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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Tom hated this, waiting. His bloodlust wanted this to go over, to kill them all. He would tell the others it was for Riley, but deep down he knew it was for him. He grinned looking at the faces, imagining new holes in the heads as he moved from face to face. Then Carl sneaked into his head, with Eric. He frowned. "Im doing this to make sure its not their body over the pot." Tom blinked away a tear, and focused back on the group of savages before him

Some of them began chanting as one of them stepped out. It was much like the one Alex killed earlier - What Alex thought was their leader was actually just like a 'division boss' in a way. He was dressed in black fur, his pale face painted in a flaky red and dried paste. It looked like blood, from their angle. He held a large stick in his hand and a long steel blade in the other. This guy was like some sort of Satanist - freaky shit, in other words. He slammed the stick down on the ground a few times and they all cheered as the body was dropped into the bubbling oil and instantly began to cook, sending a torrent of oil up and out onto the snow while a putrid smell filled the air. They all began dancing around the pot, their eyes wide and evil as they took deep breaths in through their nose and screamed what appeared to be another language. Alex slapped a hand over his mouth and looked away, quietly coughing.

".. Jesus..." He heaved. After a few seconds he looked back to Tom. ".. If we come back here, we need more guns, and we need more people, and cars that aren't going to get damaged by whatever they have..." He whispered, looking back down at the pot and grimacing before looking away again. ".. We will get our revenge, but--.. We need to get back. We saw a group of them run off the way we came from and they're not back yet." He said, slowly shuffling backwards into the foliage to avoid being seen as he lifted himself into a crouching position. (@Soul OMU, @DryPunishment)
"Oh shit,shit shit...are those the savages?"

He dropped to the floor as soon as he saw them.

"Hunter gimme a gun!"

@Soul OMU @DrTrollinski
Hunter passes him the other rifle. "That's why I was on the ground!" She hissed before starting to take shots at the savages with the bows, trying to take out their archers. "You need to warn the others!" She snapped at him. (@DryPunishment, @DrTrollinski)
"What if we kill the boss? Think that'll do it?" He watched the man, through the scope, "Maybe without him this group of fucking savages will fall apart. That or in the confusion we can kill the rest." He frowned a little, but pulled his finger off the trigger, "But you're right. We've got the others to watch out for. Lets go brother." He got up slowly with Alex, "We gotta move quick though."
"Stop wasting bullets. Fine I'll go. Yell if you need help."

He crawled back where he came from. Once there he made a run for it to the toy store and found Eric and the kids.

"Eric,quick! Get them to safety we're getting attacked by the savages!"

@Soul OMU
"That ain't their boss." He said, beginning to run. "That's just someone who dictates the group. I killed one that looked just like him earlier... Christ knows how many of these guys there are." He shuddered a little, but then he heard the gunshots in the distance. Coming from the mall.

He looked at Tom.

"We need to fucking get back right now!" He yelled, breaking off into a full sprint, hoping that Tom was able-bodied enough to keep up with his young and well-built figure. He held the rifle with both arms and threw it from side to side as he ran, just so he was ready to fire if he needed to once he got the to mall again. (@DryPunishment)


Hunter felt something or something grab her by the hair and begin dragging her away from the edge of the roof. These guys could climb the mall, just like that? Jesus Christ, what the fuck were they dealing with here?! She felt a foot go into her side a few times over while she was being dragged away, and her hand was also stamped on prior to this to ensure that she lost the gun. She was going to need to act fast, because from what she understood, this was one of the ones with a knife. (@Soul OMU)
Tom got up and ran with Alex. Alex was putting a bit of a gap between them, but Tom wasn't worried about that. He slowed a little and tried to keep his breath mostly steady. he'd need to be able to take up aim fast, and he couldn't do it panting. Carl, Eric.. Tom frowned, if anything happened to those two, he'd lose himself. He couldn't let that happen.

"Allright." he rushed to his room and brought back his assault rifle,pistol and his old knife as reinforcement

He could hear the footsteps on the roof and shouted to Eric who was at the main entrance.

"They got on the roof. What should I do?"

Both Hunter and Eric needed his help. He needs to make a decision and make it fast.

@Soul OMU
Eric stopped and looked back. "You wait!" He said, shrugging his shoulders heavily at him before turning back to look at the main door. (@DryPunishment - Wait for Soul to reply for a few minutes. @Soul OMU)


Alex finally stopped when he was just outside the forest and could now see the mall. It almost looked untouched, but something wasn't right. Someone or something had seen him, and he could feel himself being watched by whatever it was. As soon as Tom caught up he put one hand out in front of him and hushed him in a very quiet and gentle manner. ".. They're waiting." He said, his voice showing signs of fear. "They haven't launched a full attack yet, because they're waiting for us. Can you feel it?" He asked in urge. He could see that Hunter wasn't in the same place as she was before they left. Were they too late? He didn't say anything to Tom about it, and he didn't plan to do so just yet. (@DrCompton)
Hunter growled darkly before sweeping her legs to knock the savage who had grabbed her off their feet as she used her other hand that hadn't been stepped on to twirl the knife she kept under her shirt by her machete. Her eyes glittered darkly as she tied her hair back slightly. (@DrTrollinski
(Thanks for waiting... I was in class... I'm on a bit of a break.)
Tom grinned, "I count 4 so far, waiting. Two on the roof, on outside our door, one is laying with the dead bodies from Yesterday. These guys are sneaky. Ive never seen this much coordination before. Thats so strange. We wont sneak past them, these guys are good. Do you know how many we passed on the way here?"
".. I didn't see two on the roof. I saw two people, yeah, these guys are coordinated. Most they've got up there is one." He looked around for a moment and sighed. ".. More than this, I can promise you that much... That brings us to our next question... Where the hell are all the others?" He asked, he looked back to the mall for a moment but was taken by surprise by a sudden sound - Tom soon found his legs swept from under him and Alex quickly turned around - one had flanked them, but only the one of them. As soon as Alex saw the knife he dived in to save Tom from getting a blade to the back and speared this savage off of him. He took him down into the snow and punched him in the face, but he was like something out of a movie - his head just snapped back to its previous position, but by then Alex had already put the knife in his chest. It was dead. But in that time, a couple of them had already tore away the barricades of the mall's main door and had made their way inside. They moved quickly towards the stairs and ducked down so that they were unable to be hit by any bullets. They were the stairs closest to Eric, and seeing as Matty was at the bac of the mall by the toy store, the angle was too awkward for him to get a shot off on either of them. (@DryPunishment, @DrCompton)
((not really the toystore, it was his room @DrTrollinski ))

"Eric watch out!"

Matty let dropped the 2 rifles and grabbed his knife. He rushed towards the two savages. His pistol was hidden in the back of his pants counting 7 more bullets.

Given the opportunity he would lunge and take out one of them.
Tom jumped up, "Son of a bitch, we need to get inside." He slung his rifle and pulled his pistol, "We're gonna have to break cover and run in Alex. Then you can shoot and run?" he raised a brow watching him. He hoped he could count on Alex to kill the ones who were gonna attacking the two. He frowned
"Keep watch on the western entrance! That's the most unfortified place here because of the mounted gun, but if they get past that the job's only going to be easier for them! I've got this side, don't worry!" Eric said. And of course, yes, the unfortified entrance sadly did fall target to some invaders. There were some screams from some more of the savages that echoed across from the other side of the mall like Eric was talking about. Eric raised his gun to look at the stairs. ".. Come on, motherfuckers... You're here for a reason..." He whispered, his eyes locked on the stairwell. (@DryPunishment)


"Right..." He scanned his eyes around for a moment and checked out for any of the savages in the near distance. One among the bodies, one peeking around the edge of the building. This was going to be easy enough right now. Take the one on the ground first, and then spin and get the last one. "Yeah, let's do it. On the count of three?" He said. (Don't go too far ahead with things when you get into the mall. I've got a scene for Eric coming up. :) @DrCompton)
"One, two, Three." Tom took off, his pistol already up and aimed at the one laying amonst his former friends. It was just an unfortunate attempt to deceived them since Tom had killed the four personally. When the savage realized his mistake and tried to pop up, Tom fired twice, hitting the man in the chest, leaving him gasping for breath as he lay there drowning in his own blood.
"Right..." he picked up his guns back and headed over the other side of the mall.

Screams were filling up his ears almost deafening him.

The mounted gun was about to be manned by one of the fuckers,but God have mercy cause Matty sure had none.

A burst of 3 accurate rounds from his L85A2 went straight in the head of one of them. Another was waiting.

"Let's see what you fuckers are made of."

Alex followed right behind him and turned to the one that sprung out from the corner ready to throw his spear. Alex raised the rifle and sent a bullet straight into his chest and left him lying on the ground and quickly dying out. Alex ran into the mall with him and heard the gunshots from the other side of the mall where Matty was. Oh, Jesus. Where was Carl and Eric and Caitlyn? He almost wanted to cry, because he feared that they were hurt, or worse.


"Come on then. Right here." Eric taunted at the two that had ran into the store after him. He sprung himself over the counter and looked at them both. "Come on you ugly bastards. Kill me, I'm right here." He taunted once again, one of them dashed forward but quickly stopped when Eric raised his gun and aimed it at his head. Pop. He went down like a rock and then Eric aimed off at the other one, pulling the trigger.


".. Shit." Eric said, the savage grinned and lunged at him but he quickly jumped away from the knife that came at him; he flew over the counter and landed on his bad arm, but he had no time to cry when the savage came running at him again. He was in an antique's shop so there were so many different weapon choices. He just needed to get one first, but it was lucky that he had the trusty kitchen knife that Adelaide gave him; he swiped the knife at the savage's foot and put a cut across his shin, slowing him down for a moment. Eric ran over to one of the display cabinets and tried to open it but failed, gasping as he dived aside to only see the knife of the frenzied savage go straight through the glass. The savage turned and jumped at him, but Eric raised his feet to collide with his chest, and, with some struggle, managed to send him straight over his head. This was such an adrenaline rush. He ran to the broken cabinet and whipped out the katana that was sheathed within a black and yellow scabbard - he flicked the scabbard off and then held it in front of him with both hands, looking at the savage as it came running towards him.

Using one of the tricks from Kill Bill that he ALWAYS wanted to do, he had the perfect chance to end this. He taunted him, and as soon as he came running he went down in a spinning duck and sliced off the lower part of the right leg of the savage, leaving him screaming and quickly bleeding out all over the floor. The screams were very loud, and perfectly audible for Alex and Tom. Alex didn't even hesitate on making a run up the stairs. (@Soul OMU - Did you kill the savage in your last post? If so, you never actually stated that you did that to him ;/ Only that you pulled out a knife and tied your hair back. :3)


The savage wasn't mounting the gun, in fact, he was trying to disable it. We've seen how old-fashioned these guys are. Spears, knives, and bows? They're not going to be using guns any time soon, that's for sure. Before Matty could do anything else, a barrage of arrows came flying through the door down the service area and were heading straight towards him. He was going to have to think fast. (@DryPunishment)


Carl hugged Caitlyn and then opened the door. "Wait here! I'm gonna' go and check on everyone, but you gotta' stay hidden so you're safe! I'll be okay!" He said to her, he gently kissed her forehead just like his mother used to do to him when he was scared and then closed the door back over. He managed to open up a little bit of the shutter and then crawl over it, but it was very heavy. He shut it after and was happy that Caitlyn was safe and unable to force her way out to get herself killed. He ran to the place where they kept all of the guns and gulped as he picked up a Glock 18. He didn't like guns, but it looked like this was going to be necessary. (@DryPunishment)
(I got confused. Why would you tie your hair back in the middle of a fight? xP)

The savage quickly sprung back up from the ground and pulled out his own steel blade, holding it at the ready as he locked his eyes on Hunter's and slowly licked his lips; crimson red but dried blood painted his face. (@Soul OMU)
"Oh crap..."

He dived backwards,but it was not enough his left shoulder got pierced by an arrow.

"Holy shit...I can't pull it back...no."

Matty made his way towards the gun. Using his right arm he laid down some suppresive fire to make the savages scatter.


The kick from the gun,even mounted it was staggering his arm.


Cailtyn stood there,unable to do anything. What was going on?
Tom ran with Alex keeping his head in a swivel. When they got to Eric he looked at the savage. "Where is Carl?" He looked at Eric. He wanted to make sure both of them were okay before celebrating at all.

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