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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

".. I should have cared, Hunter... I just--.. I let him get on with it. It was so great to see him out of bed and actually doing something, even if it was shooting a guy in the face." He sighed and bowed his head even more. ".. And now he's out of action. This is going to tear him apart, I know it is..." He said, shaking his head. Alex realized something. ".. We need to hide that body," He whispered. "The guy Eric killed said he was from the army, and this guy's from the army as well - I don't care who they are, but that body needs to go." He added. He hugged her for a brief moment. "And thank you." He muttered into her ear. He then pulled away.

He ran back into the store and saw that Trent and Tom were busy enough for him to slip by unnoticed - he got a couple of large, thick coats from one of the racks and then walked back out of the store and went to the store where Jay was killed - he covered his body over and then took some more materials from the store he was currently in to tie it all together. The body was ready to be thrown out, and now it was hidden as well. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter blinks in surprise at the sudden hug but doesn't pull away nor punch him. "...your welcome mate... Anyways I better head back and make sure they don't kill each other." She said as she made her way back to the room with Tom and Trent. "Easy now, enough blood has been spilled... Let's just calm the fuck down gents..." (@DrCompton, @DrTrollinski, @Vyork Ashfin )
Tom didn't lower his gun, and just watched Trent. "So you're an army pilot? Where did those supplies come from?" he raised a brown watching the man carefully. He had dealt with his share of liars over the last month.
"Ya know i don't think we all got to know each other......and all ready i have a civilian pointing a gun at me!" Sputnik plays around with the filters on his mask to make sure they are tight. "My name is Sputnik....and i am a senior airman of the U.S air force." He raises his arm for a handshake. (@Soul OMU )
".. His name's Trent..." Eric choked as he opened his eyes in sudden shock, groaning in light pain as he sat himself up against the counter, holding his stitched up arm with one hand. ".. Not sputnik. That's just a retarded nickname he uses, and he's one of the pour souls that thinks civilization's still intact." He coughed again. "We ain't civilians, and you ain't military - we're survivors. All of us." He choked and then turned away, vomiting up half of his breakfast onto the floor beside him; he shuffled over away from it and then collapsed to the floor, resting his head on the ground. (@DrCompton, @Vyork Ashfin)
Tom moved quickly to Eric's side, taking his gun off of Trent. He picked Eric up, "Lets get you to bed." He put Eric's good arm over him and helped carry him back toward where the rest of the group slept. "You did good today kid. You stepped up, you did good." He hoped his words would reassure Eric that he had made the right choices.
(@DrTrollinski WOW I feel like I missed what was going on with Mabel and the boys, what is like.. What? I just finished my Latin HW, so I might've looked like I was active but my laptop just has this tab open ^^" I still need to do some HW, so I might be a bit choppy at my replies now. What is the time/weather right now in the RP? and like.. Waht. This could also help with Delaney/Brad, you should PM me so we can set up a cool idea for something to happen. Sorry, I'm all over the place right now.)
Sputnik runs back towards the service stairs. "IM GOING TO GRAB THE REST OF THE CACHE!" He comes back a second later with a 40lb crate. "I would like some help!" ( @Soul OMU )
Eric just hugged him as he sat down on his bed and started sobbing. It'd been so long since he'd received praise for something he did, and it was evident that he appreciated it more than could have ever been imagined. (@DrCompton)
Tom returned the hug and blinked a couple of times himself. He knew it'd be different now. He wasn't sure why but he considered Eric one of his own, and he was oddly okay with it.
".. Thank you for how you've helped me today." He blurted out, followed by wiping his eyes and slouching down into the bed with a quiet sob, the blanket pulled right over his head so he could be warm and hidden while also hopefully catching up on a bit of sleep. (@DrCompton)
"I'm here for you pal, any time. Anything you need." He patted his back, and walked toward a toy store and went toward the back, then came out with a box, walking toward the others.
"Ya there's quite a few actually.....but i think we should grab the mounted gun off my chopper and fortify the mall." Sputnik smiles at the crazy thought running through his head. (@DrTrollinski )
".. The mall's fine. Our main concern is who attacked Eric. Get the stuff inside and that's it - we need to worry about whether or not there's more of these fuckers out there." He said, continuing to help him carry the crate towards the store that they were storing it all in. "How much food we got in total? How long will it last, and what types of food? Canned? Dried? MRE?" He asked. (@Vyork Ashfin)
"There our plenty of Meals ready to eat....and some ham.......so if we ration it we can last months or even a year." Sputnik went back to the thought of fortifying the mall. "After we move this crate im going to go and salvage the mounted gun and ammo off of the chopper....where can i mount it in the mall? and we need to quarantine Eric.....the crate has supplies for that." (@DrTrollinski )
Adelaide leaned against the edge of the roof, watching the empty streets below. As time passed she found herself spending more and more time alone, up on the rooftops. It wasn't that she didn't appreciate everything Alex and everyone did for her over the last month, but it was nice to be alone. The silence was comforting. Adelaide wrapped the blanket she carried tighter around her shoulders, but it still wasn't enough to keep the chill out. Down on the ground she watched a walker stumble in front of the mall for a few minutes before it collapsed against the wall. Most likely dead from either the cold or hunger. A hiss of air slid through Adelaide's teeth at the scene. Despite knowing that the body down there no longer belonged to the person they were before and that they would kill anyone of her new family without hesitating, it still pained her to watch it die. It was still technically human. If there was a way to cure the infected they could have been healed, but now there's no chance for the human they were before. There is no cure for death. Adelaide shook her head sadly and pushed herself away from the edge. She had already been up here too long. It was time to head back down.


Adelaide walked along the empty hallway with her fingertips trailing against the wall. It was odd. She had hardly seen anybody since coming down from the roof. Where was everybody? Suddenly through the silence she could make out an unfamiliar voice. '
...Eric...' It was the first thing she heard the voice say. She also couldn't make out the rest of the words.

Has somebody broke into the mall? How do they know Eric's name? Will they hurt him? The questions raced through her mind. Adelaide's heart pounded wildly against her rib cage. 'Eric? Where is Eric?' She thought of the small boy, who became thinner throughout the month. The boy who hurts so much. She thought about somebody harming him and a flash of anger boiled in her stomach, spreading swiftly throughout her body. She raced towards the sound of the voice, her heartbeat pounding in her ears. As she turned the corner into the store that held the stranger she also noticed Alex standing not far away. She glanced between the two men in confusion. Here she was expecting an attack, yet instead she finds Eric's brother and a stranger. Alex would never allow anybody to hurt Eric. So what was happening?

Adelaide slowed to a walk and approached Alex. "What's going on?" She asked quietly, glancing back at the stranger over her shoulder. "Where's Eric?" (
@DrTrollinski @Vyork Ashfin )
".. Eric's injured. Badly. He's in the room everyone sleeps in - go there and see him, but whatever you do. Stay off of the fucking roof." Alex said, a little pale and scared. Eric was indeed hurt. When she went along to the bed store where everyone slept he was curled up on his mattress in the corner of the room, the blanket over his head. (@october_rain)

"Look. I don't know what you've seen, but you clearly ain't seen much - If you're infected, you know about it - there's no 'I'm going to get up and sleep for two days before turning.' - It's a lot quicker." He grunted as he set the crate down on the ground with everything else and then began walking towards the roof with Trent. "I had to shoot both my parents. They turned within a few hours after they got bit, and the signs were obvious almost twenty minutes after - they started to itch, dry mouth, headaches, stomach pain - The whole lot. Eric's fine. Trust me." Alex said, sounding a little unsure for Eric's health - he could slap himself right now, this is all his fault! (@Vyork Ashfin)

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