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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Tom noticed the book, then focused back on Carl's hair, "Whats the book Eric? If you dont mind me asking Pal." He snipped Carl's bangs and smiled, and pulled back, "I dont think you look half bad Pal. Eric, what do you think? Am I a regular Picasso?"
Adelaide shrugged. "It was alright. I'm going to suffocate Tom next time he snores." She said with a small smile. "How did you sleep?" She asked before taking another small bite. (@DrTrollinski )

- I had no idea what to put. I am sorry. xD -
Trent leans over and plays with the radio."If you want to have a conversation what were your thoughts on the government before this happened?"
Eric was mesmerized by the book. ".. It's--.." He looked at one picture within it. A picture of a family, a happy one that he and his brother's once had before this started. He was happy to have Tom who cared insanely about he and Carl, but this got to him. It was a picture of a mother, father, and two children - two little blonde-haired kids, no older than Carl, boy and a girl. He was taken aback by it at first. Those guys he killed must have done some messed up shit to be carrying this around. Was this a mistake they made? "Uh?! Oh, right." He looked at Carl and gave a half smile. "Yeah, that's lookin' good. Still a handsome little lady-killer, eh?" He said, Carl giggled and grinned while looking in the mirror. Eric's hair had grown quite a bit, to around Carl's new length, so it didn't need cutting just yet. Eric went straight back to going through the album. ".. Yeah, it's nice, bro..." He muttered. Carl looked at him and smiled and then looked up at Tom.

"Do I get to cut your hair now?" He asked playfully. He didn't mean it, and he was expecting a no anyway. He just liked being happy, and seeing Tom happy as well. (@october_rain)


(@Vyork Ashfin - Four months into the apocalypse, you haven't got a chance of finding a running radio station, lol. You might want to change that to putting a CD/Music tape in xP)
"Sure pal." He sat down infront of carl and handed him the buzzers. "Alright, just go in straight lines with the clippers okay?"
[QUOTE="Vyork Ashfin]Trent leans over and plays with the radio."If you want to have a conversation what were your thoughts on the government before this happened?"

Hunter shrugs. "I was never into politics. Especially since they bicker over every little silly thing... It's dumb sometimes... Despite all this crazy shit... I don't mind the people I've met who I probably wouldn't have met had this not happened..."
Delaney's brows furrowed, she whispered "Brad, it's just a dog. Hasn't done anything wrong; he's suffering as much as we are. Hell, we're the intruders to him! Or... Her?..." She rummaged through her pockets, pulling out a smushed ham sandwich that she didn't intend to eat. Taking it out of the bag, she noticed it perked up when it smelled food. Before it could lunge or move, she tossed it over. "Maybe you can make it leave... But don't shoot the poor thing!" She exclaimed, clearly upset by the idea of it.

Adelaide smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I guess so. He's a pretty cool kid. I'm glad he has." She said and set the can of beans down onto the counter beside her. Adelaide leaned forward, her elbows on her knees. Her smile turned into a mischievous grin. "You and Hunter have been talking a lot lately too." She pointed out. (@DrTrollinski )
Carl was amazed. He took the clippers and flicked them on. Even Eric batted an eye, but Carl was thrilled. It wasn't that often that he got trusted with more of an adult task, so this meant a lot to him. He giggled initially, but then calmed down and poked his tongue out the side of his mouth in focus as he started off at the back center of Tom's head and began to drive it upwards towards his front. He was laughing quietly while doing so - it didn't really matter if he messed up, seeing as it he was having it all shaved anyway. He looked at Tom's reflection in the mirror and saw the bald line between two waves of hair. It was hilarious. Even Eric coated his laughter with coughs or smug grins as he looked away from the album to watch Carl.

Carl was near enough dying of laughter as he went over Tom's head of hair with them. He tried not to jog it, but occasionally he went off of the straight lines and off to the side a little, but that didn't matter, because after a long ten minutes of him being in tears of laughter he was finally done. He turned the clippers off and set them down, followed by scrambling up onto Tom's lap, wiping his joyous tears from his face. He leaned against him whilst reaching up with one hand and stroking the top of his head. The stubble felt funny, it reminded him of when his old father or Alex came out of the bathroom freshly shaved. It was strange but so satisfying at the same time. "Did I do good?" He asked, grinning. (@october_rain)
Tom laughed once Carl was done and wrapped his arms around her and lifted him up and stood, "You did great pal." He went over and sat up by Eric, "Do I look like a Million bucks or what!?" He looked at the beans, "Holy cow, real beans! Man.. Im sure I could find a grinder in the food court, and maybe some sugar... Oh my god, Im pretty excited about this."
"My wife i married only a few days before this all happened.....I will never see her again. That helicopter was the only way back." Trent has a few tears in his eyes. Before they run down his face he wipes them away.
Adelaide laughed and punched Alex in the shoulder playfully. "Now that you mention it, I did think he reminded me of someone else." Adelaide smirked and pushed herself off of the counter. "I absolutely agree with Cece. You and Hunter do have quite a lot in common." Like the fact that both of you are cowardly children who won't admit they like each other. She added the last part as only a thought. (@DrTrollinski )
Trent's eyes widen. "Holy shit.......im sorry for your loss......" He takes his feet off the dash. Trent sighs and rest his head in his hands.
(Alex is aware of that. She doesn't need to know Cece to agree with the statement. @Soul OMU)

"Yeah, there should be one in the food court." He said, still fascinated by the photos. He turned to one page and his eyes partially teared up. It was a picture of a little baby lying in a blanket; attached to the photo was the colorful label of 'It's A Boy!'. Man, life was unfair to the wrong people. He wished he'd made those two guys suffer longer for what they did. Did they take this from a family that needed it most? Eric instantly closed it and dunked it back into the bag, sighing.

Carl thought for a moment. "Nuh-uh. You look like--.. one gazillion bucks." He grinned and hugged him. Eric chuckled softly - Carl liked the word 'gazillion'. He didn't use it often, but he thought it was cool. (@october_rain)


(@Vyork Ashfin - I think you'll find that your character's name is Trent. Jay's the dead one :D )
"A gazillion huh? Well, I got the best barber in the whole world, so its no wonder." He smiled. "Eric, can you watch Carl for a bit? Im gonna walk around outside, I've got some.. Business to attend to." he stood up, "I'd prefer it if you kept that between the three of us." He looked at Eric and nodded, then Carl, "Deal you two?"
Adelaide sighed. "Oh come on.I've done enough damage on that front." She attempted to impersonate Alex to her best ability, but ultimately failed. "You know she likes you, right? And I mean likes you." Adelaide crossed her arms across her chest and leaned back against the wall, awaiting a response. (@DrTrollinski )
Eric remained quiet for a moment. He didn't speak. Tom was his teacher, and that's what kept him alive whenever he went out alone, but he was still worried. Carl beat him to the question.

"You're gonna' come back, right? You're not gonna' get hurt, right?" Carl asked, his eyes wide. Eric hopped off of the counter and crouched beside him, putting an arm around his shoulders. He didn't give Tom the same look. He just looked at the ground and let Carl do the talking. (@october_rain)
"No biggie.....you lost everyone in your life......that is not a no biggie thing!" He grabbed a piece of paper and a pen out of his pocket.

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