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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Hunter growls slightly at Trent's assumption. "The only way gets infected is if bitten or cut by a zed! Not being shot you idiot!" She snapped while glaring at him darkly. Riley watches her sister and raises a brow at her sister's protectiveness. (@Vyork Ashfin, @DrTrollinski)
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".. It wasn't. Regardless of whether or not you arrived, we'd have been attacked, I bet." He said, sighing. He lead him up to the roof and carefully looked around to make sure there was no danger. "You got any family... Trent, I think Eric said your name was." He asked. (@Vyork Ashfin)
Adelaide bit her lip and backed up slowly. 'Stay off the roof?' She questioned as she walked towards the mattress store. Why? She was always up there. Was it dangerous? 'The closest thing to dangerous that could be up there was falling off.' Adelaide thought with a slight bitter edge. Why shouldn't she be allowed on the roof? Since when did Alex tell her what to do? It's not like he was the boss of her. 'He saved you that first night though, and several times after, too.' A small voice said in the back of her mind. Instantly she felt a twist of guilt. Alex must have had her reasons and she would listen to him.

With a sigh she entered the mattress store and quickly found Eric snuggled underneath some blankets. "Hey kid." She said, crouching down next to the bed. "How are you doing?" (
@DrTrollinski )
".. I made the effort... I made the effort to get back up and the world kicked me right back down..." He unburied himself from the blankets and rolled over to face her, the upper part of his right arm stitched up and lightly bandaged - this was the arm he used to shoot, and pick or strum the guitar with. That certainly wasn't a good thing to happen right now, seeing as he could barely move it. ".. Why do I even bother?" He whimpered. ".. This is where I'm best off, isn't it? Sitting here... being useless. Because that's what I've always done, ever since the start of all this..." He didn't look at her but instead towards the exit. His voice was sincere and somewhat shaky, but his eyes were lined with tears. (@october_rain)
"Ya i have a wife and two kids.....they are probably at the bunker waiting for me.....I promised my oldest son i would teach him how to fish today...we know that since im stuck here its impossible. (@DrTrollinski )
Hunter watches Adelaide and rolls her eyes before walking off. "I'm going to do a perimeter check... On my own." She said before heading out. Riley watched her go and bit her lip as she left before quickly going after her. "Hunter wait!"
".. I see... How old are they?" Alex asked as he advanced towards the chopper in the center of the roof. (@Yvork Ashfin)
"They are both boys.....one is six and the other is twelve." Sputnik looks down at the ground and has a few tears running down his face. "They think im coming home.....i did not even get to say goodbye." (@DrTrollinski )
He patted him on the back. ".. Keep high hopes, man. You lived longer than most, and you've got the smarts to stay alive. As long as they're in the bunker, they're safe. Your youngest isn't much older than our youngest brother Carl - he's only five. If you ever want to cheer up, just go and talk to him for a while - he can make anyone smile, trust me." He said, offering the faintest but friendliest smile he could manage as they stopped by the chopper. ".. Let's get this gun inside. I don't want to stay up here for long." He said. (@Yvork Ashfin)
Adelaide frowned and shook her head. "Hey. Don't think like that." She brushed the hair back out of his face gently. "You're not useless. You never have been." She cooed. "Were you useless when we were taking over the mall? Definitely not. You kicked so much zombie ass." Adelaide smiled at the young boy.

"Besides, this-" She gestured to his arm. "is just a minor thing. You'll come back from this in no time, with no problems. I know you can do it because you're strong. It may take a bit of work to get you back to full strength, but that's okay. We have so much time! There's nowhere we need to be going soon. You can rest and there's so many people here for you." Adelaide knew she was never the best with words. She could never quite figure out what to say to make somebody feel better, but in this moment she hoped beyond anything that maybe just this once her words could bring even just a small amount of comfort to the boy.
(@DrTrollinski )
"Thanks....i agree lets get the gun inside.....here im going to get the ammo." Sputnik grabs the ammo container off the chopper and releases the gun....it falls to the ground. "Lets get it inside....ill grab the chopper radio also." (@DrTrollinski )
He gave a soft but broken smile at her as some tears broke out down his cheeks. He sniffled and looked her in the eye as he held her hand with the one on his unhurt arm. ".. You know something...? Sometimes I just wish I could go home, and crawl into my bed, wake up the following morning and it all be over - just... Just things be back to normal, having Carl run into my room and jump all over me to wake me up so we could go and swim in the pool under the sun of the summer, and eat pancakes around the table like a family again..." He struggled, but managed to lift his bad arm to wipe his eyes. ".. I wish I could go back and get woken up every morning by my mom or dad dragging me out of bed - I'd like to go back to those mornings where I sat and ate breakfast with Alex and Carl and got everything ready for school, and I just wish that I could... I could help Carl again. Walk him to the bus, answer his questions, help him tie his shoes..." He said, looking away from her again and back out of the store. ".. I'd give everything, just to live all of that for one. More. Second..." He whimpered softly and closed his eyes for a moment. It was obvious how depressed and desperate he was - he missed the way life used to be. He couldn't move on because he had too much guilt weighing him down from what happened to his family and his best friend. (@october_rain)


Alex struggled but managed to pick up the gun from the chopper. He held it over one shoulder and began to carry it, grunting occasionally while he did so. ".. We don't come back up here from now on. I'll make sure everyone knows that." He said. (@Vyork Ashfin)
Hunter outside of the mall, patrolling the perimeter, slightly frustrated and angry for many reasons. Riley following her quietly, worried about her. "Hunter..." "No Riley, don't Hunter me. God why does everything bad happen when one of us is around? First You, then Cece and now Eric. Who's fucking next? Could be Alex or Carl." She muttered while looking upset and angry. Riley sighed and stopped her. "Hey... It's not our fault... Just wrong place... Wrong time..." She said softly while trying to help her feel better and hugs her slightly hoping to help. Hunter hugs her back slightly, shaking slightly. "...I'm just tired of people I care about getting hurt Riley." She said while Riley noticed something over her shoulder, lurking in the bushes. "...I know." She said while getting tense slightly before shoving Hunter out of the way as the creature from before that killed Cece lunged at them, however this time... It was Cece... But not. Riley winced slightly as she felt the nails embed themselves harshly into her skin, crying out in pain. Hunter grunted from the force of the push before looking up and her eyes widening. "No... NO!!!!" She cried before slashing the creature's head clean off, not caring as the body withered and shreviled up, Riley collapsed slightly, coughing up blood. "H-Hunt... You have to kill me... Bullet to the head or... Cut it off..." She said while Hunter trembled. "R-Riley... I-I can't lose you too... N-not after Cece... Y-your going to be okay... I know it! And things will be fine!" She said while trying to patch her up with shaky hands. Riley sighed and winced. "Hunt... There's nothing you can do for me... Please... Just put me out of my misery..." She whispered as Hunter shook hard and took her rifle. "...I-I love you Rils..." She said while pointing the gun at her head. Riley put on a weak smile. "..I love you-" *BANG* was the only thing she heard before blood and Riley's brains splattered on Hunter and the ground. Hunter shook hard while trying to keep herself together. "...I-Im sorry... I-im so sorry..." She whispered while tears gently fell down her face. 
(Man I'm heartless..)
Alex heard the gunshot and instantly placed the gun down. "Wait here and watch over everyone." He demanded as he dashed off into the place he slept and picked up his Remington G-15 rifle. He held it by his chest with both hands and then ran to the main entrance of the mall, quickly unblocking it and stepping out. He slammed the door back over and then sprinted off to where he held the gunshot; he kept running and running, knowing that Hunter and Riley had come out here at some point. Oh god, no. He couldn't lose the both of them - he liked Hunter - of course he liked Riley as well, but Hunter was more understanding and more alike to him. Riley meant a lot to Carl, though. He was just hoping neither of them were hurt, or worse.

Then he came across the scene.

He looked at the dead creature that had the mindblowing resemblance to the ally they lost a week in on the apocalypse. He slowly looked up at Hunter and let the rifle fall to his side. What he wanted to say was obvious, but there was no need for words. He just looked at her in the most sorrowful way as a sad but empathetic frown fell onto his face. (@Soul OMU)
Adelaide bit her lip and stood from her crouch. After a moment's hesitation she moved onto the bed and pulled Eric into a light hug, being careful of his recent wound. She knew that Eric wasn't one for affection, but she couldn't help it. "I'm so sorry, Eric. I know." She rested her cheek against the top of his head. "I would do anything to make it better for you. I swear." She could feel a dampness growing in her eyes. "I'm so sorry." Adelaide whispered, holding the boy close. (@DrTrollinski )
He hugged her as strongly as he could, but obviously his injured arm let him down and he winced as he put it around her. ".. I do not hold you accountable." He spluttered, forcing a gentle smile and sad chuckle through his sadness. He slowly rubbed her back and put his head down on her shoulder - it was nice to have affection from someone who was perhaps the closest thing he had to a mother right now. She may have been young, but she was the only woman that he was more familiar with - he knew she'd gone through pain, and he somehow found it easy to talk with her. Of course he had Tom to act as the person who seemed to be more of a father figure - even though he didn't view him that way just yet, well, maybe he did, but just a little - and he had Carl and Alex, but there wasn't really anyone else that understood him fully. Aside from Hunter, whom of which helped him quite a bit and organized quite a nice surprise. He found it relatively easy to talk to her, but he wasn't really sure on whether or not he and her were alike. In a way they were, but in a way they weren't - they both had siblings and problems, and I suppose that was good enough. He didn't really know too much about Hunter, though, whereas he was there from day one with Adelaide - he was there to watch her talk to Carl, he was there when she had troubles, whereas with Hunter he wasn't there as much as he could have been. Everyone may have noticed Eric on his downfall, but Hunter, Adelaide, Tom, and Carl only really seemed to be the ones that made a major change and made him think a little differently. ".. Thank you. One day, we'll get life back... I know we will..." He said, giving a shaky sigh. (@october_rain)
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Hunter kneeled down by Riley, lightly closing her eyes and moving her hair to cover the wound, it was almost like Riley was sleeping, but with all the blood pouring from the holes in her body, you could see the difference. Hunter say ridged next to Riley's body, not moving as she just started down blankly at her twin sister's body. "...I-I'm so sorry Riley... I-it should have been me... Not you... I-i was so stupid to come out here alone... You should have stayed back at the base... Y-you would have been safe..." (@DrTrollinski)

(Ouch? What about Hunter who was there for him... Guess that's not important.)
Alex slowly went up to her and crouched down beside her, sighing. ".. Hunter... I'm so sorry..." He frowned as he looked over Riley's body. It reminded him heavily of when he shot his mother in the head and watched her drop to the ground alongside his father - it made his body start to shake a little, and he felt like just throwing up everywhere. But he didn't. He was lost for words - he tried to be as comforting as possible and set a hand on Hunter's shoulder, showing her that there was someone there who was offering a shoulder to cry on if she needed it.

(In all honestly, I completely got mixed up with Hunter and Riley and got a bit deluded. I edited the post, because I sort of forgot about what Hunter did for him due to all the drama that's gone on over the past two days xD Apologies, once again. @Soul OMU)
(Lol, well one is blonde the other isn't. But both are Emma Watson. xD )

Hunter bit her lip to keep from showing her emotions as she stiffened up under his hand. "I-I'm fine... It h-had to be done... To prevent her from becoming like Ce over there..." She said while getting up slightly. (@DrTrollinski)
"Hey." He looked her in the eyes and sighed. ".. You did the right thing." He gave her a gentle hug and looked around the forest. While he had his head rested on her shoulder and hers was presumably rested on his, he started to panic. They were out in the hunting grounds of those that had tried to kill Eric. They had no cover aside from some deadened trees that had no leaves or secure branches left on them. This was bad. This was very, very bad. (@Soul OMU)
Adelaide smiled lightly. "Of course we will." She said soothingly, stroking his hair gently. "This is not the end. It is a chance to start again." She quoted the words her father said to her just minutes before he died in a hollow voice. Adelaide let the silence drag on. It wasn't a bad silence, but nearly comforting. There were no words to be said. She sat with her back against the head rest, thinking about the past and possible future. It wasn't fair what Eric, Alex, Hunter, or anybody else had to go through, but there was still a chance that maybe everything could work itself out. Granted it wouldn't be the same as before, but maybe this could be a chance to make it better. Adelaide sighed lightly. There's no point thinking about the future. Right now all that matters is the present. She had to remember that. "You should probably get some rest." Adelaide said quietly, pulling the blankets back up around Eric. (@DrTrollinski )
DrTrollinski said:
"Hey." He looked her in the eyes and sighed. ".. You did the right thing." He gave her a gentle hug and looked around the forest. While he had his head rested on her shoulder and hers was presumably rested on his, he started to panic. They were out in the hunting grounds of those that had tried to kill Eric. They had no cover aside from some deadened trees that had no leaves or secure branches left on them. This was bad. This was very, very bad. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter stiffened as he hugged her before shaking slightly and wrapping her arms around his neck in a tight hug, she wasn't much for hugs but she really did need one right now... Especially since now she was all alone. "I-I know..." She whispered while holding back her sorrow.

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