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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

"That's sad...why did everyone start biting each other? It sent mommy and daddy away."

There was nothing else on her mind. She really wanted to see her parents.

"It was a disease... Remember, Caitlyn... It's a big country we live in, and you need to be tough in case your parents are lost, okay?" He said. (@Dry Punishment)
"Mhm...will you help me find them?"

The final question dropped. She wasn't talking about anyone else. Stupid disease. Her parents went on vacation because of it and won't come back.

"Maybe when we have time we'll keep an eye out. They could be anywhere and it's too cold to go outside right now." He smiled at her. (@Dry Punishment)
"I guess..." he sighed in relief.

"I'm not gonna let that happen again, I give you my word."

His voice was raspier than before. Matty sure won't forgive himself if something like that happened on his watch again.

"You mentioned long claws...tell me more..."

He said. His head still turned around.

Tom was quiet as he and Alex walked. He wasn't sure what to say, he'd lost his wife and baby so fast his anger had consumed him and sent him on his bloodlust. Now he had two boys he cared about. Funny.

@DrTrollinski (at work so sorry!)
"You think your brother and Tom went to find 'em?"

I'm such a burden,aren't I? That' why they didn't take me. Sure...get the guy you just met over the guy you know is loyal and has been with you over a month. They don't trrust me...

Hunter makes her way back downstairs slightly to where Matty and Eric are. "...I think he took Tom because he wants to get to know Tom... Also Matty are you a killer...? Did you have to kill the people you loved? Because I had to blast a bullet through my own twin sister's head."
Alex stopped him five minutes into their walk. "Here." He said, nodding down at the snow. There was several dozen trails of footprints that lead across the snow. ".. That's their tracks." He said, sighing. (@Soul OMU, @DryPunishment)

"Been shooting at gangsters for a looong time. One time I've been out of country...shot at extremist islamists...not sure how many I killed or if I killed them. 2 months ago I buried a screwdriver in my girlfriend's head...3 days away from proposing...yeah...I guess I can qualify as a killer. Guessed I was some posh brit with bark and no bite? How about that one time I..."

Matty looked at Caitlyn behind Eric and stopped. He was gonna get pretty graphical about it,but decided against it.

@Soul OMU
Hunter watching him. "But you haven't had to kill family... Yeah you killed someone you loved... But your family...? You'd have to be a monster to do that... Which I guess I am... I didn't even let her tell me she loved me..." She said coldly and blankly. (@DryPunishment )
"This will be fun." He smiled and crouched. "At least they aren't like sand people." He kept moving staying low, he'd assumed Alex would follow his lead. "I miss my beard."
Eric stood up and took Caitlyn's hand, sighing. ".. You two talk about this." He said, sighing. He walked Caitlyn out of the room and then into the room where everyone slept. "Why don't you wake Carl up and play a game with him while those two talk." He suggested, nodding at the bed Carl was napping in. (@DryPunishment)


(Nothing between us. I've been waiting for you - my character got the meds from the infirmary and got back in the truck, gave you some painkillers and water)


"You're better off without it." He said quietly as he followed in his trail. "They ran for quite some time, so we might be a while." He said, sighing. (@DrCompton)
"Well, we can go quicker but be more exposed, or low and slow. Up to you Alex." He looked at him, "I'm good with either one." He blinked a couple of times
"What were you gonna do? Look at her while she turned screaming like the goddamn Exorcist and then bite you? It's a dog eats dog world out there,don't you let that break you. Blood is blood ,but don't ever say that she didn't love you. You've lost a lot more than I can imagine..."

He got up and walked in front of her.

"I can't even think of what you're going through right now,but you are still here. You are strong. You survived and will keep on doing so just fine. It's the only way your sisters' story will live. It will live on with you."

Matty put his hand on her shoulder.

"If you can't do it for yourself do it for them. Once she got infected,nothing on this earth could prevent the inevitable. You've done the right thing..."

@Soul OMU
(@DryPunishment You've got my side to respond to, pal.)

"If they get the drop on us, we're done for. We'll take it slow for now and see if we can get some picks." He said, nodding down the trail of footsteps that lead through the snow. (@DrCompton)
Hunter said nothing as Matty put his hand on her shoulder much like Alex did and jerked away again. "It should have been me... If she hadn't followed me then she would have been still alive. It's my fault she's dead... You don't know the feeling... Her blood splattering on my face after blowing her brains out with her rifle..." She said, her eyes staring blankly at him. (@DryPunishment)
"This will be fun." Then two followed the tracks when they say a group of three standing around. Tom laid down. "Alright. Lay down next to me Alex." He smiled, "I can't wait."
"Don't you dare say that...in the eyes of those creatures it didn't matter which one it was. Could have been either of you,but it wasn't your fault. Blame the government,blame patient zero blame God even for letting this shit happen,but it was not your fault."

@Soul OMU


"Can you wake him up for me? He's grumpy when I do it."

She looked at Eric with puppy eyes. She was eager to play.

((@DrTrollinski sorry i spent some more time writing that little inspirational speech))
Hunter watching him blankly. "It was my fault... She shouldn't have been there." She said coldly. "Hell, I let her go alone and she got kidnapped and fucking raped because I didn't go with her." (@DryPunishment )

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