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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Sputnik turns on the radio and does a speaker check. "Attention all shoppers we would like to inform you that we are all dead and cannot assist you."
Sputnik walks back over to the service area and leans against the mounted gun waiting for the two group members to return.(@Soul OMU )
".. I appreciate it. I really do..." He looked away in shyness for a moment. ".. Hunter, I was wondering if... Later you'd like to join me for a drink. I mean, there's plenty to go around and you know... It'd be nice to just talk about the old times." He offered nervously and shyly. (@Soul OMU)
Adelaide sat with her back against the mattress Eric slept on, her hands resting against her knees, gripping a knife tightly in each hand. She chewed on her lip anxiously, remembering back to just ten minutes ago.


'There's nothing we can do for them right now. If we go out there we will die.' Sputnik's said in a calm voice. Adelaide shook her hand and tried to spit out some type of explanation, but failed to do so. He was right in a way, but there's no way they could just leave them out there to die! "I'm going to secure the mall. Are you going to help?" Adelaide thought of the strangers outside. If they succeeded in killing Alex and Hunter they would come into the mall. There was no doubt about that.

"No." Adelaide said with a small shake of her head. "There's something I need to do."

Then she spun on her heel and made her way back to the mattress store, determined to protect Eric at all costs.


She sighed and leaned her head back. The waiting was killing her. It was hard to know that either her friends, who had become more like family over the last couple of months, could be getting killed right now, or they could be successfully scaring away the group. The latter was unlikely, but she deeply hoped it would be the one that turned out true. Now there was nothing but to wait and see who enters the mattress shop first: Alex with news that they are gone, or the scavengers, ready for a fight. (
@Vyork Ashfin )

(I know I kind of controlled your character and I'm sorry for that, but I figured this way it would kind of be explained of why they just went separate ways)
"Adelaide come give me a hand with the emplacement please!" Sputnik shouted as he struggled to turn the mounted gun. "This thing needs some fixing if we are ever going to use it!" (@october_rain )
"Yeah, let's get back then." He said smiling at her. He lead her off towards the mall once again. ".. I'm sorry that they took her body, I would have done something if I could." He said, sighing. (@Soul OMU)


Eric slowly awoke and looked up at Adelaide. He remained curled up on the mattress and then gave a soft sigh. ".. Is something wrong...?" He asked in a whisper, his face still tired and innocent like it was when he was asleep. For a minute he didn't even look distressed or worried, but then the real world hit him. (@october_rain)
"Never mind your all lazy as hell!" Sputnik fixes the gun and hurts his wrist. "GOD DAMN!" He walks to the radio room he made and hits broadcast. "Can i please have assistance!" (@Soul OMU @october_rain @DrTrollinski )
Adelaide stood as Sputnik called for assistance hesitantly. She should help him, but she also needs to protect Eric. She turned and glanced at the boy, surprised to see his eyes open. "No." She lied with a small smile. She was still unsure if something was wrong. "Everything's fine. I need to go help Sputnik with something though. You should stay here and rest." Adelaide's smile slipped into a frown. She placed one of the knives on the bed. "If anybody you don't recognize comes anywhere near you, stab them." She said, her voice turning to ice. Adelaide brushed the bangs out of his face and smiled once more, before leaving him. She just had to trust that Alex and Hunter were fine, and that Eric could handle himself, wounded or not.

"How can I help?" She asked after finding Sputnik in the Pharmacy.

(@DrTrollinski @Vyork Ashfin )
Eric looked at her in surprise but kept the knife hidden under the blanket with him, sighing as he faked his sleeping and closed his eyes over again. (@october_rain)


He lead her off to the mall where he entered in through the main door again. ".. I'll see if there's anyone else who'll join us for a drink tonight." He smiled and blocked the door back up. "You need anything?" He asked. He saw Adelaide going off towards where Trent was. (@Soul OMU)
"Well i would like you to see if we can do anything else to improve living conditions.....i have made a quarantine zone and sealed all entrances expect one....but its not enough we need more." (The only entrance is the service area which is guarded by a heavy machine gun.) (@Soul OMU @october_rain )
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Adelaide pushed herself up so that she was sitting on the edge of one of the counters. "A quarantine zone? Isn't the goal to keep zombies out, not give them someplace inside of our safe place?" She sighed and shook her head. "What do you want me to do?" (@Vyork Ashfin )
"No the quarantine zone is if someone is infected or if we need to perform surgery.....I need you to make a safe room in the department store....just in case we need to retreat." Sputnik smiles and holds his hand out showing a chocolate bar. "Can you give this to Eric for me?"
Adelaide nodded. "Yeah, alright. I can do that." She hopped down from the counter and took the chocolate bar. "Thanks for this, by the way." Adelaide walked out of the pharmacy humming an old show tune to herself when she suddenly spotted a figure standing near an entrance. Her first thought was to run, but then she realized who it was. "Alex?" A smile broke out across her face and she ran towards him. "You're okay!" She exclaimed before throwing her arms around his neck with a laugh. (@Vyork Ashfin @DrTrollinski )
He hugged her tight and laughed as well, placing his head on her shoulder. "Oh, yeah. I'm fine. Barely." He said, pulling out a Damascus steel blade from his belt and showing it to her. "I killed their little group leader and had to use his knife in a duel. When I won they bowed down and they scurried off." He chuckled gently and slid the knife into his belt. "Everything been alright here?" He asked. (@october_rain)
Adelaide reached out carefully and ran a finger across the flat side of the blade before Alex returned it to his belt. "You're amazing." She whispered in awe. "And everything here has been fine. Sputnik -or whatever his real name is- has been securing the mall and Eric's been resting." Adelaide chuckled lightly and rolled her eyes. Leave it to Alex to just be attacked by a group and still feel the need to ask if everything has been alright inside. "I'm sorry I wasn't out there with you and Hunter." Adelaide suddenly gasped and looked around. "Where is Hunter? Is she okay?" (@DrTrollinski )
He remained silent. ".. Riley--.. She..." He turned his head away and bowed it. ".. A creature we ran into before jumped out... Hunter had to finish her off." He choked, taking a deep breath and keeping one hand rested on her shoulder. (@october_rain)
Hunter watches them slightly before turning away. "...I'll go tell Carl..." She said stiffly while narrowing her eyes and throwing her walls up again as she walked off. (@october_rain )
"Sure..." Alex said, sighing sadly. He didn't want her to, but he didn't stop her.


Carl was sitting in one of the stores a couple of stores down from the place they all slept in; he was playing with some of his action figures and some of his toy cars - he seemed happy enough despite all of the day's events. (@Soul OMU)
Carl glanced up from his toys and turned to look at her, smiling. "Oh... Okay." He said, he saw her face and then his smile dropped. ".. Are you okay...?" He asked in worry. (@Soul OMU)

(I'm off to bed. I'll respond tomorrow. Goodnight! <3)
Hunter dropped down by the boy. "No... No I'm not okay... S-something happened... We were... Patrolling and talking... And that thing that killed Cece... Attacked us... Riley... She's gone... She's with Cece now... All because I could protect her..." She said weakly and had a few tears in her eyes. (@DrTrollinski, kay night!)

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