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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

(Let me make one thing PERFECTLY clear, everyone. We are in a mall. And all survivors are sharing ONE STORE that is a bed and mattress store. They have SECTIONS of the store cut off by displays and cabinets, etc, but they do not have their OWN bedroom. So keep that in mind when you RP doing something in your 'room' with other survivors there, because they can pretty much see you with ease if they wanted to :) Just a heads up for everyone. :) @Soul OMU, @october_rain, @DryPunishment, @TheHarlequinnCat, @Vyork Ashfin)

Once Adelaide returned from the bathroom, Alex watched Hunter storm by and frowned. He got up from behind the counter and walked over to the center of the room where the Monopoly board was set out - he sat around it with everyone else and gave a soft smile to them all. "I'm ready to play. This should be fun." He said, smiling a little. (@DrCompton, @october_rain, @DryPunishment)

He looked at Carl, whom of which was snuggled up against Tom and looking down at the board in complete confusion. Alex was slightly worried about Carl now - he trusted Tom, and he knew that he'd managed to impact Eric and Carl's lives within only a day, but he was concerned for how Carl saw things now that he'd actually physically killed someone. It upset him, and as much as he trusted Tom, he wasn't entirely comfortable with Carl being so up close with him and treating him the way he was, but there was no sign to show that that was how he felt, nor did he say anything about it to anyone. He just smiled at the little boy once he looked up at him and sent him a soft smile as well.

"Can you teach me how to play?" Carl asked. "I don't know how." He smiled at Tom and rested his head against his side while rolling his eyes up to look at his face; his arms were linked around his body and his legs were crossed beside his own. (@DrCompton)


".. Maybe. I just wish things could have been different - I'd really like to make friends with some of the people here, but I don't want to bring them the pain of wishing I was still here once I pass... It's why I'm mostly locked away in my office, hell, the only friends I have here are probably you, Dominic, and his son... I'm sorry if I cause you any hurt, and I'm sorry if you don't consider me a friend either - I didn't mean to assume." He gave a soft sigh and began fiddling about with some of the stuff in the drawers of his desk. This really sucked. (@Beowulf)
"Yeah pal, We're gonna be a team. We'll be the Racecar alright?" He pulled the car piece out and set it in the go spot and rubbed the top of Carl's head. He looked around for Eric and Hunter since he had Alex, Caitlyn and Adelaide with him. "You seen Hunter or Eric, Alex? I know Matt's still resting up." He looked at Caitlyn, hoping she wouldn't ask about the other man, then looked back at Alex. "It'll be good for everyone if we sit down as a group."
"Yeah! I like race-cars!" He chirped cheerfully with a quiet giggle as Tom ruffled his hair.

".. I agree... Hunter's--.." He looked over to where her bed was - he knew she was there, but he couldn't see her entirely. ".. She's not playing, as far as I'm aware..." He said, Eric soon walked out of the bathroom and hobbled slowly into the main room, looking a little pale. He smiled at them all in a shaky way and walked over, the silenced pistol still tucked into his pants and the katana slung over his shoulder. Alex rose an eyebrow at him and frowned in concern. "You okay, Eric...?" He asked, Eric nodded and sat down on the opposite side of Carl.

"Yeah, yeah... Just a bit shaken up... some of my stitches opened again, I just--.. I just stitched myself up, basically." He choked, doing his best to hold back the tears of shock and pain. "I was also cleaning my sword... And no, that was not a euphemism." Eric said, grinning. Alex laughed for a moment and nodded.

Carl looked at him. "What's a--.. What's a euph--.."

"Euphemism?" Eric finished, going a little red in the cheeks.

"Yeah, that."

"Don't you worry, buddy. I'll explain another time." He patted Carl's head and watched him turn back to Tom. (@DrCompton - Bare with me for a little while. I need to go out to help my younger brother's friend set something up, so I'll be back ASAP.)
Hunter currently laying on Riley's old bed, staring at the ceiling as her bandages shoulder was wrapped up with fresh bandages but weren't as good as Alex's since she had to do it one handed
Tom sat down next to Hunter's feet, and looked at her, "You should come play with us." He wasn't very good at this and he frowned, "It'll help.. take your mind of things, you dont want to fall into the pit I did. Its hard to pull yourself out, Kid."
"Take Eric." He shrugged, "He's a good guy. I can probably handle both munchkins, unless Alex and Adelaide want to practice being parents with Caitlyn. Or maybe Matty will wake up." He shrugged, "Look Hunter, you're not without friends here. If you ever need to talk, Im around. Also, dont bandage that on your own anymore. Its not really doing anything. Here.. Sit up."
((won't be able to reply as often. I've got a little competition going from now until later. About 3 hours or so.))

Matty was sleeping where he passed out earlier. He rolled around a little bit and kept on dreaming.

Caitlyn looked at Carl making teams with Tom and was a little jealous.

She wanted to make teams with someone too,but she didn't say.

"Where's Matty?"

@DrTrollinski @DrCompton
DrCompton said:
"Take Eric." He shrugged, "He's a good guy. I can probably handle both munchkins, unless Alex and Adelaide want to practice being parents with Caitlyn. Or maybe Matty will wake up." He shrugged, "Look Hunter, you're not without friends here. If you ever need to talk, Im around. Also, dont bandage that on your own anymore. Its not really doing anything. Here.. Sit up."
Hunter huffs slightly and moves. "I think I'll just ask Alex and apologize for how I acted." She said as she got up carefully and made her way to where everyone was. "Hey Alex... Can I talk to you for a moment...?" She asked softly. (@DrTrollinski, @DrCompton)
"You caused me enough hurt when we met. I don't think you can top that." Rubbing where the bullet went through his leg, like he always does when talking about it, he realized how hurtful that may have been. "Not that I won't miss you. Everyone will to some extent or another." he hastily amended.

(@DrTrollinski )
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"Yeah, sure." Alex said, slowly rising up. He walked her to the back of the store so they could talk in private. (@Soul OMU)


He didn't say anything after that. He sat there in silence and slumped back in his chair. (@Beowulf
(Sorry for that everyone. I was gone a lot longer than I thought I would be.)
DrTrollinski said:
"Yeah, sure." Alex said, slowly rising up. He walked her to the back of the store so they could talk in private. (@Soul OMU)

He didn't say anything after that. He sat there in silence and slumped back in his chair. (@Beowulf
(Sorry for that everyone. I was gone a lot longer than I thought I would be.)
Hunter walks after him and sits down on the boxes. "Can you help me with my bandages... And I'm sorry for what I said... I shouldn't have said what I did... That was rude of me... But that's part of who I am... Cuz Riley was the good one I wasn't... But... I'm sorry." She said softly. (@DrTrollinski)
He sighed but gave a warm smile. "Sure. Wait here." He said, he walked out and came back a couple of minutes later with some medical tape and a clean roll of bandage; he helped her take her shirt off so that she didn't stretch the stitching too much; he then carefully wrapped the bandage around her body and over her shoulder so that it covered the wound that was covered by the adhesive tape. With a smile he helped her slip her shirt back on and then looked at her, his arms out by his side. "It's fine. How about a hug?" He asked with a perfectly innocent and thoughtful smile on his face. (@Soul OMU) 
(I forgot to post. I'm sorry -.-)
DrTrollinski said:
He sighed but gave a warm smile. "Sure. Wait here." He said, he walked out and came back a couple of minutes later with some medical tape and a clean roll of bandage; he helped her take her shirt off so that she didn't stretch the stitching too much; he then carefully wrapped the bandage around her body and over her shoulder so that it covered the wound that was covered by the adhesive tape. With a smile he helped her slip her shirt back on and then looked at her, his arms out by his side. "It's fine. How about a hug?" He asked with a perfectly innocent and thoughtful smile on his face. (@Soul OMU) 
(I forgot to post. I'm sorry -.-)
Hunter gave him an odd look at he asked for a hug and noticed the smile. "...I suppose so... As long as your not planning anything..." She said and walked over towards him, stepping into arms length. (@DrTrollinski)
He hugged her and sighed again. ".. We're here for you." He pulled away from her. ".. Just remember that, okay? Don't... bottle everything up." He sighed. "You going to play Monopoly with us now?" He asked, grinning. (@Soul OMU) 
Alex walked over and sat down again, looking around the group. He looked particularly at Eric and Carl - Eric looked really rough, and it was funny how he'd seemed to have taken a liking to the antique katana he found; Alex remembered watching violent Samurai movies with him when he was only eight years old - they were both young at the time, so who knew any better? Eric loved the action and the gore; he was your typical teenage boy who tried to give off the badass impression whenever he got the time. I suppose this sword was his chance. But Eric was pale, he looked sick, like he had just thrown up or something, or got hit with a temporary case of stomach flu. One of the two, for sure. He'd most likely thrown up, especially since he stitched himself up previously.

".. Do you wanna' hear about stuff I did at school?" Carl asked Tom with a grin. He was trying to pass time while waiting for everyone to gather around. (@DrCompton)
DrTrollinski said:
He hugged her and sighed again. ".. We're here for you." He pulled away from her. ".. Just remember that, okay? Don't... bottle everything up." He sighed. "You going to play Monopoly with us now?" He asked, grinning. (@Soul OMU) 
Alex walked over and sat down again, looking around the group. He looked particularly at Eric and Carl - Eric looked really rough, and it was funny how he'd seemed to have taken a liking to the antique katana he found; Alex remembered watching violent Samurai movies with him when he was only eight years old - they were both young at the time, so who knew any better? Eric loved the action and the gore; he was your typical teenage boy who tried to give off the badass impression whenever he got the time. I suppose this sword was his chance. But Eric was pale, he looked sick, like he had just thrown up or something, or got hit with a temporary case of stomach flu. One of the two, for sure. He'd most likely thrown up, especially since he stitched himself up previously.
".. Do you wanna' hear about stuff I did at school?" Carl asked Tom with a grin. He was trying to pass time while waiting for everyone to gather around. (@DrCompton)
Hunter blinks before hugging him back, keeping him going. "...I'll try... It's going to be hard the first few times because I'm use to bottling it up..." She said softly while pulling back a bit to look at him. "I'll play so long as your my partner cuz I have a bad arm but I'm good at Monopoly." (@DrTrollinski)
He motioned for her to come over with his hand. "Ain't hard, you still have one good arm." He said, winking. "Sure, if you need me to be your partner, that's fine." He added. (@Soul OMU)
DrTrollinski said:
He motioned for her to come over with his hand. "Ain't hard, you still have one good arm." He said, winking. "Sure, if you need me to be your partner, that's fine." He added. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter goes over to him and rolls her eyes at the wink. "You know with that attitude I might just play alone and kick your butt to prove it too you." She said while grinning a bit and sitting beside him. (@DrTrollinski)
Adelaide watched the small interaction between Alex and Hunter with mild curiosity as they made their way back to the game. Noting Hunter's grin and the gleam in Alex's eyes, she nodded to herself. "Ah. I see." She chuckled. Adelaide pressed her hand gently against her mouth to hide the grin. "I'm glad you decided to play, Hunter." Adelaide said, her lips brushing against her fingertips. (@Soul OMU @DrTrollinski )
Alex shuffled up to sit closer to Adelaide. "What can I say? I'm a man of a golden tongue." He joked, gently nudging her with a smile. "Seeing as Hunter's convinced she's going to beat me, it looks like it's all versus one." He smiled at everyone. (@Soul OMU, @october_rain)
Hunter rolls eyes and sits down. "I don't care. We can be partners if you really want... Or your can be partners with Adelaide... Its whatever." She said and shuffles away from Alex and Adelaide so she's off on her own on the other side of the board. (@october_rain)

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