• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

(It's fine. It doesn't have to be a pointless filler because it'll lead onto further development of the place of Wellington. I'm not pissed off at you guys, and although that's how it looks, I'm just SEVERELY stressed out and a little upset at the minute, so I've been a bit edgy. I apologize as well. @DryPunishment)
(Don't be. Mistakes happen to the best of us, it's fine :) @DryPunishment) 
(Well. I can't say I was expecting that. I'll post something on Wellington and you can go on from there. @DryPunishment)
(Thanks. I guess I'm gonna have to wait for the 'handy' plan,get it?)
Connor returned the squeeze. He would stay with this man until he died. He would not leave this man's side. He had gone through a lot, they both had, and he could understand not wanting to be alone in his final moments. "Even if they don't like me, they'll just have to get over it"
Looking in on Wellington from wherever they may have been located, they could see a quaint and almost quiet town. It was all barricaded up and secure, and the streets within it were primarily filled with people. A line of smoke rose up from a place within the town that was out of sight. The boss did nothing other than sit in his office all day, either caressing his partially-grey hair with one hand or continuously loading and reloading his Colt pistol.

The town itself seemed to be quite fair in health, and people within the street were clothed and clean, but many of them looked quite tired and worn down, clearly created by an abusive winter. In one eye-shot, there were perhaps twenty people wandering about the streets and walking to buildings. There were no children in sight from first glance - all of them were young adults to elderly, nothing more, nothing less. On several places on the self-built wall that circled half of the city, there were men that stood tall and carried rifles in their arms - the gate was makeshift but had scraps of metal on it to fortify it more. There were two guards stood above it, but no one appeared to be aggressive or psychotic. They were all clean-shaven and as well-presented as they could get. (@DryPunishment, @TheHarlequinnCat)


He hummed songs for twenty minutes. And then an hour, and finally two hours. They were soft Country tracks that reminded him of his home and younger life - they were nice but tear-jerking thoughts that plagued his mind. He was sad to leave them all behind, but happy to be escaping from the pains he went through in life as well. After the two hours his hand began to fall loose as his body began to shut down - he was waiting to say goodbye. He wanted to say goodbye to the people he cared about, and it took Conner's faithfulness and kindness to allow him to do so. His body was too scared to die and he was only suffering more, but now, as his body slowly shut down bit by bit, a smile came across his face as his whole life flashed before his eyes over the course of several minutes. After a couple of minutes of his hand being loose the grip on Conner's hand was strengthened by miles and Kane began to regurgitate blood; he hissed and gargled as his body twitched. (@Beowulf

DrTrollinski said:
(Uh. Hold the fucking phone for a second. Wellington? When did you arrive at Wellington? @DryPunishment) 

"Yo,Nick. There's our chance..."

3 freaking months of scouting this Wellington place. Tina learned the schedules of pretty much every guard and whatnot.

She was unsure whether or not the people inside know about them.

Pointing at Wellington her left arm holding a notebook she told Nick that.

"That guard right there will end his shift right about...yup,now. You think they have actual working clocks in there?"

She grabbed a pencil and noted that there wasn't any change in that one guy's shifts.

"What's the plan? Sneak in, break in or just plainly going to them?"

@TheHarlequinnCat @DrTrollinski
Sensing that Kane was changing, he let go of the hand. And thinking of no other way to do the task, Connor took his belt knife, and rammed it into the side of Kane's head. Once the deed was done, he calmly wiped the blood off of the knife, he puts it back at his side. Walking out of the door, he sees someone was close by, and said "Get some people that aren't squeamish. And get some shovels."

(@DrTrollinski )
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DrTrollinski said:
".. Are you gonna' cut my hair? 'Cause I want it to look nice." He grinned and hopped down beside him, gripping his hand. There was a Barber's Store downstairs, and it had everything they needed. (@DrCompton)
(@DrCompton - I tagged the wrong post before. I apologize.)
Nick's eyes fell down, he shook his head slightly; his face having grown gaunt and scruffy in the time they spent contained by these monsters. The tale was to be told as Levi predicted, he wasn't smart about it; they had observed watchfully every night in the shadows. He'd never seen a full-grown man so agile, stalking like a cat and blending into the shadows exactly; spare the glare of his glasses. That man didn't exactly betray them, he hadn't expected someone to stay around to see the cannibalistic society catch them; he was certain he would've ran too. A bitter smirk tugged at his lips- the inhumanly stoic Levi was as human as the rest of them, he ran from danger and he used those around him to benefit himself. He wasn't sure why he expected anything else from the beginning- it became so evident when he was pulled from the streets on his third night trespassing that Levi would not return for him. Tina tried to save him- But that hadn't worked out very well for his partner in crime. It couldn't have been any more than a half hour before they got her, always rash in her rage. When he was taken, he was interrogated; he didn't give Levi away, couldn't bring himself to. But he did ask about West, trying to be vague; but still persistent enough to know if his lover had passed through. His interrogator had smiled and thanked him for his cooperation, and that was the last he'd seen of the sunlight since.

He assumed they wanted to know something from him, but he didn't know what they wanted. Maybe they thought he was affiliated closely with West, and whatever he had that they wanted- But Nick was silent, his silence a vow to keep West safe. He knew that malice, he knew the man was a fraud- His heart burned; for he held this love that couldn't live, but never died. He wasn't the only one watching the dawn with sleepless eyes, but he was the only one stupid enough to get tortured for his loyalty to Wesley. Tina, on the other hand, was linked to Nick- But the only think keeping her from the meat locker was the fact she was quiet, and they could only assume she knew as much as he did. They had to bide their time for a plan to escape, put together after a confinement apart; for what reason, Nick couldn't understand. He was quiet talking to her, remembering when he first came in here he had been degraded to water-boarding and one of the men started to shave his hair off; but stopped upon finding Nick wasn't worth it. It almost made him more spiteful, his hair shaved down to nothing from the middle of his ears downward; but at least he was thankful they didn't start at the top and end there. It was still very irritating, he couldn't see what they did; but he felt it, and he knew he looked like a punk with it. His leg had gone into worse shape, half his makeshift brace torn off; creating only half the stability he'd had before. Nick was nervous, but it was beginning to die into the hollow shell he imagined Levi felt all the time.

Now he was back, jumping into reality once more to see Tina barely visible staring back at him; her eyes wild and her tone grating. He imagined he couldn't look any better than she did, neither of them were allowed to sleep until they were through with them; and he had been subjected to the most horrifying methods of torture. Luckily, he didn't have any information to give even if he wanted to cave in. They had bagged his head and brought what he thought were walkers unbearably close to him; the first few times he really thought they were going to kill him, he'd been shaking down to his bones... Then he realized they weren't killing either of them yet. Tina was right, they had to get out of Wellington. He nodded and tugged at his own restraints, which had long since burned holes into his wrists. It was impossible to break free from them without tearing his shoulders apart; they knew he'd try, but he was almost too paranoid to try anything because of the fact he would surely perish. He needed her to remind him of the spirit he lost; there was a chance for them to get out.


Meanwhile, Levi, in the time those two had spent in their own living hell; took everything from the house, so as to not leave any indication he ever existed. Just as he was driving out of the town, he hit a hoard; and tried driving like a plow through them. He successfully got through, but once he was just out of harm's way his car finally croaked. He could still siphon the gasoline from it, but it'd taken enough exhaustion in the past three months; being used as a personal weapon and surviving a wreck or two resulted in it dying quickly. Not to mention the rust. In the time he waited for the car to possibly warm up, he rummaged through things; not his things, but Tina's and Nick's. Tina had traveled light from the beginning, he assumed she didn't have much a home before the ordeal based on the small collection she called her supplies. He noticed a few broken CDs, personal recordings; he knew she had been some sort of underground DJ, he wasn't any stranger to the night club scene. He just didn't care about it in the new world they lived in. Nick, on the other hand, had photos; torn and bloodied in his flannel's pocket. In the photo with 'Wellington' and it's general location scrawled on the back of it, he noticed that Nick wasn't any younger in the photo. Beside him was another man, who he assumed was this 'West' character he used as an excuse to come here. There was no way he'd survived the camp, unless he came so much earlier that... Levi pursed his lips into a thin line, realizing that he had actually stumbled across the man earlier that month. He had been relatively far, out in the farmland plains, and said he planned to move now that it was spring; but he didn't feel he needed to yet, because there hadn't been much a problem with his location. Levi, apparently, was the first person to find it; on a walk to raid supplies from the more removed abodes in the farm area.

Sighing, he packed as many items as he could into a large hiking backpack he had used- Or... She had used. His fiancee still haunted him to this day, he could still feel the sensation of holding her if he tried enough; remember the crevices of her back and the warmth of her breath. He mused on his own writings as he touched that fragment of human emotion that remained in him; I wake up to see that her eyes show me summer, but her words tell me it is winter- she's so cold and yet I feel the warmth grow within me every single day as the sunlight pours from her smile. He had been so in love with her, and she died because he couldn't be there a second sooner. It had happened again, he left Nick and Tina to suffer the reverberations of their own decisions; but looking at this photo sparked an old kindle in his heart. He had photos of only her, and Nick only had photos of... His brows furrowed, as he finished getting his things together; taking some of Tina's just in case. He knew that it was what she would've done, she would've picked up the broken pieces of her soul and sent them flying in the wind; she'd pull herself together and inculcate herself with hope, and she'd save the day. He nodded, leaving the safety of the car with his things; he didn't have much food left, but he had a newfound fighting spirit. He was going to find help, and he'd try to save Nick and Tina.

The man slipped out into the spring air, immediately stalking down his way out; sneaking by the vehicles strewn about by the people who lived around the Wellington estate. Everything still worked here, as well, he assumed Wellington intended to expand to half the state; but the walkers were (although nearly deteriorated entirely) everywhere. Levi had managed to make no contact with his sister, still a lone wolf; but something was bringing him closer. He didn't quite leave the 'Wellington' area, or where it was meant to be, but he had traveled nonetheless. His eyes fell upon a motorcycle; smugly he thought, that will do. Just as he hopped on, pulling the helmet over his head; adjusting it so he would be able to keep his glasses on, he heard a groan in the distance. Revving up the vehicle as some badass would do in the old movies, he roared off faster than he could've possibly imagined he'd go; taking the back roads to retrace his steps to Wellington, he was getting West and he was going to find Tina and Nick.

(damn we got Levi the badass back)



Delaney had grown closer to Brad, but she still flinched when he yelled and jumped back when he raised his hand to swat a fly. It was instinct, she didn't think he'd hurt her; but she couldn't help but feel upon instinct she had to coil up and panic. She had gotten better though, and he was beginning to see the true extent of her powers; she could flip a full 180 in her life, grow stronger and more cunning than a majority of the human race. She knew suffering before this began, but she didn't know freedom- All she knew was to follow orders and shoot a gun. So far, it'd come in handy, but now she had become less of an accessory and more of a utility. She was her own person, and she had saved Brad's life more than he'd saved her; starting to morph into this survivor. It was almost surprising because she would kill without hesitation, then go home to cry about her unborn child, and laugh at Brad's jokes. Then they'd started the true travelling, once it was spring they could go anywhere they pleased. There had been little intervention from other people, and she'd grown immensely close to Brad; but it didn't seem to be any sort of sexual or romantic affiliation, almost as though they had become each other's only lifeline. They were a duo, hardly breaking the barrier of a group; there had been a tagalong or two who just needed to hitch a ride for a mile or two through a bad pass.

She now woke up to see the sun shining, unlike the bleak cloudy skies they'd seen before. Her eyes widened as she stared out at the sheer natural beauty of the Earth; free of disease and destruction. She mused out loud "I could see why God would want us gone now..." She smiled, no longer caring at those quips people made about religion and how God must've hated them by bringing the rapture. Instead, she was deeply drawn to this natural beauty unplagued by human greed. It was something that she had never knew existed; and she gazed out at it. "Brad... I think we're going to be okay." She rubbed her significantly larger stomach; at 6 months pregnant it was starting to show, despite how hard it was to gain and maintain weight. Brad had been extremely helpful in this, she knew he was a father just by the way he took care of her before she knew she needed it. He made certain foods and placed the bucket by her bed before she woke up to morning sickness when they weren't on the road. Now, she did a lot of sleeping when they drove; her energy draining quickly, and her pee-breaks so frequent it was ridiculous. However, she felt as though her pregnancy was going so undoubtedly smooth if she ignored the circumstances around her. She had to keep active, so she felt inherently better no matter what; and she hardly came across unhealthy food, most of her cravings just to eat in general. She had Mason's clothes still, glad she had that small thing to remember her old life; no matter how dark it'd been. Not to mention the massive clothes would keep despite her frame growing bigger and bigger witht he weeks.

(Awkward. We sort of had a discussion and it turns out they're not actually within Wellington yet. Plans changed. @TheHarlequinnCat)


He reached over with his free hand and placed it softly down atop her stomach. He smiled for a moment and nodded. ".. Of course we're going to be okay. I never said otherwise, did I?" He chuckled softly under his breath and took a glance around the forest. It was beautiful. He was happy he wasn't here alone - Brad had been through it all, he'd been there when his wife delivered the two children she rejected. He'd had everything in life and went straight to nothing. He didn't mind where the relationship with Delaney went, he wasn't there for her body or for her love. He was there because he loved her in the sense that she made him feel complete again, more full of life and capable. And more gentle. He recovered a side of himself that he'd forgotten many years ago. And that was a side that showed true emotion and care. He wasn't violent now, he was laid back but aware at the same time, and all while doing so, he managed to keep himself and Delaney safe. This forest was their new way out. It was perfect. ".. This is the place me and my family used to come to. There was never anythin' other than a little log cabin that we all stayed in. But it was so deserted and out of the way that no one ever came to us - this place is just... It's amazin', trust me. You'll like it here. It's very... ambient and peaceful." He smiled at her and continued driving deeper into the forest, the occasional petals of blossom falling and attaching to the car. It was a forest of green, pink, and white, and it was amazing. It was quite mountainous in terms of the height, so it was bound to be cold at night, but the log Cabin would protect them from that without a doubt. Brad packed everything that was needed for Delaney's pregnancy - it wasn't long left now, so he'd got a baby's crib (All dismantled, mind you) and packed it into the trunk. He also got the essentials, such as enough formula milk to last a while, some diapers, wet wipes, bottles. Everything. He was positive about it, but in the back he had other stuff as well - clothes for them both in one large bag, Delaney's infamous sick-bucket, water, food, guns, ammo, knives, tools - He planned to be out here for some time, evidently. But why not? They hadn't seen a single walker since they got remotely close to this place, and civilization wasn't even a thing just yet. It was just peaceful and safe. (@TheHarlequinnCat

DrTrollinski said:
(@DrCompton - I tagged the wrong post before. I apologize.)
I hate to be so constant, but when you're free it'd be nice for you to reply. I've got a little thing to put into play with Eric and I sort of need things moved on on Tom and Carl's side in the slightest. Hope it's not too much of a problem :) (@DrCompton)

He walked with Carl into the barber shop. And gathered up supplies to cut their hair. "Want it all off like me big guy? Or just a little off the top?" He sat Carl in a chair
"Come on,Nick...you're still alive,still able to do stuff."

She nudged him and tried to lighten him up.

"Come on you hopeless romantic...you ain't gonna find West sitting around like that...just saying."

Her last card. That was sure enough gonna stir Nick up. Or at least what's left of Nick.

She sat down next to him and waited for the guard to leave. Tina's hair had grown much longer. It was almost down to her elbows. Blech it's knotting up everytime and she had nothing to hold it up with. Shs hated this 'mundane' haircut that almost every girl had before this all happened and still hangs on today. She needed to find some scissors or something,anything. She'd be grateful for even a piece of cloth to get her hair out of her eyes.

She sloy turned her attention to the sheets on the bed.


@TheHarlequinnCat @DrTrollinski 
((00:30 Am...HNNGH have a good rest of the night I need to...damn I need to connect that pillow to my head.))
".. I wanna' have--.. Have it like it was before, y'know, when it was kinda' like..." He held his hands up above his ears and smiled. "Kinda' like that long, like it was before." He said, leaning back in his chair and tilting his head backwards to look up at Tom. He squinted at him, but in more of a playful way. "Are you suuuuuuuuure you know how to cut hair?" He asked, grinning still. (@DrCompton)


Kendrick stepped forward. "I will." He said, Dominic also came forward.

"Me too." He said, Daniel tugged at his shirt but he quickly shook his head. He sent Daniel off elsewhere and looked back at Conner, but then turned to face the audience that had gathered up outside. "Anyone else?" He asked. Several people turned and went off towards the storage room. Kendrick told the two guys to stay put while he went off there as well and fetched them both a shovel and some thick bedsheets. (@Beowulf)
He didn't know what to do. He didn't know what to say to Dominic, let alone the rest of them. "He went quietly, and peacefully. He did not change." He managed to get out, not knowing what else to say. The 'he did not change' part wasn't 100% true, he guessed, but it was true enough.

(@DrTrollinski )
Nick's eyes drifted up to see her, she was pushing that button again; suddenly sparking back her old personality. He had faded so very far away, mind retreating into what pleasant memories he could. He had been sitting in the corner for a while, his face healing from bruises he got a few days before. There was a distinct cut on the side of his head where dried blood had clotted, he had been knocked out earlier; it didn't hold much relevance now. He seemed a little too fogged up to really understand they had a genuine chance of escape, but he pulled himself from the ground and steadied his weight; head reeling from the lack of food they'd been given. His frame, while still broad in the shoulders and hips, was thinner now; still retaining muscle, but just less than before. Nick hadn't completely withered away, while his body was growing gaunt; it was still strong, and his muscles were still evident. It was hard to think he was in good shape, despite this, with his lean figure and beaten skin. Nodding, as if remembering some very distant idea, he shifted his weight from side to side; ready to act. He had been at a standstill ever since they had started actually trying to wring every last bit of information, the trauma cutting deep enough to make him a blank slate for the time being- but he wasn't so far gone that he couldn't bounce back. West was that reminder; the entire reason he got into it, and he'd be damned if he didn't survive this. "Okay." Nick murmured, waiting for her plan to be shared with him. They didn't have much to lose anymore anyhow, he was ready to try.


(@DrTrollinski did you tag me in your post?)
"Yeah. At least he died the way he lived. For the most part." Kendrick said softly, sighing. He held the shovel in both hands. "What do you wanna' do, doc?" He asked, looking at Dominic. Dominic thought for a moment and then looked at Conner, taking the bedsheets from Kendrick and handing them to him.

"Get him wrapped up. We'll bury him six foot under. Where are we burying him?" He asked. Conner recalled that he requested to be buried on the edge of the forest. (@Beowulf)

DrTrollinski said:

He reached over with his free hand and placed it softly down atop her stomach. He smiled for a moment and nodded. ".. Of course we're going to be okay. I never said otherwise, did I?" He chuckled softly under his breath and took a glance around the forest. It was beautiful. He was happy he wasn't here alone - Brad had been through it all, he'd been there when his wife delivered the two children she rejected. He'd had everything in life and went straight to nothing. He didn't mind where the relationship with Delaney went, he wasn't there for her body or for her love. He was there because he loved her in the sense that she made him feel complete again, more full of life and capable. And more gentle. He recovered a side of himself that he'd forgotten many years ago. And that was a side that showed true emotion and care. He wasn't violent now, he was laid back but aware at the same time, and all while doing so, he managed to keep himself and Delaney safe. This forest was their new way out. It was perfect. ".. This is the place me and my family used to come to. There was never anythin' other than a little log cabin that we all stayed in. But it was so deserted and out of the way that no one ever came to us - this place is just... It's amazin', trust me. You'll like it here. It's very... ambient and peaceful." He smiled at her and continued driving deeper into the forest, the occasional petals of blossom falling and attaching to the car. It was a forest of green, pink, and white, and it was amazing. It was quite mountainous in terms of the height, so it was bound to be cold at night, but the log Cabin would protect them from that without a doubt. Brad packed everything that was needed for Delaney's pregnancy - it wasn't long left now, so he'd got a baby's crib (All dismantled, mind you) and packed it into the trunk. He also got the essentials, such as enough formula milk to last a while, some diapers, wet wipes, bottles. Everything. He was positive about it, but in the back he had other stuff as well - clothes for them both in one large bag, Delaney's infamous sick-bucket, water, food, guns, ammo, knives, tools - He planned to be out here for some time, evidently. But why not? They hadn't seen a single walker since they got remotely close to this place, and civilization wasn't even a thing just yet. It was just peaceful and safe. (@TheHarlequinnCat)
(@TheHarlequinnCat - I did indeed.)
"I definitely know how to buzz hair." Tom laughed a little. "Alright... I'll see what I can do, but I'm not saying you'll look like Elvis pal." Tom turned the clippers on and started. "Hold still."
".. I don't mind, just don't make it look silly." He said, managing to sport a soft smile. He'd been to a barber's place numerous times, mostly taken by either Alex or his mother. But he was well aware that Tom was no barber. ".. The person usually uses scissors when I get my hair cut... he doesn't use the buzzin' thing on my hair." He explained, his eyes closed tight as he heard the buzzer getting closer to his head. (@DrCompton)

One Hour Earlier:

"Yeah, that's interesting." Eric said as he crouched by his side, digging through the man's bag. The two men's eyes followed his every movement, but they couldn't react. They were both tied up, gagged, and on their knees in front of him. They were amazed that of all people, a kid managed to do this. It was strange. Tom had such a big influence on this adolescent boy. He loved the idea of all the action and bandit-hunting, so that's what he did after going out on runs. "So... How much of this stuff's stolen?" Eric asked. The two men looked at each other and then looked back at Eric - Eric knew which one lead the group of two. He'd been watching them since five o'clock this morning. He ripped the tape away from the said leader's mouth and smiled softly at him, his leather jacket seeming to be perfect for the situation; the leather jacket was his best friend's before the apocalypse. He took it after he killed the zombified version of his near enough lifelong friend.

".. It's all stolen." He muttered, his head bowed. Eric punched him in the jaw. "You little shit!" He recoiled, struggling. "I'll tear your fucking balls off! You won't get away with this!"

"And you will? You'll get away with stealing from the innocent?" He snapped. The man fell silent. Eric slipped off his leather jacket to reveal a black t-shirt. He pulled the sleeve up a little to reveal the scar on his shoulder. "You see this scar here? You know how I got that?" He asked, the man fell silent. Eric crouched in front of him. "You see. About... three months ago, we had some people attack me and my family... Now, one of them shot me - an arrow, it was. Very old-fashioned guys." He said, the man's eyes just grew wider as he listened. He was starting to regret even noticing Eric standing in the bushes beside where they were camped out. "Now. We had a plan, two people ran towards him so he jumped out, and I shot him - the thing is, he hit me first, but I shot him right in the chest." He explained as he slowly unsheathed his sword from behind his back, holding it in front of him. "This sword is something I used on the day we were attacked. I would have been killed if not for this. I cut the man's leg clean off. And you know? When you get to save your own life and someone else's..." He went up close to the man's face and snarled something at him. "You start to fucking enjoy it." He stood up, he raised the sword up and got ready to take a swing.

"Please! Please, just don't kill me! I won't steal from anyone, we won't steal from anyone!"

"Tell me. How many of the people you stole from had children with them? How many of the children begged and cried for you not to hurt their parents, and begged not to take all they had left?" There was a long silence. "HOW MANY?!"

"ALL OF THEM!" He blurted out while Eric was midway through shouting at him. Eric smiled and nodded, looking around and laughing.

"You're not even worth the bullet." He muttered as he brought the sword in a quick motion downwards. The man's scream cut off as the blade sliced through his skin and neck bone. His head fell right from his shoulders and the over man instantly burst into tears and fell back onto the ground, crying and begging under his breath. "What's wrong, my friend...? Starting to regretting what you did?" Eric asked as he picked up the man's bag and slung it over his shoulder. "It's okay... this'll all go to a good cause. It'll help feed two very young children who have both lost their parents and only have the rest of us. You know the kind, the ones you steal from?"

The man ferociously shook his head and tried to roll away. Eric walked up and stepped on his chest, followed by driving the sword down into the ground right beside his head. The man screamed but his eyes went wide once he saw the blade beside him. Eric looked at the man's pants - tan, how inconvenient.

"Looks like you've gone and pissed yourself, my friend." He said, smirking. He pulled out his silenced pistol and aimed it down at his head, sighing. "I feel sorry for you, after all that. But that'll fade. It'll be quick, I promise." He said. He pulled the trigger right after and sent a bullet into the man's head - he then walked over to the RV that these two guys had and went inside it; he started up the car engine and then began to drive back. He managed to get Tom to teach him a bit about driving - it needed to be done, and it made him a lot happier. He was back within the hour; he could hear Carl and Tom within the Barber's store.


He walked in and looked at Tom holding the buzzers. He chuckled and walked up to him, putting a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Sweeney Todd." He joked, smiling at him. "What's new?" He asked. (@DrCompton)
"He wanted to be buried at the edge of the forest. Said it was peaceful. See no reason why he shouldn't be buried there." Grabbing a spare shovel, he leads the way out, a funeral procession of sorts behind him.

(@DrTrollinski )
Delaney looked about her, and a genuine smile crossed her face. "I think I'm gonna like it here." She mused, pulling what luggage she could manage to carry into the cabin. She held her shotgun, waiting for Brad to get close before creaking open the door quietly; looking around cautiously, she waited for something to jump out... Anything. She could've sworn she heard some sound coming from within, but it might only be a wild dog or even a chipmunk; she couldn't be too cautious though, so she set down her bag and cleared her throat. "Brad." She whispered, looking back at him as though if she didn't check; he might be gone or bitten or worse.


(keeping it short just to make sure)
"Sounds like a plan." Dominic and Kendrick helped him carry the body out of town with quite a few of the townsfolk lurking behind them. They walked to the edge of the forest that was coated by lush grass and leaves that had fallen from the trees. They set the body down. "Right here?" Dominic asked as he looked down at the ground. (@Beowulf)


He was right there and waiting. He smiled at her and walked up beside her, looking into the house at a very slow pace. He gently patted her shoulder and then swung the door wide open, the rifle raised at the ready. He poked his head inside and took a slow look around. ".. What did you hear? Was it loud, quiet, slow, fast?" He asked. (@TheHarlequinnCat)
"Scissors huh? Dont move then, otherwise I'll cut your WHOLE ear off. You'll be like Vincent Von Gough." Tom grinned and set the clippers down and grabbed the scissors and started to clip his hair, trying to keep it straight. "You know who that is? He is a famous painter, way before you OR me. He actually wasn't famous until after he died."
Delaney's eyes darkened, she listened closer; it was a shuffle, it didn't sound big enough to be a human or a walker, for that fact. She stepped back a bit, brows furrowing "Are you sure no one is here?" She whispered, hardly making a sound spare the creaking of the floorboards.

Carl looked in the mirror in front of his chair, watching how Tom cut his hair. He smiled at the thought of this painter Tom was talking about, but tried to keep still nonetheless. ".. Nuh-uh. I dunno' who that is, but I like painting. It's nice, and it's kinda' happy, too." He said, grinning.

Eric walked in and looked at Tom holding the scissors. He chuckled and walked up to him, putting a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Sweeney Todd." He joked, smiling at him. "What's new?" He asked. Tom was well aware that Eric had gone out yet again. He had a backpack over his shoulder that was stuffed full of stuff, evidently. (@DrCompton
"Trust me. No one comes out here this early into the Spring. Hell, there's hardly anyone that knows about this place." He smiled and stepped inside, slowly scanning around the room. He lit a match and then lit a small oil lamp that rested on a table just beside the door - the place was dusty and unused - the fireplace looked like it hadn't been used in decades, but with a few touches it would be fine. Luckily they brought blankets, pillows, and bedsheets, so when it came to changing any bedding they wouldn't have an issue.

Once the light went up, Brad stood still and then slammed his foot down on the ground, waiting for something to scurry out towards or away from them, his gun angled perfectly so he could cover the area the sound was coming from. (@TheHarlequinnCat)

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