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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

".. Unless you've got a cure for cancer, I don't think we can." He said, he spun back around and gave a broken smile to him. (@october_rain)
"Well, hurry up, I'm going to be setting up monopoly for us to play, and you're playing." He started walking back toward where they slept. He figured people would show up eventually
Adelaide sighed in relief. Everybody was okay. "Yeah. I'm fine." She answered after a moment of hesitation. Physically she really was fine; the worst that had happened was a cut she obtained along her ribs. Hardly deep enough to need stitches. It was more of a scratch, really. However, killing somebody can really affect you mentally. Yes, Adelaide had killed dozens of zombies over the past month, but it's different killing zombies. It's easier to pretend that they're not human, but the savages? There was no pretending there. It didn't seem to affect anyone else though. Maybe they were just better at dealing with it or maybe she really was just weak.

Adelaide flashed him what she hoped was a reassuring smile. "So, where is everybody?"
(@DrTrollinski )
Hunter huffs slightly as she makes her way to the bathroom and sees Adelaide and Alex and walks passed Adelaide and into the bathroom. "Excuse me." she said as she walked in. "Also... Thanks for bandaging my shoulder Alex..." she said softly before closing the bathroom door so she could use it. (@october_rain)
"I heard something about Monopoly. You joining us?" He asked her. "I'm guessing most people are going to be there." He said, shrugging. "Up for it?" He asked her in addition, smiling. (@october_rain)
"Monopoly sounds like fun." Adelaide agreed with a grin. Her eyes drifted away from Alex and back to the, now closed, bathroom door. "There's just something I need to do first. I shouldn't be long though. Why don't you go and I'll meet you there?" (@Soul OMU )
"Uh... Yeah, sure." He said, smiling. He nodded at her and then walked out of the back room and went to the center of the room where Tom and the kids were sitting. (@DrCompton)
Hunter carefully taking off her shirt to take care of her wound and using it as a rag to wash her face and hands, unsure if she wants to play monopoly, might just skip it and sit up on the roof top to look at the stars so she could be alone with her thoughts and the dead body of the savage she killed. (@october_rain)
Adelaide spun on her heel and knocked against the bathroom door. "Hunter, can I talk to you, please?" She asked, chewing on her lip nervously. (@Soul OMU )

(Sorry it's so short. Writer's block sucks.)
Hunter looked at the door darkly and sighed slightly. "Why?" she asked curtly as she continued to clean her face of the now drying blood, mind flashes back to all the times Alex was with Adelaide and she shakes her head and slams her fist on the counter slightly. (@october_rain)
"Ah." Connor replied, leaning back in his chair. Cancer, such a mundane thing in this strange time. And to be done in by it to. "You still got something in you. Just keep doing what you're doing. Guessing you called me in here to tell me something other then you are dying."
Adelaide frowned and crossed her arms in front of her. Moments ago she had been so sure of what she wanted to do, but now that she had the chance she wasn't sure how to start. "Hunter," She paused and sighed. "I'm sorry if I did something to upset you. I don't mean to cause you any kind of inconvenience. If you could please just tell me what I did so that I can fix it." For weeks now Adelaide had noticed that Hunter was always very distant from her, but lately it seemed more cold than distant, for reasons completely unknown to Adelaide. (@Soul OMU )
Hunter stops momentarily before gritting her teeth silently. "You can't fix everything." She muttered while continuing to wash her upper half careful of her shoulder. (@october_rain)
"These people... They need something--.. I don't have long left, okay?" He said, sighing. "Maybe half a year, perhaps less." He added, looking away. "I know I ain't perfect, but... people look up to me. You know, I get the kids running to me and asking me questions about how I 'built the walls' and all that." He slowly rose up and walked to the window. ".. I don't want them without someone to... look up to." He sighed. (@Beowulf)


"Yeah, I will... Need to grab something first." He said, he walked over behind the counter and pretended to look busy after crouching behind it. He was worried what Hunter was going to say, and what Adelaide would say as well, especially after what Hunter said to him earlier. He didn't want any friendships being ruined. So he was going to eavesdrop for a couple of minutes. 
Adelaide strained to hear what Hunter answered. Even so she could not hear the mutter. "Hunter, please. Tell me what I did!" She pleaded, feeling almost like she was trying to talk to a wall. Actually, she'd probably get more answers from a wall. Adelaide's mind drifted to Riley. Maybe that's why Hunter was angry. Adelaide did nothing to try and save her sister. "I know I mess up a lot and I'm not strong. I say too much and if the situation came to me having to protect somebody, they would probably die. I know that, and if that's why you're angry then I don't blame you. I'm sorry." The words rushed out of her mouth before she could stop them. (@Soul OMU )
Hunter said nothing as she heard Adelaide's words and remember that she had been there when Cece had gotten killed, and how she was also busy talking to Eric as she stormed out of the mall, Riley following her and saying hi to Adelaide. "I'm not angry because of that! I was, but that's not why I'm like this. I told you, you can't fix what is already broken beyond repair. Even if I wanted to fix what I did, I can't!" She snapped slightly while glaring at the door. (@october_rain)
Understanding dawned on him. He knew it was coming, really, but it didn't seem real until he said it. "You want me to take your place? Why? All I've done here is teach you lazy bums how to make things. I've had a few of those kids strapped for thinking they could get away with some crap or another. I doubt everyone likes and looks up to me. If you say I will be the next mayor of this little village, they will put up with it, I figure, but they won't like it."
"It's that that had me worried. Your a good guy, but some won't like it. I want you and Dominic to take over, but we're getting bigger and we're bound to have more people arriving. You're a survivalist and you know your way around. Dominic is just a genius, you can recruit whoever else you want into the ministry, just... You know." He choked, taking a bit of a shaky sigh. There was a long pause for and then he finally blurted something out.

"I don't want to die." (@Beowulf)
Adelaide groaned and threw her hands up in the air in frustration. Muttering a few choice swears under her breath, she glared at the door. 'Stubborn girl.' She thought bitterly. 'So much for trying to make nice.' Adelaide shook her head. "Fine. I'm sorry for whatever your deal is." She grumbled, trying to keep the razor tone out of her voice. "You should probably be going to play Monopoly too though. Alex, Eric, and Carl will want you there." (@Soul OMU @DrTrollinski )
Hunter opens the door. "Even when you try to whisper I can hear you, and yes I am stubborn. "Deal with it. And Thats great but I can't really play with my good shoulder injured and my limited movement." She hissed at her before stalking to her room to change.
Adelaide watched Hunter leave with a scowl pulling at her lips. "I will never understand her." Adelaide grumbled before marching out of the room. She quickly found her way to where Tom and the kids were setting up the Monopoly game. "Sorry I'm late." She apologized with a small smile. Scanning the group she pursed her lips. "Where's Alex?" (@Soul OMU @DrTrollinski @DrCompton)
(Gone to bed. xD )

Hunter in her room and leans against the door, looking at Riley's half of the room and starts to shake, still broken over having to kill her own sister.
"We are all afraid to die. It takes a brave man to admit it." Connor said after a long moment of silence. "I trust you in making the right choice. And I don't doubt me and Dom will be getting a few more on board. But dying is in the future, something to worry about later. Right now, you are alive, enjoy it."

(@DrTrollinski g'night)

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