the American Psycho reference, but he couldn't tell him what he was doing, "But I will come back okay? That I can promise."
"If you're going to come back, why did you tell me not to come looking for you if you don't? Is this another bandit hunt? What am I going to tell Carl if you don't come back? I can't explain it all to him again, not again. I can't go through the sleepless nights all over again." His eyes welled up with tears and he looked away from him, his arms shaking as he crossed them over. (@DrCompton)


"I will," Dominic said. "He was a good man who gave me and my son food and beds when we had nothing, and he did the same for a lot of other people. He's gone, but he won't be forgotten." He said, sighing. (@Beowulf)
Tom pulled Eric into a hug, "I'll come back Eric, alright pal?" He squeezed him tight, "Ive got too much to lose between you and Carl not to come back." He pulled back and put his arms on Eric's shoulders. "Now dry your tears, and go draw with Carl, tell him every thing is gonna be alright."
He hugged him back. "You better." He whimpered. He hugged him as tight as he could and then wiped his eyes. "I'll try and keep Carl happy, but don't be gone too long. Remember, don't throw yourself under a bus if things do get heavy." He hugged him again and then turned around. "We'll be waiting." He said, he wandered out of the store and walked up to the room everyone slept in to wait for Carl.

Despite what Tom said, Carl was upset. He was locked in a stall in the restroom and was sitting on the floor, hugging his knees and crying. He'd done his business, but now he was too upset to leave. (@DrCompton)
Tom left, grabbing his rifle and pistol, then headed out. He enjoyed the sun, it was still chilly, but the sun was back. However, that also meant some virals who had found themselves stuck, or frozen, were back as well. They ahd seen a small increase recently. Tom moved east, toward the main part of town.
Alex left the storage room to go to the bathroom, but he heard Carl sobbing from a stall. He went up and quickly knocked on the door. "Carl? You okay, buddy?!" He asked, Carl unlocked the door and ran to him, hugging him. "Tom went out!" He sobbed.
"Matty...wake up."

"Huh? What's up,sweetie?"

"I'm bored. Can we do something?"

"Well...what did you have in mind,Cait?"

She raised her shoulders and let them down.

"I don't know. Everyone else woke up."

"Hmm...wanna have breakfast?"


She nodded and smiled

Matty got up with Caitlyn in his arms and looked around.

@DrTrollinski (What's he supposed to see?)
"Huh...where is everybody? Let's go and search for them."

Caitlyn nodded.

He went out to look for the group.

"Alex?Eric? Tom?"


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