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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Carl sobbed and cried, his whole body shaking in terror. It had all gone wrong. His normal life was so viciously snatched away from him once again, and just as it was all starting to straighten out. He hugged Tom like there was no tomorrow, clinging onto him like he was the father figure he was so deprived of. He buried his face in his chest and just let all of the emotion out. "You came back!" He sobbed. "You came back and found me but I thought you were deeeaa-aad.." He admitted, bawling and still holding onto him. (@Soul OMU)
"Shit shit..allright,I'm here...Yeah I'm not dead. I swear to God if that killed me I would've been sooo mad..."

He was barely able to hold himself and felt really cold.

"Jesus Eric it's fucking cold out here...Turn the heat on..."

"Dead? No no no." He held onto Carl, rubbing his head, "Im Superman, dont you know?" He kissed the top of Carl's head, "Nothing can kill me, Im invincable pal, I thought I told you that. Plus we've still gotta play monopoly remember? Or did you forget our little play date? I think we'll play it tonight. You Me, Matty, Hunter, Eric, Alex. We can all play." He held onto Carl, rocking him lightly.
Eric came back with some medical stuff, ignoring Hunter and Alex's little squabble while he grabbed it all. He placed it down in front of Matty and then took shook his head. "You're delirious, and I hate to panic you, but... You're dying, pal. Let's see if I can change that." He said, sighing as he sterilized some gauze and pressed two pieces against the entry and exit wound. This stung like a bitch, but it prevented infection. ".. By the way, I'm not a medic and don't know safe doses of morphine, so the fun ain't over yet." He said, grimacing at the thought of performing surgery. (@DryPunishment)
Hunter doesn't even flinch as he put the sterile gauze on her shoulder. "I'm not locking myself away... Just emotions... Because they make you weak and fragile... So I built myself walls... And I'm not letting anyone get close to me just for them to die..." She said as she looked at him, has blood still on her face and her hair before sighing and taking off her jacket before grabbing the edges of her shirt and pulling it up over her head, not carrying that he's seeing her almost half naked. (@DrTrollinski)
"Y-y-yeah..." He sniffled. "I still wanna' play..." He tightly held one of Tom's hands and hugged him with his free arm, his head set against his chest. ".. I killed someone..." He blubbered. "Does that mean I'm bad...?" He asked in a heartbroken whimper. (@Soul OMU)
"No no no. Sometimes you have to hurt bad guys to protect the ones you love. If you hadn't hurt the bad man, I was going to, because he was going to hurt you." He rubbed Carl and picked him up and started walked toward the toy store again, to put him back with Caitlyn. "We're going back to Caitlyn so I can make sure all the bad men are gone. Just think of yourself as a cop, Carl. Sometimes Cops have to hurt bad men. Cops are good guys right?" (@DrTrollinski IM SORRY IM SO BAD AT THIS)
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Hunter just gives a grunt. "That's the difference between me and Eric. I'm not hiding. I just told you what I'm doing... I'll probably end up work more like a machine rather then a human." She said as she wiped the blood out of her eyes. (@DrTrollinski)
"Oh man I'm in for a nice ride. God damn...I see nothing but darkness before me...No king rules forever,my son...heh...OH FUCK ME!AH!"

The pain woke him up pretty good.

"Eric hold me as I live my final hours. I can definitely dig those things,what do you guys call them? Yeah I can dig buns...Fuck..."

He was delirious. Matty began looking around.

"And you ain't a machine. Now you should understand what I'm saying - You drop human emotions and you forget what they feel like. You forget what it's like to talk to a person, what it's like to care, what it's like to feel." He finished off the stitching and tossed the stuff down onto the seat with a sigh. He stood back up and brushed his hands off. "And in return, you go insane. You forget those you cared about before, they become shallow as if they were nothing, like they were never there, like they were just... illusions. I doubt you want to think of Riley and Cece that way, so I'll leave you to think about that." He walked off to the doorway but then turned back. "I might also mention - Once you stay like that for too long, you become the same. You forget who you are, and you hurt the people that care for you. And you're welcome for the help." He stated, shaking his head as he turned around and stormed off back towards the room where everyone slept. (@Soul OMU)


"Jesus Christ, shut up. The worst part ain't over yet - Talk to me, Matty. Who do you love? Who do you care for?" He asked, trying to keep his mind set on the right things so that he could see whether or not his responses were solid. He took the needle and slowly inched closer to his wound, unsure of whether or not he was capable of doing this. His hand was shaking, but he needed to make a move soon. (@DryPunishment)
"JESUS! OH GOD! Ah..ah...I don't know I don't know...I love...I loved...I LOVE CAITLYN! I can't let her die man hurry up and patch me up!"

Pain,pain...and pain again.

Who does he care for?

"Caitlyn! I don't wanna go just yet,she needs me ERIC! AAAH FUCK ME! Caitlyn I'm sorry!"

Hunter said nothing as she watched him go, her eyes seemed to flicker before hardening as she turned her head away. "Yeah thanks... But even so emotions always seem to fuck me over... Especially love." She said hoarsely while getting up to head back onto the roof to keep a eye out for any more savages. (@DrTrollinski)
"Yeah, cops are good." He cracked a faint smile while sniffling. He pictured himself in a cop uniform - awesome. He set his head on Tom's shoulder and hugged him again while being carried along, but then he thought about what he said and furrowed his brow in curiosity for a moment. ".. Tom--.. You said you gotta' hurt the bad people to protect people ya' love... You said you was gonna' hurt him, is it 'cause you love me?" He asked, there was only innocence behind the question, although he was hoping Tom would say yes, he wouldn't be that upset if Tom said no. Well. Maybe he would be, but he would have just got on with it. (@DryPunishment) 
There were none. The streets were dead now, peaceful and quiet. Just like the mall - hopefully that was the last of them, but only Alex and Tom knew whether or not there were more to come. (@Soul OMU)
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Hunter sits down on the roof while wiping the blood off her knife and putting it away with the other one that had been in her shoulder not long ago, put her shirt back on loosely to not bother her shoulder, sighs softly and runs a hand through her hair as she lets her walls come down a bit. "Your so stupid Hunt... So stupid."
"Yeah, you're my little pal, I've gotta take care of you dont I?" He smiled and knocked for Caitlyn, and opened the storage door. "You two stay here so I can go find the others, then I'll come right back okay? We're gonna go deal with the rest of hte badguys okay?" He rubbed the top of Carl's head, then kissed the top of it, "Dont worry about thing you two." He closed the door and left to find the others.
Carl's heart just went all warm and fuzzy when he heard the news - Tom agreed, with no hesitation either. He was worried that Alex might not like that, because his mommy and daddy he had beforehand certainly wouldn't. At least now he understood that they were gone and there was going to be different people in his life that'd held him like they did.

He sat down beside Caitlyn and hugged her tight, taking a gentle sigh and giving off a small smile. ".. Sorry I had to go, Caitlyn... I had to go and stop a bad guy. Like a cop." He said, grinning. (@DryPunishment)


Tom could find Alex lying on his bed, looking rather depressed and angry, but, by looking over the bannister and down below them he could see that Eric was busy stitching up a wound Matty sustained. (@DrCompton)
He looked over the Bannister at Eric, "Everything good down their pal?" He watched Eric work on Matty and frowned a little, then he looked around for Hunter, and looked toward Matty, "Matt. Where is Hunter? Is she.. gone?" He didnt want to say dead. He frowned and sighed. @DrTrollinski
"Uh-huh... I had to use a gun or he was gonna' get me and hurt me even more..." He said, shrugging a little, he still shuddered at the thought of what he did, but he was happy that Tom thought he did the right thing. (@DryPunishment) 
"Yeah, we're fine. Just peachy!" Eric called back. "And no! Alex was fixing her up upstairs somewhere - I'm not sure where she is now!" He called again, before focusing his attention to Matty once more. "All done, pal." He said, putting the needle and thread down. He placed an adhesive patch over it and sighed. "There. How you feeling?" He asked. (@DrCompton, @DryPunishment)
"It's good that he didn't get you. There's nobody I could've played with if he got you..."

She hugged him tighter.


"Oh.My.Fucking.God...I feel new and shiny. My shoulder hurts like a shit...I've been shot,but not with freaking arrows...Thanks,man...I can still see the ghost of my father telling me that no king rules forever. Spooky stuff."

He made some jazz hands at Eric hoping to get some nice reaction out of him.
Eric laughed for a few moments. "Oh, I'm sure. You just got patched up by someone who hasn't even started high-school and you aren't dead. I guess that's a plus for me as well." He said, smiling. "I'm gonna' go wash your blood off my hands, then I'll help you upstairs to find Caitlyn, okay? Wait here." He said, he dashed upstairs and went into the public restroom and walked to the sink; he used some liquid soap and water to scrub the blood from under his nails and on his hands. It was nice to have them clean again. (@DryPunishment) 
"Yeah..." Carl said, smiling. "We gotta' finish playing our game soon." Carl said, he hugged her and gently kissed her cheek. It was hard to see what he was doing as they were in pure darkness. (@DryPunishment)
"But why are we staying in the dark? Is the danger not over?"

Matty was standing there looking at Hunter. And then at the bathroom Eric was in.

Back at Hunter. He felt like a stoner. He was really lightheaded and couldn't think really well. Slight hallucination,nothing big. He was gonna make it.

@Soul OMU

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