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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

".. You're a good man, Conner... I'm sorry you've had to endure so much pain... Don't ever give up. These people--.." He stopped and coughed a couple of times, followed by closing his eyes. "These people need confidence, and understanding... You're stronger than you give yourself credit for, and you're more favored than you think, just keep that in mind." He said, keeping a grip on his hand. He didn't want him to leave him here alone, the poor guy didn't have very long left at all. (@Beowulf)
((Just so you know Trent still wears his gas mask and refuses to remove it @Soul OMU )
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(He's not in the sleeping area. He's in the restaurant. @Vyork Ashfin
(Tag Soul and RP with her. She's not doing anything atm whilst me and DrCompton are in an RP @Vyork Ashfin
(Oh, and for the record about the gas mask, he'd have to take it off to eat, so :D Alex doesn't really care too much :P @Vyork Ashfin

DrTrollinski said:
(I'll reply when I get home. I'm walking back now.) 
Carl continued eating the peaches slowly with one hand using his fork, but he used his free arm, of which was closest to Tom, to hug him back; he rested his body up against Tom's own and sat in silence for a minute, buried in thought. He swallowed the peaches he had in his mouth and then turned to grin up at Tom. "I'll get Eric to bring back coffee, and sugar!" He said joyfully, pressing his head up against Tom's chest. "And I'll drink some, too... You gotta' make it nice, though." He grinned. (@DrCompton)
Tom looks at Carl, "Sure, you can be my coffee buddy. And we'll add extra sugar to yours." He laughed and rustled his hair as they sat there, then put his arm on his shoulder holding him against him. "Alright Pal, lets go chop off your mop." He stood up and stretched, his back popping multiple times.
".. Are you gonna' cut my hair? 'Cause I want it to look nice." He grinned and hopped down beside him, gripping his hand. There was a Barber's Store downstairs, and it had everything they needed. (@DrCompton)
(I have absolutely no idea what to write)
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Brad had really been there over the last few months. If Delaney cried about the pregnancy or anything else he'd be right there to hug her and tell her it'd be alright and that they'd pull through. They dealt with nearby starvation and no water at one point, but due to some quick thinking and relocation, Brad managed to get them back on the right path - he promised her that one day he was going to take her to that one beautiful place that he always visited with his family when he was younger - he was doing that today. He was happy that he was with her, much happier, and now that he'd admitted the truth to her she could see that he was no longer this pent up man who only looked like he wanted to break someones neck, but instead saw that he was now a really nice and thoughtful guy. He was enthusiastic about the baby, and he was also very enthusiastic that she was going to be fine through it all. He'd gotten her up early one morning after they traveled further north. But I mean really early, like four in the morning sort of early - he just said that it was 'important that they left', and then got her into his newly found four-door, four-wheel drive Range Rover, black edition. He let her sleep in the shotgun seat while he drove onward towards North-west North Dakota, toward the beautiful and luscious forest that you could get lost in for weeks if you didn't have a map or a sense of direction. It was the National Grassland. Tall and freshly-blooming pine trees and numerous other trees which sprouted blossoms and early-spring produce. This place was just... It looked magical.

Brad reached over to his side with his left arm and gently shook Delaney's shoulder. It was only six-thirty, but she'd had a couple of hours sleep, at least. "Hey, sweetheart. Wake up, you've gotta' see this." He said in a soft tone, smiling as he looked back out the windscreen and focused on driving through the leaf-covered ground of the forest. There was still some frost on the forest floor, but that would clear as the day went on - the sunlight glimmered elegantly off of every chocolate or orange-colored leaf that coated the ground in groups. (@DryPunishment - Are these the cannibals that attacked the group at the mall?)
Vyork Ashfin]((Just so you know Trent still wears his gas mask and refuses to remove it @Soul OMU ) [/QUOTE] Hunter raised a brow. "Why...?" She said while looking tired and bored while rubbing her eye. ([URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10177-vyork-ashfin/ said:
@Vyork Ashfin[/URL])
((Not really. I'm assuming they're not as old fashined and they used Wellington as a ruse to get their victims. Not a very big group either. They also speak english and things like that. Basically your average survivors,just with a small twist. @DrTrollinski ))
"I have to dispose of some undead corpses. And no it would not attract attention cause i know how to properly do it. Being in the military teaches you lots of things like how to dig a trench or drive a helicopter." He sighs and shows hunter the gas can. (@Soul OMU )
(Uh. Hold the fucking phone for a second. Wellington? When did you arrive at Wellington? @DryPunishment) 

DrTrollinski said:
".. Are you gonna' cut my hair? 'Cause I want it to look nice." He grinned and hopped down beside him, gripping his hand. There was a Barber's Store downstairs, and it had everything they needed. (@DrCompton)
Trent runs to the undead and begins dragging them to the truck. "Can you move the truck closer please!" He has a hard time talking while hauling a 100lb body.
(well in the past 3 months i'd assume? At one point they were in a house near this Wellington place,remember? If you think that is innappropriate then I'll reform. @DrTrollinski )
Vyork Ashfin]Trent runs to the undead and begins dragging them to the truck. "Can you move the truck closer please!" He has a hard time talking while hauling a 100lb body. [/QUOTE] Hunter backs up the truck slightly closer so he can put the body in the back. ([URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10177-vyork-ashfin/ said:
@Vyork Ashfin[/URL])
(Seeing as I had something prepared for when you arrived at Wellington, it would have been nice to have a heads up so I could put into place what I had planned. Now it's come down to you INSTANTLY assuming EXACTLY how we'd planned the people within Wellington to function. They don't just instantly jump to locking you up and getting ready to eat you.

Honestly, I'm not sure how it can even be reverted. @DryPunishment)
(She did. And although we'd planned for them to be that way, we didn't ONCE speak about how it was executed and the measures they went to with survivors. If you want to replace the post with them still scouting Wellington, that's fine, as long as you're cool with it - with that, I'll put into action what I was talking about, and hopefully we can go on to you actually getting into Wellington tonight. @DryPunishment)

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