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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Adelaide covered her mouth in shock and horror. "Oh, Hunter..." She sighed, shaking her head. Adelaide watched as Hunter retreated, unsure of what to say. Hunter and Adelaide were never particularly close, and why Adelaide did not know, but she still felt bad for the girl. It must be awful to lose your sister. Especially a twin. "I'm so sorry, Alex. I know how close you and Riley were. I wish there was something I could do." 'For either of you.' She thought, her mind turning back to Hunter. (@Soul OMU )

(Goodnight! :) )
A heartbroken look flooded his face and he bowed his head before tucking his knees up close to his chest and hiding his face between them. He hugged his knees as his whole body began to tremble - No. This couldn't be happening again. Things were starting to be okay, and now they were going wrong again! He started quietly sobbing and sniffling. (@Soul OMU)


".. I was friends with Riley... Carl was closer, though... Much closer. She used to tell him stories." Alex said to Adelaide, bowing his head a little. ".. I should have went with them, Adele... Maybe if I did, this whole thing could have been avoided." He shook his head a little and closed his eyes, taking a sigh and accepting today's defeat. (@october_rain)
Hunter looks at him and lightly wraps him up in her arms, holding him as tears run down her cheeks, lightly holding his head against her so he doesn't see her cry and so he can cry against her. "...I-I'll still tell you stories if you want...?" She said softly. (@DrTrollinski)
"I don't-- I don't want you to die too! Why does everyone gotta die?!" He sobbed loudly to get, hugging her and keeping his face buried in her chest. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter holding him close as she strokes his hair. "Shh... Hey... I'm not going anywhere kiddo... I'm going to stay right here... I promise..." She said softly while stroking his hair and humming a bit. "The sky turns a different shade of blue after the rain, her mind turns to a different point of view after the rain." She sang softly. (@DrTrollinski)
He sat in her arms quietly sobbing for a few minutes before looking up at her and sniffling a few times. ".. I wanna' see Eric... Please... I wanna' see my big brother..." He begged, tightly holding onto her. (@Soul OMU)
Eric quickly awoke from the slumber on his mattress and slid the knife under it. He had been given that in case he got attacked - he looked at them both and gave a tired and concerned frown.

"What happened...?" He asked, before Hunter could even speak Carl was quickly out of her arms and running over to Eric. He collapsed onto the mattress beside him and burst out into tears again.

"Riley got killed!" He sobbed, Eric gasped in shock and quickly used his good arm to pull him into the bed with him, gently running his hand over his hair. ".. I'm scared, Eric! I don't want you or Hunter or Alex or anyone to die!" He cried, Eric gently hushed him and did his best to hug him with both arms.

"We won't... don't worry, buddy... We're all strong people, and we won't get killed, I promise. We'll be here for you, okay?" He explained, Carl sobbed and put his face in Eric's chest and his head down on his pillow. Eric sighed and looked up at Hunter, but then back down at the snivelling little boy that was attached to him. ".. Why don't you lie here and have a nap with me for a while? You can sleep on the other side, if you want...?" He offered, Carl nodded and stood back up before walking over to the other side of the mattress and hugging Eric's back as he climbed into it with him. Eric looked up at Hunter. ".. I'm so sorry, Hunter..." He whispered, holding back the tears. ".. If you ever need to talk... I know I ain't much help, but I'm one of the many people here for you, okay?" He said. (@Soul OMU)
Eric turned over so he could fully hug Carl again. He felt sad to see everyone this torn up about something, even though it was very severe. He didn't like people feeling the same way he did over the course of the month, and he just prayed that he'd be able to do something about it once his arm had healed up and he was up and helping out again. He thought about playing the guitar for everyone. Yes. That'd have a nice affect on everyone's mood, most likely.


".. Wait here. I need to go and talk to some people." Alex said to Adelaide before walking away and catching up with Hunter. "Hunter!" He called out to her, walking at a quick pace so he could get closer. (@Soul OMU, @october_rain)
"Hunter! What's wrong?!" He called out to her, he ran up behind her and placed a hand on her shoulder in worry. "Is everything alright?" He asked. "How did Carl take the news?" He asked in addition. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter jerks her shoulder away from his touch as she looks at him blankly. "Nothing's wrong, I'm fine, just have somewhere to be... And... He took it hard... He's with Eric now so I left them alone. ". (@DrTrollinski)
".. Jesus... Alright." He sighed at the news of how Carl had been upset by the incident. It didn't surprise him all that much, but it depressed in one whole lot. He looked at her and took a deep breath. ".. Okay, if there's anything wrong... You know where to find me, if you want to talk about it, of course. You're a good friend of the family, and you've been good to me and my brothers - The least I can do is talk to you if you need it." He sighed again and nodded to her as a goodbye, but then he went off to find Tom. He had something to speak with him about. (@Soul OMU)

Alex walked off until he found Tom, wherever he may have been. He approached him with a sigh and sat down with him. ".. Tom... We need to talk about--.. What happened today... We lost Riley." He said, his head slightly bowed. (@DrCompton)
((Hey I'm still here too. Just saying. Whenever you guys feel like Matty or Caitlyn should be around don't hesitate to tag me. For example I didnot get any notifications on this since yesterday when I went to sleep.))
Hunter says nothing as she watched him go. "I don't think I can make it to drinks tonight... I think I'm going to keep watch from the roof..." She said as she headed to hers and Riley's... No just her room now and gathered some stuff before heading to the roof to sit down. (@DrTrollinski)
((Thanks. It's just cause I don't really know when to pop my characters up and when I'm not online the RP gets a little loaded with new posts and I kinda get intimidated. Tag me and I'll be sure to post too, I don't wanna be that one guy who just doesn't post anymore and everyone else waits for. Sorry if I've ever been that.))
Tom looked at Alex and frowned, his plans for Riley were now gone. Tom nodded, "bandit or creature?" He started to put his rifle back together, he had been cleaning it. "And where is Hunter? I'll talk to her."

(Also tag me any time. I don't get notifications for this RP for whatever reason.)
".. No..." Alex halted him. "I've spoken to her. She's spending some time alone. Let's just respect that - she wasn't all up for talking to me just now, and I don't think it'd be a good idea for anyone else to bother her." He sighed. "It was a creature of an old comrade we had that killed her - it tore her to pieces, Hunter had to finish her off. Me and her got surrounded by these... savages. Me and one of them had a fight to the death, but the sons of bitches are the ones that hurt Eric, I think - they all bowed down to me after I killed the other one, and then they swept up Riley's body and shot off... What do you suppose we do?" He asked. (@DryPunishment))
Hunter storms passed Matty and Caitlyn who is in his arms, has no emotion on her face as she makes her way to the stairwell and up the stairs to the roof. (@DryPunishment )
Matty was playing with Caitlyn again. She loved "got your nose" games. He saw Hunter quickly passing by.

"Is everything allright?" He asked,but in vain. She seemed upset.

@Soul OMU
Hunter glances back before continuing to stroll swiftly and fast. "...Riley's dead." Was all she said as she vanished up the stairs and onto the roof. (@DryPunishment )
He looked at her, " they're people? We kill then." He nods, "simple as that." He smiled and checked the gun. "Who is able to fight?"
"Holy...poop..." His jaw almost dropped as he stood there with a blank look on his face.

"Matty...is she joking? Dad said it's rude to joke about people being dead."

"No,love...I...I think she's right..."

"But I don't want Riley to be dead..." Caitlyn began to sob softly.

"She's not dead,she can't die...Matty...she's not dead." She screamed and then broke into crying loudly.

"Shh,Caitlyn it's...she's in a better place now...I hope." He didn't know what to say. Just the generic things people said when others died.

To think some time ago she was standing near him while he was playing the sax. And now she's gone.

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