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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

".. Me and you." He said. "Eric's injured and the kids are defenceless. We can't take any more with us because the place will be unfortified." He stated, rubbing his forehead. "I saw which way they ran off. You any good at tracking?" He asked him. (@DrCompton
(Guys. Please tag me. I don't get notifications when you don't ;/)
Tom nodded, "I can track well enough. What weapons do we have? It'll be better if we both of scoped rifles." He walked with Alex toward where they kept weapons. "And she should come with us."

"No. She went to the roof to keep watch. She knows what she's doing, and she's the only one willing enough to go up there right now - we need the advantage, or the fuckers are going to break down the doors and it'll be too late to get some opening shots on them." He said, going through some of the weapons they had. He kept hold of his scoped Remington R-15 rifle, but handed a Remington M700 VTR to Tom. It was scoped. ".. We're only looking for Riley's body. These bastards are sneaky, but the least we owe Riley is a proper burial." He said. (@DrCompton)
"Oh. We will find the body, then you can head back. Let's go." Tom smiled. He stopped a moment. "Hey, when you get back, after you bury her... Play monopoly with Carl." He started to walk.
Tom shrugged, "I'm going to end them. First Eric, then Riley? I liked them. If we don't do this, they'll keep coming." He stopped Alex, "I will do this, you get the body back."
"No... We don't split up. Have you not seen what these guys of capable of? There's over a dozen of them, they OWN that forest. You think they'll be happy if we steal a body from them? If they're not happy then, they'll be happy when we split up and give them easy pickings. I can't carry the body back on my own - I ain't that strong, pal, and you mean too much to Eric and Carl to die by their hands - I've thought one in knife-on-knife combat, and let me tell you... they don't fucking play around." He said, grunting as he unblocked the door and opened it up. He waited for Tom to follow him outside and then he slammed it shut and blocked it with whatever he could from the outside. ".. We stick together. That's the deal." Alex said. (@DrCompton)
Matty was now looking for Alex or Eric,someone to confirm it. As much as he knew that Hunter wasn't lying some part of him prayed it was just a sick joke.

"Alex! Alex!"

He watched him for a moment, "youre lucky I care for your brothers. It's not very nice of you to play that card on me." Tom sighed and walked with Alex. "They're good kids. Both of them." Tom checked the sights on the rifle and turned toward the man calling Alex
Alex was already long-gone. But Eric heard him, he instantly awoke and tucked Carl in as he stood up from his mattress and lazily stumbled out of th room. He leaned on the frame of the entrance to the store they were in and looked in on them, holding his arm with his good hand. ".. Somethin' wrong?" He asked, coughing a little. (@DryPunishment)


"Tom..." He stopped with a sigh and slung the rifle over his shoulder, burying his hands in his pockets. ".. I wasn't pulling any card on you. Just because the world's ended doesn't mean that our worlds have to end as well - I've had everything I needed, could have had more, could have had my parents around to meet my children, but that ain't gonna' happen now - Bottom line is: I got what I needed. I got parents to talk me through my life and my fears, Eric and Carl? They didn't have that for long enough, and right now, it seems like you're the only person they're willing to talk to about... Well... Anything. It's not that I want to come with you on some action trip out of spite, I want to come with you to make sure I don't have to tell them that they've lost you as well." His voice cracked at the last few words but he cleared his throat and shook his head, his eyes shut tight. ".. Let's just get moving." He whispered, taking a long deep breath as he began walking again. He turned and waved up at Hunter, making a pair of binoculars using his hands and holding them up to his eyes, followed by pointing at her. The message he was trying to get across was 'keep watch'. (@Soul OMU)
"Eric...Jesus...you look like cra-...Where's Alex? And is Riley dead? What on earth happened?"

He looked at him an hesitated to use the word 'crap'. Caitlyn was still sobbing in his arms. Matty was looking confused.

Hunter seems them and blinks slightly while looking at them. She didn't wave back but she gave a faint nod and took out her rifle, the other one sat at her side, it seemed funny how she had two, but never used them since she was a horrible shot, but she still carried them because of who they belonged too. (@DrTrollinski)
Tom nodded. "I gotcha man.., I get it. I'm just not use to having people who care about me around now... Not use to... Caring about others." He slung his rifle and watched Alex give the Signal to Hunter. "
"Trust me... I feel like it..." Eric said, sighing. "Alex--.. Pass. I don't know. He might have went out, because I didn't see Tom anywhere either..." He looked down at Caitlyn and gave a saddened sigh. ".. Yeah, she's gone. She was attacked by some creature... It killed her." He said, breaking his eyes away from Matty and looked at Caitlyn - he went and crouched down in front of her and did his best to put up a smile. ".. Hey, Caitlyn... You okay...?" He asked in a soft and gentle voice; he hadn't really spoken much to Caitlyn over the month, but he'd definitely become more friendly with her as he used to play games with her and Carl to keep them entertained. (@DryPunishment)


Alex gave a nod at Hunter and then gave a thumbs up to her. Luckily for her, the snow was light and it was only early afternoon, so nothing was obscuring her vision. (@Soul OMU)


"It's a good thing, man. Caring about others has kept me going." He said, a faint smile on his lips. "I lost both my parents, had to pop 'em both, but I kept going because I had Eric and Carl to care about, and they gave their care to me - Trust me, when you get to caring about them two, and when they start to show you that they feel the same... It's quite... warming, to be honest. At first it made me forget that any of this was even happening." He explained, shrugging ."Especially Carl. He'll brighten up anyone's day." He chuckled softly as he walked with Tom into the forest. (@DrCompton)
Hunter turns her head away as she looks around the other sides of the mall, thinks there is something between Alex and Adelaide and due to the death of her sister she has thrown up her walls to protect herself emotionally and physically. (@DrTrollinski)
"Mhm...why did Riley die?"

She couldn't believe it. Cait kept eye contact l,tears still running on her face.

Matty rubbed his nose bridge and turned away.

"Can't believe this shit..." he whispered. "Where was I when they needed me?"

".. I..." Eric paused for a moment and reached up with his good hand, gently wiping some tears from her face. ".. She died to keep us safe, and Hunter as well... A lot more people would have got hurt if she didn't... if she didn't pass away like she did. It's just a shame that we couldn't do anything for her, that's all." He said, sighing a little. ".. Don't be sad about her being gone, smile because she was here. She was here before, and she brought a lot of good times, didn't she?" He said, smiling at her. (@DryPunishment)
Caitlyn grabbed Eric's hand and tried to say "thank you" before she was interrupted.

"But I could...I could have fucking done something,where the fuck was I,Eric where was I? I was jerking it playing that stupid saxophone!" He shouted.

"And now this? I swear... I could've been there and this wouldn't have happened..." 
He squeezed Caitlyn's hand and sighed. "Or you could have been killed as well. Or maybe it would have been you that got killed instead." He looked at Caitlyn and then back to Matty. "And I'm sure you wouldn't want that, would you? None of us would. You couldn't have done anything, don't blame it on yourself." He said, running a thumb over the top of Caitlyn's hand. (@DryPunishment)
"I was frickin' trained for this crap. I have an assault rifle and a pistol at the ready. More or less bullets too. I know several incapacitating tactics...I have military training,Eric." He was mad. His brain was hit from all direction with heavy amounts of emotion and finally his eyes watered too.

"Fucking hell!"

Matty hit the nearby counter with his fist.

Eric said nothing and helped Caitlyn down from his lap. He didn't like seeing children being exposed to aggression, not in this world, at least. He looked up at Matty and took a sigh. "Training isn't going to help you fight a creature that has claws longer than your forearm, is it?" Eric muttered. (@DryPunishment)
"But I...nevermind." Matty was about to mention his gun and a potential melee weapon,but remained silent.He sat down and tried to cool off tearing. He was turned around and Eric couldn't see it,but it sure seemed that way. Fuck it. Just fuck it.

"I want my mommy and daddy and Matty won't tell me when they're gonna come back..."

She was sobbing softly again and hugged Eric tightly.

"Eric when are they coming back?"

He didn't say anything. He just hugged her tight as well and put his head atop her own.

"I know you do... I want my mommy and daddy to come back as well, but... They're not coming back, Caitlyn... Me and Carl and Alex have lost our mommy and daddy." He sighed gently and began softly rubbing her back. (@DryPunishment)

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