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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

"He's just hurt, little one. He'll be fine." He smiled at her and gently patted her head and rubbed it. "You can roll the dice when it's our turn." He smiled at her. (@DryPunishment)


(Don't worry, @Vyork Ashfin, we're having a time-skip in a short while and you can catch up with us then :) )
Her face went from a worried look to a full on excited one and she sat next to Alex.

"Which piece is ours? I wasn't paying attention."

"The boot's our one." He said, looking at Eric for a few moments while he rolled the dice. It was a one and a one.

"For Christ's sakes." Eric said in disappointment as he slid his piece along two squares. Eric handed the dice off to Caitlyn. (@DryPunishment)
She looked at the dices enthusiastically and shook them in her hands.

Caitlyn threw the dices rolling a five and a three.

3 Months Later - April 10th, 2015.

The Spring had finally arrived and it was being sweet to them. After a cold wintered ridden by pain, sadness, misery, and even a stomach flu that haunted all of the group, things were finally straightening out to be a good year. They had more gear, more food, more water, more guns, more fortifications, more... everything! The year was looking rich, and seeing as they had almost two years worth of food - if it was rationed properly - between them all, they didn't have much to worry about if you ignored the savages, bandits, and the undead. Let's talk about how, first off, the three boys developed:

Alex found his way onto friendlier grounds with Tom, but acted as more of a business partner rather than a family member. He had a laugh and a drink occasionally with him (whenever the chance was available) and was more than happy with Tom being the father figure for Carl and Eric. It's what they needed more than anything. Alex further developed relationships within the ground and promised Trent that he'd help him get set up to go and find his family if he ever wanted to. With Hunter he stayed on friendly grounds after managing to get her sat down for a very awkward discussion about what had upset him previously. (Remarks on relationships, attitude, etc.) With Adelaide he tried to become much better friends with her as opposed to before when he was more of a savior and a leader more than anything; Alex invited her along to the nights where he and a few others would settle down and enjoy some drinks, so he was hoping that he'd put down a decent impression and shown everyone that he wasn't a bad guy, and the mood he was in before was only temporary. He gave everyone a chance of involvement within what went on, but still made sure that no one did anything irrational that put members of the group in danger.

Eric had fully accepted Tom as his new father figure. He didn't ever call him 'dad', nor did he call him by his name. He addressed him with just a simple hello or he'd say something like 'hey, man.' in stead. He really loved the company he got from Tom, as well as the praise and chances for man-to-man talks that he couldn't really trust any girls or other male figures with. You know, the proper 'guy stuff' that most kids Eric's age would either ask their father's about or would just keep quiet and let it get over and done with. As a result of all of Eric's 'changes', his hormones were everywhere and he was someone with a lot more bark and bite a lot of the time, but that didn't last forever and he went back to being friendly quite a lot of the time. He spent his days mostly with Tom and other people he was close to - he'd go out with Tom whenever he did to hunt to bring back fresh food for the group, and learned any tricks of the trade that he had to, and also picked up a few extra tricks of his own that he liked to initiate when the time was right. Oh, and he always carried that fucking sword with him now - he used it all the time, thinking he looked pretty badass. Which he kind of did, but it depended on how you viewed him.

Little Carl was the same. He embraced Tom entirely as his father figure and was happy to show how much he thought of him just within his actions. He didn't yet call him 'daddy' all the time, but there'd been a few instances where that word had slipped out at the end of a sentence, but when he said it he just remained quiet for a while and didn't say anything, in fact, if he was asked a question within that space of time, he wouldn't even answer. He'd just sit there locked away in shyness and embarrassment - and maybe sadness, but it was hard to tell. He loved how much fun things were, and also how Tom seemed to hold their little group from falling apart due to arguments and such; he was closer with almost everyone there now. He went to Hunter every night to get a story before he was tucked into bed, and then he'd go and spend some time with Caitlyn and Matty whenever he had the chance; he also tried to get a little more friendly with Adelaide - he liked her, for some reason. He saw her as perhaps an older sister or an aunt, or maybe something else - no one truly knew what went on inside his head when he looked at people.

Following the attack, Alex gave Tom permission to teach Carl how to use a gun and a knife. Carl was reluctant to learn at first, but it didn't take much to convince him that it was all for the best; of course, when Carl wasn't learning that sort of stuff, he made sure that he learned everything he needed to know - like tying shoelaces, reading, and writing. He wasn't cut out to teach anything other than the shoelaces, so he asked Mabel to take care of the teaching side of things as she used to be a teacher before shit hit the fan. Carl was much happier overall. Both of his brothers were beaming with life and he had some great friends, great family, and even more great people that cared about him and everyone else - things were going perfect for him. The only thing that was bad was the fact that he had atrocious nightmares about the time he killed that man. Whenever this happened, he ran to the only person who was there for him right after he gunned the guy down. And that was Tom - he'd either wake him up and drag him along to wait outside the bathroom for him, followed by going back to bed with him, or he'd just wake him up, tell him he had a nightmare, and then he'd snuggle in next to him and do his best to forget about it.

(Everyone, you can right a paragraph about your character's reactions to all of the above if you wish, you know, mentioning character changes and how they were affected by the changes in life and the changes in the behavior and lifestyle of Alex, Carl, and Eric - I'm going to have a couple more paragraphs that set the time we're RP'ing from, there'll also be separate sections for people so they can RP, but bare in mind that I don't have enough characters to go around everyone, so do feel free to get involved when you see an opportunity :) @Soul OMU, @DryPunishment, @october_rain)


Carl woke up bright and early at perhaps six-thirty in the morning. He'd just suffered a very bad dream and he was near enough trembling. He rolled over and saw that Eric wasn't in bed, but Alex was - that was the way things were now. Eric got up extra early and sometimes went out by himself. Hardly safe, but he came back every time because he was 'smart and sneaky', quote-on-quote of Carl. Carl slowly rose up and was hit by the bitter morning breeze, but he quickly trotted over to the mattress that Tom slept on and then fell to his knees beside him, reaching up and shaking his shoulder. He didn't want to speak in case he woke anyone else up, so he was going to keep doing that until he awoke. (@DrCompton)


Conner's door flew open at the sharp time of six-thirty and a big busty black man - who he recognized as Kendrick, the one who had snowball fights with all the kids during the winter - was standing at his door way. He took one glance at him and gave a quick sigh. "Conner, man. There's some real fucked up shit goin' down - we need you over at Kane's office." He said in urgency. Something had obviously happened, or was in the process of happening. Over the winter this town was also hit with the stomach flu, which is why they were all thankful that they had running water and sewage works. Yep. The sewage and running water was still apparent, for some odd and mysterious reason - it was something that not many people wanted to ask about. Daniel had been spending more time with Conner over the winter and going hunting with him and stuff - he was much more confident now, and he liked heading out and wasn't quite as scared of everything that was out there in the big bad world. (@Beowulf)


Brad had really been there over the last few months. If Delaney cried about the pregnancy or anything else he'd be right there to hug her and tell her it'd be alright and that they'd pull through. They dealt with nearby starvation and no water at one point, but due to some quick thinking and relocation, Brad managed to get them back on the right path - he promised her that one day he was going to take her to that one beautiful place that he always visited with his family when he was younger - he was doing that today. He was happy that he was with her, much happier, and now that he'd admitted the truth to her she could see that he was no longer this pent up man who only looked like he wanted to break someones neck, but instead saw that he was now a really nice and thoughtful guy. He was enthusiastic about the baby, and he was also very enthusiastic that she was going to be fine through it all. He'd gotten her up early one morning after they traveled further north. But I mean really early, like four in the morning sort of early - he just said that it was 'important that they left', and then got her into his newly found four-door, four-wheel drive Range Rover, black edition. He let her sleep in the shotgun seat while he drove onward towards North-west North Dakota, toward the beautiful and luscious forest that you could get lost in for weeks if you didn't have a map or a sense of direction. It was the National Grassland. Tall and freshly-blooming pine trees and numerous other trees which sprouted blossoms and early-spring produce. This place was just... It looked magical.

Brad reached over to his side with his left arm and gently shook Delaney's shoulder. It was only six-thirty, but she'd had a couple of hours sleep, at least. "Hey, sweetheart. Wake up, you've gotta' see this." He said in a soft tone, smiling as he looked back out the windscreen and focused on driving through the leaf-covered ground of the forest. There was still some frost on the forest floor, but that would clear as the day went on - the sunlight glimmered elegantly off of every chocolate or orange-colored leaf that coated the ground in groups. (@TheHarlequinnCat)


Luke and Trevor were still together, and these guys had been hit with the stomach flu at one point as well. Right now they were camped out in the cleared out Davis and Elkins College in Elkins, West Virginia - the place was secure, not very eye-catching, and all of their supplies were locked away in the janitor's closet. There was plenty of stuff to go around, and this place was just fine for them to hole up in. Trevor had something planned for some point during the day, on any given day, but he hadn't yet put that into plan. First he needed more information. They both shared one of the dorm rooms, alongside Luke's dog, of course - it was the safest way to go about things. At night the door was locked, and they had a bathroom attached if needed, so they were safe during the night with the blinds down and the door locked up tighter than a drum - for the first while they'd forgotten what a bed felt like, but then they finally got ones that seemed untouched, all to themselves. It was heaven. And right now it was six-thirty in the morning, and Trevor was busy in his heavy sleeping and snoring into his pillow - he wasn't waking up willingly any time soon. (@Korean Ghoul)


(I honestly don't know if I've missed anyone out. There's so many of you ^-^ Let me know if I've missed you and I'll add a section in for ya :D Enjoy, and post away!)
Tom opened his eyes and looked at Carl, and rolled over to face him, "Whats up?" He was quiet and looked at Carl, "Need to use the restroom Pal?"

Tom viewed both Carl and Eric as his own now and knew he would do whatever was necessary to protect both of them. He maintained his friendship with Alex, making careful steps to make sure Alex understood he wasn't there to take the group over, that Alex had done a fine job of maintaining them all. His relationship with the others had mostly remained unchanged. He cared for them, but if it was a choice between Carl or Eric, and the others? The two bothers would win every time.
".. Nuh-uh..." He said shakily, he shook his head and looked him in the eyes. ".. I had the bad dream again..." He whimpered. 'The bad dream' was the code for 'I had the recollection of when I shot that guy'. Tom got to know that well over the few months; on the first nights of Carl having these nightmares, he ran to Tom crying. (@DrCompton)
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Sputnik jumped out of bed and got right to work. He grabbed his sidearm and machete. "Anyone want to come and check the fortifications with me?" Sputnik shouted before he holstered his gun and walked towards the malls main entrance. (@DrCompton @DrTrollinski )
"More fun for me!" Sputnik ran to the entrance of the mall and give it a quick look over. "The boards are going to need to be replaced soon....maybe next month?" He said to himself before peaking out a window and seeing a few zombies. "Holy hell!" Sputnik ran to the sleeping are. "They are here everyone get up!"(@DrTrollinski @DrCompton )
"What's with all this loud yells in the morning,jeez..."

He didn't bother to look at Sputnik. Matty also tried to keep quiet as to not wake Caitlyn up.

She was a heavy sleeper and Sputnik didn't wake her up.

At one point he told her that her parents aren't coming back and that they never left.

Caitlyn's birthday was soon to come.

Sputnik came back shouting again.

"Jesus,can you keep it low? The freaking walkers are gonna hear you and get restless."

(@DrTrollinski @Vyork Ashfin Need to go to sleep unfortunately and see what's going on with @TheHarlequinnCat 's characters and mine.)
"OH MY GOD GO AWAY. DEAL. WITH. IT." Alex said, sitting up. He climbed out of bed and walked out of the store to join Trent. ".. Jesus Christ. I'll come and deal with with you, but for fuck sake, the last thing everyone needs is to wake up to you shouting, alright?" He said quietly, sighing as he walked into the antique shop and grabbed one of the spears that they'd looted from the savages. "Fuck me. This place is secure. Stop making an issue - You shouldn't be so damn loud this early." He added, grabbing him by the shirt and dragging him off for a second. "What's the problem..?" He asked. (@Vyork Ashfin)
"There are multiple walkers at the front and the boards are going to fall off if they even touch them.....the boards are all rotted!" Sputnik drew his gun and checked the clip. "You should be aware that they are probably going to get in here any second....let me grab the emplacement and move it." (@DryPunishment @DrCompton )
Hunter grunts and slowly wakes, pushing up carefully, her arm and shoulder had healed well and her relationship with the brothers had gotten better and stronger, but she still kept some people at a distance because she wasn't as close to some of them as she felt with the brothers. She yawned and rubbed her eye before changing and heading down to the main area to see if anyone else was up. (@DryPunishment, @DrCompton)
"Ugh...I'll...join you in five minutes..."

He closed his eyes almost instantly falling asleep again.

Given the five minutes he was still asleep.

((Last post for tonight. Have a nice rest of day. @DrTrollinski @Vyork Ashfin ))
"Look. The boards are fine. They're rotted, but you're exaggerating." He said, he walked over and knocked on the top of one of the wooden board. It was damp and a bit worn, but it didn't fall out of place. "If they put enough pressure onto it the nails will cut through the wood like paper, but these will hold them back for a while. Have you not seen how these guys just walk around? Jesus Christ, Trent. They don't hunt you if they don't know about you." He sighed and looked out of the door. "Okay, meet me by the main door. Just outside of it. Get a spear from the antique store. No guns." He said, followed by strutting off and putting his boots on. Over the three months that had passed he'd worked on refining his body - he was much more in shape now, and quite a lot more muscular. (@Vyork Ashfin

DrTrollinski said:
".. Nuh-uh..." He said shakily, he shook his head and looked him in the eyes. ".. I had the bad dream again..." He whimpered. 'The bad dream' was the code for 'I had the recollection of when I shot that guy'. Tom got to know that well over the few months; on the first nights of Carl having these nightmares, he ran to Tom crying. (@DrCompton)
"Ya i guess your right.....i will be with you in a second." Sputnik holstered his gun and walked to the antique store. He grabbed a spear and walked back out to meet up with Alex outside. "So.....im sorry about waking you up but the walkers could have gotten in." Sputnik readied his spear and took a deep breath. "I am more of a technician then a fighter.....this is.....freaky...." He lets out a small laugh and waits for Alex. (@DrTrollinski )

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