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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Tom grinned as Hunter and Alex came back, "Alright, we'll roll to see who goes first. And you have to go around the board once before you can buy anything. Here Carl, Roll for us, we want big numbers pal." He smiled at the others, it was good that they were able to relax finally. Eve nif it was just for tonight."
Still sitting in the awkward silence, Connor did not know what to do. Finally getting up, he says "If you need someone to talk to, give me a shout." and walked out the door.
Adelaide dropped her hand into her lap, scowling. She shot Alex the best 'are-you-kidding-me' look she could muster, before sighing and picking up the thimble and placing it on Go. 'Boys are such idiots.' She thought with a small shake of her head. (@Soul OMU )
Dominic was standing outside and waiting for him with Daniel at his side. Daniel was holding his hand and leaning up against him, he peered up at Conner and gave a shy smile, but he looked tired and Cold. Dominic was wearing his own fur-lined coat and some winter gloves, but he tried his best to force a smile at Conner. ".. I'm guessing he told you?" He asked. (@october_rain)


"You alright there, buddy?" Trevor asked. They weren't in New Jersey any more, that was for certain. It was dark outside, early evening, maybe coming into the late hours. With the Winter, it was hard to tell what time it was because it got dark so early. They were travelling down one straight and long road, with nothing but the headlights of the Ural lighting the way for them. "You need to piss, or something'? I can stop if you want, I wouldn't be surprised - you drank that bottle of water a good few hours ago and we ain't stopped since then." He said, gently tapping his hands on the driver's wheel. (@Korean Ghoul)
Hunter puts her boat on go, watches him leave slightly and sighs before shaking her head slightly. "...and he's telling me to stop bottling stuff up..." She said softly while blowing at her bangs. (@october_rain, @DrCompton)
"Its free entertainment for me, its like watching one of my Soaps back home." He scratched his jaw, "Free TV, really." He looked in the direction Alex walked to, then toward Hunter and Adelaide. "I swear."
"Depends on what he told you. If it involved him wanting to make you and me the next leader, then yes." He didn't want to talk about how Kane will die, not in front of Daniel. "Why me? You, I can see. But I'm not people smart, I'm woods smart. Sure I survived out there for a while. But he thinks that I can keep all these people together and alive."

(@DrTrollinski )
Adelaide smiled at Hunter and shook her head. "Boys." She said in an exasperated tone with a shake of her head. "Just give me one minute." Adelaide got up and followed Alex to where the water was stored. Unsure of whether he noticed her arrival or not she cleared her throat. "Hey. You alright?" She asked tapping his foot with her own. (@Soul OMU @DrTrollinski )

(Be back soon. Dinner.)
"Ha. Right. Yeah, we'll pick up some corpses on the way to nowhere." He chuckled. "We'll have a pit-stop at the next gas station we hit." He said. "Unless you need to stop now." He said. (@october_rain) 
(@Soul OMU)
"Pit stop. Gas station, I need to pick up some soda and chips. Those rations aren't good enough for me. Pick up some sour skittles." Luke checked back, and saw Ali.
Alex shrugged. "Sure." He muttered in response. He looked down at the board and waited for Carl or Tom to move the counter piece. Carl wasn't going to touch it - he wasn't very confident in doing things himself all of a sudden. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)
"Clearly he sees something in you." Dominic said, Daniel smiled up at them both for a moment and closed his eyes as his father rubbed the top of his head with the palm of his hand .".. Daniel's not feeling all that well, so I'm going to get him inside so he can read some comics and then take a nap. Remember, man... It ain't all about the people that's going to make you a good leader." He smiled at him. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)
"Way to go pal." He rustled Carl's head, then handed the dice to the next person, "Keep having big rolls like that pal, and we're gonna kick everyones butts." He laughed a little and looked around the room.
Eric took the dice and rolled them. Two and a one.

"Just my luck..." He grunted, handing the dice off to Adelaide while moving his counter along three meagre little spaces. (@october_rain)
Luke hopped out, and stretched. "Ow..." He limped toward the convenience store, and opened the door. No one was here, except for the guys outside. He limped toward the back counter, and pulled out some bags. He packed some smart waters, sodas, candy and chips. He packed some quick heat taquitos, and some sandwiches. He limped back out.
"Nice. Hope you've got enough for me there." He said. He took the keys from the ignition and hopped out. ".. I'm headin' to the bathroom. Stay put." He said, he walked off into the gas station and into the bathroom within it - he didn't know why, but all of the toilets he'd found still had running water in them. It was strange, but he couldn't complain. He did his business and then returned to the Ural. "You need anything else before we go? We ain't gonna' be stopping for a while." He asked. (@Korean Ghoul)
"Nope. Let's head down the road." It was like some sort of adventure. Luke knew it would last long... but maybe not forever. He and Trev would part ways some day.

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