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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Tom pulled Carl into a hug, "Its alright Budy." Tom sat up and pulled Carl into his lap as the duop watched Sputnik run around yelling. Tom leaned down and whispered, "He is panicking. In situations like this pal, you never want to panic okay? You always want to keep a cool head when the bad stuff starts." @DrTrollinski
Alex began leading him around the side of the mall and sighed. "If your worried, wake me up - not everyone else. Carl hasn't been sleeping well as it is, pal... He's had the nightmares, but Tom's taking good care of him. I don't even know where Eric is, he goes out a lot by himself in the mornings, as you've probably seen." He said, sighing. When they got around to the side, there were maybe ten or so undead that were just lurking around near the west entrance. "You walk over to their far right, distract them, and I'll get the drop on them and take 'em out from behind." He instructed. (@Vyork Ashfin)


Carl hugged him tight and put his head against his chest. He smiled softly and nuzzled up against him. His hair was in dire need of cutting, seeing as it was starting to get pretty long now. No one had stepped up to the challenge, though, but the hair was starting to get in his face. He could have done with it being cut down to the length it was before - medium length.

A smile soon came back to his face and he looked Tom in the eyes, followed by playfully lying across his lap. ".. I wanna' have pancakes." He said, grinning. (@DrCompton)
"Hmm, I dunno about Pancakes.. But how about you and I split a can of peaches that Eric brought back for us? Yuck I know, something delicious. And I think today you and I are gonna get hair cuts, we're started to look like Cavemen, Im sure we dont want that huh?" He rustled Carl's hair as the two sat there and smiled down at him. @DrTrollinski
"Hm... Peaches are okay." He grinned at Tom and then squirmed as his hair was rustled; he squirmed into a sitting position on his lap and then climbed off of him, followed by walking around to his back and curling around him, his head on his shoulder - he was in a playful mood this morning. He giggled and looked at the side of Tom's face. ".. I'm only gonna' eat peaches and get my hair cut if you carry me all the way." He smirked and hugged his body tight. "Piggyback ride!" He yelled as quietly as he could. (@DrCompton

DrTrollinski said:
Alex began leading him around the side of the mall and sighed. "If your worried, wake me up - not everyone else. Carl hasn't been sleeping well as it is, pal... He's had the nightmares, but Tom's taking good care of him. I don't even know where Eric is, he goes out a lot by himself in the mornings, as you've probably seen." He said, sighing. When they got around to the side, there were maybe ten or so undead that were just lurking around near the west entrance. "You walk over to their far right, distract them, and I'll get the drop on them and take 'em out from behind." He instructed. (@Vyork Ashfin)
(@Vyork Ashfin)
Tom got up and grunted, "You're gonna break my back some day Carl." He put his hands under Carl's legs and started to walk towards where they kept their food. He started to whistle "Peaches" by the Presidents of the United States. He missed music.
".. No I'm not." He giggled, resting his tired head on his shoulder. ".. I'm only little, and you're big and strong." He stated matter-of-factly. (@DrCompton)
"Alright lad. I'm hurrying." and indeed he was. By the tone of the man's voice, something had seriously gone wrong. But what, was his big question. "Now calm down, what has happened?" Motioning for the man to follow, Connor strides out purposefully from his house, and towards Kane's office.

Sputnik sighed as he was instructed. "Sure ya ill do it......" He walked over and began to make noises to attract the undead. "Come here you damn ankle biters!" Sputnik shouted as he tossed rocks as well. (@DrTrollinski )
"There's been an issue, I--.. I think that his time's come early, man..." He sighed and followed him towards Kane's office. In the recent months he'd had his bed move into there. It was the place he felt most safe, and with no wife or children to worry about, he chose to reside in his office ninety-nine percent of the time.


As soon as they were distracted Alex began running up behind them all, jabbing the head of the spear into the back of their heads - it was easy. Their bone density had deteriorated, and the skull cracked like an eggshell. Eventually the ones that were remaining began turning around, so Alex continued to kite them around a little so that Trent could do the same as what he was doing, which was going up and taking them out. (@Vyork Ashfin)



(Going to be soon, guys. Let's fit in as much as we can before I go :) )
Trent saw his opportunity to run up and get some kills. He swiftly jabs the spear into the remaining undead skulls killing them. "That wasn't so hard......actually that was pretty damn fun.......so are we going to burn them?" He laughed and let out a sigh of relief. "That was my first time actually doing anything like that......i failed hand to hand combat several times before passing.......Anyway like i said are we going to burn them......because protocol dictates that we should." (Im just going to say Trent instead of Sputnik unless needed....... @DrTrollinski )
"Let's me see how he is before you call anything." he said, determination on his face. Reaching Kane's office, Connor doesn't bother knocking and opens the door. The first thing he saw, was Kane lying in his bed. Everything else registered second.
"You can burn them, man. I can't stomach that sort of stuff... When the sun's fully out these guys will start to stink, so yeah, burn 'em." He said as he walked over and stabbed the head of his spear into the ground, followed by swiftly pulling it back out - this cleaned the blood off of it. "Burn them away from here, though. As far as possible. Take one of the old trucks and load them into that, we don't want the smoke luring anyone to us." He said, followed by wandering off back inside the mall and to the antique store where he placed the spear back down. (@Vyork Ashfin)


".. I'm scared, Conner... I'm really, really scared." He choked. His skin was pale and the amount of weight he'd lost was abnormal. He was on death's door, quite literally. (@Beowulf

DrTrollinski said:
".. No I'm not." He giggled, resting his tired head on his shoulder. ".. I'm only little, and you're big and strong." He stated matter-of-factly. (@DrCompton)
(@DrCompton - You here, man? If not, I won't be able to reply until tomorrow morning, and you'll be in bed at that time due to different timezones, I think :3)
Trent followed followed Alex and put the spear back. "Im going to load em all into a truck and bring them over to a nearby warehouse....do we have any gas canisters?" He ran his hand through his hair and sighed. "So how has Eric's arm been...i don't usually stay around so i wouldn't know." (@DrTrollinski )
Tom sat Carl on the counter and pulled out a can for them and opened it, giving Carl a fork and taking one for himself. "You're gonna get bigger than me one of these days, you'll have to carry me around on YOUR back." He poked Carl's tummy and laughed and started to eat the peaches. He looked around of the others. He didn't want to be surprised by anything.

@DrTrollinski :D
"It's all healed up. Stronger, too. He hits the weights with me sometimes - it didn't take more than a month for his injury to heal, so all's good." He replied, smiling. "He wouldn't be going out alone if he wasn't strong enough." He added. "And yeah, in the storage store we have gas cans and stuff, try not to use more than half of one." He said. (@Vyork Ashfin)


He had some peach in his mouth alongside the juices from it when Tom poked him. He burst out into sudden laughter as Tom poked him and sprayed peach juice from his mouth and across the restaurant. He continued laughing with the half-chewed peach in his mouth, his eyes glimmering with happiness. He had a very cute laugh, you know the kind, the sort of giggle-like laugh that only young children can have. This is one of the prime moments that Alex liked seeing in Carl - he was so happy and careless, and that was one of the main reasons why he liked Tom spending time with him. (@DrCompton)
"It's ok lad, you're fine. Haven't seen you in better shape." Connor joked, rather poorly actually. Crossing the room to kneel next to Kane's bed. "Now you listen here. You have done a good job, no matter what anyone says. What you have done is given these people hope." Connor was trying to do something, what was a bit beyond him. Calm him down? Assure him that where ever he'll go, it'll be a good place.
Kane reached out and feebly took hold of one of Conner's hands, gently squeezing it. ".. I want you to make sure I don't come back when I die... Dominic said the virus is in the air... Once you breathe it in, it's docile... and when you die it becomes active. No bites or scratches, you just... become one of those things..." He whimpered, his lip quivering. ".. The people here, including you, are the closest thing I've ever had to a good family. Please, Conner. Don't let them see me as one of those things." He begged, now looking him in the eyes. ".. When I'm gone. Bury me in the forest, but closer to the town... It's--.. It's always been peaceful there. Not a single dead one in sight." He cracked a broken half-smile. (@Beowulf
(Bedtime, guys. I'll reply to you in the morning when I get up, most likely :) Night!)
".. It's not the infection killing me. It's the cancer. It's killing me off early, Conner--.. I don't have much longer. Today is going to be the day that I die..." He spluttered, coughing a couple of times once he was done speaking. (@Beowulf)
Tom just grinned as Carl laughed then yawned. "You know what I miss most Carl? Coffee. You probably never had coffee." He sat up on the counter with him. "Its bitter, it takes a little bit to get use too, but you can add all the sugar and milk you can handle though to make it taste better. Oh man.." He sighed a little and looked at Carl and put his arm around him.
(I'll reply when I get home. I'm walking back now.) 
Carl continued eating the peaches slowly with one hand using his fork, but he used his free arm, of which was closest to Tom, to hug him back; he rested his body up against Tom's own and sat in silence for a minute, buried in thought. He swallowed the peaches he had in his mouth and then turned to grin up at Tom. "I'll get Eric to bring back coffee, and sugar!" He said joyfully, pressing his head up against Tom's chest. "And I'll drink some, too... You gotta' make it nice, though." He grinned. (@DrCompton)
"Then go out with a smile. Say hello to my wife for me." He refrained from adding his son, not wanting even the possobility of him being dead to exist.

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