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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

".. Maybe..." He said, lying back down in the bed. He sighed and put his head down on the pillow, smiling a little. ".. I know it doesn't really look like it, but Carl likes you." He stated. ".. I saw him a little over the month. You can tell when he's thinking about something - he looked to you a few times when you were around and hoped for you to notice him." He chuckled a little under his breath. "He's always shy with older girls, funnily enough... You should talk to him, or something... He needs reassurance as well." He smiled at her and curled up into the fetal position while slowly shutting his eyes. (@october_rain)


".. I don't think you do, Hunter." He said, continuing to rub her back. "Don't you blame yourself. She died so you can live on, and everything that happens in this world today doesn't happen for no reason, I swear. It'll mould the way things become, and the way you change things..." He looked down at Riley's body for a minute. ".. Lost, but not forgotten." He muttered. He placed one hand in the center of her chest where her heart would be. ".. She'll always live on here, right? Just like Cece." He said, doing his best to offer some reassurance while he glanced around again. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter says nothing as some tears come to her eyes but she furiously wipes them away. "Y-yeah..." She said softly while getting up and stepping out of his arms.
"We need to get out of here--" He was cut off as a harsh sound of someone slamming on a nearby tree was heard. (@Soul OMU)
"What was that...?" Alex said, raising his rifle upwards towards the source. Before he could react two people wearing fur clothing sprung out from behind two trees and began advancing towards them both, holding nothing but knives. The one on the right was far more muscular than the one on the left - his fur clothing was black whilst the other's was brown. The knife he was holding was that of Damascus steel, it had a strange engraving of an eyeball on the side of it. Naturally, the first person Alex shot was the one in black, causing his knife to drop and stick into the ground and his body to fall frail and lifeless. The other one looked at Alex and then picked up the Damascus hunting knife from the ground; he tossed it to Alex's feet and then slowly licked his own blade, readying himself. The snow in the pine tree above their heads fell and forced them to close their eyes. By the time they'd recuperated, it was already too late to run.

They had over a dozen of them, circling them and keeping them locked in place. Alex sighed in terror and dropped his rifle to the floor in surrender. The man in brown looked at him and nodded at the blade - He wanted a fight. Alex must have been recognized as the leader of the group in the mall by these... savages. But he wasn't. There WASN'T a leader. He leaned over and gently gripped the knife in his hand, taking a shaky sigh.

"You'll want to put any guns you have on the ground, or we're both dead..." He whispered to Hunter, his eyes wide. (@Soul OMU)
".. It's not you that's going to be fighting." He said, gulping. The people circling them had their knives out and ready, but they didn't advance. They were just stopping them from leaving; Alex stepped away from her and approached the man in brown fur. The man held his knife in both hands, pointing upwards in front of his face. ".. Hunter.. Stay away from him. I don't think they're fans of dirty players or tag-teams." He gulped again and did the same as this savage. They both ended up bowing over and moving into a ready stance, staying in pure silence. (@Soul OMU)
Adelaide shook her head and slid off of the mattress. "Yeah. I, uh, I'll think about that." She said, not sure if Eric was even conscious enough to hear. She hadn't seen Carl lately. He was most often hidden somewhere playing on his own or with one of the other survivors. It was not often that he would week out Adelaide's company. Adelaide tucked Eric in and smiled. When he slept Eric looked so much younger than while awake. He looked like the young boy he truly was, not what the man he's had to be the last month or so. The tension in his face relaxed and his scowl was nowhere to be found. It was nice to see. Finally Adelaide slipped away and back to the hallway. ''Where is everybody?'' She asked aloud, even though nobody was around to hear. She thought she could hear voices coming from outside, so she walked over to a tall window that overlooked the front of the mall. There she saw a small group of survivors standing outside, surrounded by a larger group. Adelaide shook her head fiercely. "No. No. No. No!" She backed away from the window and took a deep breath. 'Come on. You can't freak now. You have to help.' A voice whispered in her head.

Adelaide groaned. ''But how?'' She moaned. Running out there weaponless would be suicide. If she brought a knife, she would be killed before making a dent in the group, and she wasn't any good with a gun. Besides if she went out there, there was the possibility of getting the entire group killed.

Suddenly it hit her. The stranger she seen earlier was nowhere to be found in the group. He was still in the mall somewhere. Adelaide ran up and down the hallways looking for any sign of the stranger. Finally she spotted a clump of dark hair. "Help! You have to help!" She screamed. Adelaide stopped in front of him. "Please! There's people outside. They're going to hurt them. You need to help them!" She exclaimed, waving her arms wildly in the air.
(@Vyork Ashfin )
The savage lunged forward and swiped at Alex's face; he quickly jumped back and raised the knife in an attempt to dodge it. He was successful, thankfully. Alex tried giving him a stab but instead got it parried away; Alex was terrified, his heart pounding in his chest. The adrenaline was insane; he tried giving another stab but got it parried and then he got kicked in the chest. Ouch. He went down with a groan and looked up at the savage. It approached him and tried to jump onto him but he rolled aside and the knife went directly into the ground - he swiped up at the chest and sliced through the fur, which caused a large cut to go across the savage's chest - he grunted and then shrieked at Alex. (@Soul OMU)
It ran at him and tried driving the knife into his chest; he dropped his own and grabbed his wrist with both hands, but the sheer strength was too much for him to fight. He tried to calculate what he could do if he grabbed his knife again and finished him. The leather clothing would protect him from the blade for long enough for him to grab it.

The knife inched closer to his chest. He removed one hand from the savage's wrists and quickly grabbed the knife he picked up before - that was it. The blade sunk towards his chest but by the time it was there it was too late. The savage had the steel blade in his throat. (@Soul OMU)
Alex got lucky. Very lucky - by the time his blade was in the savage's throat the knife the savage had had only lightly pierced the skin on his chest. He coughed and wheezed as he threw the body off of him and just lied there in the snow. The people surrounding them bowed down into a crouched stance and bowed their heads - they were saluting him. For now. He looked up at Hunter and gave a faint smile and relieved laugh. ".. I did it." He whispered, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath as he tore the knife from the savage's throat and washed it off in the snow. (@Soul OMU)
He hugged her tightly back and then stood up with her, basking in the glory of victory for a moment. He was happy. He was so happy to be alive and experiencing a little bit of chemistry with Hunter; he looked around the people that were bowed down, but soon they all jumped up and ran at Riley's body, grabbing it by the legs and quickly dragging it away and further into the forest. (@Soul OMU)
(I dont seem to be getting a response from @october_rain so ill just continue)

Sputnik turns the clothing store into a quarantine zone like he proposed earlier and made it secure enough to hold lots of zombies. He barricades all entrances to the mall and pulls the shutters on them down. The only way something could get in is the service area. Sputnik mounts the gun facing the service area so it can be used for defense if needed. He also syncs the radio from the helicopter to all speakers in and around the mall and places it in the pharmacy making it a radio room. (@Soul OMU )
He hugged her again and laughed, placing his head on her shoulder for a moment. He pulled away and looked her in the eyes. ".. Thanks for sticking with me." He said, smiling in a gentle manner. (@Soul OMU)

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